CACHE_NEVER - Static variable in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
CACHE_TXSAVE - Static variable in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
CACHE_VERSION - Static variable in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
cacheAttNamesFor(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
cacheAttNamesFor(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
cachedBOsChanged(BO[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOCacheListenerI
cachedBOsChanged(BO[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
CacheFetcherI - Interface in
an interface for caches providing a callback to fetch missing values
cacheHit - Variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy.ClassLimitedLRUContainer
CacheI - Interface in
CacheKeyCalculatorI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.cache
an interface for calculating cache-keys from to be cached values.
cacheLocally(String, Supplier<Object>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
This method is used for caching the results of consecutive expensive method calls in BOs
in the transient properties map of the BO.
cacheLocally(String, Supplier<Object>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
cacheLocallyAndThrowUnwrappedCause(String, Supplier<Object>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Same as #cacheLocally(String, Supplier, boolean)
but throws the originally
encountered exception that was potentially thrown during the initial calculation of the
result of the given Supplier instead of an IRuntimeException that otherwise would wrap that.
cacheLocallyAndThrowUnwrappedCause(String, Supplier<Object>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
cacheLocallyAndThrowUnwrappedUncheckedCause(String, Supplier<Object>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Same as #cacheLocally(String, Supplier, boolean)
but throws the originally
encountered exception that was potentially thrown during the initial calculation of the
result of the given Supplier - if it is a unchecked one - instead of an IRuntimeException
that otherwise would wrap that.
cacheLocallyAndThrowUnwrappedUncheckedCause(String, Supplier<Object>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
CacheMapBuilder - Class in
CacheMapBuilder() - Constructor for class
cacheMiss - Variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy.ClassLimitedLRUContainer
CACHEMODE_NONE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
CACHEMODE_SIMPLE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
CACHEMODE_STRING_SIMPLE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
CACHEMODE_STRING_VERSIONED - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
CACHEMODE_VERSIONED - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
cacheString(String) - Method in class
cacheString(String) - Method in interface
Caches the passed String if not yet cached and returns the cached instance.
cacheString(String) - Method in class
cacheVisibility(VisibilityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
caches the given value b but only if visibilityTransient is false and returns the passed value
cacheVisibility(VisibilityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
CachingBOLoader - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
A BOLoader that is caching and supports updating of (at least some) cached values defined by a strategy and
garbage collection of unused or old entries.
CachingBOLoader(BOLoaderI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
CachingBOLoader(BOLoaderI, CachingBOLoaderGCStrategyI, CachingBOLoaderUpdateStrategyI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
CachingBOLoader(BOLoaderI, Class[], int[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
Creates a caching bo loader with a default LRU strategy to limit the number of certain classes inside the cache.
CachingBOLoader(BOLoaderI, Class[], int[], int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
CachingBOLoaderDuringGC - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
This is the CachingBOLoader class used to frap all BOs that are still reachable into it.
CachingBOLoaderDuringGC(CachingBOLoader) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderDuringGC
CachingBOLoaderExtended - Class in
This is an extension to the normal caching BOLoader with the added ability to automatically do some automatic unlazies
for all loaded BOs, if possible already as part of a query.
CachingBOLoaderExtended(BOLoaderI) - Constructor for class
CachingBOLoaderGCStrategyI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.core
Interface to implement an explicit GC Strategy for a CachingBOLoader.
CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
This class implements a class limited LRU update strategy with matching gcStrategy.
CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy(CachingBOLoader, Class[], int[], int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy
CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy.ClassLimitedLRUContainer - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
CachingBOLoaderRegistration - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
CachingBOLoaderRegistration(SchemaI, Class[], int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderRegistration
CachingBOLoaderUpdateStrategyI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.core
This interface can be used to decide which BO objects inside the cache should be kept up to date with the server.
calculate(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.cache.CacheKeyCalculatorI
delegates to calculateKey(Object), is needed for implementing ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI
calculate(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.SingleAttributeCacheKeyCalculator
calculate(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.event.ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI
calculates a new server-side information out of the passed Object
calculateDefaultRightFill() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
calculateDependencies(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
calculateDependencies(Object, Object) - Method in interface
This method calculates for a given object the ids of objects, which can invalidate
the cached state.
calculateDisplayValue(AsyncRefreshRequestI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.AsyncRefreshExecutorI
calculateDisplayValue(AsyncRefreshRequestI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCanvas
calculateDisplayValue(AsyncRefreshRequestI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
calculateDisplayValue(AsyncRefreshRequestI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
calculateDisplayValue(AsyncRefreshRequestI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
Calculates the value to display and possibly some settings for the
calculateDisplayValue(AsyncRefreshRequestI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FImage
calculateDisplayValue(AsyncRefreshRequestI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
calculateDisplayValue(AsyncRefreshRequestI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPDFViewer
calculateDisplayValue(AsyncRefreshRequestI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
calculateDisplayValue(AsyncRefreshRequestI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FSimpleDurationChooser
calculateDisplayValue(AsyncRefreshRequestI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FText
Calculates the value to display and possibly some settings for the
calculateDisplayValue(AsyncRefreshRequestI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
calculateKey(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.cache.CacheKeyCalculatorI
calculates a key used for caching the value from the given value
calculateKey(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.SingleAttributeCacheKeyCalculator
calculateLayer(DirectedGraphNodeI) - Static method in class
Determines the "depth" or layer that the given node is in.
calculateLayer(DirectedGraphNodeI, Set) - Static method in class
calculateMandatory(BOI, AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FInputPanel
Calculates if the Attribute combination for the passed BO is mandatory.
calculateMandatory(BOI, AttributeI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormInputPanelMandatoryI
calculateNewTriggerDate(BOBasierterTerminStatus) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
Determines the trigger anchor time that should be used for the given
calculateResponse(L10nCurrentLocaleProviderI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
calculateResponse(L10nCurrentLocaleProviderI, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestI
CALCULATION_AUTHORITY_CLIENT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
CALCULATION_AUTHORITY_NONE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
CALCULATION_AUTHORITY_SERVER - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
CALCULATION_AUTHORITY_STRING_CLIENT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
CALCULATION_AUTHORITY_STRING_SERVER - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
calculationMightBeExpensive() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
calculationMightBeExpensive() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FImage
calculationMightBeExpensive() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
calculationMightBeExpensive() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
calculationMightBeExpensive() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPDFViewer
call() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
call(CallDefinition.Context) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.CallDefinition
call() - Method in class
call(Object) - Method in class
call() - Method in class
callable(Function<T, R>, T) - Static method in class
callable(BiFunction<T, U, R>, T, U) - Static method in class
callable(TriFunction<T, U, V, R>, T, U, V) - Static method in class
callable(QuadFunction<T, U, V, W, R>, T, U, V, W) - Static method in class
callable(Function5<T, U, V, W, X, R>, T, U, V, W, X) - Static method in class
callable(Function6<T, U, V, W, X, Y, R>, T, U, V, W, X, Y) - Static method in class
callable(Function7<T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, R>, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z) - Static method in class
callable(Function8<T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A, R>, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A) - Static method in class
callable(Consumer<T>, T) - Static method in class
callable(BiConsumer<T, U>, T, U) - Static method in class
callable(TriConsumer<T, U, V>, T, U, V) - Static method in class
callable(QuadConsumer<T, U, V, W>, T, U, V, W) - Static method in class
callable(Consumer5<T, U, V, W, X>, T, U, V, W, X) - Static method in class
callable(Consumer6<T, U, V, W, X, Y>, T, U, V, W, X, Y) - Static method in class
callable(Consumer7<T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z>, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z) - Static method in class
callable(Consumer8<T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A>, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A) - Static method in class
callable(Runnable) - Static method in class
callable(Predicate<T>, T) - Static method in class
CallableStatementAdaptor - Class in
CallableStatementAdaptor() - Constructor for class
callActionHandler(Object, ActionEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
callAdder(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
CallDefinition - Class in de.ipcon.form
CallDefinition(FScript.TargetClassAndSourceKey, CallDefinition.Context) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.CallDefinition
CallDefinition(CallDefinition.Context, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.CallDefinition
callInitEnvironmentOnClient(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
callLog(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
callOff() - Method in class
Cancels the current watchdog task if it exists.
callRemover(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
callSetter(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
cancel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
cancel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalQueryResults
cancel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResults
cancel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.BOFilterQueryResults
cancel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.ProgressHandlingQueryResults
cancel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ModuleQueryResults
cancel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendQueryResults
cancel() - Method in class
cancel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
cancel(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
cancel() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtmI
cancel() - Method in class
Cancels this Statement object if both the DBMS and driver support aborting an SQL statement.
cancel() - Method in class
cancel() - Method in class
CANCEL_RECALC_CALLED - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
CancelableBackendRequestI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.protocol
cancelCheckConstraints() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
This method is used to determine if certain constraint-checks may be skipped.
cancelCheckConstraints() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
cancelCheckConstraints() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
should we check constraints (read only etc) before calling set/add/remove?
cancelCreate(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
cancelCreate(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
CANCELED - Static variable in interface
cancelForcedClientDisconnect() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
cancelForcedClientDisconnect(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
cancelForcedClientDisconnect(DBManUserContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
cancelForcedClientDisconnect(DBManUserContextI, Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
cancelForcedClientDisconnect(DBManUserContextI, Map) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
cancelForcedClientDisconnect(DBManUserContextI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
cancelForcedClientDisconnect() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
cancelForcedClientDisconnect(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
cancelForcedClientDisconnect() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
cancelForcedClientDisconnect(Map) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
CancelForcedClientDisconnectAction - Class in de.ipcon.gui.console
CancelForcedClientDisconnectAction(ConsoleFrame, JList) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.CancelForcedClientDisconnectAction
CancelForcedClientDisconnectAction(ConsoleFrame, JList, ImageIcon) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.CancelForcedClientDisconnectAction
CancelForcedClientDisconnectPanel - Class in de.ipcon.gui.console
CancelForcedClientDisconnectPanel(ConsoleFrame, BackendConnectionManager, ClientContextI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.CancelForcedClientDisconnectPanel
cancelPendingRefreshRequests() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
cancelPurge(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
cancelPurge(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
Cancels a previously scheduled purge operation for a BO.
cancelRecalc() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns true if we are not part of a Transaction or if the Transaction
is in OTR mode, is in sync mode or is locked.
cancelRecalcViaLoadingTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns true if we were not loaded by a Transaction or if the loading
Transaction is in OTR mode, is in sync mode or is locked.
cancelRequest() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequestQuery
cancelRequest(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
cancelRequest(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
cancelRequest(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
cancelRequest(int, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
cancelRequest() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.CancelableBackendRequestI
cancelRowUpdates() - Method in class
Cancels the updates made to the current row in this ResultSet object.
canHandle(Class) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.cache.CacheKeyCalculatorI
returns true, if this CacheKeyCalculatorI may calculate a key out of objects of the given class
canHandle(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.SingleAttributeCacheKeyCalculator
canHandle(Class) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.event.ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI
returns true, if this ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI knows how to calculate server-side information for objects of the given class
canHandle(MyTISMAdresse) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationHandler
canHandleMultipleViews() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
canHandleMultipleViews() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
canHandleMultipleViews() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
canHandleMultipleViews() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
canonicalName() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.ValueType
canonicFromAddr(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
Extract a textual description of the machine the request came from
using the remoteAddr and X-Forwarded-For Header variables
canonicFromAddr(ServletUpgradeRequest) - Static method in class
canonifyPackageName(String) - Static method in class
Removes '$' "sub"class parts from s.
canonize(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
This calculates a canonification of this transaction.
canonize(boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
canonize(boolean, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
canonMenuName(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientMenuManager
canReachMatchingNode(OnlyToDirectedGraphNodeI, GraphNodeMatcherI) - Static method in class
Checks if any node matching the criteria defined by the given
can be reached from the given node.
canReconnect() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
canReconnect() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManagerI
Returns true, if this BackendConnectionManager can create connections, that are able to reconnect, false otherwise.
canReconnect() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
canReconnect() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns true, if this TransportI can reconnect.
canResolve() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
canStopRun() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceI
Returns TRUE if this ServiceI can execute a run directly after a stop, FALSE if it must be unprepared and prepared again.
canStopRun() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
canTake(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.UserNavigationSubCategory
checks if the next user ('s name) fits in with the other elements in this category
canTakeUser(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode
decides whether this node can hold this element or if it should be moved into the next node
canUnpreparePrepare() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceI
Returns TRUE if this ServiceI can be prepared again after an unprepare, FALSE if it needs to be reinstantiated.
canUnpreparePrepare() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
canUseAnhaengeScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
canUseAnhaengeScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAssociatedAlarm
capitalize(String) - Static method in class
Returns the passed String with the first letter converted to upper case.
capitalizeNN(String) - Static method in class
Returns the passed String with the first letter converted to upper case or null if null was passed.
caretUpdate(CaretEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
CastorMapping - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
CastorMapping() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CastorMapping
CastorMapping(Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CastorMapping
CastorPersistenceHandler - Class in de.ipcon.db
Manages persistence operations using Castor JDO, with enhanced Id handling and create() behavior.
CastorPersistenceHandler(CastorPersistenceManager, Database, AbstractKeyGenerator, FulltextSearcherI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
CastorPersistenceHandler(CastorPersistenceManager, Database, AbstractKeyGenerator, FulltextSearcherI, boolean) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
CastorPersistenceManager - Class in de.ipcon.db
CastorPersistenceManager() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceManager
castToNumber(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
do as much as possible to convert the given value to a Number
castToOwnType(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
castToOwnType(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
Tries the best to convert a value of wrong type to the own one.
castToOwnType(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
tries the best to convert a value of wrong type to the own one.
castToOwnType(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DecimalType
do as much as possible to convert the given value to a BigDecimal
castToOwnType(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
do as much as possible to convert the given value to a Float
castToOwnType(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
do as much as possible to convert the given value to a Float
castToOwnType(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
do as much as possible to convert the given value to an Integer
castToOwnType(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
do as much as possible to convert the given value to a Long
CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode - Class in de.ipcon.form.navtree
Represents a group of categorized users in form of a node.
CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode(AllUsersNavigationTreeNode) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.navtree.CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode
CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode(AllUsersNavigationTreeNode, CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.navtree.CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode
CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode(AllUsersNavigationTreeNode, Benutzer) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.navtree.CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode
CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode(AllUsersNavigationTreeNode, Benutzer, CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.navtree.CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode
Cause(String, String, StackTraceElement[]) - Constructor for class
cbd(BigDecimal) - Static method in class
cbd(BigDecimal, MathContext) - Static method in class
cbd(int) - Static method in class
cbd(long) - Static method in class
cbd(double) - Static method in class
cbd(double, MathContext) - Static method in class
cbd(String) - Static method in class
CBOAbstractAttributeType - Class in de.ipcon.schema.types
CBOAbstractAttributeType(Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
CBOAbstractAttributeType(CBOAttributeTypeI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
CBOAction - Class in de.ipcon.schema
Class to handle actions defined by 'action' element in the schema.
CBOAction(EntityI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
CBOAttribute - Class in de.ipcon.schema
CBOAttribute(EntityI, AttributeTemplate) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Constructor for CBOAttribute
CBOAttribute(EntityI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Constructor for this CBOAttribute
CBOAttributeI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
Special interface exposing extended information for AttributeI for internal use.
CBOAttributeTypeI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
CBOEntity - Class in de.ipcon.schema
CBOEntity(CBOSchema, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Constructor for the CBOEntity class with scope SCOPE_LOCAL.
CBOEntity(CBOSchema, Element, int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Constructor for the CBOEntity class.
CBOFormatter - Class in de.ipcon.schema
CBOFormatter(SchemaI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOFormatter
CBOFormatter(SchemaI, Object) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOFormatter
CBOFormatter(SchemaI, Object, Map) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOFormatter
CBOGeneratorI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
CBOGeneratorResult - Class in de.ipcon.schema
CBOGeneratorResult() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorResult
CBOGeneratorResult(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorResult
CBOSchema - Class in de.ipcon.schema
CBOSchema(InputStream) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
CBOSchema(InputStream, Rexx) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
CBOSchema(URL) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
CBOSchema(URL, Rexx) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
CBOSchema(File) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
CBOSchema(File, Rexx) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
CBOSchema(Document) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
CBOSchema(Document, Rexx) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
CBOSchema() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
CBOSchemaParser - Class in de.ipcon.schema.parser
handles parsing of the schema.xml file to properly initialize a CBOSchema
CBOSorter - Class in de.ipcon.schema
CBOSorter(SchemaI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSorter
CBOSorter.BOComparator - Class in de.ipcon.schema
CellDataExporterI - Interface in
The CellDataExporterI interface represents a cell data exporter.
CellDataProviderI - Interface in
The CellDataProviderI interface represents a cell data provider.
cfn(String) - Static method in class
returns class for given fqname, not throwing checked exception
cfna(String) - Static method in class
returns class for one-dimensional array of given class fqname, not throwing checked exception
challengeClient() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportProtocolServerClientChallengeResponse
CHANGE_EVENT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventConstants
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.CancelForcedClientDisconnectAction
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.DemandForcedClientDisconnectAction
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SendSystemMessageAction
changeFontSize(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
changeMayAffectBOSet(BOProcI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
Determines if the given
represents a change that may alter the set of
s that this
changeMayAffectBOSet(BOProcI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.GrooqlBOMaske
changeMayAffectIfAlarmIsTriggered(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Wiedervorlage
Needed by super.afterVerifyOnClient().
changeMayAffectSchedule(BP) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
Returns true if the change that is represented by the given _bp will
probably result in the schedule having to be adjusted.
changeMayAffectSchedule(BP) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOMonitoringAlarmI
changeMayAffectSchedule(BP) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinfacherTermin
Returns true if the change that is represented by the given _bp will
probably result in the schedule having to be adjusted.
changeMayAffectSchedule(BP) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Wiedervorlage
Returns true if the change that is represented by the given bp will
probably result in the schedule having to be adjusted.
changeMayAffectStates(BOProcI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
Returns true if the change that is represented by the given _bp will
probably result in the states having to be adjusted.
changeMayAffectStates(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
Needed by verifyOnClient(); basically the same as the other method of the
same name, only not for one BP but for a (whole) Transaction.
changeMayAffectTriggerAnchortimes(BOProcI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
changeMayAlterSetOfStates(BP) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Wiedervorlage
Returns true if the change that is represented by the given bp will
probably result in the states having to be adjusted.
changeMayAlterSetOfStates(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Wiedervorlage
Needed by verifyOnClient(); basically the same as the other method of the
same name, only not for one BP but for a (whole) Transaction.
char2bool(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
returns boolean depending upon the string (i.e. true if 1 else false..)
char2float(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
gets the float value out of string and returns the same.
char2int(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
gets the int value out of string and returns the same.
CharacterTools - Class in
CharacterTools() - Constructor for class
charForToken - Static variable in class
checkAbstractHasConcreteSubs() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Checks if all abstract subentities of this CBOEntity
has concrete subentities
checkAccept(String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkAccept(String, int) - Method in class
checkAccess(Thread) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkAccess(ThreadGroup) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkAccess(Thread) - Method in class
checkAccess(ThreadGroup) - Method in class
checkActionsEnabledStatus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
checkActionsEnabledStatus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
checkAmbiguousRelations() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Checks the relations of this CBOEntity
for ambiguos problems
checkAndInitHeritage() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Sets the heritage for this CBOEntity
(and its base entities).
checkAttributeNaming() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Checks the attributes of the given Map
for collisions of their name or singular with the attributes of
this entity and its possible sub-entities.
checkAttributeNaming(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Checks the attributes of the given Map
for collisions of their name or singular with the attributes of
this entity and its possible sub-entities.
checkAwtEventQueueAccess() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkAwtEventQueueAccess() - Method in class
checkBackRelations() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Checks the back relations for this CBOEntity
checkBuildDetailView() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
checkCanceled(Throwable) - Static method in exception
checkClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Entity classes must have a no-args constructor and may not be abstract.
checkClazz(Class<? extends Benannt>, Benannt) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenanntPath
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, SSLEngine) - Method in class
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, Socket) - Method in class
checkConnect(String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkConnect(String, int, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkConnect(String, int) - Method in class
checkConnect(String, int, Object) - Method in class
checkConsistentDates(Date, Date) - Static method in interface
Checks if the passed starting date is not later than the passed ending date.
checkConsistentDates(Date, Date, boolean) - Static method in interface
checkConsistentDates() - Method in interface
Checks if DateStart is not after DateEnd and throws an IllegalArgumentException otherwise.
checkConstraints(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
checkConstraints(Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
checkConstraints(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
Checks if the given value (object) matches the constraints (limits,
etc. - if any) set for this type.
checkConstraints(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
Checks if the given value (object) matches the constraints (limits,
etc. - if any) set for this type.
checkConstraints(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
Checks if the given value (object) matches the constraints (limits,
etc. - if any) set for this type.
checkConstraints(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
Checks if the given value (object) matches the constraints (limits,
etc. - if any) set for this type.
checkConstraints(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
Checks if the given value (object) matches the constraints (limits,
etc. - if any) set for this type.
checkConstraints(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
Checks if the given value (object) matches the constraints (limits,
etc. - if any) set for this type.
checkConstraints(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
Checks if the given value (object) matches the constraints (limits,
etc. - if any) set for this type.
checkConstraints(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
Checks the array constraints as well as optional constraints on each element
checkCreateAllowed(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
checkCreateAllowed(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
checkCreateAllowed(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkCreateAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkCreateAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkCreateAllowed(BOI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
checkCreateAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
checkCreateAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
Checks if the current user is allowed to create objectsof the given class (or, if given, the value of the specified attribute) .
checkCreateClassLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkCreateClassLoader() - Method in class
checkCreateRightForSavingOfTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
checkCreateRightForSavingOfTransaction(Transaction) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManVetoHandlerI
Checks if the current user has the necessary rights to create the objects within the given transaction.
checkCronThread(boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicyCron
checkDelete(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkDelete(String) - Method in class
checkDeleteAllowed(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
checkDeleteAllowed(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
checkDeleteAllowed(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkDeleteAllowed(BOI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
checkDemandForcedClientDisconnectAllowed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
checkDemandForcedClientDisconnectAllowed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
checkDescription(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
Checks the description of this EntityDefinition
(or its base entity) equals the given String
checkEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
checkExec(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkExec(String) - Method in class
checkExit(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkExit(int) - Method in class
checkFreeSocket() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
Checks this PooledSocket's connection to the server by sending a
ping-command to the server and reading a protocol-magic afterwards
without updating the last-used date of the socket.
checkFromAndTo(List<? extends BOProcI>, int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionDumper
checkFromAndTo(BOProcI[], int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionDumper
checkFSExportPrerequisites() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Formular
checkFSExportPrerequisites() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
checkFSExportPrerequisites() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
checkFSExportPrerequisites() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
checkFSExportPrerequisites() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
checkHasCriteria() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BedingterAlarm
Checks if this alarm has at least one trigger criteria defined as otherwise it would always trigger which does not
make sense.
checkIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.SyncService
checkIfEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
Checks whether this FormAction is enabled or disabled.
checkInheritanceForEntity(CBOEntity, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQL
checkIntegrity(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Checks the integrity of this transaction in regard to its recorded BOs.
checkIsClosedTimespanWithConsistentDates() - Method in interface
Checks whether this Timespan is closed (both starting and ending dates are defined)
and whether these dates are consistent.
checkIsClosedTimespanWithConsistentDates(boolean) - Method in interface
checkItemProperties() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Iterates over the attributes and checks if their ItemProperty actually
points to an existing Attribute.
checkItemProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Processes a possible existing itemProperty definition if this is a manyrelation and
checks if it is a valid attribute (chain) on the relationEntity.
checkLink(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkLink(String) - Method in class
checkListen(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkListen(int) - Method in class
checkLoadImmediate(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Checks if loadImmediate of this CBOEntity
(or its base entity) equals the given value
checkMails() - Method in class
checkMandatoryValid(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Performs a check and tells if the mandatory setting on this CBOAttribute
makes sense.
checkMandatoryValid(boolean, BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
checkMemberAccess(Class, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkMemberAccess(Class, int) - Method in class
checkMulticast(InetAddress) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkMulticast(InetAddress) - Method in class
checkN2MRelationTableSharingAndTableNameLength(List) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
checkNS() - Method in class
checkPackageAccess(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkPackageAccess(String) - Method in class
checkPackageDefinition(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkPackageDefinition(String) - Method in class
checkPath(String) - Method in class
checkPermission(Permission) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkPermission(Permission, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkPermission(Permission) - Method in class
checkPermission(Permission, Object) - Method in class
checkPoint() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
checkPoint() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
checkpoint() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
checkPoint() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionListenerI
Callback after a transaction has been arrived at a checkpoint, e.g. after being committed or has no
uncommitted changes anymore.
checkPoint() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.RelationAttributeModel
checkPoint() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
checkPoint() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
checkPoint() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
checkPrintJobAccess() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkPrintJobAccess() - Method in class
checkProcessed() - Method in class
checkProgress() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AlarmCalculationTimeWatchdog
Checks calculation progress, outputs a warning if applicable, aborts the calculation if necessary.
checkPropertiesAccess() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkPropertiesAccess() - Method in class
checkPropertyAccess(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkPropertyAccess(String) - Method in class
checkPw(String, String) - Method in class
checkRead(FileDescriptor) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkRead(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkRead(String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkRead(FileDescriptor) - Method in class
checkRead(File) - Method in class
checkRead(String, Object) - Method in class
checkReadAllowed(BO, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
checkReadAllowed(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
checkReadAllowed(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
checkReadAllowed(BO, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
checkReadAllowed(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkReadAllowed(BOI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkReadAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkReadAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkReadAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkReadAllowed(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
checkReadAllowed(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
checkReadAllowed(BOI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
checkReadAllowed(BOI, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
checkReadAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
checkReadAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
checkReadAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>, String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
Checks if the current user is allowed to read objects of the given class (or, if given, the value of the specified attribute).
checkRelationDiscriminatorConsistency() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Checks and ensures the consistency of relationDiscriminator in this and back attribute.
checkRelations(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Checks the relations for this CBOEntity
checkSchema(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
checkSchema(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManagerI
checkSecurityAccess(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkSecurityAccess(String) - Method in class
checkSendingSystemMessagesAllowed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
checkSendingSystemMessagesAllowed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
checkSerialVersionUIDs() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SVUIDChecker
Checks for correct use/declaration of serialVersionUID.
checkServerBN(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
Checks if the given _id belongs to exactly one BN.
checkServerBN(BOLoaderI, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
checkServerBN(BOLoaderI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
checks whether this server's nodeNumber is valid (called only from SyncService)
checkServerConnectivity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
checkServerConnectivity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
checkServerConnectivity(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
checkServerConnectivity() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
checkServerConnectivity(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
checkServerLockActionsAllowed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
checkServerLockActionsAllowed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
checkServerShutdownActionsAllowed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
checkServerShutdownActionsAllowed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String) - Method in class
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, SSLEngine) - Method in class
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, Socket) - Method in class
checkSetFactory() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkSetFactory() - Method in class
checkSingularAbsenceForNTo1() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
This method will signal an AttributeDefinitionException if we are an n-1
relation with an explicit singular set in the schema-file.
checkSingularAbsenceForNTo1() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Checks if any n-1 relation has an explicit singular set in the schema-file and
signals an AttributeDefinitionException in that case.
checkSyntacticallyValid(Element, String, String) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Checks if the given String
represents a syntactically valid name for an entity or attribute.
checkSyntacticallyValidAttPath(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
checkSyntacticallyValidSqlEntityTableName(Element, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
checkSyntacticallyValidSqlName(Element, String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
Checks if the sqlName is syntactically valid
Currently this means:
not null or empty
first character is letter, subsequents are either letters or digits.
checkSystemClipboardAccess() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkSystemClipboardAccess() - Method in class
checkTablenamesUnique(List) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
Checks that the DB/SQL names for all entities are unique, that is no two entities may share the same table name.
checkTimespan(TimespanI) - Static method in class
Checks the given TimespanI
for errors.
checkTopLevelWindow(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkTopLevelWindow(Object) - Method in class
checkUpdateAndDeleteRightsForSavingOfTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
checkUpdateAndDeleteRightsForSavingOfTransaction(Transaction) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManVetoHandlerI
Checks if the current user has the necessary rights to update or delete the objects within the given transaction.
checkUser(String) - Method in class
checkUserObject(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
checkUserObject(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturNavigationTreeNode
checkValidName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Validates the name of this attribute.
checkValidPaths() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.GDPRPolicy
Checks if all defined paths represent valid attribute paths.
checkValidSortDir(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSorter
checkValidSqlName(Element, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
Checks wether the given String
represents a valid sqlName for a CBOEntity
checkVisible(FormElementI, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
checkVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FHideablePanel
checkVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
checkWrite(FileDescriptor) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkWrite(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
checkWrite(FileDescriptor) - Method in class
checkWrite(File) - Method in class
checkWriteAllowed(BO, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
checkWriteAllowed(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
checkWriteAllowed(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
checkWriteAllowed(BO, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
checkWriteAllowed(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkWriteAllowed(BOI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkWriteAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkWriteAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkWriteAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
checkWriteAllowed(BOI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
checkWriteAllowed(BOI, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
checkWriteAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
checkWriteAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
checkWriteAllowed(Class<? extends BOI>, String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
Checks if the current user is allowed to write objects of the given class (or, if given, the value of the specified attribute).
ChildFocusSupporterI - Interface in de.ipcon.form
ClassLimitedLRUContainer(CachingBOLoader, Class[], int[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy.ClassLimitedLRUContainer
cleanup() - Method in class
cleanup() - Method in class
Force a cleanup by checking the reference queue and removing gc'd entries.
cleanupAfterFailure() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SerializedTransaction
Cleans up this SerializedTransaction after all saving retries failed.
clear() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
clear() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinStorage
clear() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderGCStrategyI
Resets the caching strategy, e.g. because all cached objects have been dropped
clear() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy.ClassLimitedLRUContainer
clear() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.CodebausteinStorageI
clear() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
Removes all mappings from this map (optional operation, currently unsupported).
clear() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeClipboard
clear() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel.NodeCache
clear() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeModelNodeCacheI
clear() - Method in class
Frees all variables of this script after script has been executed to prevent
them from being held "forever" even if they are no longer used.
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in interface
clear() - Method in class
Removes all of the mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class
Removes all mappings from this map, leaving it empty.
clearBatch() - Method in class
Empties this Statement object's current list of SQL commands.
clearCachedVisibility() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
removes the cached value for PanelVisibility
clearCachedVisibility() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
clearErrors(Object) - Method in class
Clears all stored error infos for the given object.
clearForReuse() - Method in class
clearLazyChanges() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
Clears out any lazy changes persisted in this, still lazy, map.
clearParameters() - Method in class
Clears the current parameter values immediately.
clearPersistenceHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BackendBOLoaderWithPersistenceHandlerI
clearPersistenceHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
clearQueryInterceptors() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
Clears the list of interceptable Queries
clearQueryInterceptors() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
clearRelation(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Removes all relational Object
s from the given bo
clearSelection() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
clearSystemFilters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
clearTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
clearTransaction() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
clearUserFilters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
clearWarnings() - Method in class
Clears all warnings reported for this Connection object.
clearWarnings() - Method in class
Clears all warnings reported on this ResultSet object.
clearWarnings() - Method in class
Clears all the warnings reported on this Statement object.
clearWertBX() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
ClientBackendRequestDispatcher - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
ClientBackendRequestDispatcher(TransportProviderI, String, int, ServerConnectionI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ClientBackendRequestDispatcher
clientCloseVeto() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientPlugin
clientCloseVeto() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
clientCloseVeto() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
clientCloseVeto() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientPluginI
clientCloseVeto() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
clientCloseVeto() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
ClientContainerI - Interface in de.ipcon.form
ClientContextI - Interface in de.ipcon.form
ClientDesktopElement - Class in de.ipcon.form
Ein Objekt dieser Klasse repraesentiert ein Element auf dem von ClientDesktopManager
verwalteten Desktop.
ClientDesktopElement(ClientDesktopManager, FormContextI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
ClientDesktopElement(ClientDesktopManager, FormContextI, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
ClientDesktopElement(ClientDesktopManager, FormContextI, String, Struktur) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
ClientDesktopElement(ClientDesktopManager, FormContextI, String, Struktur, int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
ClientDesktopElement(ClientDesktopManager, FormContextI, String, Struktur, int, Rectangle) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
ClientDesktopElement(ClientDesktopManager, FormContextI, String, Struktur, int, Rectangle, boolean) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
ClientDesktopElement(ClientDesktopManager, FormContextI, String, Struktur, int, Rectangle, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
ClientDesktopManager - Class in de.ipcon.form
ClientDesktopManager(ClientContextI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
ClientDesktopTaskbar - Class in de.ipcon.form
ClientDesktopTaskbar(MDIManagerI, ClientContextI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopTaskbar
ClientFeatureManager - Class in de.ipcon.gui
ClientFeatureManager(BOLoaderI, DBManEventProviderI, ClientContextI, String, String, Long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.ClientFeatureManager
ClientFeatureManager(BOLoaderI, DBManEventProviderI, ClientContextI, String, String, Long, Benutzer) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.ClientFeatureManager
ClientFeatureManager(BOLoaderI, DBManEventProviderI, ClientContextI, String, String, Long, Benutzer, Window) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.ClientFeatureManager
ClientFileVault - Class in de.ipcon.db.blob
ClientFileVault() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.blob.ClientFileVault
clientLoginActivity(AWTEvent) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialogActivityListenerI
Called whenever activity in the login dialogue happens, e.g. focussed or key typed or something was clicked.
ClientLoginDialog - Class in de.ipcon.form
ClientLoginDialog(ClientContextI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
ClientLoginDialog(ClientContextI, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
ClientLoginDialogActivityListenerI - Interface in de.ipcon.form
ClientMenuManager - Class in de.ipcon.form
ClientMenuManager(ClientContextI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientMenuManager
ClientNativeWindowManager - Class in de.ipcon.form
ClientNativeWindowManager(ClientContextI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
ClientNavigationTree - Class in de.ipcon.form
"Frontend" class for de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree.
ClientNavigationTree(ClientContextI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientNavigationTree
ClientNavigationTree - Class in de.ipcon.form.navtree
ClientNavigationTree(ClientContextI, Element, FormContextI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
ClientNavigationTreeCellRenderer - Class in de.ipcon.form.navtree
ClientNavigationTreeCellRenderer(ClientNavigationTree, ClientContextI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeCellRenderer
ClientNavigationTreeClipboard - Class in de.ipcon.form.navtree
ClientNavigationTreeClipboard(ClientNavigationTree) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeClipboard
ClientNavigationTreeModel - Class in de.ipcon.form.navtree
ClientNavigationTreeModel(ClientContextI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel
Constructs a new ClientNavigationTreeModel.
ClientNavigationTreeModel.NodeCache - Class in de.ipcon.form.navtree
ClientNavigationTreeSelectionModel - Class in de.ipcon.form.navtree
ClientNavigationTreeSelectionModel(JTree) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeSelectionModel
ClientNotificationManager - Class in de.ipcon.form.notification
ClientNotificationManager(ClientContextI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.notification.ClientNotificationManager
ClientPluginI - Interface in de.ipcon.form
ClientPrintDialog - Class in de.ipcon.form
clientPrioComparator - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
ClientPrioComparator() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur.ClientPrioComparator
clientSaveLock - Variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
synchronize saves of this tx in the client / GUI
ClientSDIManager - Class in de.ipcon.form
ClientSDIManager(ClientContextI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientSDIManager
ClientSecurityManager - Class in de.ipcon.form
ClientSecurityManager() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientSecurityManager
ClientSessionInfo - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
ClientSessionInfo(Long, Long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ClientSessionInfo
ClientStatusDisplay - Class in de.ipcon.form
ClientStatusDisplay(ClientContextI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusDisplay
ClientStatusListener - Interface in de.ipcon.form
ClientStrukturListenerI - Interface in de.ipcon.form
clientTitleChanged() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
clientTitleChanged() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
clientTitleChanged() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
clientTitleChanged() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSDIManager
clientTitleChanged() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
ClientToolBarManager - Class in de.ipcon.form
ClientToolBarManager(ClientContextI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
ClientToolBarManager(ClientContextI, Element, AbstractClientDesktopElement) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
clone() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
clone() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
clone() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
clone() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Synchable
clone() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEvent
clone() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
clone() - Method in class
Clonable implementation
cloneToImmutableArray(Date[]) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.ImmutableDate
Clones the provided array and replaces all mutable dates with this immutable instances.
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.api.websockets.WebSocketService
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager.Batch
Closes the Batch
with all its statements and the JDBC connection.
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager.BOAlarmStatusIterator
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
Closes the 'cache', dropping all cached values, stopping any update and gc collection threads.
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SerializedTransaction
Closes this SerializedTransaction, correctly decreasing the reference counters in all stored TransactionalFileI-s.
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Closes this Transaction.
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalQueryResults
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
close(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
close() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManagerI
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResults
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.BOFilterQueryResults
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.ProgressHandlingQueryResults
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVInputReader
close() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.InputReaderI
close() - Method in class
Closes this CompactObjectInput and releases any system resources associated with it.
close() - Method in class
Closes this CompactObjectOutput and releases any system resources associated with it.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.logging.LogListenerAppender
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.logging.MyTISMAppender
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ModuleQueryResults
close() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ProgressAnimatorI
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
close(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
close() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendQueryResults
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
Closes this PooledSocket, possibly raising an IO-Exception that may have been signalled during closing.
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
close() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Closes this TransportI, possibly raising an IO-Exception that may have been signalled during closing.
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractStringFilterGUI
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.BoolFilterGUI
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterGUI
close() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.QueryGUIElementI
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ServerLocalTransaction
cleans up this server-side-only transaction and the attached PersistenceHandler
close(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ServerLocalTransaction
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientPlugin
close() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientMenuManager
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
close() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientPluginI
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSDIManager
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.BOBasedModel
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCanvas
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FImage
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FJRDesignViewer
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
close() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
close() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPDFViewer
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FSimpleDurationChooser
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FText
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LocaleSelectionDialog
close() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
close() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturSearchDialog
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.notification.ClientNotificationManager
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
close() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FCellRendererI
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableBooleanColumnRenderer
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumnRenderer
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableTextColumnRenderer
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.CancelForcedClientDisconnectPanel
cleans up when window is closing
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ForcedClientDisconnectPanel
cleans up when window is closing
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.LogEventJPanel
cleans up when window is closing
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.NodeInfoJPanel
cleans up when window is closing
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsPanel
Closes the window.
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SystemMessagePanel
cleans up when window is closing
close() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.DatabaseConnectionPool
Closes this pool and prevents any further usage of it by signalling the passed Exception wrapped in an IRuntimeException in all calls.
close(Exception) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.DatabaseConnectionPool
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close(long) - Method in class
close(int) - Static method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close(boolean) - Method in class
close() - Method in class
Closes this IteratorWithAfterIterationCallback and frees all resources.
close() - Method in class
Releases this Connection object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released.
close() - Method in class
Releases this ResultSet object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for this to happen when it is automatically closed.
close() - Method in class
Releases this Statement object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for this to happen when it is automatically closed.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
closeAllSubContexts() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
closeAndClearLazyData() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Closes this Transaction.
closeConn(Connection) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
closeDateChooser() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
closeDocument(PDDocument) - Static method in class
closes a PDDocument handling possibly occuring IOExceptions
closeFrame(JInternalFrame) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
closeFrame(JInternalFrame, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
closeLater() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
Marks this PooledSocket as to be closed.
closeLater() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
closeLater() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
closeNT() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ServerLocalTransactionI
Closes this ServerLocalTransactionI, relinquishing any underlying resources,
logging errors only instead of throwing them.
closeNT() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
Closes this PooledSocket and eats up any IO-Exception that may have been signalled during closing.
closeNT() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
closeNT() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Closes this TransportI silently.
closeNT() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ServerLocalTransaction
closeOnCompletion() - Method in class
closeRs(ResultSet) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
closeSelfAndView() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
closeStmt(Statement) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
closeView(FormContextI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
closeView(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
closeView(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
closeView(FormContextI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
closeView(FormContextI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
closeView(FormContextI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSDIManager
closeView(FormContextI, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
closeView(FormContextI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
clusterIsInTestMode(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BN
Returns true if this MyTISM cluster is in test mode, i.e. the
EinstellungenVariable "cluster.testmode.enabled" is set to true.
clusterIsInTestMode(Transaction, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BN
Returns true if this MyTISM cluster is in test mode, i.e. the
EinstellungenVariable "cluster.testmode.enabled" is set to true.
CMD_AUTHENTICATE_TRANSPORT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_CANCEL_FORCED_CLIENTS_DISCONNECT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_CANCEL_SERVER_SHUTDOWN - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_CHECK_CREDENTIALS_USING_ANMELDUNG - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_CHECK_CREDENTIALS_USING_PASSWORTUEBERPRUEFUNG - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_COPY_BLOBS - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_CREATE_EXPIRING_TOKEN - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_DESTROY_EXPIRING_TOKEN - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_EXECUTE_BATCH - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_EXISTS_OBJECT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_FORCED_CLIENTS_DISCONNECT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_ACTIVE_SESSIONS_INFO - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_AVAILABLE_LOCALE_NAMES_FOR_USER_INTERFACE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_BLOB - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_BLOB_INFO - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_CRYPTO_HANDLER - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_DBMAN_INFO - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_FULLTEXT_SEARCH_ID_LIST - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_FULLTEXT_SEARCH_ID_LIST_AS_STRING - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_FULLTEXT_SEARCH_TERM_SUGGESTIONS - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_FULLTEXT_SEARCH_TERMS - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_ID_RANGE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_INSTANCE_NAME - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_L10N_PACK_PRELOAD - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_L10N_PACKS - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_NEXT_ID - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_NODE_NUMBER - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_OBJECTS - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_PROTOCOL_VERSION - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_RELATION_OBJECTS - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_SCHEMA - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_SERIAL_VERSION_UIDS - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_SERVER_CONNECTION_INFO - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_GET_STRUKTUR - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_HAS_BLOB - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_HAVE_BLOB - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_INIT_SESSION - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_INITIATE_SERVER_SHUTDOWN - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_IS_AUTHORITATIVE_SYNC_SERVER - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_IS_FULLTEXT_SEARCH_ACTIVATED - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_IS_FULLTEXT_SEARCH_AVAILABLE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_IS_NOTIFICATION_SYSTEM_ACTIVATED - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_ISSUE_CANCEL - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_LOCK_SERVER - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_LOGIN - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_QUERY - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_RESET_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_RETRIEVE_EXPIRING_TOKEN - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_SAVE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_SEND_SYSTEM_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_SET_SESSION_LOCALE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_STREAM_BLOB_TO_DATAOUTPUT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_STREAM_BLOB_TO_OUTPUTSTREAM - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_SUBSCRIBE_FOR_EVENTS - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_TERMINATE_SERVER_CONNECTION - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_UNLOCK_SERVER - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM_EVENTS - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CMD_UPDATE_STRUCTURE_READ_ACCESS_STATISTICS - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
cmdCancelForcedClientDisconnect(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
cmdCancelShutdown() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
cmdDemandForcedClientDisconnect(String, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
cmdDemandForcedClientDisconnect(String, Long, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
cmdHelp() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
cmdLockServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
cmdSendSystemMessage(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
cmdShowServerInfo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
cmdShowSessions() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
cmdShutdown() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
cmdShutdown(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
cmdShutdown(int, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
cmdShutdown(int, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
cmdUnlockServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
code - Variable in class
code - Variable in enum
code - Variable in enum
code128(String) - Static method in class
Takes a String and returns an Image showing the correct CODE128 barcode.
code128(String, boolean) - Static method in class
Codebaustein - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
Codebaustein() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
CodebausteinArgument - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
CodebausteinArgument() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.CodebausteinArgument
CodebausteinArgumentTemplate - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata
CodebausteinArgumentTemplate() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinArgumentTemplate
CodebausteinArgumentTemplate(String, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinArgumentTemplate
CodebausteinCache - Class in de.ipcon.db
Cache especially for Codebaustein
CodebausteinCache(long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinCache
CodebausteinException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.core
CodebausteinException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.CodebausteinException
CodebausteinException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.CodebausteinException
CodebausteinStorage - Class in de.ipcon.db
CodebausteinStorageI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.core
CodebausteinTemplate - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata
CodebausteinTemplate() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinTemplate
CodebausteinTemplate(String, long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinTemplate
CodebausteinTemplate(SQLCoreDataStoreI, Document, long, StringBuilder) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinTemplate
coerceBOLoader(BO, BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
Sets the BOLoader of the given BO to bolToSet as long as the BO does not
already has bolToSet or one of its children set as BOLoader.
coerceBOLoader(BO, BOLoaderI, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
coerceBOLoader(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
coerceBOLoader(BO[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
coerceBOLoader(List) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
coerceBOLoader(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
coerceEntity(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
coerceEntity(EntityI, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchemaI
Wraps and returns the wrapped EntityI into this InstrumentingSchemaI
coerceEntityList(List<EntityI>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
coerceEntityList(List<EntityI>, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchemaI
collapseSubtreeNodes(NavigationTreeNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
collateMap(Map<K, V>, int) - Static method in class
Breaks a given map into a list of smaller maps, each containing at most the specified number of entries.
collectAndMarkOnlyDBCanEvaluate(Expression, Expression[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTEvaluationAnalyzerVisitor
collectAndMarkUnsupportedInOQL(Expression, Expression[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTUnsupportedAnalyzerVisitor
collectChildren() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
collectChildren(Class<? extends Struktur>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
collectChildren(Class<? extends Struktur>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
collectChildren(Class<? extends Struktur>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
collectDependencies(BO, Set<Long>) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
Determines and returns all BO
s that the given BO
on/is associated with.
collectDescribe(Collection<DescribableI>, String) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.DescribableI
This method iterates over a collection of DescribableI-s (i.e.
collectDescribe(Collection<? extends DescribableI>, String, boolean) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.DescribableI
Iterates over a collection of DescribableI-s (i.e.
collectIds(Collection<? extends Identifiable>) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.Identifiable
Iterates over a collection of Identifiable and returns a new Set of type Long with the result of getId.
collectIds(Collection<? extends Identifiable>, boolean) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.Identifiable
Iterates over a collection of Identifiable and returns a new collection of type Long with the result of getId.
CollectingIterator <V extends Identifiable > - Class in
An iterator that caches already fetched elements while iterating.
CollectingIterator(Iterator<V>, Map<Long, V>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new CollectingIterator object with the specified iterator and caching map.
CollectionTools - Class in
utility class that provides helper methods for working with collections
CollectionTools() - Constructor for class
collectUpdates() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.update.AbstractUpdateHandler
collectValues(SchemaI, BOI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Collects all values for the last attribute in the given attribute path, resolving the many-relations in the path.
collectValues(SchemaI, BOI, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Collects all values for the last attribute in the given attribute path, resolving the many-relations in the path.
collectValues(SchemaI, BOI, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Collects all values for the last attribute in the given attribute path, resolving the many-relations in the path.
CollidingBPQueryClauseBuilder - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
Efficiently constructs queries to identify `BOProcs` that conflict with existing `BPs`.
CollidingBPQueryClauseBuilder(BP) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.CollidingBPQueryClauseBuilder
Constructs a new `CollidingBPQueryClauseBuilder` for the given `BP` and `SchemaI`.
CollidingBPQueryClauseBuilder(BOProcI, SchemaI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.CollidingBPQueryClauseBuilder
Constructs a new `CollidingBPQueryClauseBuilder` for the given `BOProcI` and `SchemaI`.
colorText - Variable in enum
Column() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Column
Column() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Column
COLUMN_DSL - Static variable in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
combineRelativePathsAsNeeded(String, String) - Static method in class
Combines a relative path pointing to a dir with a relative path starting from that dir and moving up
by taking away path elements on both sides until we get a direct path to the file.
comboBoxValueToEditorValue(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.FComboBoxEditor
comboBoxValueToSchemaValue(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
COMMANDS_AUTHED_HR - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
COMMANDS_UNAUTHED_HR - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
commentOut(String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
commentOut(Rexx, Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class
COMMIT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.LogFileConstantsI
String that is written as prefix to a log line, announcing an upcoming "database commit was successful" phase.
commit() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.TransactionalFileI
commit() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
commit() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager.Batch
Commits all pending changes to the database.
commit() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
Actually creates new BOs
and persists changes to the database
storage; but is also called when data was just queried...?
commit() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
commit() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.FillBOResult
Commits the savepoint provided to this object to the transaction,
as well as any changes that occurred since it's creation.
commit() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
Commits the changes made within this savepoint and merges all properties associated with this savepoint
into its predecessor, or into the parent transaction, if no predecessor exists.
commit() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
commit(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
commit() - Method in class
commit() - Method in class
Makes all changes made since the previous commit/rollback permanent and releases any database locks currently held by this Connection object.
COMMIT_PHASES - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.LogFileConstantsI
Array containing all possible Strings that may be written as prefix to a log line.
commitBLOB() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
commitBLOBs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
commitTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
comp - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.TermInfoCache
COMP_TYPES - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
CompactBigDecimal - Class in
CompactBigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class
CompactObjectInput - Class in
CompactObjectInput(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Creates a CompactObjectInput that reads from the specified DataInput.
CompactObjectInput(InputStream, SchemaI) - Constructor for class
CompactObjectInput(InputStream, SchemaI, Function) - Constructor for class
CompactObjectInput(InputStream, SchemaI, Function, SidebandHandlerI) - Constructor for class
CompactObjectOutput - Class in
CompactObjectOutput(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
Creates a CompactObjectOutput that writes to the specified DataOutput.
CompactObjectOutput(OutputStream, SchemaI) - Constructor for class
CompactObjectOutput(OutputStream, SchemaI, Function) - Constructor for class
CompactObjectOutput(OutputStream, SchemaI, Function, boolean) - Constructor for class
CompactObjectOutputWithSideband - Class in
A CompactObjectOutput that is able to write sideband-data.
CompactObjectOutputWithSideband(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
CompactObjectOutputWithSideband(OutputStream, SchemaI) - Constructor for class
CompactObjectOutputWithSideband(OutputStream, SchemaI, Function) - Constructor for class
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur.ClientPrioComparator
Compares its two arguments for order.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.MostPowerfulLicenseComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.GUIBenutzerNameComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNodeComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSorter.BOComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.GeneratorJobComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.IdentifiableByIdComparator
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
compare(TimespanI, TimespanI) - Method in class
compare(int, int) - Method in interface
compare(Comparable, Comparable) - Static method in class
Null-safe comparison of two Comparable
s with each other, using the compareTo Method.
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class
compare(Object, Object) - Method in class
compareByCreationMillis(BOProc) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
Compares two BOProc instances by their creationMillis using ascending order
compareByDate(Date, Date) - Method in class
compareClientPrioTo(Struktur) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Formular
compareClientPrioTo(Struktur) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
compareClientPrioTo(Struktur) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
compareClientPrioTo(Struktur) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
compareClientPrioTo(Struktur) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
compareImpl(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
compareImpl(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
compareImpl(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
compareImpl(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
compareImpl(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.XMLType
compareInstances(StrukturWithBOTypI, StrukturWithBOTypI) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.StrukturWithBOTypI
Returns -1 if the first StrukturWithBOTypI is less than or 1 if the first StrukturWithBOTypI is greater than the second one.
compareNames(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.GUIBenutzerNameComparator
begins a more in-depth analysis of the names, using convenience methods that Benutzer provides
compareNameTokens(String, String, Collator) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.GUIBenutzerNameComparator
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresse
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
The natural ordering for AbstractLicenses, which is the one defined by
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementPath
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementPathPart
Compares this `FormElementPathPart` to another object for ordering.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementWrapper
Compares this `FormElementWrapper` to another object for ordering.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.UserNavigationSubCategory
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Comparable interface, Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Comparable interface
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityToStringWrapper
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
compareTo(JavaFieldGen) - Method in class
compareTo(JavaMethodGen) - Method in class
compareTo(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
compareTo(DateContainer) - Method in class
comparison takes place by first looking at starting dates, if same the ending date decides
compareTo(DateContainer) - Method in class
comparison takes place by first looking at starting dates, if same the ending date decides
compareTo(Object) - Method in class
compareTo(Object) - Method in class
CompassFTSModule - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass
CompassFTSModule(DBManLocalI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
compile(SchemaI, String, Object[]) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.OQLQuery
compile(Report) - Static method in class
compile() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractCode
compile() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSource
compile() - Method in class
macht die Syntax-Ueberpruefung
compileNT() - Method in class
compileNT(Rexx) - Method in class
compileNT(int, String) - Method in class
compileNT(int, String) - Method in class
macht die Syntax-Ueberpruefung aber NoThrow
compileNT(int, String) - Method in class
compileParticipantToPathElements(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT.BOClassesPathCompiler
Compiles the path elements to use for a participant within the localization (L10n) lookup.
compileParticipantToPathElements(Object) - Method in interface
Compiles the path elements to use for a participant within the localization (L10n) lookup.
compilePath(Object[]) - Static method in class
Compiles and returns a list of L10nBundle names.
compilesToSame(String, String) - Static method in class
Checks if the two given pieces of source code will result in the same actual script, that is not only differ
in things like comments or whitespace.
complainSlowQuery(long, String, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
ComplexBackendRequest - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
ComplexBackendRequest(int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ComplexBackendRequest
ComplexBackendRequestI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.protocol
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
compress(byte[]) - Static method in class
Compress the given byte-array to a GZIPOutputStream
computeIfAbsent(Object, Function) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
computeIfAbsent(Object, Function) - Method in class
computeIfAbsent(Object, Function) - Method in interface
computeIfAbsent(Object, Function) - Method in class
computeTransientPropertyIfAbsent(String, Supplier<Object>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
concatArrays(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class
Concatenates two arrays into a new array, handling null values.
concatTypedArrays(Class<R>, A[], B[]) - Static method in class
Concatenates two typed arrays into a new array, handling null values.
conciseDesc() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
conciseDesc(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
conciseDesc(boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
conciseDesc(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
conciseDesc(BO) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Null-safe static version of conciseDesc, which returns the 'null' String for a null BO and calls conciseDesc on the BO otherwise.
conciseDesc(BO, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
conciseDesc(BO, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
conciseDesc(BO, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
conciseDesc(DescribableI) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.DescribableI
Null-safe static version of conciseDesc.
conciseDesc(DescribableI, boolean) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.DescribableI
conciseDesc(DescribableI, boolean, boolean) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.DescribableI
conciseDesc(DescribableI, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.DescribableI
conciseDesc(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.DescribableI
Returns a concise description for this DescribableI consisting of classname, Id
and Ldel/New status.
conciseDesc(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.DescribableI
Returns a concise description for this DescribableI consisting of classname, Id
and Ldel/New status.
conciseDesc(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.DescribableI
Returns a concise description for this DescribableI consisting of classname, Id
and Ldel/New status.
conciseDesc() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.DescribableI
Returns a concise description for this DescribableI consisting of classname, Id
and Ldel/New status.
conciseDesc() - Method in interface
ConcurrencyTools - Class in
ConcurrentIdentityHashMap <K ,V > - Class in
An alternative identity-comparing ConcurrentMap
which is similar to
ConcurrentIdentityHashMap(int, float, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new, empty map with the specified initial capacity, load factor
and concurrency level.
ConcurrentIdentityHashMap(int, float) - Constructor for class
Creates a new, empty map with the specified initial capacity and load
factor and with the default reference types (weak keys, strong values),
and concurrencyLevel (16).
ConcurrentIdentityHashMap(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new, empty map with the specified initial capacity, and with
default reference types (weak keys, strong values), load factor (0.75)
and concurrencyLevel (16).
ConcurrentIdentityHashMap() - Constructor for class
Creates a new, empty map with a default initial capacity (16), reference
types (weak keys, strong values), default load factor (0.75) and
concurrencyLevel (16).
ConcurrentIdentityHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new map with the same mappings as the given map.
conditionByAttrValuePairs(String[], Object[]) - Static method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.ObjectForConditionNotUniqueException
Building a condition text by Name-Value pairs in the current locale.
conditionByAttrValuePairs(String[], Object[], boolean[]) - Static method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.ObjectForConditionNotUniqueException
ConfChangeEvent - Class in de.ipcon.db.event
ConfChangeEvent(long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.event.ConfChangeEvent
ConfChangeEventListenerI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.event
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
config(Element, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Configures the current entity.
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DecimalType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PhoneNumberType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
CONFIG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
Provides the following additional attributes for value validation of nonnull arrays:
minElements : the size of the array should be equal or greater than this number
maxElements : the size of the array should be equal or less than this number
allowNullElements : For nonnull arrays: true (default) - null is a valid element,
false - each element in the array has to be nonnull.
ConfigurableQueryI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.query
CONFIGURATION_NAME - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.EmailRoutingRegel
configure(CompassSettings) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.LdelSubIndexHash
configure(CompassSettings) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitNumberPartsTokenFilterProvider
configure(CompassSettings) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitTokenFilterProvider
configure(CompassSettings) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.StripTokenPartsTokenFilterProvider
configure(FTableConfigurationI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
configure(String, FTableConfigurationI, int, Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
configure(Element, FTableConfigurationI, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
configure(FTreeConfigurationI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
configure() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
configure() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
configure() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
configure() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
configure() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
configure() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
configure() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
configure() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
configure() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
configure() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
configure(Object, Element) - Method in class
Configures the given Object
- which should be of the class this instance is meant for, otherwise errors
will occurr - with the XML data from the given XML Element
and its children.
configureColumns() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
configureColumns(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
configureDefaultLogger() - Static method in class
configureDefaultSorting(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
ConfigureInfo - Class in
Class that allows to define a kind of "mapping" for configuration data in XML format to handling methods of an
associated class and then call these handling methods with the respective XML elements from the configuration data
ConfigureInfo(Class, Element) - Constructor for class
configureLogging() - Method in class
configureMapping(CompassConfiguration) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaMappingBuilder
Builds a suitable mapping configuration for the entities of the given
SchemaI and adds it to the given CompassConfiguration.
configureRequest(Object[], Class[], Class[], Class[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequest
confirmDelete(Transaction, Transaction.Savepoint, ClientContextI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
confirmDelete(Transaction, Transaction.Savepoint, ClientContextI, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
CONFIRMED - Static variable in interface
confirmSave() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
connect() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
Assures that a connection is (re-)established and starts the EventDispatcher-daemon if not already running.
connect() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
connect() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
This method is called when connecting or reconnecting to a server.
connect() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.update.AbstractUpdateHandler
connect() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
connect(HashMap) - Method in class
connect(String, Properties) - Method in class
connect(String, Properties) - Method in class
Attempts to make a database connection to the given URL.
CONNECTION_CONNECTED - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
CONNECTION_CONNECTING - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
CONNECTION_GOOD - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
CONNECTION_HR - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
CONNECTION_INVALID - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
CONNECTION_LOGGED_IN - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
CONNECTION_LOST - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
CONNECTION_ROLLING_OVER - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
CONNECTION_SLOW - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
CONNECTION_WAIT - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
ConnectionAdaptor - Class in
Adaptor for JDBC Connection which can be used as a base class for your own
JDBC Connection class.
ConnectionAdaptor() - Constructor for class
ConnectionArguments(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ConnectionEvent - Class in de.ipcon.db.event
ConnectionEvent(String, String, int, EventMessage) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
ConnectionEventListenerI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.event
ConnectionEventProviderI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.event
ConnectionMonitor - Class in de.ipcon.form
ConnectionMonitor(ClientContextI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ConnectionMonitor
connectionProbablyUsable() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
ConnectionProvider(Connection) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BOBasierterTerminStatusFixer.ConnectionProvider
connectToAuthoritativeServer(DBManLocalI, BackendConnectionManager, String, String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.SyncService
Connect to and authenticate with authoritative server.
CONS_CHANGE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.LogFileConstantsI
String that is written as prefix to a log line, announcing an upcoming BLOB change phase.
CONS_DEL - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.LogFileConstantsI
String that is written as prefix to a log line, announcing an upcoming BLOB deletion phase.
ConsoleFrame - Class in de.ipcon.gui.console
ConsoleFrame(BackendConnectionManager) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.ConsoleFrame
ConsoleFrame(BackendConnectionManager, ClientContextI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.ConsoleFrame
CONSTANT_NAME_FOR_PKEY_ATTR_NAME - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.NetRexxConstantsI
CONSTANT_NAME_FOR_XXX_QUERY - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.NetRexxConstantsI
consume(TokenType) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Parser
Consumes the next token if it has the given type, otherwise an OQLSyntaxException is thrown.
consume() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Parser
Consumes the next token
It also keep currentToken and nextToken updated.
consumeAfterSetMessage(SetValueEventI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBus
consumeAfterSetMessage(SetValueEventI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBusI
consumeAndAssureTransientPropertyExists(String, Consumer, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
consumeAndAssureTransientPropertyExists(String, Consumer<Object[]>, Object[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
Performs the given Consumer operation on the passed args.
Consumer5 <T ,U ,V ,W ,X > - Interface in
Consumer6 <T ,U ,V ,W ,X ,Y > - Interface in
Consumer7 <T ,U ,V ,W ,X ,Y ,Z > - Interface in
Consumer8 <T ,U ,V ,W ,X ,Y ,Z ,A > - Interface in
consumeScriptedAttributeChange(SetValueEventI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBus
This method will call consumeAfterSetMessage on the MessageBus for the BOs loadingTransaction.
contains(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
contains(BenanntPath) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinCache
contains(Codebaustein) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinCache
contains(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinCache
contains(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DoubleList
contains(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel.NodeCache
contains(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeModelNodeCacheI
contains(Collection<?>, BOI) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
contains(Object) - Method in class
contains(String) - Method in class
Check if there is any object matching the given key in the cache.
contains(String, Object) - Method in class
Check if the given obj is already in the cache under the given key.
contains(Object) - Method in interface
contains(Object) - Method in class
Legacy method testing if some key maps into the specified value in this
contains(Object) - Method in class
contains(Object) - Method in class
contains(byte[], byte) - Static method in class
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class
containsCycle(OnlyToDirectedGraphNodeI) - Static method in class
Determines if the graph that the given node is part of contains a cycle.
containsCycle(OnlyToDirectedGraphNodeI, List) - Static method in class
containsCycle(OnlyToDirectedGraphNodeI, List, Set) - Static method in class
containsDigits(String) - Static method in class
checks if a given string contains digits
containsInvalidFilenameChars(String) - Static method in class
containsKey(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsKey(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.RetainedChanges
containsKey(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DoubleList
containsKey(Object) - Method in class
Tests if the specified object is a key in this table.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class
Returns whether this map contains the specified key.
containsNode(NavigationTreeNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeClipboard
containsObject(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
Determines if the table contains object o
containsObjectWithId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
Determines if the table contains an object with the given id
containsRelevant1toNChangesFor(AttributeI, BO, BO) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Determines if this `BOProcI` contains changes to 1-n relations that are relevant to the cache of the specified `BOLoaderWithCacheI`.
containsRelevantChangesFor(BOLoaderWithCacheI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Determines if this `BOProcI` contains changes that are relevant to the cache of the specified `BOLoaderWithCacheI`.
containsRelevantNto1ChangesFor(AttributeI, BO, BO) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Determines if this `BOProcI` contains changes to n-1 relations that are relevant to the cache of the specified `BOLoaderWithCacheI`.
containsRelevantNtoMChangesFor(AttributeI, BO, BO) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Determines if this `BOProcI` contains changes to n-m relations that are relevant to the cache of the specified `BOLoaderWithCacheI`.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
containsValue(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.RetainedChanges
containsValue(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DoubleList
containsValue(Object) - Method in class
Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the specified
containsValue(Object) - Method in class
Returns whether this map contains the specified value.
ContentHandlerException - Exception in
ContentHandlerException(String) - Constructor for exception
ContentHandlerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
ContentHandlerFactory - Class in
ContentHandlerI - Interface in
context(FormElementI, FormContextI, String[], Class[], Object[]) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.CallDefinition
CONTEXTMENU_ACTION_KIND - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
continueWithTempIdsFrom(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Sets the start of temp ids given by this transaction to the current temp id
of the given Transaction; used to avoid overlapping of temp ids, FIXME!
convert(String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
Gets the field string values for a line read and parsed by the CSVImporter
via its CSVInputReader and converts them into the actual typed values which
are then stuffed into a new CSVDataSet and returned.
convertForHTMLInclusion(String) - Static method in class
Brings the given String str
in a form in which it may be included in
messages which are displayed as HTML (">html<...
convertForHTMLInclusion(String) - Static method in class
convertFrom(Object) - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.ValueType
Converts a given Object into an Object suitable for delivery to JDBC, depending on the type.
convertHTMLtoText(String) - Static method in class
Converts HTML to plain text by removing HTML tags, style elements, and converting special characters.
convertHTMLtoText(String) - Static method in class
convertLegacyKeystore() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
convertNumberTo(Number, Class<?>) - Static method in class
Converts the given number to the specified target type.
convertToEnglishWord(long) - Static method in class
Converts a given Long
value into English number words.
convertToEnglishWord(long, boolean) - Static method in class
convertUmlauts(String) - Static method in class
Converts umlauts and sharp s in _str to their basic letter pair counterparts.
cookEvents(L10nCurrentLocaleProviderI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
cookParameter(CodebausteinStorageI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
Replace l10n variables and make an electric.xml.Element
out of the _parms
cookParameter(CodebausteinStorageI, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
cookParameter(CodebausteinStorageI, Object[], String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
copies(String, int) - Static method in class
Copies a passed String n times.
copy(ParentNavigationItemI, Transaction) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationItemI
copy(ParentNavigationItemI, Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
copy(ParentNavigationItemI, Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturNavigationTreeNode
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class
copy(InputStream, OutputStream, boolean) - Static method in class
copy(InputStream, OutputStream, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
copy(InputStream, OutputStream, boolean, boolean, long) - Static method in class
copy(InputStream, OutputStream, long) - Static method in class
copy(InputStream, DataOutput, long) - Static method in class
COPY_POLICY_COPY - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
COPY_POLICY_NONE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
COPY_POLICY_STRING_COPY - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
COPY_POLICY_STRING_UPDATE_REL - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
COPY_POLICY_UPDATEREL - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
copyAllowed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationItemI
copyAllowed(ParentNavigationItemI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationItemI
copyAllowed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
copyAllowed(ParentNavigationItemI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
copyAllowed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturNavigationTreeNode
copyAllowed(ParentNavigationItemI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturNavigationTreeNode
copyAndDigest(InputStream, File, String) - Static method in class
Reads binary data from the given InputStream and writes it to the given file, while digesting / calculating some hash using the given hash-algorithm.
copyAndDigest(InputStream, File, String, boolean) - Static method in class
copyBLOBFrom(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Store the BLOB from the passed BO as BLOB of this BO.
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class
copyFile(File, File, boolean) - Static method in class
copyFrom(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
copyFrom(BO, Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
copyIndex(Compass, Compass) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMGpsDevice
Copies the index of one Compass instance to another.
copyLocalsFrom(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
copyLocalsFrom(Transaction, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
copyLocalsFrom(Transaction, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
copyRemoteBLOBsToLocalFileVault(ServerFileVaultI, List<Long>, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
copyRemoteBLOBsToLocalFileVault(ServerFileVaultI, List<Long>, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
copyRemoteBLOBsToLocalFileVault(ServerFileVaultI, List<Long>, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
copyTo(Element, Element) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Copys the AttributeObjects and Element
s from Element
to Element
"dest", works recursivly over the copied Element
too, so copied Element
s will have their AttributeObjects and Element
copied too (and so on)
CORE_MODULES_SCHEMA_FILENAME - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
CORE_SCHEMA_FILENAME - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
CoreBO - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
CoreBO() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.CoreBO
CoreData - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
CoreData(File) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
CoreData() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
CoreData(Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
CoredataGenerationException - Exception in de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata
CoredataGenerationException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CoredataGenerationException
CoredataGenerationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CoredataGenerationException
count() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
Gets the number of BOs
in the DB that match this mask.
count(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
count(GrooqlBOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
Gets the number of BOs
in the DB that match this filter's
count(GrooqlBOLoaderI, Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
count(GrooqlBOLoaderI, Map, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
count(GrooqlBOLoaderI, Map, String, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
countDays(TimespanI) - Static method in class
Counts the days covered by the passed TimespanI, ignoring time.
countDays(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Counts the days between the dates, including the first,
and including the last, ignoring time.
countDays(TimespanI) - Static method in class
Counts the conceptual days covered by the given timespan, ignoring time.
countDays(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Counts the conceptual days between two dates, including the start and end dates, ignoring time.
countDaysInYears(int, int) - Static method in class
Returns the number of days in a given year-range, regarding if there are leap-years.
CounterWatchdog - Class in
This class is intended for monitoring if something happened too often.
CounterWatchdog(String, long, Logger) - Constructor for class
CounterWatchdog(String, long, Logger, long) - Constructor for class
CounterWatchdog(String, long, Logger, long, boolean) - Constructor for class
countEvent() - Method in class
countEvent(Date) - Method in class
countNonNullValues(Collection<?>) - Static method in class
Returns the number of non-null values in the passed Collection or zero if null was passed.
countOfEventsWithinDuration() - Method in class
coveredTimespanInFullMinutes(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns the number of minutes that the passed Date objects cover, rounded down.
coveredTimespanInFullMinutes(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns the timespan between two dates in full minutes, rounded down.
coveredTimespanInMillis(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns the timespan between two dates in milliseconds.
coveredTimespanInMillis(Calendar, Calendar) - Static method in class
Returns the timespan between two calendars in milliseconds.
coveredTimespanToDays(TimespanI) - Static method in class
Returns the timespan between the passed Date objects,
converted to days, default rounded up.
coveredTimespanToDays(TimespanI, boolean) - Static method in class
coveredTimespanToDays(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns the timespan between the passed Date objects,
converted to days, default rounded up.
coveredTimespanToDays(Date, Date, boolean) - Static method in class
coveredTimespanToDays(Calendar, Calendar) - Static method in class
Returns the timespan between the passed Calendar objects,
converted to days, default rounded up.
coveredTimespanToDays(Calendar, Calendar, boolean) - Static method in class
coveredTimespanToDays(TimespanI) - Static method in class
Returns the timespan between the start and end dates in days, rounded up.
coveredTimespanToDays(TimespanI, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns the timespan between the start and end dates in days.
coveredTimespanToDays(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns the timespan between two dates in abstract days, rounded up.
coveredTimespanToDays(Date, Date, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns the timespan between two dates in abstract days.
coveredTimespanToDays(Duration) - Static method in class
Returns the timespan between two dates in abstract days, rounded up.
coveredTimespanToDays(Duration, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns the timespan between two dates in abstract days.
coversAtMostOneMonth() - Method in interface
Returns true if this TimespanI covers at most one month.
create(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
create(DBManLocalI, String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Anmeldung
create(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
createAfterAddMessage(BO, AttributeI, BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBus
createAfterAddMessage(BO, AttributeI, BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBusI
createAfterRemoveMessage(BO, AttributeI, BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBus
createAfterRemoveMessage(BO, AttributeI, BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBusI
createAfterSetMessage(BO, AttributeI, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBus
createAfterSetMessage(BO, AttributeI, Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBus
createAfterSetMessage(BO, AttributeI, Object, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBusI
Creates and queues a new change message for setting a scalar or n-1 relation to a new value.
createAfterSetMessage(BO, AttributeI, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBusI
createAlias(InstrumentingSchemaI, EntityI, WrappingArrayType, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.ArraySchemaTools
Creates a new virtual property (alias) on the ArrayZeilenDelegate entity or a subentity to access and manipulate the
component value of a source array.
createAlias(InstrumentingSchemaI, EntityI, WrappingArrayType, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.ArraySchemaTools
Creates a new virtual property (alias) on the ArrayZeilenDelegate entity or a subentity to access and manipulate the
component value of a source array.
createAndGetCredential(String, Benutzer, String, String, byte[], int) - Static method in class
Creates an AuthToken with given Benutzer object, a machine and document identifier,
a not-to-encrypt auxiliary data and a validity in seconds, persisting it and returning
a url encoded String to retrieve that information on a later occasion.
createAndGetCredential(String, Benutzer, HttpServletRequest, String, int) - Static method in class
createAndGetCredential(String, Benutzer, String, int) - Static method in class
createAndGetCredential(String, Benutzer, HttpServletRequest, int) - Static method in class
createAndSend(TransactionProviderI, NotificationReceiverI, String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
Convenience method to easily create and save (send) a "mail"
createArrayOf(String, Object[]) - Method in class
createBenachrichtigung(NotificationReceiverI, MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag, Transaction) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.BenachrichtigungsAuftragHandler
createBenachrichtigung(Transaction, NotificationReceiverI, MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.BenachrichtigungsAuftragHandler
Creates the appropriate MyTISMBenachrichtigung
for the given MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
and the given
createBenachrichtigungen(MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.BenachrichtigungsAuftragHandler
Creates the appropriate MyTISMBenachrichtigungen
for the given MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
createBenachrichtigungsAuftrag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BedingterAlarmBenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
createBenachrichtigungsAuftrag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
createBenachrichtigungsAuftrag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BOBasierterTerminBenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
createBenachrichtigungsAuftrag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.EinfacherTerminBenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
createBenachrichtigungsAuftrag(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
Creates a MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage instance for this IssueReport
using the given transaction.
createBlob() - Method in class
createBOViaTemplateSelectionTree(Transaction, ClientContextI, EntityI, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
createBOViaTemplateSelectionTree(Transaction, ClientContextI, EntityI, boolean, Set) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
createBOViaTemplateSelectionTree(Transaction, ClientContextI, EntityI, boolean, Set, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
createBOViaTemplateSelectionTree(Transaction, ClientContextI, EntityI, boolean, Set, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
createBOViaTemplateSelectionTree(Transaction, ClientContextI, EntityI, boolean, Set, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
createCalendar() - Static method in class
Creates a new java.util.Calendar from the given Date object.
createCalendar(Date) - Static method in class
createCalendar(long) - Static method in class
Creates a new java.util.Calendar represeting the passed time since epoch in millis.
createCategorizationNodes(Collection, AllUsersNavigationTreeNode) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode
createChartPanel(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
Method to create the ChartPanel.
createClob() - Method in class
createColumnsForEntity(EntityI, AttributeI, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.EntityStrukturTemplate
createCopy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Creates a copy of this BO
createCopy(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
createCopy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
createCopy(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
createCopy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
createCopy(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
createCronline(Date, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicyCron
createDefaultLogger() - Static method in class
createDefaultLogger(String) - Static method in class
createDuration(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Calculates the duration between two Date
createDuration(Calendar, Calendar) - Static method in class
Calculates the duration between two Calendar
createExpiringToken(String, String, byte[], long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
createExpiringToken(String, byte[], long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
createExpiringToken(String, String, byte[], long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ExpiringTokenStorageProviderI
Creates a time limited association of the given service and token name to a byte array value (usually a key).
createExpiringToken(String, byte[], long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ExpiringTokenStorageProviderI
Works like @see #createExpiringToken(String,String,byte[],long), but creates a non-conflicting tokenName
within the store, stores the value and returns the chosen tokenName.
createExpiringToken(String, String, byte[], long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
createExpiringToken(String, byte[], long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
createExpiringToken(String, String, byte[], long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan.DefaultExpiringTokenStore
createExpiringToken(String, byte[], long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan.DefaultExpiringTokenStore
createExpiringToken(String, String, byte[], long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
createExpiringToken(String, byte[], long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
createExpiringToken(String, String, byte[], long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
ExpiringTokenStorageProviderI (copy of the minimal code from DBMan)
createExpiringToken(String, byte[], long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
createExpiringToken(String, String, byte[], long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
createExpiringToken(String, byte[], long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
createFilename() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alias
createFilename(String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
createFilename() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
createFromStackTraceString(String) - Static method in exception
createFunction(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
createFunction(String, String, String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[], Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[], Class, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
createFunction(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[], Class) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[], Class, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
createFunction(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[], Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[], Class, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
createFunction(String, String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String, int, Object) - Method in class
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String, int) - Method in class
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String) - Method in class
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class) - Method in class
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class) - Method in class
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class, String) - Method in class
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String) - Method in class
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String, int) - Method in class
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String, int, Object) - Method in class
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class) - Method in class
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class, String) - Method in class
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String) - Method in class
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String, int) - Method in class
createFunction(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String, int, Object) - Method in class
createFunctionFromXML(String, String[], Class[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
createFunctionFromXML(String, String[], Class[], Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
createFunctionFromXML(String, String[], Class[], Class, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
createFunctionFromXML(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
createFunctionFromXML(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
createFunctionFromXML(String, String[], Class[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
createFunctionFromXML(String, String[], Class[], Class) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
createFunctionFromXML(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
createFunctionFromXML(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
createFunctionFromXML(String, String[], Class[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
createFunctionFromXML(String, String[], Class[], Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
createFunctionFromXML(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
createFunctionFromXML(String, String[], Class[], Class, String, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
createGetter(Class, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.BORelationAccessor
createGruppe(Transaction, String, String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Gruppe
createGruppe(Transaction, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Gruppe
createGUIElement(Class<? extends JToggleButton>) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
createGUIElement(Class<? extends JToggleButton>) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCheckBox
createGUIElement(Class<? extends JToggleButton>) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
createIco(Image, File) - Static method in class
It's quite a bit of a hassle what M$ burdens upon the appdev's shoulders.
createIconButton(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
createIconButton(Object, IconDisplayContext) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
createIconPanel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
createIconPanel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
createInstance(String[]) - Static method in class
Check all the (commandline) arguments that were passed and configure a
new Wrapper accordingly.
createInstance(String[], ThreadGroup) - Static method in class
createInStore(BO, PersistenceHandlerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictReport
Memorizes via the "new" list of the PersistenceHandlerI
that the
given BO
was created and sets its BOLoader
to the
associated with this TransactionConflictReport
createInstrumentedTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
createInstrumentedTransaction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
createInstrumentedTransaction(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
createJasperPrint(JasperReport, Report, BO[]) - Static method in class
createJasperPrint(JasperReport, Report, BO[], Map) - Static method in class
createJasperPrint(JasperReport, Report, BO[], Map, Benutzer) - Static method in class
createJasperPrint(JasperReport, Report, BO[], Map, Benutzer, boolean) - Static method in class
createJButton() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
createJButton(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
createJButton(boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
createJMenuItem() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
createJToggleButton(Class<? extends JToggleButton>) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
createJToggleButton(Class<? extends JToggleButton>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
createJToggleButton(Class<? extends JToggleButton>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
createJToolBarButton() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
createJToolBarButton(JToolBar) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
createKey(Registry.HKEY, String) - Static method in class
Create a key
createKeyAndPut(String, Object, long) - Method in class
Creates a mapping to the given value by creating a key with the given keyPrefix without colliding any existing keys.
createLimitationsVia(Alarm) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AlarmBenachrichtigungsauftrag
createLocalDate(Date) - Static method in class
Converts a Date
object to a LocalDate
createLocalDate(Calendar) - Static method in class
Converts a Calendar
object to a LocalDate
createLocalDateTime(Calendar) - Static method in class
Converts a Calendar
object to a LocalDateTime
createManyRelationDisplayString(Map, BO, SchemaI, String, String, String, String, String, String, HashMap) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
Creates the string to display in the "textfield" of the
createManyrelationForDelegates(InstrumentingSchemaI, AttributeI, EntityI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.ArraySchemaTools
Registers a new virtual many relation with the specified name, manyRelName ,
on the entity of the given wrapper attribute, returning instances of typeEntity.
createManyrelationForDelegates(InstrumentingSchemaI, AttributeI, EntityI, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.ArraySchemaTools
Registers a new virtual many relation with the specified name, manyRelName ,
on the entity of the given wrapper attribute, returning instances of typeEntity.
createMenu() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.MenuSelectionTrie
createMenu(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.MenuSelectionTrie
createMenu(JComponent, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.MenuSelectionTrie
createMenu(JComponent, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.MenuSelectionTrie
createMenuItem() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
createMenuItem(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
createMessage(Class) - Static method in exception
createMessage(String, String, Class) - Static method in exception
createNClob() - Method in class
createNewInDetailRefreshAll(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
createNewInDetailRefreshAll(BO, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
createNewInDetailView() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
createNewInDetailView(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
createNewInDetailView(ActionEvent, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
createNewItem() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
createNewItem(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
createNewOrConfigureExistingEntity(Element, boolean, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
createNotificationOrder(Transaction, AlarmAusloesung, boolean, Collection<NotifiableI>, Collection<NotifiableI>, Collection<NotifiableI>, Collection<NotifiableI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmNotificationManager
createObjectFromCurrentRow() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager.BOAlarmStatusIterator
createOpenFormsDialog(Transaction, ClientContextI) - Method in exception de.ipcon.form.SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs
Searches whether any forms exist for the conflicting BOs.
createOrTouchAdditional(Date, Transaction.Additional) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Memorizes BOs
that were created in addtx
in the "new" list
of the PersistenceHandlerI
and updates the Lmod
of changed
from addtx
createOrUpdateDefaultEntries(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
creates or updates default entries in all available languages using the same provided text
CAUTION: existing entries with a "proper" translation will be overwritten
createOrUpdateFromTranslatorVersion(InputStream, Transaction) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
Reads L10nBundle/L10nResource data from the given InputStream and either
loads and updates the existing L10nBundle or creates it using the data.
createOrUpdateFromTranslatorVersion(InputStream, Transaction, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
createOrUpdateFromTranslatorVersion(InputStream, Transaction, boolean, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
createPDFDataSource(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in class
Returns PDFDataSource (e.g. to attach to an email) created out of a report
which will be retrieved by the specified report name.
createPDFDataSource(BOLoaderI, String, BO) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(BOLoaderI, String, BO, HashMap) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(BOLoaderI, String, BO, HashMap, String) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(BOLoaderI, String, BO, HashMap, String, ArrayList) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(BOLoaderI, String, BO, HashMap, String, ArrayList, boolean) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(Report) - Static method in class
Returns PDFDataSource (e.g. to attach to an email) created out of a
specified report object.
createPDFDataSource(Report, BO) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(Report, BO, HashMap) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(Report, BO, HashMap, String) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(Report, BO, HashMap, String, ArrayList) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(Report, BO, HashMap, String, ArrayList, boolean) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(BOLoaderI, String, BO[]) - Static method in class
Returns PDFDataSource (e.g. to attach to an email) created out of a report
which will be retrieved by the specified report name.
createPDFDataSource(BOLoaderI, String, BO[], HashMap) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(BOLoaderI, String, BO[], HashMap, String) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(BOLoaderI, String, BO[], HashMap, String, ArrayList) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(BOLoaderI, String, BO[], HashMap, String, ArrayList, boolean) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(Report, BO[]) - Static method in class
Returns PDFDataSource (e.g. to attach to an email) created out of a
specified report object.
createPDFDataSource(Report, BO[], HashMap) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(Report, BO[], HashMap, String) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(Report, BO[], HashMap, String, ArrayList) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSource(Report, BO[], HashMap, String, ArrayList, boolean) - Static method in class
createPDFDataSourceErrorMsg(String, Report, Map, BO[]) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO, File) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO, File, Map) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO, File, Map, boolean) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO, Map) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO, Map, boolean) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(JasperReport, Report, BO[], File) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(JasperReport, Report, BO[], File, HashMap) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(JasperReport, Report, BO[], File, HashMap, boolean) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO[], File) - Static method in class
Generates a PDF from the given Report and BOs and writes it to the given File.
createPDFFile(Report, BO[], File, HashMap) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO[], File, HashMap, boolean) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(JasperReport, Report, BO[]) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(JasperReport, Report, BO[], HashMap) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(JasperReport, Report, BO[], HashMap, boolean) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO[]) - Static method in class
Wrapper that doesn't need a file and returns an InputStream.
createPDFFile(Report, BO[], HashMap) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO[], HashMap, boolean) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(PrintingPreparer, Report, BO[]) - Static method in class
wrapper to generate the PDF with an already created PrintingPreparer
createPDFFile(PrintingPreparer, Report, BO[], HashMap) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(JasperReport, Report, BO, File) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(JasperReport, Report, BO, File, HashMap) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(JasperReport, Report, BO, File, HashMap, boolean) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO, File) - Static method in class
Convenience version of createPDFFile(...) if only one BO _bo should be used
createPDFFile(Report, BO, File, HashMap) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO, File, HashMap, boolean) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(JasperReport, Report, BO) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(JasperReport, Report, BO, HashMap) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(JasperReport, Report, BO, HashMap, boolean) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO) - Static method in class
Convenience version of createPDFFile(...) if only one BO _bo should be used.
createPDFFile(Report, BO, HashMap) - Static method in class
createPDFFile(Report, BO, HashMap, boolean) - Static method in class
createPeriod(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Calculates the period between two Date
createPeriod(Calendar, Calendar) - Static method in class
Calculates the period between two Calendar
createReverse() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
Creates the reverse BOProc instance and returns it, i.e. a 'forward' instance with the same 'replay' behaviour as this ones 'unplay'
createScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
createScript(SchemaI, String, Long, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
createScript() - Method in class
createSessionForLogin(Anmeldung, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
createSessionForLogin(Anmeldung, String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
createShortcut(String, String, File, String[], Image, int) - Static method in class
createShortcut(String, String, File, String[], Image, int, boolean) - Static method in class
createSQLXML() - Method in class
createSSLSocketFactory() - Static method in class
Creates and returns an SSLSocketFactory using an X509ExtendedTrustManager.
createStandardParameter(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.EntityStrukturTemplate
createStandardParameter(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.FormularTemplate
createStandardParameter(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.LesezeichenTemplate
createStandardParameter(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.SchabloneTemplate
createStatement() - Method in class
Creates a Statement object for sending SQL statements to the database.
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class
Creates a Statement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency.
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class
Creates a Statement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency, and holdability.
createStruct(String, Object[]) - Method in class
createSubFormContext() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
createSubFormContext() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
createSyncBenutzer(Transaction, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools
Creates a Benutzer account suitable for use by the SyncService.
createSyncBenutzerName(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools
Helper method to assure consistent name creation.
createTableForColumns(String, Map<String, PostgreSQLColumn>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQL
createTaskButton(Icon, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopTaskbar
createTemporaryNotifications(Transaction, AlarmBenachrichtigungsauftrag) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmNotificationManager
createTempScript(String, String[], Class[], Class) - Method in class
createTextField() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
createTextField() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
createTID(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alias
createTID(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
createTID(String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
createTID() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
createTID(String) - Static method in class
Modifies a given String so it is useable as a TID with a given prefix.
createTID(String, String) - Static method in class
createTokenFilter(TokenStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitNumberPartsTokenFilterProvider
createTokenFilter(TokenStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitTokenFilterProvider
createTokenFilter(TokenStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.StripTokenPartsTokenFilterProvider
createTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
Creates and returns a new Transaction of type TestTransaction.
createTransaction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
createTransaction(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
createTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
Convenience method to create a TestTransactionV2
with default description.
createTransactionDescWithInitialDataFor(String, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
createTransactionWithInitialDataFor(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
Creates or returns a cached transaction with the provided names or classes.
createTree() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
createXLSFile(JasperReport, Report, BO[], File) - Static method in class
Renders an XLS file using the (MyTISM-)Report _report and the compiled
JasperReport _jr for the BOs _bos into the file _file with the
parameter from HashMap _mapParameters.
createXLSFile(JasperReport, Report, BO[], File, HashMap) - Static method in class
createXLSFile(JasperReport, Report, BO, File) - Static method in class
Convenience version of createXLSFile(...) if only one BO _bo should be used.
createXLSFile(JasperReport, Report, BO, File, HashMap) - Static method in class
createXLSFile(Report, BO[], File) - Static method in class
Convenience version of createXLSFile(...) which will automatically compile
the needed JasperReport from the given (MyTISM-)Report _report.
createXLSFile(Report, BO[], File, HashMap) - Static method in class
createXLSFile(Report, BO, File) - Static method in class
Convenience version of createXLSFile(...) if only one BO _bo should be used
and which will automatically compile the needed JasperReport from the given
(MyTISM-)Report _report.
createXLSFile(Report, BO, File, HashMap) - Static method in class
createXLSFileErrorMsg(String, Report, Map, BO[], String) - Static method in class
crypt(String, String) - Static method in class
CryptoHandler - Class in de.ipcon.db
CryptoHandler() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.CryptoHandler
CryptoHandler(Key) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.CryptoHandler
CryptoHandlerI - Interface in
CryptoManager - Class in de.ipcon.db
CryptoManager() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
CryptoTools - Class in
cSecsDef - Static variable in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ForcedClientDisconnectPanel
cSecsDef - Static variable in class de.ipcon.gui.console.NodeInfoJPanel
cSecsMin - Static variable in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ForcedClientDisconnectPanel
cSecsMin - Static variable in class de.ipcon.gui.console.NodeInfoJPanel
CSVConfiguration - Class in de.ipcon.db.importer
FIXME See de/ipcon/db/BOEnvironmentBuilder javadoc for a very brief explanation
how these classes are used (for initialdata import).
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], String[], Boolean[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], String[], Boolean[], Boolean[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], String[], Boolean[], Boolean[], String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], String[], Boolean[], Boolean[], String, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], String[], Boolean[], Boolean[], String, String, Transaction) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], String[], Boolean[], Boolean[], String, String, Transaction, Boolean[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], String[], Boolean[], Boolean[], String, String, Transaction, Boolean[], int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, List<String>, List<Class>, List<String>) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, List<String>, List<Class>, List<String>, List<Boolean>) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, List<String>, List<Class>, List<String>, List<Boolean>, List<Boolean>) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, List<String>, List<Class>, List<String>, List<Boolean>, List<Boolean>, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, List<String>, List<Class>, List<String>, List<Boolean>, List<Boolean>, String, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, List<String>, List<Class>, List<String>, List<Boolean>, List<Boolean>, String, String, Transaction) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, List<String>, List<Class>, List<String>, List<Boolean>, List<Boolean>, String, String, Transaction, Boolean[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, List<String>, List<Class>, List<String>, List<Boolean>, List<Boolean>, String, String, Transaction, Boolean[], int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], Boolean[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], Boolean[], Boolean[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], Boolean[], Boolean[], String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], Boolean[], Boolean[], String, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], Boolean[], Boolean[], String, String, Transaction) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], Boolean[], Boolean[], String, String, Transaction, Boolean[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], Class[], String[], Boolean[], Boolean[], String, String, Transaction, Boolean[], int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], String, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], String, String, Transaction) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], String, String, Transaction, Boolean[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVConfiguration(Reader, String[], String, String, Transaction, Boolean[], int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
CSVDataSet - Class in de.ipcon.db.importer
FIXME See de/ipcon/db/BOEnvironmentBuilder javadoc for a very brief explanation
how these classes are used (for initialdata import).
CSVDataSet(String[], Object[], boolean[], PairStorage[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
CSVImporter - Class in de.ipcon.db.importer
FIXME See de/ipcon/db/BOEnvironmentBuilder javadoc for a very brief explanation
how these classes are used (for initialdata import).
CSVImporter(InputReaderI, Transaction) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVImporter
CSVImporter(InputReaderI, Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVImporter
CSVImporter(CSVConfiguration, Transaction) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVImporter
CSVImporter(CSVConfiguration, Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVImporter
CSVInputReader - Class in de.ipcon.db.importer
This class reads a given data stream line by line, parses them into field
values according to and via the given CSVConfiguration and makes these
available as DataSetIs.
CSVInputReader(CSVConfiguration) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVInputReader
CSVInputReader(CSVConfiguration, boolean) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVInputReader
CSVParsingException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.importer
CSVParsingException() - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVParsingException
CSVParsingException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVParsingException
CSVParsingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVParsingException
CURRENT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
currentSavepointToString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns a String containing the name of the current savepoint or null if there is none.
currentTag() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.QueryHandlerI
currentTag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalQueryResults
currentTag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultQueryHandler
currentTag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResults
currentTag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.ProgressHandlingQueryResults
currentTag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ModuleQueryResults
currentTag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendQueryResults
Curry - Class in
Curry() - Constructor for class
CUSTOM_CODE_BASE_NAME - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterfaceI
CustomBTProperty - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
CustomBTProperty() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.CustomBTProperty
CustomDocumentFilter - Class in de.ipcon.schema.types
CustomDocumentFilter() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.types.CustomDocumentFilter
customizePivotDataTablePopup(JPopupMenu, Component) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
customizePivotPopup(JPopupMenu, Component) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
G1FootprintHelper - Class in
This class was created upon the desperate need to have a minimum footprint for our software, but a few obstacles in the way:
- incgc is going to be deprecated, if not removed, in Java 9
- string deduplication, which brings a tremendous reduction in heap size, is only available in g1gc
- g1gc, for some reason, doesn't do a full gc on it's own, even if there's loads of free heap available which could be returned to the OS
For the above reasons, this class will only work correctly if the following JVM options are set:
- either no -XX:-DisableExplicitGC or no -XX:+DisableExplicitGC option is given (which would suppress our efforts here
gc(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
Remove any BOs inside the cache that aren't reachable from the provided root-BOs.
gc(Iterator) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
Remove any BOs inside the cache that aren't reachable from any BO returned by the Iterator
GCStrategy - Class in
GCStrategy() - Constructor for class
GCStrategyLRU - Class in
A very primitive Last Recently Used strategy.
GCStrategyLRU() - Constructor for class
GDPRArea - Enum in de.ipcon.schema.gdpr
Enum representing the countries and the European Union as a whole
where the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applicable.
GDPRConfigurationElement - Class in de.ipcon.schema.gdpr
Abstract base class for GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) configuration elements within the schema.
GDPRConfigurationElement(Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.GDPRConfigurationElement
Constructs a `GDPRConfigurationElement` with the given XML element.
GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException - Exception in de.ipcon.schema
GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException(GDPRConfigurationElementI, Element, String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException
Constructs a `GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException` related to a `GDPRConfigurationElementI`
and an `Element`.
GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException(GDPRConfigurationElementI, Element, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException
Constructs a `GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException` related to a `GDPRConfigurationElementI`
and an `Element`, with a cause.
GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException(GDPRConfigurationElementI, Attribute, String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException
Constructs a `GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException` related to a `GDPRConfigurationElementI`
and an `Attribute`.
GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException(GDPRConfigurationElementI, Attribute, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException
Constructs a `GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException` related to a `GDPRConfigurationElementI`
and an `Attribute`, with a cause.
GDPRConfigurationElementI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema.gdpr
Represents a GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) configuration element within the schema.
GDPRPolicy - Class in de.ipcon.schema.gdpr
Represents the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) policy configuration for an entity within the schema.
GDPRPolicy(EntityI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.GDPRPolicy
Constructs a GDPRPolicy for the given entity.
GDPRPolicyElementName - Enum in de.ipcon.schema.gdpr
Enumerates the valid subnode names within a `<gdpr>` element in a schema XML document.
GDPRPolicyElementName.GDPRPolicyAttributeName - Enum in de.ipcon.schema.gdpr
Nested enum representing the attributes available for GDPRPolicyElementName.
GDPRTools - Class in de.ipcon.db.gdpr
Utility class providing helper methods for working with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) related functionality.
GDPRTools() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.gdpr.GDPRTools
generate(SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorI
generate(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorI
generate() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
generate(Iterator) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
generate(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
generate(CBOGeneratorI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
generate(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractCode
generate(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractCode
generate(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSource
generate(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSource
generate(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
generate(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
generate(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CastorMapping
generate(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CastorMapping
generate(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
generate(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
generate(SchemaI) - Method in class
generate(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in class
generates classes for each entity in the provided schema.
generate(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PersistenceCode
generate(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PersistenceCode
GENERATE_AS_DELIMITER_CHAR - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
generateAdditionalEtters(C, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AttributeTypeCodeGen
generateAdditionalEtters(JavaClassGen, boolean) - Method in class
generateAdditionalEtters(JavaClassGen, boolean) - Method in class
generateAdditionalEtters(JavaClassGen, boolean) - Method in class
generateAdditionalEtters(nrxgen, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXAbstractStringTypeCodeGen
generateAdditionalEtters(nrxgen, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXAttributeTypeCodeGen
generateAdditionalEtters(nrxgen, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXBooleanTypeCodeGen
generateAutomatikFolder(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.OrdnerFactory
Creates folder for Automatik stuff.
generateAutomatikStrukturenForAllEntities() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
Used to generate the default structures (form, template and bookmark) for all entities
generateAutomatikStrukturenForEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
Used to generate the default structures (form, template and bookmark) for a specific entity
generateAutomatikStrukturenForEntity(EntityI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
generateBaseAttributes(Struktur, EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
generateBaseAttributes(Struktur, EntityI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
generateBaseAttributes(Struktur, EntityI, boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
generateBaseAttributes(Struktur, EntityI, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
generateCloneGetter(JavaClassGen, String, String) - Method in class
generateCloneGetter(nrxgen, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXWrappingArrayTypeCodeGen
generateCloneGetter(C, String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.WrappingArrayTypeCodeGenI
generateDefaultNNGetterWithoutParams(C) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AttributeTypeCodeGen
generateDefaultNNGetterWithoutParams(JavaClassGen) - Method in class
generateDefaultNNGetterWithoutParams(nrxgen) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXAttributeTypeCodeGen
generateDefaultNNGetterWithParams(C) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AttributeTypeCodeGen
generateDefaultNNGetterWithParams(JavaClassGen) - Method in class
generateDefaultNNGetterWithParams(nrxgen) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXAttributeTypeCodeGen
generateDruckziel(long, String, String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
Generates a specific Druckziel object using the supplied data.
generateDruckziele() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
(Re)Generates the default Druckziele objects.
generateEntities(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CastorMapping
generateEntity(CBOEntity, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSource
generateEntity(CBOEntity) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CastorMapping
generateEntity(CBOEntity, SchemaI) - Method in class
generateEntity(CBOEntity, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PersistenceCode
generateFields(CBOEntity, CBOAttribute) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CastorMapping
generateFormularForEntity(EntityI, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
generateFQN(Class) - Static method in class
Generates the fully qualified class name for the given class in the form it should occur in source code.
generateFQN(Class, boolean) - Static method in class
generateFQN(Class, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
generateGetByIndex(JavaClassGen, CBOAttributeI, String, String, String) - Method in class
generateGetByIndex(nrxgen, CBOAttributeI, String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXWrappingArrayTypeCodeGen
generateGetByIndex(C, CBOAttributeI, String, String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.WrappingArrayTypeCodeGenI
generateGetLength(JavaClassGen, CBOAttributeI, String, String, String) - Method in class
generateGetLength(nrxgen, CBOAttributeI, String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXWrappingArrayTypeCodeGen
generateGetLength(C, CBOAttributeI, String, String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.WrappingArrayTypeCodeGenI
generateGetNNWithoutParameters(JavaClassGen) - Method in class
generateGetNNWithoutParameters(nrxgen) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXWrappingArrayTypeCodeGen
generateGetNNWithoutParameters(C) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.WrappingArrayTypeCodeGenI
generateGetNNWithParameters(JavaClassGen) - Method in class
Generates the default getter for non-virtual attributes to always return a cloned instance to prevent direct access to the current attribute state.
generateGetNNWithParameters(nrxgen) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXWrappingArrayTypeCodeGen
Generates the default getter for non-virtual attributes to always return a cloned instance to prevent direct access to the current attribute state.
generateGetNNWithParameters(C) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.WrappingArrayTypeCodeGenI
generateImpl(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in class
generateImpl(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
generateImpl(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.DiscriminatorSync
generateImpl(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.IntegrityCheck
generateImpl(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQL
generateImpl(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQL
generateImpl(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLFirstNodeStart
generateInterface(SchemaInterfaceI) - Method in class
generates a java source file for a schema-declared interface
generateLesezeichenForEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
generateMapping(SchemaI, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CastorMapping
generatePassword(int) - Static method in class
Generates and returns a password
generatePassword(int, int) - Static method in class
generatePassword(int, int, Rexx) - Static method in class
generatePasswordCharsAndNumbersOnly(int) - Static method in class
Generates and returns a password containing only of numbers and letters
(excluding O, I, L, 0 and 1 which can easily be mistaken for one another).
generatePasswordCharsOnly(int) - Static method in class
Generates and returns a password containing only of letters
(excluding O, I and L which can easily be mistaken for 0 and 1).
generatePasswordNumsOnly(int) - Static method in class
Generates and returns a password containing only of numbers.
generatePostgreSQLIndexesForEntity(CBOEntity) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQL
generateRelationTables(SchemaI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQL
generateReportForEntity(EntityI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
generateSchabloneForEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
generateSetBOLoaderHookCode(M) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AttributeTypeCodeGen
generateSetByIndex(JavaClassGen, CBOAttributeI, String, String, String) - Method in class
generateSetByIndex(nrxgen, CBOAttributeI, String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXWrappingArrayTypeCodeGen
generateSetByIndex(C, CBOAttributeI, String, String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.WrappingArrayTypeCodeGenI
generateSetHookCode(M) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AttributeTypeCodeGen
generateSetHookCode(JavaMethodGen) - Method in class
generateSetHookCode(JavaMethodGen) - Method in class
generateSetHookCode(nrxmethod) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXPasswordTypeCodeGen
generateSetHookCode(nrxmethod) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXWrappingArrayTypeCodeGen
generateSources(Document, Rexx) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
Generates the Netrexx sources for the BOs.
generateStrukturForEntity(EntityI, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
generateStrukturForEntity(EntityI, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
GeneratorFactory - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
This class is an abstraction mechanism for various database implementations.
GeneratorJob - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
GeneratorJob(Logger, AbstractSQL, long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.GeneratorJob
GeneratorJobComparator - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
This class is needed for sorting the GeneratorJob-s correctly
into the
's PriorityBlockingQueue.
GeneratorJobComparator() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.GeneratorJobComparator
GeoCoordinate - Class in
Wrapper class to store latitude & longitude
GeoCoordinate(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Constructor for class
GeoTools - Class in
get(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
get(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
get(Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
get(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
get(Object[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
get(Object[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
get(BenanntPath) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinCache
get(BenanntPath[], Benannt) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinStorage
get(BenanntPath[], Benannt, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinStorage
get(BenanntPath, Benannt) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinStorage
Get and return the Codebaustein with the given name.
get(BenanntPath, Benannt, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinStorage
get(Object[], Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
retrieves values from the given coordinates in the BOPivot
get(BOPivot.Key) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
retrieves values from the coordinates in the BOPivot specified by the given key
get(BenanntPath, Benannt) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.CodebausteinStorageI
get(BenanntPath, Benannt, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.CodebausteinStorageI
get(BenanntPath[], Benannt) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.CodebausteinStorageI
get(BenanntPath[], Benannt, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.CodebausteinStorageI
get(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ReentrantLockPool
get(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.RetainedChanges
get(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
get(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.DataSetI
get(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DoubleList
Returns a pair of elements in this DoubleList
get() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
get(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeAccessorI
get() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.DatabaseConnectionPool
get(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.DatabaseConnectionPool
get(Object, boolean) - Method in interface
get(Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
get(Object[], boolean) - Method in interface
get(Object[], boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
get(Object[]) - Method in class
get(Object) - Method in class
get(String) - Method in class
Returns the Object referenced by String key from the cache (or
from the parent cache, if we have one).
get(Object) - Method in interface
get(Object[]) - Method in interface
get(Object) - Method in class
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null
if this map contains no mapping for the key.
get(Object) - Method in class
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this store contains no association for the key.
get() - Method in interface
get(int) - Method in class
get() - Method in interface
get(Object[]) - Method in class
get(Object[], boolean) - Method in class
get(Object[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class
get(Object) - Method in class
get(Object, boolean) - Method in class
get(Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
get(Object) - Method in class
Returns the value of the mapping with the specified key.
get64BitJVMExecutable() - Static method in class
get64BitJVMExecutable(String) - Static method in class
GET_ORIGNODE_DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getAblehnenPotenziellAufgehobenDurch() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.RechteZuweisung
getAbsender() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getAcceleratorKeyAsString() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getAcceleratorKeyAsString() - Static method in class
returns localized string of given accelerator key, or null
if accKey itself oder the KeyStroke for is null
getAcceleratorKeyAsString(String) - Static method in class
getAcceleratorKeyAsString(KeyStroke) - Static method in class
returns localized string of given keystroke or null
if the KeyStroke was passed as null
getAcceptedIssuers() - Method in class
getAccessedByAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
getAccessedFrom() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
getAccessibleContext() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
getAccKeys() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getAccountId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration
getAccountName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration
getAccountPass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration
getAcquiredAt() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
getAcquiredFrom() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
Returns the Thread this PooledSocket was acquired from, if it has not yet been garbage collected.
getAcquiredWhen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
getAction() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getAction() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getActionCommand() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getActionList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getActionList() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getActionList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getActionName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getActionName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getActions() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getActions() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getActions() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getActions() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
getActions() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getActions() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIRootI
getActions() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
Tiny helper class for the action_refresh() and postInit() methods.
getActions() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getActionsOfKind(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getActionsOfKind(int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getActionsOfKind(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getActionsOfKind(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
getActionsOfKind(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getActionsOfKind(Map, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getActionsOfKind(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
getActionsOfKind(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getActive() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
getActiveFrameComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getActiveFrameComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
getActiveFrameComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSDIManager
getActiveFrameComponent() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getActiveSessionInfos() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getActiveSessionInfos() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServerI
getActiveSessions() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getActual() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsException
getActual() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsInLineException
getActualDestinationNode(NavigationTreeNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
getAdditionalAutoRefreshEntities() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getAdditionalAutoRefreshEntities(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getAdditionalAutoRefreshEntities() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEvent
returns the additional information on the client which is already tailored for the current filter this event is delivered for.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getAdditionalLookupAttributePaths() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.ConfigurableQueryI
getAdditionalRoots() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
getAddress() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.AddressWithInfo
getAddress() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getAddress() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getAdminBenutzer(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Retrieves the administrator user.
getAdminCoreId() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getAdmins(BOQueryLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Gruppe
getAdressenInOrder(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getAdressenInOrder(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresse
getAdressenInOrder(Transaction) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotificationReceiverI
Returns the concrete address or addresses to which the notification should
actually be sent.
getAffectedBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
Returns a map with all
instances of the given class which were affected (created, changed or deleted)
by this
getAffectedBOs(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getAffectedEntity(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getAffectedEntity(SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Retrieves the `EntityI` that is directly impacted by the changes represented by this `BOProcI`, i.e. the entity of the modified BO.
getAffectedEntity(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getAffectedIds(SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Retrieves the Ids of the Business Objects (BOs) affected by this BOProcI.
getAffectedLine() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsInLineException
getAffectedLineNumber() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsInLineException
getAffectedPersonPaths() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.GDPRPolicy
Returns the set of paths to affected person information.
getAgeInMinutes() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.api.websockets.DatedDBManEvent
getAggregateFunction() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getAggregateOf() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getAggregateParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getAlarm() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm.AlarmDefinitionException
getAlarm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
Returns the
is associated with, probably loading it from the database
if required.
getAlarmClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
Determines the specific subclass of Alarm
for which this
is responsible.
getAlarmClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BOBasierterTerminHandler
getAlarmClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.EinfacherTerminHandler
getAlarmClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.HinweisHandler
getAlarmClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.WiedervorlageHandler
getAlarmClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
This method returns the Class
of the Alarme
for which this instance is responsible for.
getAlarmClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getAlarmClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTerminStatus
getAlarmClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTerminStatusManager
getAlarmClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.WiedervorlageStatus
getAlarmClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.WiedervorlageStatusManager
getAlarme() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
Basically a simple data holder for the plethora of values that need to be passed around in the course of an alarm
getAlarmeIterator() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
getAlarmeIterator() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.alarm.BOMonitoringAlarmHandlerI
getAlarmModule() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
getAlarmModule() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getAlias() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.LdelSubIndexHash
getAlias() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.FromNode
getAlias() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.predicate.OQLQueryPredicate
getAlias() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.AliasTemplateSelectionTreeNode
getAlias() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementTable
getAlias() - Method in class
getAliase() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
The list of aliase to use
getAliasFor(SQLTable) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatement
getAlign() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getAll(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel.NodeCache
getAll(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel.NodeCache
getAll(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeModelNodeCacheI
getAll(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeModelNodeCacheI
getAll() - Method in class
getAllActions() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getAllActions() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getAllActionsForType(String) - Method in class
getAllActionsForType(String) - Method in class
getAllActionsForType(String) - Method in interface
getAllActionsOfKind() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getAllActionsOfKind(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getAllActionsOfKind(int, LinkedHashMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getAllActionsOfKind(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getAllAttributeList() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns a List
of all AttributeI
instances (including many-relations) of only this EntityI
i.e. excluding attributes from its sub-EntityI
getAllAttributeList(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns a List
of all AttributeI
instances (including many-relations) of this EntityI
, and optionally,
also includes attributes from its sub-EntityI
instances based on the passed parameters.
getAllAttributeList(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns a List
of all AttributeI
instances of this EntityI
, and optionally,
also includes attributes from its sub-EntityI
instances based on the passed parameters.
getAllAttributeListByType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns a List
of all persistent AttributeI-s of this EntityI
based on the specified criteria,
including many-relations, but excluding AttributeI-s from sub-EntityI-s.
getAllAttributeListByType(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns a List
of AttributeI-s of this EntityI
based on the specified criteria, including many-relations,
but excluding AttributeI-s from sub-EntityI-s.
getAllAttributeListByType(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns a List
of AttributeI-s of this EntityI
based on the specified criteria, including many-relations.
getAllAttributeListByType(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns a List
of AttributeI-s of this EntityI
based on the specified criteria.
getAllAttributeListWithoutSubentities() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns a List
of all attributes of this StructuredEntityI
, including many-relations and including the attributes from base entities but
excluding attributes from subentities of this StructuredEntityI
getAllAttributeListWithoutSubentities(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns a List
of all attributes of this StructuredEntityI
, including the attributes from base entities but
excluding attributes from subentities of this StructuredEntityI
getAllAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getAllAttributes() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterface
getAllAttributes() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterfaceI
getAllBOParents(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
This method will return the bo-"path" to a BO.
getAllCauses(Throwable) - Static method in exception
getAllCauses(Throwable) - Static method in class
getAlleAliase() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
Returns map contains all aliases pointing to THIS.
getAlleAliase(HashMap<Long, Alias>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getAlleBeiAusloesungBenachrichtigen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
Convenience method to retrieve all recipients from the BeiAusloesungBenachrichtigen
, BeiAusloesungBenachrichtigenCC
and BeiAusloesungBenachrichtigenBCC
getAlleEmpfaenger() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Convenience method to retrieve all recipients from the "Empfaenger", "EmpfaengerCC" and "EmpfaengerBCC" relations.
getAllEl() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getAllGUIBenutzer(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Retrieves all users with GUI (Graphical User Interface) access.
getAllInterfaces(Class) - Static method in class
Returns an Array
with all interfaces implemented by the
given Class
and its parents
just a wrapper for getAllInterfaces(c = Class, set = Set)
getAllLocals() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
getAllMenus() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getAllMenus() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getAllOverlapping(Collection, boolean) - Static method in interface
Returns a Map containing all IdentifiableTimespanI objects and their Ids from the given collection,
whose time periods overlap either fully or partially with each other.
getAllOverlapping(Collection) - Static method in interface
Returns a Map containing all IdentifiableTimespanI objects and their Ids from the given collection,
whose time periods overlap either fully or partially with each other.
getAllOverlapping(Collection, Class) - Static method in interface
getAllOverlapping(Collection, Class, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllOverlappingWith(IdentifiableTimespanI, Collection, boolean) - Static method in interface
Returns a Map containing all IdentifiableTimespanI objects and their Ids from the given collection,
whose time periods overlap either fully or partially with the provided candidate.
getAllOverlappingWith(IdentifiableTimespanI, Collection) - Static method in interface
Returns a Map containing all IdentifiableTimespanI objects and their Ids from the given collection,
whose time periods overlap either fully or partially with the provided candidate.
getAllOverlappingWith(IdentifiableTimespanI, Collection, Class<? extends IdentifiableTimespanI>) - Static method in interface
getAllOverlappingWith(IdentifiableTimespanI, Collection, Class<? extends IdentifiableTimespanI>, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllowed() - Static method in enum de.ipcon.schema.AttributeName
Returns a comma-separated string of all allowed XML attribute names.
getAllowed() - Static method in enum de.ipcon.schema.ElementName
Returns a comma-separated string of all allowed XML element names.
getAllowed() - Static method in enum de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataCategorySubelementName
Returns a comma-separated string of all allowed XML sub-element names within a `<DataCategory>` element.
getAllowed() - Static method in enum de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicySubelementName
Returns a comma-separated string of all allowed XML sub-element names within a `<DataRetentionPolicy>` element.
getAllowed() - Static method in enum de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.GDPRPolicyElementName
Returns a comma-separated string of all allowed XML element names.
getAllowed() - Static method in enum de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.ProcessingPurposeSubelementName
Returns a comma-separated string of all allowed XML sub-element names within a `<ProcessingPurpose>` element.
getAllowedAttributeNames() - Method in enum de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.GDPRPolicyElementName
Returns the allowed attribute names for this subnode.
getAllowedChars() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PhoneNumberType
getAllowedClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BenanntNavigationTreeNode
getAllowedClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
getAllowedClasses() - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.MarshallingException
getAllowedClasses(int) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.MarshallingException
getAllowNullElements() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.AliasTemplateSelectionTreeNode
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.OrdnerTemplateSelectionTreeNode
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.SchabloneTemplateSelectionTreeNode
getAllowsChildren() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.TemplateSelectionTreeNode
getAllPartiallyValidDuring(Map, TimespanI) - Static method in interface
Returns a Map with all IdentifiableTimespanI-s among the values of the passed Map that are at least partially valid
during the passed TimespanI (ignoring time).
getAllPartiallyValidDuring(Map, TimespanI, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllPartiallyValidDuring(Map, TimespanI, boolean, Class) - Static method in interface
getAllPartiallyValidDuring(Map, Date, Date) - Static method in interface
Returns a Map with all IdentifiableTimespanI-s among the values of the passed Map that are at least partially valid
between the passed from and upto (ignoring time).
getAllPartiallyValidDuring(Map, Date, Date, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllPartiallyValidDuring(Map, Date, Date, boolean, Class) - Static method in interface
getAllPartiallyValidDuring(Collection, TimespanI) - Static method in interface
Returns a Map with all IdentifiableTimespanI-s among the values of the passed Collection that are at least partially valid
during the passed TimespanI (ignoring time).
getAllPartiallyValidDuring(Collection, TimespanI, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllPartiallyValidDuring(Collection, TimespanI, boolean, Class) - Static method in interface
getAllPartiallyValidDuring(Collection, Date, Date) - Static method in interface
Returns a Map with all IdentifiableTimespanI-s among the values of the passed Collection that are at least partially valid
between the passed from and upto (ignoring time).
getAllPartiallyValidDuring(Collection, Date, Date, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllPartiallyValidDuring(Collection, Date, Date, boolean, Class) - Static method in interface
getAllPossibleRelationsTo(EntityI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns all persistent AttributeI-s possibly referring to a given EntityI (or one of it's super classes), even if
they're marked as ignoreBackRelation .
getAllRelations(EntityI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns a List
of all attributes of the given
entity which are relations, including the attributes from
entity bases
getAllStrukturElements() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AutomatikStrukturFactory
Includes the non automatic structures as well.
getAllStrukturFiles(File) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
Nimmt alle Dateien im Resourceverzeichnis auf und gibt die 'passenden' in
einer ArrayListe mit FilesystemObjects zurueck.
getAllSubEntityList() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns a List
of all sub-EntityI-s of this EntityI
getAllSubEntityList(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns a List
of all sub-EntityI
instances of this EntityI
getAllSubEntityList(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns a List
of all sub-EntityI
instances of this EntityI
getAllSubtreeItems() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationItemI
getAllSubtreeItems() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
Returns all Item of the Subtree and skips the following:
if finalBO is of type Ordner, skipAliasOrdnerContents is set to true, node is of type
StrukturNavigationTreeNode and BO-Type of node is an Alias.
getAllSubtreeItems(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
getAllSubtreeItems(boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
getAllSubtreeItems(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.ParentNavigationItemI
getAllToolBars() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getAllToolBars() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getAllValid(Map<Long, ? extends IdentifiableTimespanI>, Date) - Static method in interface
Returns a Map with all IdentifiableTimespanI-s among the values of the passed Map that are valid at the passed date.
getAllValid(Map<Long, ? extends IdentifiableTimespanI>, Date, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllValid(Map<Long, ? extends IdentifiableTimespanI>, Date, boolean, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllValid(Map<Long, ? extends IdentifiableTimespanI>, Date, boolean, boolean, Class) - Static method in interface
getAllValid(Collection<? extends IdentifiableTimespanI>, Date) - Static method in interface
Returns a Map with all IdentifiableTimespanI-s among the values in the passed Collection that are valid at the passed date.
getAllValid(Collection<? extends IdentifiableTimespanI>, Date, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllValid(Collection<? extends IdentifiableTimespanI>, Date, boolean, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllValid(Collection<? extends IdentifiableTimespanI>, Date, boolean, boolean, Class<? extends IdentifiableTimespanI>) - Static method in interface
getAllValidDuring(Map, Date, Date) - Static method in interface
Returns a Map with all IdentifiableTimespanI-s among the values of the passed Map that are valid
between the passed from and upto (ignoring time).
getAllValidDuring(Map, Date, Date, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllValidDuring(Map, Date, Date, boolean, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllValidDuring(Map, Date, Date, boolean, boolean, Class) - Static method in interface
getAllValidDuring(Map, TimespanI) - Static method in interface
Returns a Map with all IdentifiableTimespanI-s among the values of the passed Map that are valid
during the passed TimespanI (ignoring time).
getAllValidDuring(Map, TimespanI, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllValidDuring(Map, TimespanI, boolean, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllValidDuring(Map, TimespanI, boolean, boolean, Class) - Static method in interface
getAllValidDuring(Collection, Date, Date) - Static method in interface
Returns a Map with all IdentifiableTimespanI-s among the values in the passed Collection that are valid
during the passed TimespanI (ignoring time).
getAllValidDuring(Collection, Date, Date, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllValidDuring(Collection, Date, Date, boolean, boolean) - Static method in interface
getAllValidDuring(Collection, Date, Date, boolean, boolean, Class<? extends IdentifiableTimespanI>) - Static method in interface
getAllValues() - Method in class
getAllVarMap() - Method in class
getAllXMLElements() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterface
getAllXMLElements() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterfaceI
Returns a collection of XML elements representing the attributes defined in this interface,
and all schema-defined super interfaces of this interface.
getAlsoMandatoryIf() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FInputPanel
Evaluates the
tag (or returns its cached value).
getAlteredBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getAlteredBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getAlteredBOCount() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getAlteredBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getAlternateCellBackground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getAlternateCellBackground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getAlternateCellBackground() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getAlternateCellForeground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getAlternateCellForeground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getAlternateCellForeground() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getAltformat() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getAltformat() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
getAnalyzedForFTS() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getAnalyzedForFTS() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getAnalyzedForFTS() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getAnalyzedForFTS() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getAnchor() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getAnchorDefs() - Method in class
getAnchorEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getAnchortimeAttributeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
getAnchortimeAttributeName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOMonitoringAlarmI
getAnchortimeAttributeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Wiedervorlage
getAndResetUsageStatistics() - Method in class
Retrieves the current state of the usage statistics as a Map.
getAnhangBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getAnkerDef() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.ReportTemplate
getAnkerDefinition() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
getAnmeldung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getAnmeldung() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getAnmeldungUsed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getAnmeldungUsed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManagerI
getAnnotatedValue(int, BO, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getAnnotatedValue(int, BO, Object, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getAnnotatedValue(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getAnnotatedValue(Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getAnnotatedValue(SchemaI, Object, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Tries to retrieve the value for the given attribute (chain) from the specified
using the provided
getAnnotatedValue(SchemaI, Object, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Tries to retrieve the value for the given attribute (chain) from the specified
using the provided
getAnnotatedValue(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getAnnotatedValueAsString(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getAnnotatedValueAsString(Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getAnnotatedValueAsString(SchemaI, Object, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Tries to get the value for given the attribute (chain) for the given
using the given
as a
and returns
which allows to get more info in the case that
errors occurred during the call.
getAnnotatedValueAsString(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getAnnotatedValueAt(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getAnnotatedValueAt(int, int, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getAnnotatedValueAt(int, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getAnnotatedValueAt(int, int, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getAnnotatedValueOrFuture(int, BO, Object, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getAnswerByBOId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictReport
Returns the TransactionConflictAnswer for the BO with the passed id.
getAntworten() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getArch() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getAreaName() - Method in enum de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.GDPRArea
Returns the full name of the area, i.e. the full name of the country or "European Union".
getArgs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
getArgs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SQLQuery
getArgumente() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinTemplate
getArgumente(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinTemplate
getArray(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC ARRAY parameter as an Array object in the Java programming language.
getArray(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC ARRAY parameter as an Array object in the Java programming language.
getArray(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as an Array object in the Java programming language.
getArray(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as an Array object in the Java programming language.
getArrayAttributeType(AttributeI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.ArraySchemaTools
getAsBigDecimal(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
getAsBigDecimal(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.DataSetI
getAsBigDecimal(Object) - Static method in class
getAsBO(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
getAsBO(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.DataSetI
getAsBOInIssueReports() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getAsBOInIssueReportsIterator() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getAsBoolean(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
getAsBoolean(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.DataSetI
getAsBufferedImage(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
Returns this BLOB as BufferedImage object.
getAsByteArray() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsByteArray(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsByteArray(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsByteArray(int, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsByteArray(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsByteArray(int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsByteArray(int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsByteArray(int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsc() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SortEntry
getAsciiStream(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a stream of ASCII characters.
getAsciiStream(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a stream of ASCII characters.
getAsComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getAsComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getAsComponent() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.PopupableFormElementI
getAsDate(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
getAsDate(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.DataSetI
getAsDouble(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
getAsDouble(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.DataSetI
getAsFloat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
getAsFloat(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.DataSetI
getAsInteger(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
getAsInteger(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.DataSetI
getAsJPGByteArray() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
Creates a byte array containing the given bytes as a JPEG image.
getAsJPGByteArray(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsJPGByteArray(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsJPGByteArray(int, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsJPGByteArray(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsJPGByteArray(int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsJPGByteArray(int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsJPGByteArray(int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsJPGByteArray(int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, AdvancedResizeOp.UnsharpenMask) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsLong(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
getAsLong(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.DataSetI
getAsPNGByteArray() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
Creates a byte array containing the given bytes as a PNG image.
getAsPNGByteArray(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsPNGByteArray(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsPNGByteArray(int, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsPNGByteArray(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsPNGByteArray(int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsPNGByteArray(int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsPNGByteArray(int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, AdvancedResizeOp.UnsharpenMask) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getAsString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the value of the attribute with the given attrName as String values,
respecting schema defined formatting rules.
getAsString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
getAsString(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.DataSetI
getAsString(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getAsString(Object, Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getAsString(Object, Object, String, Locale) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getAsString(Object, Object, String, Locale, TimeZone) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getAsString(Object, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getAsString(Object, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getAsString(Object, Object, String, Locale, TimeZone) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getAsString(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getAsString(Object, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getAsString(Object, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getAsString(Object, Object, String, Locale, TimeZone) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
Converts given value (object) into a nicely formatted duration string - if
possible - and returns it.
getAsString(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getAsString(Object, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getAsString(Object, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
Translates an object of it's own type to a String eventually using defined format attributes.
getAsString(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
getAsString(Object, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
getAsString(Object, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
getAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
Converts given value (object) into a nicely formatted timespan string - if
possible - and returns it.
getAsString(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getAsString(Object, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getAsString(Object, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
Converts given value (object) into a nicely formatted URI string - if
possible - and returns it.
getAsString(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
getAsString(Object, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
getAsString(Object, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
getAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.XMLType
getAsStrukturInIssueReports() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getAsUserFriendlyRawString(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getAsUserFriendlyRawString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getAsUserFriendlyRawString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getAsyncFillHandle() - Method in class
getAsyncRc() - Method in class
getAsyncRefresh() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
getAt(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getAt(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getAt(Object) - Method in class
getAtt() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getAttachmentsScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
getAttChain(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Retrieves an array of AttributeI representing the attribute chain required to reach the specified attribute path on this
getAttChain(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Retrieves an array of AttributeI representing the attribute chain required to reach the specified attribute path on this
getAttr() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Column
getAttr() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.DescribeValueExtractor
getAttr() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.FComboBoxEditor
getAttr() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Column
getAttributBX(String, BOT, BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
getAttributBX(String, BOT, BOLoaderI, List<AttributeI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
getAttributBX(String, BOMaske, BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
Returns a matching BX
with VString
set to the selection
entry string for the corresponding attribute
getAttributBX(String, BOMaske, BOLoaderI, List<AttributeI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
getAttributBX(String, Map<Long, BX>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
getAttributBX() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
getAttributBX() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
getAttributBX() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
getAttributBX() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Wiedervorlage
getAttribute(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractKeyGenerator
getAttribute(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractKeyGenerator
getAttribute(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
getAttribute(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
getAttribute(SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.UnresolvedReferencesResolver.Warning
getAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.predicate.AttributePredicate
getAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementWrapper
Returns the associated attribute
getAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getAttribute() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
Returns the AttributeI at the end of the given attribute path within this BOI's entity.
getAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
getAttribute(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getAttribute(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLColumn
getAttribute(Object, String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Getting Attributes via name or given object.
getAttribute(Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Getting Attributes via name or given object.
getAttribute(SchemaI, Object, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Retrieves the attribute with the given attribute path.
getAttribute(SchemaI, Object, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Retrieves the attribute with the given attribute path.
getAttribute(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getAttribute(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute.SetValueEvent
getAttribute() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SetValueEventI
getAttribute() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SQLColumnI
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
getAttributeAccessorBuilder() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getAttributeAllMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getAttributeAsBool(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
getAttributeAsInt(String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
getAttributeCache() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getAttributeChain() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.predicate.AttributePredicate
getAttributeCollection() - Method in class
getAttributeConstantName(BasicAttributeI) - Static method in enum
getAttributeDefinitions() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getAttributeList() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
Returns a List with the AttributeI-s added by/defined exactly on this CBOEntity
getAttributeList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getAttributeList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getAttributeList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingEntity
getAttributeList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getAttributeListByType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
Filters the list of attributes obtained from
to the persistent ones.
getAttributeListByType(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
Filters the list of attributes obtained from
based on the specified type (virtual or persistent).
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCanvas
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCheckBox
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEmail
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FHideablePanel
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FImage
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FInputPanel
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FJRDesignViewer
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getAttributeMap() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPDFViewer
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FSimpleDurationChooser
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FText
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FUri
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getAttributeMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getAttributeMap() - Method in class
getAttributeMap() - Method in class
getAttributeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPredicateEquals
getAttributeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getAttributeName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getAttributeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getAttributeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
The attribute name this LazyRelationMap is accessible from its parent BO
getAttributeName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getAttributeNamesCache() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getAttributeObj() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
getAttributeOfLastPathPart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getAttributePath() - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.AttributeResolveException
getAttributes() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
getAttributes(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
getAttributes() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterface
getAttributes() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterfaceI
getAttributeType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
getAttributeType() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getAttributeTypeCodeGen(CBOAttributeTypeI, String) - Method in class
getAttributeTypeCodeGen(CBOAttributeTypeI, String) - Method in class
getAttributeTypeCodeGen(CBOAttributeTypeI, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.SourceGeneratorI
getAttributeTypeCodeGen(CBOAttributeTypeI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxgen
getAttributnamen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
The attribute names of our data source
getAttVertices() - Method in class
getAufgehobeneRechteZuweisungen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getAufgetretenerFehler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
getAusloeseKriterienList() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BedingterAlarm
Creates a list of "dummy" AKs which are created for AchtetAufBOAendern
, etc. and Script
and the
actual related AKs of this BedingterAlarm
getAuszuschliessendeSubBOTypenFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
Returns a query clause that filters only sub-entities of our BOTyp or the String "FALSE" if no BOTyp is set or no subentities exists.
getAutoBeschreibung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AenderungsTyp
getAutoBeschreibung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
getAutoCommit() - Method in class
Retrieves the current auto-commit mode for this Connection object.
getAutoHide() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getAutomatikStrukturForPath(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getAutomatikStrukturForPath(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getAutomatikStrukturForPath(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getAutomatikStrukturForPath(String, boolean, boolean, EntityI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getAutomatikStrukturForPath(String, boolean, boolean, EntityI[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.AutomatikStrukturLoaderI
Returns the automatically generated structure element for a given path.
getAutomatikStrukturForPath(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.AutomatikStrukturLoaderI
Returns the automatically generated structure element for a given path.
getAutomatikStrukturForPath(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.AutomatikStrukturLoaderI
Returns the automatically generated structure element for a given path.
getAutomatikStrukturForPath(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.AutomatikStrukturLoaderI
Returns the automatically generated structure element for a given path.
getAutomatikStrukturForPath(String, boolean, boolean, EntityI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getAutomatikStrukturForPath(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getAutomatikStrukturForPath(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getAutomatikStrukturForPath(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getAutoPath() - Static method in class
Returns path compiled by using info from current StackTrace.
getAutoPath(int) - Static method in class
getAutoSelect() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
getAutoSelect() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getAutoSelectObject() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getAutoSelectObjectOff() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getAuxData() - Method in class
return the auxiliary data stored on the server not included in the credential
getAvailableIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractKeyGenerator
getAvailableIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getAvailableIds() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getAvailableIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
getAvailableLocaleNamesForUserInterface() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.BackendL10nProviderI
getAvailableLocaleNamesForUserInterface() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.L10nCache
getAvailableLocaleNamesForUserInterface() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestInitSession
getAvailableLocales() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.L10nCache
getAvailableLocalesForUserInterface() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getAvailableLocalesForUserInterface() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.L10nCache
getAvailableLocalesForUserInterface() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getAvailableLocalesForUserInterface() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBackAttribute() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getBackAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getBackAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getBackAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getBackend() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getBackend() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
getBackEnd() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
getBackendBOLoaderWithPersistenceHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the first BackendBOLoaderWithPersistenceHandlerI of this BO in
its loader-chain if it was loaded in the backend and has such a loader.
getBackendConnection(BackendConnectionManagerI, String, boolean, ServerConnectionInfoReceiverI, long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnectionFactory
getBackendConnectionManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getBackendQueryAnsweringBOLoaderInstance() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getBackendQueryAnsweringBOLoaderInstance() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
Returns a new BackendQueryAnsweringBOLoaderI which is aware that it is answering a backend query and thus can be asked about that.
getBackendRequest(int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestFactory
getBackendSessionInfo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManSessionEvent
getBackEndTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getBackEndTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getBackEndTime() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getBackEndTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getBackground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getBackground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
getBackground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getBackgroundForRow(int, JTable) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableBooleanColumnRenderer
Determines and returns the Color used for the background of the cell.
getBackgroundForRow(int, JTable) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumnRenderer
Determines and returns the Color used for the background of the cell.
getBackName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getBackProc() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getBackProc() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getBackProc() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getBackRelationDef() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getBackrelationName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
getBackrelationSingular() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
getBackupFileName(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getBackupFileNameTemp(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getBadFields(Collection, boolean) - Static method in class
Checks the fields of the passed classes for their serialization suitability
getBadge() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getBadge(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getBadge2() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getBadge3() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getBadge4() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getBadRoots(Collection, boolean) - Static method in class
Checks the passed classes for their serialization suitability
getBase() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getBase() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getBase() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getBaseDir() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
getBaseDir() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
getBaseDir() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getBaseEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getBaseEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getBaseEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getBaseEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingEntity
getBaseEntity() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
getBaseEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getBaseline(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
getBaseline(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getBaseline(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FInputPanel
getBaseline(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
getBaseline(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getBaseline(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getBaseTypeClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
Extracts the base type class for the java type.
getBbqCode(String) - Static method in class
getBbrs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestExecuteBatch
getBCH() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
getBeantwortet() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getBeantwortet() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getBeauftragtAm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getBeforeUserChangesSavepoint() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getBeforeUserChangesSavepoint() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getBeiAusloesungBenachrichtigenAdressen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
Returns all the collected "final" MyTISMAdresse
instances to which notifications will
be sent.
getBen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBenachrichtigungen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getBenannt(BOLoaderI, Class<? extends Benannt>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenanntPath
Finds and returns the Benannt
that can be located via this (absolute) BenanntPath
getBenannt(BOLoaderI, Benannt) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenanntPath
Finds and returns the Benannt
that can be located via this BenanntPath
starting at the passed Benannt
(only required if this BenanntPath
is relative).
getBenannt(BOLoaderI, Benannt, Class<? extends Benannt>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenanntPath
getBenanntByElterPfad(String, Transaction) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getBenanntByElterPfad(String, Transaction, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getBenanntId(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getBenanntId(String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getBenanntId(String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getBenanntId(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getBenanntId(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.SQLCoreDataStoreI
getBenoetigtScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
getBenoetigtWert() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
getBenutzer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
getBenutzer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getBenutzer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getBenutzer(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getBenutzer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
getBenutzer() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManagerI
Returns Benutzer(name) of the current user or null if not called in a
"logged in" context.
getBenutzer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLogin
getBenutzer() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLoginI
getBenutzerArray() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.logging.MyTISMAppender
getBenutzername() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
getBenutztInStrukturen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
getBeschraenktAufAdresstypen() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.LimitableToMyTISMAdresstypI
getBeschreibung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
getBeschreibung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getBeschreibung(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getBeschreibung() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.BenanntTemplate
getBetreff() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getBetreff() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getBetreff() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getBetreff() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getBetreffDynamisch() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getBetreffDynamisch(L10nLocale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getBetreffIstFest() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getBetreffIstFest() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getBetreffIstFest() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getBetreffIstFest() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getBetreffTemplate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getBevelBorder() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getBevelBorderType(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getBevelHighlight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getBevelHighlightInner() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getBevelHighlightOuter() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getBevelShadow() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getBevelShadowInner() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getBevelShadowOuter() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getBevelType() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getBidirectional() - Method in class
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC NUMERIC parameter as a java.math.BigDecimal object with as many digits to the right of the decimal point as the value contains.
getBigDecimal(int, int) - Method in class
Deprecated. use getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex) or getBigDecimal(String parameterName)
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC NUMERIC parameter as a java.math.BigDecimal object with as many digits to the right of the decimal point as the value contains.
getBigDecimal(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.math.BigDecimal with full precision.
getBigDecimal(int, int) - Method in class
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.math.BigDecimal with full precision.
getBigDecimal(String, int) - Method in class
getBildForName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
Retrieves the Bild-BO which is attached to the BildPosten having the passed name
getBinaryStream(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a binary stream of uninterpreted bytes.
getBinaryStream(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a stream of uninterpreted bytes.
getBinding() - Method in class
getBis() - Method in class
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBLOB(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.BLOBLoaderI
get the BLOB belonging to BO[id].
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.BLOBLoaderI
get the BLOB belonging to BO[id].
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.BLOBLoaderI
Writes the BLOB belonging to BO[id] to the passed OutputStream.
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.BLOBLoaderI
Writes the BLOB belonging to BO[id] to the passed OutputStream.
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.BLOBLoaderI
Writes the BLOB belonging to BO[id] to the passed OutputStream.
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.BLOBLoaderI
Writes the BLOB belonging to BO[id] to the passed DataOutput.
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.BLOBLoaderI
Writes the BLOB belonging to BO[id] to the passed DataOutput.
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.BLOBLoaderI
Writes the BLOB belonging to BO[id] to the passed DataOutput.
getBlob() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFile
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getBLOB(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
get the BLOB belonging to BO[id].
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
get the BLOB belonging to BO[id].
getBLOB(Long, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
getBLOB(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
getBLOB() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
For congruency of *BLOB -method names:
If this BO has a BLOB on the current server , returns the bytes of it.
getBLOB(OutputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Streams this BO's BLOB to the given stream
getBLOB(OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Streams this BO's BLOB to the given stream
getBLOB(DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Writes this BO's BLOB to the given DataOutput
getBLOB(DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, OutputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOB(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManI
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManI
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManI
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManI
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManI
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, OutputStream) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, DataOutput) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getBLOB(Benutzer, Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getBLOB(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBLOB() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetBLOB
getBLOB() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetBLOBI
getBLOB(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBLOB(Long, OutputStream, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBLOB(Long, DataOutput, boolean, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestClientFileVault
getBLOB(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestClientFileVault
getBLOB(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getBLOB(Long, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getBLOB(OutputStream) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
getBLOB(OutputStream, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
getBlob(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC BLOB parameter as a Blob object in the Java programming language.
getBlob(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC BLOB parameter as a Blob object in the Java programming language.
getBlob(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a Blob object in the Java programming language.
getBlob(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a Blob object in the Java programming language.
getBLOBAsDataInput() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns a BLOBDataInputStream that the data of this BOs BLOB is written into.
getBLOBAsEncodedString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
If this BO has a BLOB on the current server , returns the bytes of it as a String encoded using the passed charset.
getBLOBAsEncodedString(Charset) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
If this BO has a BLOB on the current server , returns the bytes of it as a String encoded using the passed charset.
getBLOBAsInputStream() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns a BLOBInputStream that the data of this BOs BLOB is streamed into.
getBLOBAsStream(Benutzer, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOBAsStream(Benutzer, Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOBAsStream(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOBAsStream(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOBAsStream(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManI
getBLOBAsStream(Benutzer, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getBLOBAsStream(Benutzer, Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getBLOBAsStream(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getBLOBAsStream(Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getBLOBAsStream(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getBLOBAsStream(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getBLOBAsStream(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getBLOBAsStream(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getBLOBAsUTF8EncodedString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
If this BO has a BLOB on the current server , returns the bytes of it as an UTF-8 encoded String.
getBLOBBOIdsForIntitialBLOBCopy(Map, List, List) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
Returns the Ids of all local BLOBs, unless they are older or have the same hash as listed in the passed Map
This method is called on the receiving end of command CMD_COPYBLOBS to determine which BLOBs exist locally, that do not
exist on the sender's end or have a different hash.
getBLOBBOIdsForIntitialBLOBCopy(Map, List, List) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
getBLOBBOIdsForIntitialBLOBCopy(Map, List, List) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOBBOIdsForIntitialBLOBCopy(Map, List, List) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getBLOBBOIdsForIntitialBLOBCopy(Map, List, List) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getBLOBBOIdsForIntitialBLOBCopy(Map, List, List) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getBLOBBOIdsForIntitialBLOBCopy(Map, List, List) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getBLOBCreatedBy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the user in the transaction of the BP that created
the BLOB of this BO or null if no BLOB was created yet.
getBLOBCreatedOn() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the user in the transaction of the BP that created
the BLOB of this BO or null if no BLOB was created yet.
getBLOBDeletedBy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the user in the transaction of the BP that deleted
the BLOB of this BO or null if the BLOB was not deleted.
getBLOBDeletedOn() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the user in the transaction of the BP that created
the BLOB of this BO or null if no BLOB was created yet.
getBLOBHandle() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getBLOBIdsAndVFiles() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.InitialBLOBTransferMetaDataContainer
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.BLOBLoaderI
gathers information about the BLOB belonging to BO[i].
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.BLOBLoaderI
gathers information about the BLOB belonging to BO[i].
getBLOBInfo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFile
getBLOBInfo() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFileI
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
gathers information about the BLOB belonging to BO[i].
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
gathers information about the BLOB belonging to BO[i].
getBLOBInfo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBLOBInfo(Benutzer, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOBInfo(Benutzer, Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManI
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBLOBInfo(Benutzer, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getBLOBInfo(Benutzer, Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBLOBInfo(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBLOBInfo(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBLOBLastModifiedBy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the user in the transaction of the most recent BP that affected
the BLOB of this BO or null if the BO is still new and unsaved.
getBLOBLastModifiedOn() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the user in the transaction of the BP that created
the BLOB of this BO or null if no BLOB was created yet.
getBLOBLength() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestStreamBLOB
getBLOBLength() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestStreamBLOBI
getBLOBProcs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Checks the existing
s of THIS if they are relevant to BLOB changes and if so put them
in a
getBLOBProcs(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBLOBProcsBOIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns the Ids of all BOs that get their BLOB changed within this Transaction.
getBLOBProcsBOIds(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
Gets a
from the database using the internal Transaction of this api instance.
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
Gets a
from the database using the internal Transaction of this api instance.
getBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AbstractBOWrapper
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AlarmAusloesungFuerUnsyncedBO
getBO(Long, Class) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
Returns the
is associated with, probably loading it from the database
if required.
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
Returns the BO with the given id.
getBO(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
wrapper for getBO(id, null).
getBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getBO() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getBO() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOWrapperI
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getBO(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
Returns the BO that this BP affects; if bol is given this one is used to
load the BO from the DB (if necessary), otherwise getBOLoader() is used.
getBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
getBo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyBOReference
Get the BO that is referenced.
getBO(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyBOReference
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.FillBOResult
Returns the BO which was copied into.
getBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns the passed Business Object (BO) in the context of this Transaction, if it is
involved in the Transaction, otherwise it is returned as is.
getBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns the Business Object (BO) with the passed Id and class in the context of this Transaction.
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.UnresolvedReferencesResolver.Warning
getBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBO(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEvent
getBO(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FlagStore
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.LazyFlagStore
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlBinding
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.Importer
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBO(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBO(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getBO(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getBO() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getBO(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementPathPart
Returns the business object associated with this path part.
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementWrapper
Returns the associated business object
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
getBO() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getBO() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeConfigurationI
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeNode
getBO(Long, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute.SetValueEvent
getBO() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SetValueEventI
getBOBot() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AlarmAusloesungFuerBO
getBOByAttr(Class<? extends BOI>, String, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOQueryLoaderI
Gets one BO by a single Attribute-Value pair.
getBOByAttr(Class<? extends BOI>, String, Object, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOQueryLoaderI
getBOByAttr(Class<? extends BOI>, String, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOQueryLoaderI
getBOByAttr(Class<? extends BOI>, String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
nullIfNotFound: default 0, will signal Exception
ignoreNotUnique: default 0
onlyKnown: default 0
getBOByAttr(Class<? extends BOI>, String, Object, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOByAttr(Class<? extends BOI>, String, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOByAttr(Class<? extends BOI>, String, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOQueryLoaderI
Calls getBOsByAttrs and returns the first result.
getBOByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOQueryLoaderI
getBOByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOQueryLoaderI
getBOByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Calls getBOsByAttrs and does a uniqueness check by default.
getBOByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOByStringAttr(Class<? extends BOI>, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOByStringAttr(Class<? extends BOI>, String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOByStringAttr(Class<? extends BOI>, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOByStringAttr(Class<? extends BOI>, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOByStringAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOByStringAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOByStringAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOByStringAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], String[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
getBOClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getBOClass() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getBOClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getBOClass(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getBOClass(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.DBManBOChangeEventI
getBOClass(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEvent
getBOClass(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOClassFromBP(BP) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BedingterAlarm
Helper method which encapsules BP#getBOClass()
and handles error cases.
getBoCopy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
getBOFlag(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getBOFlag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getBOFlag(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOForLastPathElement(BOI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getBOForLastPathElement(BOI, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getBOForLastPathElement(SchemaI, BOI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns the BO for which the final attribute is called, i.e. the second to last attribute.
getBOForLastPathElement(BOI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getBOId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AlarmAusloesungFuerBO
getBOId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getBOId() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getBOId(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.DBManBOChangeEventI
getBOId(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBLOBChangeEvent
getBOId(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEvent
getBOId(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
This is only for reference and debugging, it does NOT represent an actual relation because BOIds in this list are not unique
getBOIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel.NodeCache
getBOIds() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeModelNodeCacheI
getBOIdsForClass(Class, short) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Returns the Ids of all BOs in this event matching the passed class and flag.
getBOIdsForClass(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEvent
Returns the BO-Ids of this event matching the passed class.
getBOIdsForClass(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOIdsForClass(Class, short) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOIdsForClasses(Class[], short) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Returns the Ids of all BOs in this event matching any of the passed classes and flag.
getBOIdsForClasses(Class[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEvent
Returns the BO-Ids of this event matching any of the passed classes.
getBOIdsForClasses(Class[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOIdsForClasses(Class[], short) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOIdsOfNodesDependingOn(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel.NodeCache
getBOIdsOfNodesDependingOn(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeModelNodeCacheI
getBol() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderCoercingObjectInputStream
getBol() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getBOLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinStorage
getBOLoader() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
getBOLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the BOLoaderI of this BO.
getBOLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
getBOLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getBOLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOGraphPrefetcher
getBOLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
Returns the BOLoaderI used by this KernelModule.
getBOLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getBOLoader() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getBOLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getBOLoaderInfo() - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.AttributeResolveException
getBOLoaderRef() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinStorage
getBookmarkByTid(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getBookmarkByTid(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getBookmarks(EntityI, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getBookmarks(EntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getBookmarks(EntityI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getBookmarks(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getBool(Rexx) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
bool aus Rexx
getBool(String) - Static method in class
getBool(String, boolean) - Static method in class
getBool(String, Boolean) - Static method in class
getBoolean(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC BIT or BOOLEAN parameter as a boolean in the Java programming language.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC BIT or BOOLEAN parameter as a boolean in the Java programming language.
getBoolean(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a boolean in the Java programming language.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a boolean in the Java programming language.
getBoolean() - Method in class
getBoolean(int) - Method in class
getBooleanProperty(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getBooleanValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getBooleanValue(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getBooleanValue(Benutzer, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getBooleanValue(BOLoaderI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariableBasedConfigurationValueI
Returns the boolean value of the
having our "value" as name or false if that value is null.
getBoolObject(String) - Static method in class
getBoolObject(String, Boolean) - Static method in class
getBoolObject(String, Boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
getBootJdbcDriver() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBootJdbcPass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBootJdbcUrl() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBootJdbcUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBOs(Long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBOs(Long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBOs(long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBOs(long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBOs(Long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
returns the BOs with the given ids.
getBOs(Long[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
wrapper for getBOs(ids, null)
getBOs(long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
returns the BOs with the given ids.
getBOs(long[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
wrapper for getBOs(ids, null)
getBOs(Long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBOs(Long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBOs(long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBOs(long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBOs(Long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
getBOs(Long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
getBos() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
getBos(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
getBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Additional
Convenience/Container class to record any exceptions during FillBO,
Allowing the calling method to conveniently rollback or commit this change, as well
as accessing all encountered errors.
getBOs(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Additional
getBOs(Long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Wrapper method for the method getBOs( Object, Class ),
such that we can call getBOs direct with an array of Ids of type Long.
getBOs(Long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOs(long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Wrapper method for the method getBOs( Object, Class ),
such that we can call getBOs direct with an of array of Ids of the primitive type 'long'.
getBOs(long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOs(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Method to retrieve all the included BOs with a specific class.
getBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionCanonification
Returns an unmodifiable view of the set of BOs involved in the transaction.
getBOs() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictException
getBOs(int) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictException
getBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.UnresolvedReferencesResolver.MultipleReferencesWarning
getBOs(Long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBOs(Long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBOs(long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBOs(long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBOs(Long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBOs(Long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBOs(long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBOs(long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Loads and returns the changed BOs of this event.
getBOs(BOLoaderI, Class[], short) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Loads and returns the BOs of this event matching the passed flag and classes.
getBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, short) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Loads and returns the BOs of this event matching the passed flag.
getBOs(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEvent
Loads and returns the BOs of this event.
getBOs(BOLoaderI, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEvent
getBOs(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOs(BOLoaderI, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, short) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOs(Long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getBOs(long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getBOs(long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBOs(long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBOs(Long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBOs(Long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetObjects
getBOs() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetObjectsI
getBOs(Long[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBOs(Long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBOs(long[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBOs(long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getBOs() - Method in class
getBOs() - Method in class
getBOs(int) - Method in class
getBOs() - Method in class
getBOs(Long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getBOs(Long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBOs(Long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBOs(long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBOs(long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBOs(Long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBOs(Long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBOs(long[], Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBOs(long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getBOs() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
getBOs(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
getBOs() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextSaveHandlerI
getBOs(BOLoaderI) - Method in exception de.ipcon.form.SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs
getBOsAsLazyBOReferences(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Used for NotificationModule to avoid unnecessary object creation (and might
probably be useful elsewhere too, so placed this method here instead of in
getBOsAsLazyBOReferences(BOLoaderI, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getBOsAsLazyBOReferences(BOLoaderI, Class, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getBOsAsLazyBOReferences(BOLoaderI, Class, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getBOsAsLazyBOReferences(BOLoaderI, Class, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getBOsAsLazyBOReferences(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOsAsLazyBOReferences(BOLoaderI, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOsAsLazyBOReferences(BOLoaderI, Class, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOsAsLazyBOReferences(BOLoaderI, Class, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOsAsLazyBOReferences(BOLoaderI, Class, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBOsByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOQueryLoaderI
Looks up a BO by the given attributes.
getBOsByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOQueryLoaderI
getBOsByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean[], int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOQueryLoaderI
getBOsByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean[], int, Set<Long>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOQueryLoaderI
getBOsByAttrs(BOQueryLoaderI, Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean[], int, Set<Long>) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOQueryLoaderI.InternalHelper
Actual implementation of the default interface method
getBOsByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOsByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean[], int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOsByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean[], int, Set<Long>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOsByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Retrieves Business Objects (BOs) by the specified attributes within this transaction and persistent storage.
getBOsByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOsByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOsByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean, int, boolean[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOsByAttrs(Class<? extends BOI>, String[], Object[], boolean, int, boolean[], Set<Long>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOsByEntityAndProcType(Collection<BOProcI>, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterSummarizedPlain
Collects all BOs and their types from procs, filtered for types, as determined via flags.
getBOsByQuery(Long[], Class<U>) - Method in class
getBOSortList() - Method in class
getBosToExpand() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
getBOT(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBot() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getBOT() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
getBOT(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
getBOT(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBOT(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
getBOT(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBot() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
getBOT(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBOT(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBOT(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBOT(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBOT(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
getBotId(PersistenceHandlerI, Class<? extends BOI>) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getBotId(PersistenceHandlerI, Class<? extends BOI>, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getBotId(BOLoaderI, Class<? extends BOI>) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getBotId(BOLoaderI, Class<? extends BOI>, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getBotId(BOLoaderI, Class<? extends BOI>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getBotId(Class<? extends BOI>) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getBotId(Class<? extends BOI>, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getBotId(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getBotId(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getBotId(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getBotId(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.SQLCoreDataStoreI
getBotId(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.DiscriminatorSync
getBotId(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.DiscriminatorSync
getBotIds(Collection) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getBotIds(Collection, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getBotIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getBOTIdsClause(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CollidingBPQueryClauseBuilder
Generates a clause for retrieving BOT (Business Object Type) Ids associated with the given `EntityI`
or any of its sub-entities.
getBOTIdsList(Collection) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
Returns a comma-separated list of all BOT-Ids of the passed EntityI-Collection and their subentities
or an empty String if the passed Collection was null or empty.
getBOTIdsList(EntityI[]) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
Returns a comma-separated list of all BOT-Ids of the passed EntityI-array and their subentities
or an empty String if the passed EntityI-array was null or empty.
getBOTIdsList(EntityI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
Returns a comma-separated list of all BOT-Ids of the passed EntityI and its subentities.
getBOTName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.BOTemplate
getBOTName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinArgumentTemplate
getBOTName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinTemplate
getBOTName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.FormularTemplate
getBOTName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.LesezeichenTemplate
getBOTName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.OrdnerTemplate
getBOTName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.SchabloneTemplate
getBotPrio(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNodeComparator
getBOTsOfInterest() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.bthandler.BTsHandler
getBottomGridAlign() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getBOTyp() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.EntityStrukturI
getBOTyp() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.StrukturWithBOTypI
getBotyp() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.EntityStrukturTemplate
getBOUncached(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBOUncached(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getBOUncached(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
Loads and returns the BO with this Id with a non caching BOLoader.
getBOUncached(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
getBOUncached(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBOUncached(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getBOUncached(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOUncached(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOUncached(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBOUncached(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBOUncached(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getBOUncached(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBOUncached(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getBOUncached(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBOUncached(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getBOUncached(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBOUncached(Long, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getBounds() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getBounds() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
getBOValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getBOValue(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getBOValue(Benutzer, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getBOVersion() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getBOVersion() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
A value that is incremented each time the BO is modified.
getBP() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.BPIntegrityException
getBPBeginDate() - Method in class
getBPBeginString() - Method in class
getBPCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getBPEndDate() - Method in class
getBPEndString() - Method in class
getBPEndStringNI() - Method in class
getBPIdBeforeDate(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
getBPsByBOId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getBPsByBOId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Return all BPs from the linked BTs for a BO of the given Id
getBPsGroupedByBOId(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Return a map of BO Ids linked to a collection of BPs for the BO Id,
for each BO of the given type or all BOs in this event
getBroadcastEvent(String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getBroadcastEvent(String, String, Object) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getBT() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AlarmAusloesung
getBT(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AlarmAusloesung
getBT() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBT(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getBT(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBTId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getBTsHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
getBTsHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
getBTsSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getBTsSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getBuffer() - Method in class
getBufferedImage(File, String) - Static method in class
Creates a BufferedImage from the given page of the pdf document
getBufferedImage(File, String, int) - Static method in class
getBufferedImage(File, String, int, int) - Static method in class
getBufferedImage(File, String, int, int, int) - Static method in class
getBufferedImage(byte[], String) - Static method in class
Creates a BufferedImage from the given page of the pdf document
getBufferedImage(byte[], String, int) - Static method in class
getBufferedImage(byte[], String, int, int) - Static method in class
getBufferedImage(byte[], String, int, int, int) - Static method in class
getBufferedImageInCorrectOrientation(File) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
Turns the file into a BufferedImage and rotates it based on the metadata.
getBufferedReader(File) - Static method in class
getBufferedReader(File, String) - Static method in class
getBufferedReader(Path) - Static method in class
getBufferedReader(Path, String) - Static method in class
getBufferedReader(ReadableByteChannel) - Static method in class
getBufferedReader(ReadableByteChannel, String) - Static method in class
getBufferedReader(String) - Static method in class
getBufferedReader(String, String) - Static method in class
getBufferedReader(InputStream) - Static method in class
getBufferedReader(InputStream, String) - Static method in class
getBuildToolBar(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getBusinessInterests() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataCategory
Returns the collection of business interests associated with this data category.
getButton() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ListButtonWrapper
getButton() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.CancelForcedClientDisconnectAction
getButton() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.DemandForcedClientDisconnectAction
getButton() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SendSystemMessageAction
getByItem(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.OrderNode
getByItemCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.OrderNode
getByMedium() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.EmailNotificationHandler
getByMedium() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationHandler
getByMedium() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.SolsticeNotificationHandler
getByName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
getByte() - Method in class
getByte(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC TINYINT parameter as a byte in the Java programming language.
getByte(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TINYINT parameter as a byte in the Java programming language.
getByte(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a byte in the Java programming language.
getByte(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a byte in the Java programming language.
getByteArray(BufferedImage) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getByteArray(BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getBytes() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
If this BO has a stream on the current server , returns the bytes of it.
getBytes(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC BINARY or VARBINARY parameter as an array of byte values in the Java programming language.
getBytes(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC BINARY or VARBINARY parameter as an array of byte values in the Java programming language.
getBytes(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a byte array in the Java programming language.
getBytes(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a byte array in the Java programming language.
getBytes(String, Charset) - Static method in class
getBytes(String, Charset, boolean) - Static method in class
getBytes(String, String) - Static method in class
getBytes(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
getCache(String, Class, String, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getCache() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinStorage
getCache(BOLoaderI, String, Class) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getCache(BOLoaderI, String, Class, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getCache(BOLoaderI, String, Class, String, Class) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getCache(String, Class, String, Class) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.SessionScopedCacheProviderI
getCache() - Method in class
getCachedClass() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.cache.CacheKeyCalculatorI
returns the class of the cached objects
getCachedClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.SingleAttributeCacheKeyCalculator
getCachedInstance(Class<? extends BOI>, String, Object, String, BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
Retrieves a Business Object (BO) instance from the cache or the database, based on the given parameters.
getCachedInstance(Class<? extends BOI>, String, Object, String, BOLoaderI, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
getCachedInstance(Class<? extends BOI>, String, Object, String, BOLoaderI, boolean, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
getCachedInstance(Class<? extends BOI>, String, Object, String, BOLoaderI, boolean, String, BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
getCacheElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getCacheLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
Returns the `BOLoaderI` object used for loading objects into this cache
Caution: Use with care, intended for specific scenarios where a different `CacheFetcherI` might need it.
getCacheLoader() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getCacheMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.StrukturCache
getCacheMap() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.cache.StrukturCacheI
Returns an unmodifiable view on the current cache Map.
getCacheMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the cache mode of this CBOAttribute
getCacheNT(BOLoaderI, String, Class) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getCacheNT(BOLoaderI, String, Class, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getCacheNT(BOLoaderI, String, Class, String, Class) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getCacheProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getCacheProvider(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getCachingLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.ServerSideCache
getCalculationAuthority() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns the calculation authority of this AttributeI
if it is non-persistent.
getCalculationAuthority() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getCalculationAuthority() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getCalculationAuthority() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getCalendarField() - Method in enum
getCaller() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.AsyncRefreshRequestI
getCanonification(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
Generates a canonized version of the transaction, starting from this savepoint.
getCanonizedProcs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getCanonizedProcs(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Filters the canonized BOProc-s of this Transaction to the ones affecting the passed BO and possibly the provided attribute.
getCanonizedProcs(BO, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getCanonizedProcs(BO, Set<String>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Filters the canonized BOProc-s of this Transaction to the ones affecting the passed BO and the provided attributes.
getCanonizedVersion(String) - Static method in class
Returns the passed version String as int[] with cut off .0 postfixes.
getCaseSensitive() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.ConfigurableQueryI
getCastorCollectionType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
Type of the collection or null, if not a collectionfor generating the castor mapping file.
getCastorCollectionType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getCastorCollectionType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
From the Castor docs:
"The field element includes an optional attribute called type which can be
used to specify the Java type of the field.
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DecimalType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getCastorFieldType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.XMLType
getCastorJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
From the Castor docs:
"Castor JDO implements automatic type conversion between Java and SQL.
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DecimalType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getCastorSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.XMLType
getCatalog() - Method in class
Retrieves this Connection object's current catalog name.
getCatalogName(int) - Method in class
Gets the designated column's table's catalog name.
getCategory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Returns the data category this policy applies to.
getCause(Throwable) - Static method in exception
getCause(Throwable) - Static method in class
Finds the cause of the exception if it exists.
getCauseMethod(Throwable) - Static method in exception
getCauseMethod(Throwable) - Static method in class
Returns the method name needed to get the 'cause' of the given t.
getCauseOfClass(Class) - Method in interface
Returns either this Throwable or the first Throwable
from the "cause hierarchy" matching the given class.
getCauseOfClass(Class, Throwable) - Static method in exception
getCauseOfClass(Class, Throwable) - Static method in class
getCauses() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.FillBOException
getCBAId(String, long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getCBAId(String, long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.SQLCoreDataStoreI
getCDEAdditionsHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getCDEAdditionsHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
getCDEAdditionsWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getCDEAdditionsWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
getCdeForIFE(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getCellBackground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCellBackground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getCellBackground() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getCellForeground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCellForeground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getCellForeground() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getCellRenderedValueAt(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCellRenderedValueAt(int, int) - Method in interface
Returns the rendered string from the column and row with the given indexes.
getCellValueAt(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCellValueAt(int, int) - Method in interface
Returns the object from the column and row with the given indexes.
getChangedBOIds(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Returns the Ids of all changed BOs in this event matching the passed class.
getChangedBOIds(Class[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Returns the Ids of all changed BOs in this event matching any of the passed classes.
getChangedBOIds(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOIds(Class[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.DBManBOChangeEventI
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.DBManBOChangeEventI
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.DBManBOChangeEventI
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Load all BOs that were changed by this event with the given loader and return them.
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, String[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getChangedBOsByEntity(Collection<BOProcI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterSummarizedPlain
getChangedOnlyBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getChangedOnlyBOs(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getCharacterStream(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a object in the Java programming language.
getCharacterStream(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a object in the Java programming language.
getCharacterStream(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a object.
getCharacterStream(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a object.
getCharacterUnitWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCharacterUnitWidth() - Method in interface
Returns the character unit width.
getCharset(String) - Static method in class
Helper method to avoid having to catch IllegalCharsetNameException
and UnsupportedCharsetException (signals IRuntimeException instead).
getCheckBox() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeCellRenderer
getChild(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
Accessor method for individual children of this node.
getChild(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class
getChildCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
Accessor method for the number of children of this node.
getChildCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getChildCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class
getChildren() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getChildrenProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getChildrenProperty() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeConfigurationI
getChoices() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterChoiceList
getChoiceScriptEl() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getChronoUnit() - Method in enum
Returns the ChronoUnit
associated with the period unit.
getChunkSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
getClass(String) - Static method in class
Convenience version of the standard Java API method which only throws (unchecked) RuntimeExceptions
getClass(String, String) - Static method in class
getClassesUpToPreviousEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getClassesUpToPreviousEntity() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getClassesUpToPreviousEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getClassForKlasse() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.JavaImp
getClassname() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureNotAvailableException
getClassNoThrow(Rexx) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementFactory
Testet ob es die Klasse gibt (und gibt sie zurueck), und gibt null zurueck,
wenn nicht.
getClassTip() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.MultipleMatchingBOsException
getClasstip() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
getClause() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CollidingBPQueryClauseBuilder
Generates an OQL query clause to identify BPs colliding with the wrapped `BOProcI`.
getClazz() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getClazz(BOLoaderI, Long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getClazz(BOLoaderI, Long, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getClazz(Long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getClazz(Long, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getClazz() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.ObjectForConditionNotFoundException
getClazz() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.ObjectForConditionNotUniqueException
getClazz() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationHandler
getClazz() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.ObjectNotPersistentException
getClazz() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
getClazz() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getClazz() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
Returns the Class
from the relationEntity if this CBOAttribute
is a relation,
elseway it will return the Class
of this CBOAttribute
s type
getClazz() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
getClazz() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
getClazz() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getClazz() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getClazz() - Method in class
getClazz() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.MethodGeneratorI
getClazz() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxmethod
getClazz() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getClazzes() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEventFilter
getClazzes(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEventFilter
getClazzName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOQuery
getClient() - Method in class
getClient() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.AbstractConsoleAction
getClient() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsManager
getClientContext() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getClientCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getClientCryptoHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getClientCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getClientCryptoHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServerI
getClientFtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getClientHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
getClientInfo(String) - Method in class
getClientInfo() - Method in class
getClientKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getClientKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
Retrieves the client key ID associated with this session, or returns 0 if
no key is set for this session yet.
getClientKey() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getClientKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getClientsCountingAgainstLimit() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
Counts and returns the number of sessions that actually count against
a possible maxClients limit.
getClientSessionInfos() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getClientSessionInfos() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getClientSessionInfos() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getClientSideId(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns the client-side Id for the specified business object (BO).
getClientsOfAdministratorUsersCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
Counts and returns the number of sessions of admin users.
getClob(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC CLOB parameter as a java.sql.Clob object in the Java programming language.
getClob(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC CLOB parameter as a java.sql.Clob object in the Java programming language.
getClob(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a Clob object in the Java programming language.
getClob(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a Clob object in the Java programming language.
getClosestAvailableAggregateAnchor(BOI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getClosestAvailableAggregateAnchor(BOI, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getClosestAvailableAggregateAnchor(BOI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getCode() - Method in enum de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.GDPRArea
Returns the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country or "EU" for the European Union.
getCode128() - Static method in class
This method returns a message as a barcode (encoded with code 128)
FIXME: Currently not needed, seems that we do not need it anymore.
getCode128(String) - Static method in class
getCode128(String, int) - Static method in class
getCode128(String, int, int) - Static method in class
getCode128(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class
getCode128(String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
getCodebausteine() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getCodebausteinStorage() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getCodebausteinStorage() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getCol(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCol(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getCollapsed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorI
getCollapsed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
getCollator() - Static method in class
returns a Collator for the current default locale, but makes it space sensitive
getCollator(Locale) - Static method in class
getCollator(Locale, String) - Static method in class
getCollectedValues() - Method in class
Returns an unmodifiable map containing all the cached values.
getCollection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
getColor(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getColor(Rexx) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getColorFromHTML(String) - Static method in class
Returns a java.awt.Color
from a given String
with an given alpha space (default alpha is 255).
getColorFromHTML(String, int) - Static method in class
getColorText() - Method in enum
getColortextOrInput(String) - Static method in enum
getCols() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCols(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCols() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getCols() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatement
getCols() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementTable
getCols() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLTable
getCols() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SQLTableI
getColsa() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getColSpan(List) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
getColSpan(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
getColtype() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLColumn
getColtype() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SQLColumnI
getColumn(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
retrieves all values from the stored BOPivot which reside in the given column
getColumn() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class
getColumnClassName(int) - Method in class
Returns the fully-qualified name of the Java class whose instances are manufactured if the method ResultSet.getObject is called to retrieve a value from the column.
getColumnCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getColumnCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class
getColumnCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of columns in this ResultSet object.
getColumnDescription(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getColumnDisplayFormatAsL10nDateFormat(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getColumnDisplayFormatAsL10nDateFormat(int) - Method in interface
Returns the localized date format for the column with the given index if it contains a Date type.
getColumnDisplayFormatAsL10nDecimalFormat(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getColumnDisplayFormatAsL10nDecimalFormat(int) - Method in interface
Returns the localized decimal format for the column with the given index if it contains a Number type.
getColumnDisplaySize(int) - Method in class
Indicates the designated column's normal maximum width in characters.
getColumnIsSlow(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getColumnIsSortable(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getColumnLabel(int) - Method in class
Gets the designated column's suggested title for use in printouts and displays.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getColumnName(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class
getColumnName(int) - Method in class
Get the designated column's name.
getColumns() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Data
getColumns() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getColumns() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getColumns() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
getColumns() - Method in class
getColumns(int) - Method in class
getColumnsPart() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatement
getColumnStructure(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
retrieves the meta-values of the direct sub-columns in the structure at the given location
getColumnStructureAsBOs(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
getColumnTitle(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getColumnTitle(int) - Method in interface
Returns the title of the column with the given index.
getColumnToSkip() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
getColumnType(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the designated column's SQL type.
getColumnTypeName(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the designated column's database-specific type name.
getColumnWidth(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getColumnWidth(int) - Method in interface
Returns the width of the column with the given index.
getCommand() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
getCommandCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getCommandCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getCommandCount() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getCommandCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getCommandHandler(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getCommandString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
getCommandString(int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolCommandTools
getCommandString() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestI
getCommaSeparatedIdList(Collection) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.Identifiable
Returns a String
containing a comma separated list of the Ids of the passed
getComment() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
getComment() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getComment() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getComment() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
getComment() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getComment() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getComment() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getCommentedOut(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
getCommentedOut(Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class
getCommonInputStream() - Method in class
getCommonLetters(String, String) - Static method in class
getCommonLetters(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
getCommonOutputStream() - Method in class
getCommonPathEndIndex() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.PolymorphicTemplateSelectionTreeModel
getCommonPathEndIndex(List<String[]>) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.PolymorphicTemplateSelectionTreeModel
getCommons_beanshell() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder
getCommons_groovy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder
getComp() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getComparisonValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.predicate.AttributeComparisonPredicate
getCompass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getCompiledSaveErrorHandlingScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
getCompiledScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EmailRoutingRegel
getCompiledSichtbarkeitsskript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getCompilerConf() - Method in class
getComplexCommandsTimeoutSeconds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getComplexCommandsTimeoutSeconds() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getComponent(String) - Method in class
getComponents() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ListButtonWrapper
getComponentSqlType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getComponentSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getComponentSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getComponentToStallRefresh() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getComponentTree(Container) - Method in class
getComponentType() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.ValueType
getComponentTypeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
The type name of the component
getComponentValue(String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
getConciseCommandsTimeoutSeconds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getConciseCommandsTimeoutSeconds() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getConcurrency() - Method in class
Retrieves the concurrency mode of this ResultSet object.
getCondition() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.ObjectForConditionNotFoundException
getCondition() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.ObjectForConditionNotUniqueException
getConf() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
Get the configuration file
getConf() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelperI
Get the configuration file
getConf() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
getConf() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getConf() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getConf() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
getConfDir() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManBootstrapHelper
getConfigInfo(Class) - Static method in class
Tries to get a predefined ConfigureInfo
instance from the respective static property of the given class.
getConfigInfo(Class, String) - Static method in class
getConfiguration() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getConfiguration() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getConfiguration() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getConfiguration() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getConfiguration() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
Convenience method for getting the DBMans DBManConfigurationHelperI
getConfRoot() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicy
getConfRoot() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getConfRoot() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getConfRoot() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
getConfRoot() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getConfRoot() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getConn() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
getConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BOBasierterTerminStatusFixer.ConnectionProvider
getConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getConnection() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.DatabaseConnectionProviderI
getConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
getConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.DatabaseConnectionEstablisher
getConnection() - Method in class
getConnectionArguments(String[]) - Static method in class
getConnectionEventListeners() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getConnections() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getConnections() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getConnections() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getConnections() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getConnectionSet() - Method in class
getConnHash() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
getConstructor(Class) - Static method in class
Convenience version of the standard Java API method which only throws (unchecked) RuntimeExceptions
getConstructor(Class, Class[]) - Static method in class
getConstructor(Class, Class[], String) - Static method in class
getContainerComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getContainerComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getContainerComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopTaskbar
getContainerComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
getContainerComponent() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MiniComponentContainerI
getContainerVertex() - Method in class
getContainingClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxmethod
getContainingElementName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getContainingElementName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getContainingElementName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
getContainingElementPackage() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getContainingElementPackage() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getContainingElementPackage() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
getContainingElementPackage() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getContainingElementPackage() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getContent(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getContentType() - Method in class
getContext() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getContext() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilter
getContext() - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getContext(Logger) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getContext(Logger, BO) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getContext(Logger, BO, IScrollPane) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getContext(Logger, BO, IScrollPane, ClientContextI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getContext(Logger, BO, IScrollPane, ClientContextI, FormContextI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getContext(Logger, BO, IScrollPane, ClientContextI, FormContextI, FormElementI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getContextParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AlarmAusloesung
getContextParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AlarmAusloesungFuerBO
getContextParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AlarmBenachrichtigungsauftrag
getContextParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getContextParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getContextParameters() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationTemplateContextProviderI
getCookedParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
getCookedParameter(CodebausteinStorageI, StrukturParameterDefaultApplierI, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Formular
This method is used in the prebuild core Formular.frm.xml and in one form of
getCookedParameter(CodebausteinStorageI, StrukturParameterDefaultApplierI, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
getCookedParameter(CodebausteinStorageI, StrukturParameterDefaultApplierI, Object[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ParameterizedStrukturI
Gets and returns the value of the Parameter property with fullfledged
include replacement, l10n, etc. - the version which should finally be used
to create the GUI element.
getCookedParameter(CodebausteinStorageI, StrukturParameterDefaultApplierI, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
For display purposes: inserts the code from includes contained in Parameter
getCookedParameter(CodebausteinStorageI, StrukturParameterDefaultApplierI, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getCookedPattern() - Method in class
getCookedReportDefinition(CodebausteinStorageI, StrukturParameterDefaultApplierI, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
Specifically for Reports, since here ReportDefinition is used
getCookedValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.LiteralNode
getCopyPolicy() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getCopyPolicy() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getCopyPolicy() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the copy policy of this CBOAttribute
getCopyPolicy() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getCost() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.GeneratorJob
getCount(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
Returns only the number of objects that match the given search clause.
getCount(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getCount() - Method in class
getCount() - Method in class
getCountAccessed() - Method in class
getCountHandled() - Method in class
Returns the current count handled.
getCountryISOCode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Returns the ISO code of the country for which this policy applies or "EU" for the European Union.
getCountryISOCode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.Law
Returns the ISO code of the country where this law applies or "EU" for the European Union.
getCountsAgainstLimit() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getCountsAgainstLimit() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
Returns true, if the current session counts against the maxSessions limit specified by the MyTISM license.
getCountTotal() - Method in class
getCPending() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
getCrea() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Synchable
getCrea() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
getCrea() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
getCreatedAt() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
getCreatedBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getCreatedBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getCreatedBOCount() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getCreatedBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getCreatedBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getCreatedBOs(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getCreatedBOs(BOLoaderI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.DBManBOChangeEventI
getCreatedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.DBManBOChangeEventI
getCreatedBOs(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Loads and returns the newly created BOs of this event.
getCreatedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getCreatedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getCreatedBOs(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getCreatedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getCreatedBOs(BOLoaderI, Class, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getCreatedBOsByEntity(Collection<BOProcI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterSummarizedPlain
getCreatedBy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the user in the transaction of the BP that created
this BO or null if the BO is still new and unsaved.
getCreatedModifiedText() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns a String for the current state this BO, i.e. whom was it created
by and when, whom was is last modified by and when.
getCreatedWhen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
getCreateIndexStatement() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
getCreateStatement() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLColumn
getCreateStatement() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLTable
getCreateStatement() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SQLColumnI
getCreateStatement() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SQLTableI
getCreationForBLOBOfBO(BO) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
Finds the Business Object Procedure (BP) responsible for creating a BLOB (Binary Large Object) associated with the given `affectedBO`.
getCreationForBLOBOfBO(BO, BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getCreationForBO(BO) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
Finds the Business Object Procedure (BP) responsible for creating the given `affectedBO`.
getCreationForBO(BO, BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getCreationMillis() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getCredential() - Method in class
Return a url encoded (using only [a-zA-Z0-9_\-]) credential string
having user, document and machine encoded with a random password,
which can be used to retrieve that AuthToken from the
getCronlines() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicyCronJob
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getCryptoHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
get a reference to the CryptoHandler used.
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetCryptoHandler
getCryptoHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetCryptoHandlerI
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestInitSession
getCryptoHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
getCryptoHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getCryptoHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Retrieves the CryptoHandlerI of this schema.
getCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getCSVContent() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Data
getCSVContent() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
getCSVName() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsException
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientMenuManager
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusDisplay
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ConnectionMonitor
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getCtx() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
getCtx() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel
Stores NavigationTreeNodes by BO id.
getCtx() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeModelI
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.notification.ClientNotificationManager
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ServerHealthMonitor
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getCtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
getCtxProperties() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusDisplay
getCulprit() - Method in exception
getCurrent() - Method in class
getCurrent() - Method in class
getCurrentBN() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
getCurrentBO() - Method in class
getCurrentBO() - Method in interface
getCurrentBO() - Method in class
getCurrentCount() - Method in class
getCurrentFolder() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getCurrentFolder() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getCurrentFolder() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getCurrentLocaleProvider() - Static method in class
Gets the locale provider for the current Thread.
getCurrentLocaleViaProvider() - Static method in class
Returns the current locale for the current Thread.
getCurrentlyFocusedFormElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
getCurrentlyFocusedFormElementIfChildOf(Component) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
getCurrentNodeId() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.FirstNodeStart
getCurrentPages() - Method in class
getCurrentPath() - Method in class
getCurrentRecord() - Method in class
getCurrentRecordData() - Method in class
getCurrentSelection(JTable) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCurrentSelection(JTable, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCurrentSelection(JTable, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCurrentSelection() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCurrentSelection(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCurrentSelection(boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getCurrentSize() - Method in class
getCurrentSyncLag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getCurrentSyncLag() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getCurrentSyncLag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getCurrentSyncLagMinutes() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getCurrentTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
getCurrentToken() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Parser
getCurrentTx() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getCurrentUser() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
getCurrentUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns the current user that controls this Transaction.
getCurrentUser() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getCurrentUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getCurrentUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
object containing the current user
getCurrentUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
object containing the current user
getCurrentUserName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getCurrentUserName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getCurrentUserName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getCurrentUserName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getCurrentUserName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getCurrentUserRemark() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getCurrentUserRemark() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getCurrentUserRemark() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getCurrentUserRemark() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getCurrentUserRemark() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getCurrentValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FSimpleDurationChooser
getCurrentValue() - Method in class
getCursor() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.mex.MEXTransformer
getCursorName() - Method in class
Retrieves the name of the SQL cursor used by this ResultSet object.
getCustomIndexDefinition() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getCustomIndexVersion() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getCustomPropertiesAsRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getCustomValue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
getCustomValue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getCustomValue(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getCustomValue(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.LicenseI
Some licenses may need/carry additional data, e.g. the maximum number of
allowed clients for FK_MAXCLIENTS.
getCustomValues() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getCustomValues(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getDaemonThreadCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getData() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder
getData() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
getData() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEventI
getData() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
getData() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader
getDatabase() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceManager
getDatabaseName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getDataCategory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.GDPRPolicy
Returns the data category associated with this GDPR policy.
getDataRetentionPolicies() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataCategory
Returns the collection of backlinks to data retention policies associated with this data category.
getDataSource() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
Returns the DataSource (ByteArrayDataSource) of the image stored on the server.
getDataSource() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinfacherTermin
getDataSource() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
getDataSource() - Method in class
getDataSourceLocale() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getDataSourceLocale() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinfacherTermin
getDataSourceLocale() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
getDataSourceLocale() - Method in class
getDatatypeFactory() - Static method in class
getDate(BP) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
Returns the user of the given BPs BT or null if no BP was passed.
getDate(String) - Static method in class
getDate(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC DATE parameter as a java.sql.Date object.
getDate(int, Calendar) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC DATE parameter as a java.sql.Date object, using the given Calendar object to construct the date.
getDate(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC DATE parameter as a java.sql.Date object.
getDate(String, Calendar) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC DATE parameter as a java.sql.Date object, using the given Calendar object to construct the date.
getDate(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Date object in the Java programming language.
getDate(int, Calendar) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Date object in the Java programming language.
getDate(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Date object in the Java programming language.
getDate(String, Calendar) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Date object in the Java programming language.
getDateChooserPanel(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
getDateCreated() - Method in class
getDateEnd() - Method in class
getDateEnd() - Method in interface
getDateFormat() - Static method in class
getDateFormat(String) - Static method in class
getDateFormat(String, Locale) - Static method in class
getDateFormat(String, Locale, TimeZone) - Static method in class
getDatei() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
getDateiDatum() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
getDateiname() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturTemplate
getDateKernelBuild() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getDateKernelBuild() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
getDateKernelBuild() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getDateLastAccessed() - Method in class
getDateNowShouldBe() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.HandleEventTimerTask
getDateObjects(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns a List of Date
objects for a period between from and till parameters.
getDateOfLastBP() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
getDateStart() - Method in class
getDateStart() - Method in interface
getDateToBPId(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
getDateValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getDateValue(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getDateValue(Benutzer, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getDateValue(Benutzer, Appendable, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getDateWithoutTime(Calendar) - Static method in class
Returns a copy of the passed Calendar, stripped of its time
getDatum() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
Returns value of DateiDatum if StatusText contains substring 'FS',
StrukturDatum otherwise.
getDatum() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
Returns the creation date of this IssueReport
getDatum() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getDatumAusloesung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
getDatumAusloesung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTerminStatus
getDatumAusloesung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinfacherTermin
getDatumAusloesung(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinfacherTermin
getDatumAusloesung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.WiedervorlageStatus
getDatumAusloesung(Date, Long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.WiedervorlageStatus
Only the actual
calculation in a seperate tools method; needed from
when calculating for notification retries.
getDatumStart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
getDauer() - Method in class
getDAUType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
User-friendly l10n-ed name for the type, to be used for user interaction.
getDAUType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getDAUType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getDAUType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getDAUType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getDAUType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
getDAUType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getDAUType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getDAUType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
getDAUType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getDAUType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.XMLType
getDay(Date) - Static method in class
Returns an int with the day of the given date, -1 is the given date is null. 1 based.
getDaysPerMonth(Date) - Static method in class
returns the number of days of the month of the given date
getDaysPerMonth(int, int) - Static method in class
returns the number of days of the given month in the given year
getDaysPerYear(int) - Static method in class
Returns the number of days in a given year, regarding if it is a leap-year or not.
getDbm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractKeyGenerator
getDbm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
getDbm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
getDbm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
getDbm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer
getDbm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
getDbm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
getDbm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getDbm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getDbm() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServerI
getDBMan() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.ServerSideCache
getDBManInfo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
Retrieves information about the server.
getDBManInfo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getDBManInfo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getDBManInfo() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServerI
getDBManInfo() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getDBManInfo() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Retrieves information about the server.
getDBManInfo() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getDbType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getDeadlockedThreadCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getDebug() - Method in class
getDebugEvent(String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getDebugEvent(String, String, Object) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getDebugName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getDebugName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getDebugName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getDebugName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
getDebugName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getDebugName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
getDebugName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getDebugName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getDebugSlowQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
getDecimalDigits() - Method in class
getDecimalFormat() - Static method in class
Factory-Method for DecimalFormat objects, locale sensitive.
getDecimalFormat(String) - Static method in class
getDecimalFormat(String, Locale) - Static method in class
getDecimalObject(String) - Static method in class
getDecimalObject(String, BigDecimal) - Static method in class
getDecimalProperty(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getDecimalValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getDecimalValue(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getDecimalValue(Benutzer, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getDeclaredMethod(Object, String) - Static method in class
getDeclaredMethod(Object, String, Class[]) - Static method in class
getDeclaredMethod(Class, String) - Static method in class
getDeclaredMethod(Class, String, Class[]) - Static method in class
getDeepestCauseOfClass(Class) - Method in interface
getDeepestCauseOfClass(Class, Throwable) - Static method in exception
getDeepestCauseOfClass(Class, Throwable) - Static method in class
getDef() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the Java code for building a default for this CBOAttribute
as given in the attribute definition with fallback to the one
given in the type.
getDef() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getDef() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getDefaultActionForType(String) - Method in class
getDefaultActionForType(String) - Method in class
getDefaultActionForType(String) - Method in interface
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEmail
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FHideablePanel
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FInputPanel
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLocked
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPDFViewer
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FSimpleDurationChooser
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FText
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FUri
getDefaultActionMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getDefaultAdresse(Class<? extends MyTISMAdresse>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Returns the default MyTISMAdresse of the given class from this Benutzer.
getDefaultAdresse(Class<? extends MyTISMAdresse>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getDefaultButton() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
getDefaultDialogParent() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getDefaultExceptionPrefix() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
getDefaultExceptionPrefix() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestI
getDefaultFolder() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getDefaultHSpaceDist() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getDefaultImports(SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getDefaultImports() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getDefaultImports() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getDefaultImports() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getDefaultImports() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getDefaultLocale() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDefaultLocale(List) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDefaultLocale(List, BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDefaultLocale() - Static method in class
getDefaultLocaleName() - Static method in class
getDefaultLocaleValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
getDefaultLogger() - Method in class
getDefaultLogPrefix() - Method in class
getDefaultLookupCaseSensitive() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getDefaultLookupCaseSensitive() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getDefaultLookupCaseSensitive() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getDefaultLookupProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getDefaultLookupProperty() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getDefaultLookupProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getDefaultLookupStartingWith() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getDefaultLookupStartingWith() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getDefaultLookupStartingWith() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getDefaultLookupSubstring() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getDefaultLookupSubstring() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getDefaultLookupSubstring() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getDefaultName(EntityI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.EntityStrukturTemplate
getDefaultPackage() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getDefaultPackage() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getDefaultPackage() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getDefaultRightFill() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getDefaultRootAlias() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryNameSpace
getDefaultScriptImportsList(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getDefaultScriptImportsList(SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getDefaultScriptImportsList() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getDefaultSelectionFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getDefaultSelectionFilter() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns a filter-clause that acts as a non-interactive filter within a query.
getDefaultSelectionFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getDefaultSender() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmNotificationManager
getDefaultSerializer(Class) - Method in class
getDefaultSetValueCallback() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getDefaultSetValueCallback() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchemaI
getDefaultSortDirection(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getDefaultSortDirection(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the default sorting direction of the DefaultSortDefinitionEntry
found under the given path in the defaultSorting for the current EntityI, null otherwise.
getDefaultSortDirection(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getDefaultSorting() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getDefaultSorting() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the defaultSorting for the current EntityI, recursivly
checking the base EntityI-s, too, until a defaultSorting is found.
getDefaultSorting() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getDefaultSortLevel(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getDefaultSortLevel(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the default sorting level of the DefaultSortDefinitionEntry
found under the given path in the defaultSorting for the current EntityI, null otherwise.
getDefaultSortLevel(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getDefaultThingsDesc() - Method in class
getDefaultUnit() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getDefaultUnit() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getDefaultUnitDesignator() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FSimpleDurationChooser
getDefinedIn() - Method in exception
getDefinition() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getDefinition() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getDelayedRefreshCache() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getDelegatableParent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getDelegatorView() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getDeletedBOCount() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcHolderI
Returns the number of BOs deleted within this holder.
getDeletedBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns the number of Business Objects (BOs) that are effectively marked as (soft) deleted within this transaction,
taking into account any subsequent (soft) undeletions of a BO.
getDeletedBOCount(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns the number of Business Objects (BOs) that are effectively marked as (soft) deleted within this transaction,
taking into account any subsequent (soft) undeletions of a BO.
getDeletedBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
getDeletedBOIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getDeletedBOIds(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getDeletedBOIds(Class<? extends BOI>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getDeletedBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getDeletedBOs(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getDeletedBOsByEntity(Collection<BOProcI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterSummarizedPlain
getDeletedFont() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableTextColumnRenderer
getDeniedText(BOI, String, String) - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.Permission
getDependencies() - Method in class
getDependent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getDependentClasses() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getDependentClasses() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getDependentClasses() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getDependentClasses() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getDependsOn() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
getDependsOn() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.QueryGUIElementI
getDependsOn() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getDependsOn() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
getDependsOnClause() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getDepMaps(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getDepth() - Method in interface
The sum of n-1 and n-m relations, i.e. the current effective depth
getDepth() - Method in class
getDepth() - Method in class
getDepthX() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
getDepthY() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
getDesc() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
getDesc(LicenseI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
getDesc(LicenseI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
getDesc() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
getDescKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getDescL10nKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
getDescLicenseL10nKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
getDescribingBOWrapper(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Encapsulates BO into Wrapper object which returns given CBOFormat string value on toString() calls.
getDescribingBOWrapper() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Encapsulates BO into Wrapper object which returns the standard CBOFormat string on toString() calls.
getDescribingKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathPart
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.SingleAttributeCacheKeyCalculator
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns the currently set description of this Transaction.
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConfChangeEvent
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBLOBChangeEvent
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBLOBChangeEventFilter
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEventFilter
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEvent
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventFilter
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilter
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilterLog4j
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEvent
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEventFilter
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEventFilter
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEventFilter
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManSessionEvent
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManSessionEventFilter
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.L10nCacheEvent
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.L10nCacheEventFilter
getDescription() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.event.ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI
Returns a String representation of this ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI.
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicy
getDescription() - Method in class
Returns a description for this CompactObjectOutput.
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getDescription() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
Returns the description String of this EntityI instance or of the first base EntityI that has a description.
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.Module
getDescription() - Method in interface
Returns a description for this ObjectDataOutputI.
getDescriptionForModule(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ModuleProvider
getDesktopPane() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getDestDir() - Method in class
getDetailView() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
getDetailView() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getDetailViewBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCanvas
getDialogParent() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
getDialogParent() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getDiff() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getDiff(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getDiff(boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getDiff() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictException
getDiff() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer
getDiff() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
getDiffable() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getDimension(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getDimension() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getDirection() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.DefaultSortDefinitionEntry
Returns the sorting direction
getDiscriminator() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getDiscriminator() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getDiscriminator() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getDiscriminatorIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionInfo
getDiscriminators() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getDiscriminators() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Needed between the Entities of a Schema.
getDiscriminators() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getDiscriminatorSync() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.StartupConfiguration
getDisplayAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getDisplayAttribute() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getDisplayClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getDisplayClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getDisplayClass() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getDisplayClass() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeConfigurationI
getDisplayCountry() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDisplayCountry(Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDisplayCountrySelf() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDisplayFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
getDisplayFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
getDisplayFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getDisplayFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getDisplayFormat() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeConfigurationI
getDisplayFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
getDisplayFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getDisplayLanguage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDisplayLanguage(Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDisplayLanguageSelf() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDisplayName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDisplayName(Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDisplayNameSelf() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FImage
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FJRDesignViewer
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
getDisplayProperty() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementWithDisplayPropertyI
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPDFViewer
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FSimpleDurationChooser
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FText
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getDisplayProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getDisplayProperty() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getDisplayProperty() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeConfigurationI
getDisplayType() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getDisplayValue(AttributeI, BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
getDisplayValue(AttributeI, BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FText
getDisplayVariant() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDisplayVariant(Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDisplayVariantSelf() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getDistanceToJavaLangObject(Class) - Static method in class
Computes the distance of a given class from the java.lang.Object
class in its inheritance hierarchy.
getDistanceToSuperClass(Class, Class) - Static method in class
Computes the distance of a given class from the given super class in its inheritance hierarchy.
getDoc() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getDoc() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getDocs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SolsticeCacheElement
getDOCTOR() - Static method in class
getDocument() - Method in class
get the name of the document the access was granted to
getDocument() - Method in interface
getDocument() - Method in class
getDocument() - Method in class
getDocument() - Method in class
getDomain() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getDomain() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getDouble(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC DOUBLE parameter as a double in the Java programming language.
getDouble(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC DOUBLE parameter as a double in the Java programming language.
getDouble(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a double in the Java programming language.
getDouble(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a double in the Java programming language.
getDouble(String) - Static method in class
getDouble(String, double) - Static method in class
getDouble() - Method in class
getDoubleObject(String) - Static method in class
getDoubleObject(String, Double) - Static method in class
getDragHighlightColor() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
getDrainCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
getDriver() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
getDriver() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getDropIndexStatement() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
getDruckziel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
getDruckziel(FormContextI, String) - Static method in class
Retrieves the Druckziel with the given name using a query
getDruckziel(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in class
Retrieves the Druckziel with the given name using a query
getDs() - Method in class
getDs() - Method in class
getDumper() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getDuration(int) - Method in enum
Creates a new Duration
with the count/value for this DurationUnit
set to the given value.
getEAN13Image(Long) - Static method in class
Takes a Long, converts it to a String, prepends it with zeros to get a length of 12 chars
and returns an Image showing the correct EAN13 code.
getEAN13Image(String) - Static method in class
Takes a String with a length of 12 chars (or 12 chars plus checksum char)
and returns an Image showing the correct EAN13 code.
getEAN13Image(String, boolean) - Static method in class
getEAN8Image(String) - Static method in class
Takes a String with a length of 7 chars (or 7 chars plus checksum char)
and returns an Image showing the correct EAN8 code.
getEAN8Image(String, boolean) - Static method in class
getEANImage(int, String) - Static method in class
Takes a code type and a String and returns an Image showing the correct EAN-code for the passed codetype,
using the passed foreground and background colors, only containing the bars without any text.
getEANImage(int, String, Color) - Static method in class
getEANImage(int, String, Color, Color) - Static method in class
getEastPanel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getEastPanel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getEastPanel() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
getEditmode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getEditmode() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
getEditmode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getEditmode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the edit mode for this CBOAttribute
if the edit mode is undefined, and a relation entity of this
exists and is link only and this
is not depending, the editmode will
be set to link only Before getting returned
getEditmode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getEffektiveRechteZuweisungen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEh() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractKeyGenerator
getEh() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
getEh() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
getEh() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
getEh() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getEh() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getEinstellungenVariableName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariableBasedConfigurationValueI
getEintragMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
getEl() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
getEl() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getEl() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getEl() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.GDPRConfigurationElement
Returns the XML element representing this GDPR configuration element.
getEl() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterface
Returns the XML element that defines this schema interface.
getElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
getElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getElement() - Method in exception
getElementAt(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
getElementAt(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.locale.LocalesComboModel
getElementCollection() - Method in class
getElemente() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
Gets the Strukturen
"contained" in this
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCanvas
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCheckBox
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEmail
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FHideablePanel
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FImage
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FInputPanel
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FJRDesignViewer
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getElementMap() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPDFViewer
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FSimpleDurationChooser
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FText
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FUri
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getElementMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getElementMap() - Method in class
getElter() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturTemplate
getElter() - Method in class
getElterFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Ordner
getElterFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getElterNodes() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getElterNodes(List) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getElterNodes(List, Set) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getElterPfad() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getEmail() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Returns the default email address of this Benutzer
getEmailId() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresstyp
getEmails() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEmpfaengerAdressen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Convenience/Debugging method that returns all the collected "final"
instances to which notifications will be sent (CC and BCC).
getEmpfaengerAdressenStatic(Collection<NotifiableI>) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Convenience/Debugging method that returns all the collected "final"
MyTISMAdressen for the passed recipients to which notifications will be sent
(CC and BCC).
getEmpfaengerBCCResolved() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Convenience method that gives all the collected "final"
NotificationReceiverI from getEmpfaengerBCC() to which notifications will be
getEmpfaengerCCResolved() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Convenience method that gives all the collected "final"
NotificationReceiverI from getEmpfaengerCC() to which notifications will be
getEmpfaengerInOrder() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Gruppe
getEmpfaengerInOrder() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotificationReceiverCollectionI
Returns the recipient or recipients in this group to which the notification should actually be sent.
getEmpfaengerResolved() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Convenience method that gives all the collected "final"
NotificationReceiverI from getEmpfaenger() to which notifications will be
getEmpfaengerResolvedStatic(Collection<? extends NotifiableI>) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getEmpfaengerResolvedStatic(Collection<? extends NotifiableI>, Set) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getEmpfaengerWithoutAddresses() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Convenience/Debugging method that returns all NotifiableI
instances among
the "AlleEmpfaenger" (CC and BCC), which have no MyTISMAdresse
getEmpfaengerWithoutAddressesStatic(Collection<NotifiableI>) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Convenience/Debugging method that returns all NotifiableI
instances among
the passed recipients, which have no MyTISMAdresse
getEnclosingChar() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
getEncodedString(byte[], Charset) - Static method in class
Returns the passed bytes as a String encoded using the passed charset.
getEncodedString(byte[], String) - Static method in class
Returns the passed bytes as a String encoded using the charset represented by the passed charset name.
getEncoding() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getEncoding() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getEncoding() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getEncoding() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getEnd() - Method in class
Returns the end instant of the time span.
getEndId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
getEndNode() - Method in class
getEnt() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
getEnteredPass() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getEntities() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
getEntities(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
getEntities() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
getEntities(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
getEntities() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLTable
getEntities() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SQLTableI
getEntitiesForInterface(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getEntitiesForInterface(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getEntitiesForInterface(Class) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Returns a list of all entities that implement the given interface.
getEntitiesForInterface(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getEntity(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexEntityImpl
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsPartial
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTEvaluationAnalyzerVisitor
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTUnsupportedAnalyzerVisitor
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.predicate.BOPredicate
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getEntity() - Method in class
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getEntity() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getEntity() - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.AttributeResolveException
getEntity() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
Returns the associated EntityI of this BOI within its current SchemaI.
getEntity(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
Returns the associated EntityI of this BOI within the current SchemaI.
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getEntity(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
Retrieves the EntityI for the given String
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityToStringWrapper
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
getEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader
getEntity(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getEntity(BasicEntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Looks up the passed BasicEntityI in this SchemaI and returns the fitting
EntityI from this SchemaI, i.e. the one with the same name.
getEntity(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getEntity(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getEntity() - Method in class
getEntity() - Method in class
getEntityConstantName(EntityI) - Static method in enum
getEntityDisregardingCase(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getEntityFor(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOFormatter
getEntityFor(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.FormatterI
getEntityForClass(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
Retrieves the EntityI for the given Class
getEntityForClass(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getEntityForClass(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getEntityForClass(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getEntityForClassName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
Retrieves the EntityI with which the given class is associated.
getEntityForClassName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getEntityForClassName(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getEntityForClassName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getEntityForDBName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
Returns the CBOEntity that has the given db name.
getEntityForObject(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
Retrieves and returns the associated EntityI
for the given
getEntityForObject(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getEntityForObject(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getEntityForObject(SchemaI, Object) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns the entity from a given schema for a given bo
getEntityForObject(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getEntityFromEntitaet() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
Gets the EntityI
this mask represents, as defined by the
getEntityList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getEntityList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getEntityList() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getEntityList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getEntityName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.FromNode
getEntityName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getEntityName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getEntityName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the name of the entity as String
getEntityName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingAttribute
getEntityName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getEntityOrAttributeNameValidationError(String) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Validates the given String
as a syntactically valid name for an entity or attribute.
getEntityToCreate() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getEntityToCreate(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getEntityToCreate(ActionEvent, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getEntityToCreate(ClientContextI, EntityI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
If the creationEntity does not have subentities and onlyWithTemplateAndCreationRights is false, it is returned.
getEntityToCreate(ClientContextI, EntityI, Set) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getEntityToCreate(ClientContextI, EntityI, Set, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getEntityVertex() - Method in class
getEntName() - Method in class
getEntryForLocale(L10nLocale, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
getEntrys() - Method in class
getErfolgreichVersendet() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getErrCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.ErrorHandler
getError() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.EventMessage
getError() - Method in class
getError() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
getError() - Method in class
getError() - Method in class
getErrorBackgroundForRow(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumnRenderer
getErrorBorder() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getErrorCode() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.DBMan.SaveResultException
Wrapper class for the result of a saving with the method save(String, Closure)
This class has the following properties:
: A possible RuntimeException
which was signalled during the invoking of the closure
OR during the save-process of the transaction.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception
getErrorCount() - Method in class
Gets the total count of all errors (exceptions) that have been stored yet.
getErrorEvent(String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getErrorEvent(String, String, Object) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getErrorHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
getErrorInfo(Exception) - Method in class
Gets stored info about a specific kind or error (exception).
getErrorinfosByObject() - Method in class
Class that stores info about different kinds of errors for one object.
getErrorLine() - Method in exception
getErrors() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.Importer
getErrors(Object) - Method in class
Gets error infos stored for the given object.
getErrortext(Exception) - Static method in exception
getErrortext(Exception, String) - Static method in exception
getErrortext(Exception) - Static method in class
Generates and returns a text consisting of the given message (if any) and a string dump of the exception
stacktrace slightly formatted to be used for storing as error info text with objects or similar.
getErrortext(Exception, String) - Static method in class
getErrortextIfContainsInvalidFilenameChars(String, String, String) - Static method in class
getEstimationBaseHandled() - Method in class
getEstimationBaseTotal() - Method in class
getEtchedBorder() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getEtchedBorderType(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getEtchedHighlight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getEtchedShadow() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getEtchedType() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getEvalScript(String) - Method in class
getEvalScript(String, String) - Method in class
getEvaluationFrequency() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Returns the frequency at which the data retention policy is (re)evaluated.
getEvent() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.api.websockets.DatedDBManEvent
getEventDemuxer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getEventDemuxer() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManagerI
Returns the current DBManEventDemuxer for this BackendConnectionManagerI.
getEventFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
getEventProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getEventProvider() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
getEventProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getEventProvider(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getEventProvider() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
Returns the DBManEventProviderI of this BOLoader, if any.
getEventProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getEventProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getEventProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getEventProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getEventProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getEventProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getEventProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getEventProvider() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getEventProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getEVTWert(String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVTWert(String, Object, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVTWert(String, Object, Appendable, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWert(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWert(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWert(String, String, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsBO(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsBO(String, BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsBO(String, BO, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsBoolean(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsBoolean(String, boolean, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsDate(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsDate(String, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsDate(String, Date, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsInteger(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsInteger(String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsInteger(String, int, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsLong(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsLong(String, long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsLong(String, long, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsString(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getEVWertAsString(String, String, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getException() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.cache.VersionedThrowable
getException() - Method in class
getExceptionMessagesList() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.FillBOResult
Concatenates the message of the thrown exceptions in the order they appeared during
getExceptionMessagesList(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.FillBOResult
getExceptions() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.FillBOResult
Returns a List of RuntimeExceptions that were thrown while cloning the BO.
getExistingBLOBsIdIterator(Set<Long>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getExistingBLOBsIdIterator() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getExistingBLOBsIdIterator(Set<Long>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
getExistingBLOBsIdIterator() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.IntegrityCheckingServerFileVaultI
getExistingBLOBsVFileIterator(Set<Long>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
Traverses the storageDir and creates a Map with the ids and the VFile (with metadata about the file).
getExistingBLOBsVFileIterator(Set<Long>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
getExistingStatesForAlarm(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
Queries and returns the ids of all BOs for which the
with the given id has any trigger status memorized.
getExitCode() - Static method in class
getExpected() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsException
getExpected() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsInLineException
getExpectedKeyClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
getExpectedKeyClass() - Method in interface
getExpectedRows(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.OQLQuery
getExpectedRows(QueryExpressionNode, Object[]) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.OQLQuery
getExpectedRows() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SelectNode
getExpectedRows() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SQLQuery
returns -1 if unknown, and a positive int otherwise
getExpectedValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPredicateEquals
getExpectedWidth() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getExpectedWidth() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
getExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getExpectedWidth() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getExplainPart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
getExplicitEntityForDelegates() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
getExplicitIFC() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
getExplicitIFC() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getExplicitNullProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getExplicitSingular() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getExport(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getExport(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getExport(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the ExportDefinitionEntry of this EntityI or any of its
super-entities with the passed name if it exists, null otherwise.
getExport(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the ExportDefinitionEntry of this EntityI with the passed
name if it exists, null otherwise.
getExport(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getExport(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getExportDependentPrimaryKey() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns the attribute name of the primary key when exporting this AttributeI as a dependent relation, if any.
getExportDependentPrimaryKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getExportDependentPrimaryKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getExportDependentPrimaryKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getExportFile() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
getExports() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getExports(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getExports() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns a list of all ExportDefinitionEntry-s for this EntityI
or any of its super-entities.
getExports(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns a list of all ExportDefinitionEntry-s for this EntityI.
getExports() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getExports(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getExpressionResultType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.BinaryExpressionNode
getExpressionResultType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ExplainNode
getExpressionResultType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.LiteralNode
getExpressionResultType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
getExpressionResultType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getExpressionResultType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.UnaryExpressionNode
getExtends() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterface
getExtends() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterfaceI
Returns the names of one or more parent interfaces as a set of fully qualified class names
getExternalHGap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
Used for the Schema serialization/diffs and for the naming of the
read/write externalization methods (of which the standard set is defined in
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DecimalType
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getExternalizePostfix() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.XMLType
getExternalVGap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getFallbackProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getFalseIcon() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getFalseText() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getFatal() - Method in class
getFatalEvent(String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getFatalEvent(String, String, Object) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getFaxId() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresstyp
getFeature() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
getFeature() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getFeature(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getFeature() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureNotAvailableException
getFeature() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.LicenseI
Returns (the name of) the feature this LicenseI is meant for.
getFeatureDefinition(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractFeatureManager
Returns the FeatureDefinition
for the feature corresponding
to the given key or null if it is not a valid feature name (that is not
one of the constants from FeatureManagerI
getFeatureDefinitions() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractFeatureManager
getFeatureManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getFeatureManager() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
getFeatureManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getFeatureManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getFeatureManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getFeatureManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getFeatureManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getFeatureManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getFeatureManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getFehlgeschlageneVersendungenErneutVersuchenAm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getFehlgeschlageneVersendungenErneutVersuchenAm(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getFetchDirection() - Method in class
Retrieves the fetch direction for this ResultSet object.
getFetchDirection() - Method in class
Retrieves the direction for fetching rows from database tables that is the default for result sets generated from this Statement object.
getFetcher() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
getFetchSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
getFetchSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResults
getFetchSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
getFetchSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsFull
getFetchSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsPartial
getFetchSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer
getFetchSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
getFetchSize() - Method in class
Retrieves the fetch size for this ResultSet object.
getFetchSize() - Method in class
Retrieves the number of result set rows that is the default fetch size for ResultSet objects generated from this Statement object.
getField(Class, String, Object) - Static method in class
Returns the content of the field with the specified name for the passed class in the passed Object.
getField(Class, String, Object, boolean) - Static method in class
getField(Class, String, Object, boolean, String) - Static method in class
getField(int) - Method in class
getFieldCount() - Method in class
getFieldName(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTablePivotDataSource
getFieldOffset(Class, String) - Static method in class
Returns the offset of the field with the specified name for the passed class.
getFieldOffset(Class, String, boolean) - Static method in class
getFields() - Method in class
getFieldValue(JRField) - Method in class
getFieldValue(JRField) - Method in class
getFieldWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getFile(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getFile(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
getFile(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManBootstrapHelper
getFileAsString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getFileAsString(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getFileAsString(File) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getFileAsString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManBootstrapHelper
getFileAsString(File) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManBootstrapHelper
getFileCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getFileExtension() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractCode
getFileExtension() - Method in class
getFileExtension() - Method in interface
Returns the file extension to use for files generated from content of this ObjectsExchangerI.
getFileMask() - Method in class
getFilename(CBOEntity) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSource
getFilenameExtension(String) - Static method in class
Get the extension of a filename
getFilenameFromPath(String) - Static method in class
getFilenameNamePart(String) - Static method in class
getFiles() - Method in class
getFileSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getFileURL(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManBootstrapHelper
getFileVault() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getFileVault() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
getFileVault() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getFileVault() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getFileVault() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getFileVault() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getFileVault() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getFileVault() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getFilter(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
Returns the fitting Filter for scaling the image
getFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
Gets the GrooqlFilter
this DynamischerOrdner
uses to determine its contents.
getFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventSubscription
getFilter() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventSubscriptionI
getFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getFilter(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the filter from this CBOAttribute types by the given inputformats
getFilter(ArrayList) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getFilter(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getFilter(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DecimalType
getFilter(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
getFilter(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.EmailType
getFilter(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
getFilter(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
getFilter(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
getFilter(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PhoneNumberType
getFilterClause() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.FilterClauseProvider
Gets the OQL clause this filter wants to add to the query according to the user entered or selected filter value.
getFilterClause() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getFilterClause() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
getFilterClauseProviders() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractStringFilterGUI
getFilterClauseProviders() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.BoolFilterGUI
getFilterClauseProviders() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterGUI
getFilterClauseProviders() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.QueryGUIElementI
getFilterClauseProviders() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getFilterClauseProviders() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
getFilteredAndRearrangedAttListForReport(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getFilteredAndRearrangedAttListForReport(EntityI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getFilteredAndRearrangedAttListForReport(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.ReportTemplate
getFilteredAndRearrangedAttListForReport(EntityI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.ReportTemplate
getFilteringInstance(DBManEventFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getFilteringInstance(DBManEventFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEvent
Used on client- and server-side for getting an event which only returns the data actually requested in the passed filter,
possibly enriched with additional information calculated by an optional server-side information calculator.
getFilteringInstance(DBManEventFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getFilterSource() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
getFinalBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BenanntNavigationTreeNode
getFinalBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturNavigationTreeNode
getFinalOriginal() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alias
getFinalOriginal(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alias
getFinalScope(byte) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns the passed scope in the version that marks the value as unmodifiable.
getFingerprint() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getFingerprint() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getFingerprint() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getFirst(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel.NodeCache
getFirst(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel.NodeCache
getFirst(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeModelNodeCacheI
getFirstDayOfCurrentYear() - Static method in class
Returns a Date object representing the first day of the current year, stripped of time.
getFirstDayOfMonth(Date) - Static method in class
Returns a Date object representing the first day of the month of the given date.
getFirstDayOfMonth(Date, boolean) - Static method in class
getFirstDayOfNextMonth(Date) - Static method in class
Returns a Date object representing the first day of the month after the given date.
getFirstDayOfNextMonth(Date, boolean) - Static method in class
getFirstDayOfPreviousMonth(Date) - Static method in class
Returns a Date object representing the first day of the month before the given date.
getFirstDayOfPreviousMonth(Date, boolean) - Static method in class
getFirstDayOfYear(int) - Static method in class
Returns a Date object representing the first day of the passed year, stripped of time.
getFirstDayOfYear(Date) - Static method in class
Returns a Date object representing the first day of the year of the passed Date, stripped of time.
getFirstLine(String) - Static method in class
Returns the first line of the passed String.
getFirstLineLength() - Method in class
getFirstLinePostfix() - Method in class
getFirstLinePrefix() - Method in class
getFirstNodeStartGenerator() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.StartupConfiguration
getFirstNonNull() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
Returns the first Object that is not null
getFirstPathPart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getFirstSelectedLine() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getFirstSelectedObject() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getFirstUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.UserNavigationSubCategory
getFirstUsername() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode
getFittingEST() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Formular
getFittingEST() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
getFittingEST() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
getFittingEST() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getFittingForm(MyTISMBenachrichtigung) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.notification.ClientNotificationManager
If Typ is set for the corresponding MYTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag or the Vorlage use that form if it is allowed for the user.
getFlags() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FlagStore
getFloat(Rexx) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
float aus Rexx
getFloat(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC FLOAT parameter as a float in the Java programming language.
getFloat(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC FLOAT parameter as a float in the Java programming language.
getFloat(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a float in the Java programming language.
getFloat(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a float in the Java programming language.
getFloat(String) - Static method in class
getFloat(String, float) - Static method in class
getFloatObject(String) - Static method in class
getFloatObject(String, Float) - Static method in class
getFm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getFolder(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getFolder(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getFolderChildren(Folder) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getFolderChildren(Folder) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getFolderName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
Returns the folder name of this EntityI
as used in the navigation tree in the GUI.
getFolderName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getFolderName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getFont(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getFont() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getFont() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FCellRendererI
getFontSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getFontSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getFontSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getFontSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
getFontSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getFontSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getFontSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getFontStyle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getFontStyle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getFontStyle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getFontStyle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getFontStyle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getFooter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatter
getFooter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGrouped
getFooter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedHTML
getFooter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedPlain
getFooter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterHTML
getFooter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterPlain
getFooter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterSummarizedPlain
getForeground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getForeground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
getForeground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getForegroundForRow(int, JTable) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableBooleanColumnRenderer
Determines and returns the Color used for the foreground (text normally) of
the cell.
getForegroundForRow(int, JTable) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumnRenderer
Determines and returns the Color used for the foreground (text normally) of
the cell.
getForm() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getForm() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
getFormActions() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Column
getFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.DescribeComboBoxRenderer
getFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.DescribeValueExtractor
getFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FSimpleDurationChooser
getFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Column
getFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
getFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getFormatierterSchluessel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.NotfallSchluessel
getFormats() - Method in exception
getFormatsWithExamples(Collection<String>) - Static method in class
Returns a list of date format strings along with examples of the current date formatted according to each of these formats.
getFormattedDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getFormatter() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getFormatter(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getFormatter(Object, Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getFormatter(Object, Map, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getFormatter(Object, Map, SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
"format" an object.
getFormatter(Object, Map) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
"format" an object.
getFormatter(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
"format" an object.
getFormatter() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
"format" an object.
getFormatter() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getFormatter(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getFormatter(Object, Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getFormatter(Object, Map, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getFormContextForComponent(Component) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getFormContextForFrame(FrameI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getFormContextForFrame(FrameI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getFormContextForFrame(FrameI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getFormElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getFormElement(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getFormElement(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getFormElement(BO, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getFormElement(BO, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getFormElement(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
getFormElement(BO, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
getFormElement(BO, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
getFormElement(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSDIManager
getFormElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
getFormElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getFormElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getFormElement() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getFormElement(FormContextI, Element) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementFactory
Konstruiert ein FormElement (also ein JPanel) aus dem angegebenen
FormContext und Element.
getFormElement(FormContextI, Element, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementFactory
getFormElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementWrapper
Returns the wrapped form element
getFormElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
getFormElement(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getFormElementClass(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementFactory
Holt eine Klasse aus einem Tag-Namen.
getFormElementClass(String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementFactory
getFormElementForBO(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getFormElementForBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getFormForUser(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungstyp
Returns the assigned form if hasBenutzerSet or hasFittingGruppe is true.
getFormLayoutMode(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getFormPanel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getFormPopupController() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getFormPopupController() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getForms(EntityI, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getForms(EntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getForms(EntityI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getForms(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getFormsForSelectedRow() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getFormsForSelectedRow(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getFormular() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.SchabloneTemplate
getFormularFuerBenutzer(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
Use the Auftrags PassenderTyp to determine the form for the passed user.
getFQClassName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterfaceI
getFQName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getFQName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
Returns the FQName of the current element Struktur
getFQName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getFQName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getFQName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getFQNOfToolsClassToUse() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AttributeTypeCodeGen
getFQNOfToolsClassToUse() - Method in class
getFQNOfToolsClassToUse() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.netrexx.NRXAbstractStringTypeCodeGen
getFractionOfMonth(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Calculates and returns the fraction of a month covered by the given Dates, based on number of days covered.
getFractionOfMonth(Date, Date, int) - Static method in class
getFrappingAttributes(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getFrappingAttributes() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getFrappingAttributes(BOI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getFrappingAttributes(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getFrappingIterator() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.RetainedChanges
getFreq() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.TermInfo
getFreq() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.TermInfoI
Returns the frequency of the term within the index.
getFrom() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEvent
getFrom() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.logging.MyTISMAppender
getFrom() - Method in class
getFromAddress() - Method in class
getFromName() - Method in class
getFromNode() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getFromNode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getFromNode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getFromNode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingAttribute
getFromNode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getFromNode() - Method in class
getFromNode() - Method in interface
getFromNodes() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getFromNodes() - Method in interface
Gets all nodes from which the incoming edges to this node originate.
getFromPart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
getFromPart() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatement
getFromRow() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementJoinedTable
getFromTable() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementJoinedTable
getFromTemplate() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getFsExtension() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.OrdnerFactory
getFsExtension() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturFactory
Returns the (three-letter) extension for the filenames for the XML files in
which the data for the objects created by this class is stored on disk.
getFso() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
getFsoForFile(File, File, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alias
getFsoForFile(File, File, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
getFsoForFile(File, File, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Formular
getFsoForFile(File, File, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
getFsoForFile(File, File, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
getFsoForFile(File, File, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
getFsoForStruktur(Struktur) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
getFTableConfiguration() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableBooleanColumnRenderer
getFTableConfiguration() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumnRenderer
getFTSAnalyzer() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getFTSAnalyzer() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getFTSAnalyzer() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getFTSAnalyzer() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getFTSBoost() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getFTSBoost() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getFTSBoost() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getFTSBoost() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getFTSBoost() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getFTSBoost() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getFTSBoost() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getFtsModule() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getFtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getFtx() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getFtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
getFtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getFtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
getFtx() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
getFtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementPathPart
Returns the form context associated with this path part.
getFtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getFtx() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
getFtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getFtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
getFtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getFulltextSearcher() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getFulltextSearcher() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getFulltextSearcher() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getFulltextSearcher() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getFullTextString(Parent) - Static method in class
Returns a concatenation of all Text or CDATA node children of the
given Parent (as opposed to _parent.getTextString() which gives only the text
of the first such node).
getFullUnlazyMap() - Method in class
getFunctionException() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.SaveResultI
getFunctionException() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan.SaveResult
getFunctionResult() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.SaveResultI
Contains the result of the function that was passed to the save method.
getFunctionResult() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan.SaveResult
getFutureAnnotatedValueForExport(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getFutureAnnotatedValueForExport(int, BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getFutureResultNT(Future, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
getGateway() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getGateway() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getGateway() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getGateway() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getGateway(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
getGateway(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns a String representation of the gateway of this TransportI (if any).
getGBeginDate() - Method in class
getGBeginMonth() - Method in class
getGBeginString() - Method in class
getGBillableFraction() - Method in class
getGDPRArea() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Returns the GDPR area where this policy applies.
getGDPRArea() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.Law
Returns the GDPR area where this law applies.
getGDPRBusinessInterests() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getGDPRConfigElements() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getGDPRConfigElements() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getGDPRConfigElements() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getGDPRConfigElements() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getGDPRDataCategories() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getGDPRDataRetentionPolicies() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getGDPRLaws() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getGDPRPolicy() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getGDPRPolicy() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getGDPRPolicy() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getGDPRProcessingLegalBases() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getGDPRProcessingPurposes() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getGDPRRelevantBOs(BOLoaderI, EntityI, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.gdpr.GDPRTools
Retrieves all BOs of the given type that are relevant for GDPR processing.
getGDPRRelevantBOs(BOLoaderI, EntityI, boolean, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.gdpr.GDPRTools
Retrieves all BOs of the given type that are relevant for GDPR processing.
getGDPRRelevantBOsCount(BOLoaderI, EntityI, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.gdpr.GDPRTools
Counts the number of BOs of the given type that are relevant for GDPR processing.
getGDPRRetentionPurposes() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getGefilterteEintraege() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
getGelesen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getGemeldetAusBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
getGemeldetAusStruktur() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
getGEndDate() - Method in class
getGEndString() - Method in class
getGEndStringNI() - Method in class
getGenerateAs() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getGenerateAsFQName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Returns the full qualified name of this CBOEntity
getGenerateAsName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Returns the name, which this CBOEntity
was generated as
getGenerateAsPackage() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Returns the package, which this CBOEntity
was generated
getGeneratedKeys() - Method in class
Retrieves any auto-generated keys created as a result of executing this Statement object.
getGeneratedTypeName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
Stellt fest, ob die Klasse _name eine generierte Klasse ist die eigentlich unter anderem
Namen generiert wurde und liefert diesen zurueck.
getGeneratorList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getGeoCoordinates(String, String, String) - Static method in class
Tries to fetch the geo coordinates via googles map api.
getGeoCoordinates(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class
getGermanMarkovString(int) - Static method in class
returns a String
which is a little bit 'German sounding' (the bigramm-probability
of the German language is used)
could be enhanced further by using trigram-probabilities... but I leave it for now ;o)
getGesendetAm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benachrichtigungsversendung
getGetCallingClassNameImplementation() - Static method in class
getGlobalActions(FormContextI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getGlobalActions(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getGlobalKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getGlobalVar(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
getGlobalVar(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getGlobalVars() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
getGlobalVars() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getGoodData() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.Importer
getGps() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getGpsDevice() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getGpsID() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMGpsDevice
Convenience method that returns the CompassGpsInterfaceDevice associated
with this GpsDevice.
getGraph() - Method in class
getGraphics() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyBildImage
getGroup() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
getGroup() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.FilterClauseProvider
getGroup() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.QueryGUIElementI
getGroup() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getGroup() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getGroup() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
getGroupFooter(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGrouped
getGroupFooter(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedHTML
getGroupFooter(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedPlain
getGroupHeader(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGrouped
getGroupHeader(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedHTML
getGroupHeader(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedPlain
getGroups() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getGruppen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
getGruppen() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.EntityStrukturI
getGruppen() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.FilterableStrukturI
getGruppen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getGruppen() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PrioritizableStrukturI
Gets and returns the value of the Gruppen property.
getGruppen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getGruppen(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getGruppen() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.EntityStrukturTemplate
getGruppen(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.EntityStrukturTemplate
getGruppenArray() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.logging.MyTISMAppender
getGruppenSortiert() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
Returns the Gruppen the current Benutzer is a member of sorted according to
their Prioritaet.
getGueltigBis() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
getGueltigBis() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getGueltigBis(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getGueltigBis() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.LicenseI
Ending time up to which (inclusive) this LicenseI stays active.
getGueltigFuerBenutzer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
getGueltigFuerGruppen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
getGueltigVon() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
getGueltigVon() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getGueltigVon(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getGueltigVon() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.LicenseI
Starting time from when (inclusive) this LicenseI becomes active.
getGuiElements() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getGuiFiltersByVariablename() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getGuiTip(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getGuiTip(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getGuiTip(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
getGuiTip() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the Gui Tips for this CBOAttribute
as a key:value-paired String
If the value is null or empty only the key will be used instead of the pairing
IMPORTANT: for backwards compatibility with old guiTip-String, esp. for Equinox
getGuiTip(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the gui tip for the given tip key, returns null
if guiTips is null
getGuiTip(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getGuiTip(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getGuiTip(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the gui tip for the given key from the current EntityI.
getGuiTip(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the gui tip for the given key from the current EntityI or one of its super EntityI-s.
getGuiTip(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getGuiTip(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getGuiTip(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getGuiTipAsInt(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getGuiTipAsInt(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getGuiTipAsInt(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
getGuiTipAsInt(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the gui tip for the given tip key as int
getGuiTipAsInt(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getGuiTipAsInt(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getGuiTipAsInt(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the gui tip for the given key from the current entity as int.
getGuiTipAsInt(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the gui tip for the given key from the current entity or one of its super EntityI-s as int.
getGuiTipAsInt(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getGuiTipAsInt(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getGuiTipAsInt(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getGuiTips() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getGuiTips() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getGuiTips() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
getGuiTips() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getGuiTips() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
getGuiTips() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getGuiTips() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getGuiTips() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
Function to use in Map#computeIfAbsent to return the calculated value for a
bo if it is missing.
getGuiTipString() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
getHAlign() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getHAlign() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getHandle(InputStream, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ClientFileVault
getHandle(InputStream, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.FileVaultI
getHandle(InputStream, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
Returns a ManagedFileI for reading binary data from the given InputStream and storing it as BLOB of the BO with the passed Id
getHandle(InputStream, Long, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getHandle(InputStream, Long, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
getHandle(InputStream, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestClientFileVault
getHandle(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestClientFileVault
getHandleForPullDuringSync(BLOBLoaderI, long, String, Long, Long, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getHandleForPullDuringSync(BLOBLoaderI, long, String, Long, Long, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
getHandleForPushDuringSync(Long, boolean, Long, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getHandleForPushDuringSync(Long, boolean, Long, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
getHandleForReceivingBLOBOnServerSide(ObjectInput, long, String, Long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ClientFileVault
getHandleForReceivingBLOBOnServerSide(ObjectInput, long, String, Long, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.FileVaultI
getHandleForReceivingBLOBOnServerSide(ObjectInput, long, String, Long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getHandleForRemoveBLOB(String, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ClientFileVault
getHandleForRemoveBLOB(String, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.FileVaultI
getHandleForRemoveBLOB(String, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getHandleForRemoveBLOB(String, Long, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getHandleForRemoveBLOB(String, Long, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
getHandleForUndoBLOBChangeOnServerSide(String, String, Long, Long, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ClientFileVault
getHandleForUndoBLOBChangeOnServerSide(String, String, Long, Long, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.FileVaultI
getHandleForUndoBLOBChangeOnServerSide(String, String, Long, Long, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getHandleSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderCoercingObjectInputStream
getHash() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFile
getHash() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFileI
getHash() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
getHashForBytes(String, byte[]) - Static method in class
getHashForFile(String, File) - Static method in class
getHashFromBytes(String, byte[]) - Static method in class
Calculates a hash in hex for a given byte-array
from a MessageDigest with the specified algorithm
getHashVal() - Method in class
getHeader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatter
getHeader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGrouped
getHeader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedHTML
getHeader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedPlain
getHeader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterHTML
getHeader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterPlain
getHeader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterSummarizedPlain
getHeaderAsString(Throwable) - Method in class
getHeaderRenderer() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getHeapMemoryUsage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getHebtAblehnenPotenziellAufFuer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.RechteZuweisung
getHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyBildImage
getHeight(ImageObserver) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyBildImage
getHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopTaskbar
getHeight() - Method in class
getHeightForWidth(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getHeightSpec(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getHeightSpec(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getHideForNullBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getHighestBPId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getHighestBPId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMGpsDevice
getHighestCoreId() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getHoldability() - Method in class
Retrieves the current holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object.
getHoldability() - Method in class
getHorizontalAlignment(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getHorizontalScrollBarPolicy() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getHost() - Method in class
getHost(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
getHost() - Method in class
getHostname() - Static method in class
Determines and returns hostname of the current machine.
getHourOfDay(Date) - Static method in class
getHourOfDayAsInt(Date) - Static method in class
Returns an int with the hour of day of the given date, -1 if the given date is null
getHoursPerYear(int) - Static method in class
Returns the number of hours in a given year, regarding if it is a leap-year or not.
getHSpaceDist() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getHTMLData() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTransferable
Fetch the data in a text/html format
getHTMLFromColor(Color) - Static method in class
Returns the html value for the given Color>
getHTMLMessage() - Method in exception
getHumanReadableIndexType(int) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getHumanReadablePropertyScope(byte) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns a human readable String describing the passed Transaction property scope.
getHyperlinkListener() - Static method in class
getIcon() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getIcon(String, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns an ImageIcon taken from the theme the user selected and for the passed
name with a fitting size for the passed tip.
getIcon(String, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns an ImageIcon taken from the theme the user selected for the passed
name with a fitting size, derived from the provided context object.
getIcon(String, Object, Color) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Retrieves an icon from this theme with a size appropriate for the given context object, and optional color.
getIcon(String, Object, Color, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Retrieves an icon from this theme with a size appropriate for the given context object, and optional color and underlay.
getIcon(String, Object, IconDisplayContext) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns an ImageIcon taken from the theme the user selected for the passed
name with a fitting size, considering both the context object and the explicit context.
getIcon(String, Object, IconDisplayContext, Color) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Retrieves an icon from this theme with a size determined by the given context, and optional color.
getIcon(String, Object, IconDisplayContext, Color, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Retrieves an icon from this theme with a size determined by the given context, and optional color and underlay.
getIcon(String, Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns an ImageIcon taken from the theme the user selected for the passed
name with a fitting size, derived from the provided context object.
getIcon(String, Object, String, Color) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Retrieves an icon from this theme with a size determined by the given context and configuration, and optional color.
getIcon(String, Object, String, Color, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Retrieves an icon from this theme with a size determined by the given context and configuration, and optional color and underlay.
getIcon(String, Object, IconDisplayContext, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns an ImageIcon taken from the theme the user selected for the passed
name with a fitting size, considering both the context object and the explicit context.
getIcon(String, Object, IconDisplayContext, String, Color) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Retrieves an icon from this theme with a size determined by the given context and configuration, and optional color.
getIcon(String, Object, IconDisplayContext, String, Color, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Retrieves an icon from this theme with a size determined by the given context and configuration, and optional color and underlay.
getIcon() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getIcon() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getIcon(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getIcon(String, Color) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getIcon(String, Color, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getIcon(String, IconDisplayContext) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getIcon(String, IconDisplayContext, Color) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getIcon(String, IconDisplayContext, Color, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getIcon(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getIcon(String, String, Color) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getIcon(String, String, Color, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getIcon(String, IconDisplayContext, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getIcon(String, IconDisplayContext, String, Color) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getIcon(String, IconDisplayContext, String, Color, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getIcon() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
getIcon(String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getIcon(String, Object, IconDisplayContext, String, Color, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getIcon(String) - Static method in class
getIconByConstantName(String, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns an ImageIcon taken from the theme the user selected and for the passed
constant-name with a fitting size for the passed tip.
getIconByConstantName(String, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns an ImageIcon taken from the theme the user selected for the passed
constant-name with a fitting size, derived from the provided context object.
getIconByConstantName(String, Object, IconDisplayContext) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns an ImageIcon taken from the theme the user selected for the passed
constant-name with a fitting size, considering both the context object and the explicit context.
getIconByConstantName(String, Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns an ImageIcon taken from the theme the user selected for the passed
constant-name with a fitting size, derived from the provided context object.
getIconByConstantName(String, Object, IconDisplayContext, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns an ImageIcon taken from the theme the user selected for the passed
constant-name with a fitting size, considering both the context object and the explicit context.
getIconByConstantName(String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getIconByConstantName(String, Object, IconDisplayContext, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getIconColor() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
getIconContextObject() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getIconContextObject() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getIconHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
getIconWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
getId() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.blob.MissingBLOBException
getId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
getId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getId() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOMonitoringAlarmI
getId() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotifiableI
getId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Synchable
copyFrom kopiert das uebergebene Synchable-Objekt in das eigene Objekt hinein.
getId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
getId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
getId() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.ObjectNotPersistentException
getId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
Retrieves the ID associated with this session, or returns null if none is
set for this session yet.
getId() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getId() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getId() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.AbstractIdentifiableGDPRConfiguration
Returns the unique identifier for this GDPR configuration element.
getId() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.Identifiable
Gets the internal Id of this Identifiable.
getId() - Method in interface
getId() - Method in class
getIdAlarm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
getIdBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
getIdBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyBOReference
getIdBOT() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
getIdBOTBOSubclass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.BOFactory
getIdCB() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinArgumentTemplate
getIdList(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getIdList(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getIdList(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
Searches for BOs using a fulltext search and returns the IDs of matching
BOs as an array of longs.
getIdList(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getIdList(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getIdList(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getIdList(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getIdList(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getIdListAsString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getIdListAsString(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getIdListAsString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
Searches for BOs using a fulltext search and returns the IDs of matching
getIdListAsString(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getIdListAsString(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getIdListAsString(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getIdListAsString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getIdListAsString(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getIdOfBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
getIdRange(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractKeyGenerator
getIdRange(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getIdRange(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getIdRange(long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManI
getIdRange(long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getIdRange(long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getIdRange(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getIdRange(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
getIdRange(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getIdRange(long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
getIdRange(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getIdRange(long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getIdTable() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
getImage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getImage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
getImageData() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getImageForJasperReport(int, int, float) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getImageIcon() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getImageIcon(BO) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getImageIcon(BO, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getImageIcon(BO, int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getImageIcon(BO, int, int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getImageIcon(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getImageIcon(int, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getImageLoadStatus() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
getImageObserver() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
getImageType() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getImplementedSchemaInterfaces() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
Return all implemented interfaces as SchemaInterfaceI objects, from which further information may be obtained.
getImplementedSchemaInterfaces() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
Return all implemented interfaces as SchemaInterfaceI objects, from which further information may be obtained.
getImplementedSchemaInterfaces() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getImplementedSchemaInterfaces() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingEntity
getImports() - Method in class
getIn() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
getIn() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Exposes the underlying SecureObjectInputI.
getIncludedBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getIncludedBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
getIncludedBOIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getIncludedBOIds(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getIncludedBOIds(Class<? extends BOI>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getIncludedBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getIncludedBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
getIncludedBOsFiltered() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns an array with all included BOs, but only of the passed class or subclasses of that.
getIncludedBOsFiltered(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getIncludedBOsFiltered(Class<? extends BOI>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getIncludeDeleted() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
getIncludeElementText() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
Generates a include command displayed in the View 'Sonstiges' of the Codebaustein.
getIncoming() - Method in class
getIncomingEdges() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getIncomingEdges() - Method in interface
getIndex() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getIndex() - Method in enum
getIndexDeletedBOsOld() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer
getIndexDeletedBOsOld() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
getIndexedForFTS() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getIndexedForFTS() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getIndexedForFTS() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getIndexedForFTS() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getIndexedForFTS() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getIndexedForFTS() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getIndexedForFTS() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getIndexEntitiesIndexer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMGpsDevice
getIndexesForTableJDBC(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQL
getIndexingListener() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer
getIndexingListener() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
getIndexLmod() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
getIndexLmod() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
getIndexLmod() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsPartial
getIndexLmod(EntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexingListenerI
getIndexLmod(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
getIndexLmod(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMGpsDevice
From interface IndexingListenerI.
getIndexLmodsAsString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
getIndexOfChild(Object, Object) - Method in class
getIndexOfCommonLetters(String, String) - Static method in class
getIndexOfCommonLetters(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
getIndexType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the index type of this CBOAttribute
if type is INDEX_TYPE_AUTO the index type will be resolved by
checking the lowinstancecount of a relation if exists
getIndexType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getIndexType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
getIndexType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getIndexTypeString() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
getInfo() - Method in class
getInfo(int) - Static method in exception
getInfo() - Method in class
getInfoEvent(String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getInfoEvent(String, String, Object) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getInfoSlowQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
getInifileName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
getInifileName() - Method in class
getInifileTimestamp() - Method in class
getInitialAvailableLocalesForUserInterface() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getInitialAvailableLocalesForUserInterface() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getInitialAvailableLocalesForUserInterface() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getInitialdata() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getInitialdataConstantName(Initialdata, String) - Static method in enum
getInitialDataGenerator() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.StartupConfiguration
getInitialdataReader() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
getInitialFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
getInitialFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getInitialFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getInitialFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
getInitialFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
getInitialFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
getInitialFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getInitialFocus(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getInitialFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getInitialFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
getInitialFocus() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.InitialFocusCandidateI
getInjectBOLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
_THE_ central query class as interfaced from MyTISM.
getInputStream() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.BLOBFetcher
getInputStream() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFile
getInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFile
getInputStream() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFileI
getInsets(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getInstance(File, File, File, File, File) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getInstance(DBManLocalI, Rexx) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getInstance(DBManLocalI, Rexx, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getInstance(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinStorage
getInstance(BOLoaderI, DBManEventProviderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinStorage
getInstance(Long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getInstance(Long, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getInstance() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.JavaImp
getInstance(Locale) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getInstance(Locale, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getInstance(Locale, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getInstance(Locale, boolean, boolean, BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getInstance(Transaction, Benutzer) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresseEmail
getInstance(Transaction, Benutzer, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresseEmail
getInstance(Transaction, Benutzer, String, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresseEmail
getInstance(Transaction, Benutzer, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresseEmail
getInstance(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresseEmail
getInstance(Transaction, Benutzer, String, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresseFax
getInstance(Transaction, Benutzer, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresseFax
getInstance(Transaction, Benutzer, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresseSolstice
getInstance(Transaction, Benutzer, int, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresseSolstice
getInstance(MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag, Transaction, CoreBO, Collection) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getInstance(MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag, Transaction, CoreBO, Collection, Collection) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getInstance(MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag, Transaction, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getInstance(MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag, Transaction, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getInstance(MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag, Transaction, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getInstance(MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag, Transaction, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getInstance(MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag, Transaction, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getInstance(MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag, Transaction, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getInstance(MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag, Transaction, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int, int, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getInstance(Transaction, String, Collection, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, MyTISMBenachrichtigungsVorlage, CoreBO, Collection) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, MyTISMBenachrichtigungsVorlage, CoreBO, Collection, Collection) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, MyTISMBenachrichtigungsVorlage, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, MyTISMBenachrichtigungsVorlage, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, MyTISMBenachrichtigungsVorlage, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, MyTISMBenachrichtigungsVorlage, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, MyTISMBenachrichtigungsVorlage, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, MyTISMBenachrichtigungsVorlage, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, MyTISMBenachrichtigungsVorlage, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int, int, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, boolean, String, boolean, CoreBO, Collection, Collection) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, boolean, String, boolean, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, boolean, String, boolean, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, boolean, String, boolean, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, boolean, String, boolean, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, boolean, String, boolean, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, boolean, String, boolean, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, boolean, String, boolean, CoreBO, Collection, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int, int, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, NotifiableI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, NotifiableI, CoreBO) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, NotifiableI, CoreBO, Collection) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, NotifiableI, CoreBO, Collection, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, NotifiableI, CoreBO, Collection, Map, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, NotifiableI, CoreBO, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, NotifiableI, CoreBO, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, NotifiableI, CoreBO, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, NotifiableI, CoreBO, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, NotifiableI, CoreBO, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int, int, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, String, CoreBO) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, String, CoreBO, Collection) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, String, CoreBO, Collection, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, String, CoreBO, Collection, Map, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, String, CoreBO, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, String, CoreBO, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, String, CoreBO, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, String, CoreBO, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(Transaction, String, String, String, CoreBO, Collection, Map, Map, L10nLocale, Integer, int, int, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getInstance(InputStream) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MytismIcon
getInstance(InputStream, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MytismIcon
getInstance(InputStream, int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MytismIcon
getInstance(byte[]) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MytismIcon
getInstance(byte[], int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MytismIcon
getInstance(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MytismIcon
getInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.NullAggregate
getInstance(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getInstance(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getInstance(BOLoaderI, String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getInstance(BOLoaderI, SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getInstance(BOLoaderI, SchemaI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getInstance(BOLoaderI, SchemaI, String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getInstance(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManBootstrapHelper
getInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManBootstrapHelper
getInstance(Long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBLOBChangeEvent
getInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBLOBChangeEventFilter
getInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(Class) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(Class, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(Class, boolean, ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(Class, boolean, ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI, short) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(Class, ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(Class, ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI, short) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(Class, ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI, short, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI, short) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(Class[]) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(Class[], boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(Class[], boolean, ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(Class[], boolean, ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI, short) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(Class[], ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance(Class[], ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI, short) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilter
(See constructor)
getInstance(int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilter
getInstance(int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilter
getInstance(int, int, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilter
getInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilterLog4j
getInstance(int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilterLog4j
getInstance(int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilterLog4j
getInstance(int, int, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilterLog4j
getInstance(int, int, String, String[]) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilterLog4j
getInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEventFilter
getInstance(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEventFilter
getInstance(String, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEventFilter
getInstance(String, int, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEventFilter
getInstance(String, int, String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEventFilter
getInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEventFilter
getInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEventFilter
getInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManSessionEventFilter
getInstance(ServiceInstanceI, Element, ServiceI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicy
Parses the XML Configuration element and returns the ExecutionPolicy defined for it.
getInstance() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendServerFactory
getInstance(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
getInstance(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
getInstance(BOLoaderI, SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
getInstance(BOLoaderI, SchemaI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
getInstance(TestBOLoaderV2) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransactionV2
getInstance(TestBOLoaderV2, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransactionV2
getInstance(TestBOLoaderV2, SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransactionV2
getInstance(TestBOLoaderV2, SchemaI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransactionV2
getInstance(String, Benutzer, String, String, byte[], int) - Static method in class
Creates an AuthToken with given Benutzer object, a machine and document identifier,
a not-to-encrypt auxiliary data and a validity in seconds, persisting and returning it.
getInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.GUIBenutzerNameComparator
getInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNodeComparator
getInstance(BenanntPath, BOLoaderI, SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
This method basically exists as a replacement for "new PaintGroovyScript(...)"
getInstance(BenanntPath, BOLoaderI, SchemaI, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getInstance(BenanntPath, BOLoaderI, SchemaI, int, Logger) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getInstance(BenanntPath, BOLoaderI, SchemaI, int, Logger, BO) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getInstance(BenanntPath, BOLoaderI, SchemaI, int, Logger, BO, IScrollPane) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getInstance(BenanntPath, BOLoaderI, SchemaI, int, Logger, BO, IScrollPane, ClientContextI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getInstance(BenanntPath, BOLoaderI, SchemaI, int, Logger, BO, IScrollPane, ClientContextI, FormContextI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getInstance(BenanntPath, BOLoaderI, SchemaI, int, Logger, BO, IScrollPane, ClientContextI, FormContextI, FormElementI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.PSTEntriesComparator
getInstance(String, SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.AggregateFunctionFactory
getInstance(String, SchemaI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.AggregateFunctionFactory
getInstance(InstrumentingEntity, AttributeI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingAttribute
getInstance(InstrumentingSchemaI, EntityI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingEntity
getInstance(SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getInstance(InstrumentingSchema, Element) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getInstance(InstrumentingSchema, Element, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getInstance(InstrumentingSchema, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getInstance(InstrumentingSchema, Map, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getInstance(String, boolean) - Static method in class
First tries to parse the given _str as XML and if this works out uses the
getInstance( Element ) method to create a script instance (return mode
'result' will be ignored); if parsing fails assumes _str is the script
source directly and will use the second getInstance() method.
getInstance(Element) - Static method in class
zu dieser methode, von thomas:
"also es wird im rahmen der simulation bei konplott benutzt. allerdings nur mit returns = script.
getInstance(String, String, boolean, List<ScriptImport>) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, String, boolean, List<ScriptImport>, String) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, List<ScriptImport>) - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance(String) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, String) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, String, boolean, AbstractScript) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, String, boolean, AbstractScript, ClassLoader) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, String, boolean, AbstractScript, ClassLoader, Map) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, String, boolean, AbstractScript, ClassLoader, Map, List<ScriptImport>) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, String, boolean, AbstractScript, ClassLoader, Map, List<ScriptImport>, Class) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, String, boolean, AbstractScript, ClassLoader, Map, List<ScriptImport>, Class, String) - Static method in class
getInstance(String) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, String) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
getInstance(File, Class, String, String, String) - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance(String) - Static method in class
Constructor is private, because the superclass SimpleDateFormat will set some properties on constructor
while we still have to extract timezone, locale and other inband information out of the pattern.
getInstance(String, Locale) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, Locale, TimeZone) - Static method in class
getInstance(String) - Static method in class
getInstance(String, Locale) - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
Call this method to create-or-reuse a string builder instance.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class
Call this method to create-or-reuse an empty string builder instance,
and immediately append the given string for convenience.
getInstance(XBaseTable, RandomAccessFile) - Static method in class
getInstanceByTemplateTid(Transaction, String, Collection, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getInstanceForClass(Class<? extends BOI>) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getInstanceForClass(Class<? extends BOI>, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getInstanceForClass(BOLoaderI, Class<? extends BOI>) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getInstanceForClass(BOLoaderI, Class<? extends BOI>, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getInstanceForFormReload(SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getInstanceForJunitTesting(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getInstanceForTests(SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getInstanceFromCCL(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getInstanceFromCCL(String, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getInstanceName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getInstanceName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManagerI
getInstanceName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getInstanceName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
getInstanceName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getInstanceName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getInstanceName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestInitSession
getInstanceName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getInstanceName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionInfo
getInstances() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getInstanceSpecificLocale() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transliterator
Returns the Locale for this Transliterator instance, defaulting to the default Locale set in the L10n class.
getInstanceSpecificLocale() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransliteratorI
getInstanceSpecificPaths() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transliterator
Returns the paths (l10n bundles, classes) to use for l10n look-up.
getInstanceSpecificPaths() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransliteratorI
getInstanz() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
getInstanz() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getInstanz(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getInstanz() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
getInstanz() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManagerI
Returns instance name for the current MyTISM instance.
getInstream() - Method in class
getInstrumentedInstance(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
Creates a CachingBOLoader instance with an instrumented schema which allows to dynamically add new virtual attributes.
getInstrumentedSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getInstrumentingSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
getInt(Rexx) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
int aus Rexx, ignoriert Nachkommastellen
getInt() - Method in class
getInt(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC INTEGER parameter as an int in the Java programming language.
getInt(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC INTEGER parameter as an int in the Java programming language.
getInt(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as an int in the Java programming language.
getInt(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as an int in the Java programming language.
getInt(String) - Static method in class
getInt(String, int) - Static method in class
getIntegerValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getIntegerValue(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getIntegerValue(Benutzer, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getIntegrityCheckGenerator() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.StartupConfiguration
getIntercellSpacingX() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getIntercellSpacingY() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getInterface(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getInterface(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Returns the SchemaInterfaceI
for the passed name.
getInterface(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getInterfaces() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getInterfaces() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getInterfaces() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Returns a collection of all interfaces defined in the schema.
getInterfaces() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getInternalHGap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getInternalVGap() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getInternetAddress() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getInternetAddress() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresseEmail
getInterpreter() - Method in class
getInterrupt() - Method in class
getInterval() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
getIntObject(String) - Static method in class
getIntObject(String, Integer) - Static method in class
getInvolvedInProcs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getInvolvedInProcsIterator() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getIs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderCoercingObjectInputStream
getIsInbetweenRunning() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getISONameFull() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getIstAngemeldet() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Tells if this Benutzer is currently logged in.
getIstAsciidocReport() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
getIstAutomatikNN() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ParameterizedStrukturI
FIXME TH 2022-08-22: remove?
getIstZeitumstellungSommerNachWinter(Date) - Static method in class
getIstZeitumstellungWinterNachSommer(Date) - Static method in class
getItem(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ListNode
getItem() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.FComboBoxEditor
Converts current editor editable value (a String here) into ComboBox entry
and returns it.
getItemAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getItemAttribute() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getItemCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ListNode
getItemEnd() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatter
getItemEnd() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGrouped
getItemEnd(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGrouped
getItemEnd() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedHTML
getItemEnd() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedPlain
getItemEnd() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterHTML
getItemEnd() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterPlain
getItemEnd() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterSummarizedPlain
getItemProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getItemProperty() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getItemProperty() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getItemProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getItemProperty() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
getItemProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getItemProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getItemProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getItemStart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatter
getItemStart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGrouped
getItemStart(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGrouped
getItemStart(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedHTML
getItemStart(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedPlain
getItemStart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterHTML
getItemStart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterPlain
getItemStart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterSummarizedPlain
getIterator(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeAccessorI
getJasperPrint() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
getJavaClass() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.ValueType
getJavaClass() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
The not null type/Class of the field in the Java object (the MyTISM BO).
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DecimalType
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getJavaClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.XMLType
getJavaClassFQNForImport() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
Return the fully qualified java class name in an import [result] compatible for.
getJavaClassnameForCode() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
Return the java class name as used in fields declarations with this class.
getJavaCodeGen(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getJavaCodeGen(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getJavaCodeGen(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getJavaCodeGen(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getJavaCodeGen(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getJavaSyntaxImports(List) - Method in class
getJavaSyntaxImports(List, boolean) - Method in class
getJcomp() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getJComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getJComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getJComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getJComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
getJComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getJComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getJComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
getJComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FInputPanel
getJComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
getJComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
getJComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FText
getJComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getJComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
getJComponent() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getJdbcConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
getJDBCConnection() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseAccessorI
Returns a JDBC connection for direct access to the DBManLocalIs underlying
getJdbcConnection() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
getJDBCConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
getJdbcDriver() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
Custom class for an exception which sould be signalled in the closure of a save-procedure of cauldron.
getJdbcDriver() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getJdbcPass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getJdbcPass() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getJdbcType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
Type/Class that the JDBC driver returns for the column/field.
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DecimalType
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getJdbcType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.XMLType
getJdbcUrl() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getJdbcUrl() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getJdbcUrlFromConf() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getJdbcUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getJdbcUser() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getJlabel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getJMenu() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getJMenu() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getJoin(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryNameSpace
getJp() - Method in class
getJRootPane() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getJRootPane() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getJToolBar() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getJustification() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getJVMPid() - Static method in class
Returns the Pid of the current JVM instance.
getKeepAliveInterval() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
getKeepAliveInterval() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns the current keep-alive interval of the underlying output or -1 if no keep-alive is possible or active there.
getKeepAliveTimeout() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getKeepClasses() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderRegistration
getKeepEntities() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderRegistration
getKernel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
getKernelDatabaseAccessor() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
getKernelDatabaseAccessor() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.alarm.BOMonitoringAlarmHandlerI
getKernelDatabaseSaver() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
getKernelModule() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.HandleEventTimerTask
getKernelTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getKernelTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getKernelTime() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getKernelTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CollidingBPQueryClauseBuilder
Generates a unique key for this `CollidingBPQueryClauseBuilder`.
getKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.EventMessage
getKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
getKey(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DoubleList
Returns an object in this DoubleList
getKey(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DoubleList
Returns the object corresponding to the given object
getKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
getKey() - Method in class
getKeyAttributeName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.cache.CacheKeyCalculatorI
Returns the attribute name of the attribute, the value of which is taken as key for caching a value.
getKeyAttributeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.SingleAttributeCacheKeyCalculator
getKeyForBackend() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventSubscription
getKeyForBackend() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventSubscriptionI
getKeyImage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TOTPSchluessel
getKeyImage(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TOTPSchluessel
getKeyName(Class, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeCellRenderer
getKeyName(Class, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeCellRenderer
getKeyName(Class, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.PolymorphicTemplateSelectionTreeCellRenderer
getKeys() - Method in class
For verification we need all keys, copied for safety's sake.
getKeyUri() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TOTPSchluessel
getKindFromString(String) - Static method in class
returns internal int type of the given String.
getKnown(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWithCacheI
getKnown(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWithCacheI
getKnown(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
getKnown(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
getKnown(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns the cached BO with this id.
getKnown(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getKnownBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns an unmodifiable map with all known BOs.
getKnownBOs(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getKnownBOs(Class<? extends BOI>, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getKnownFtxs() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getKnownFtxs() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getKnownFtxs() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getKontextBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getKurztext(String) - Static method in class
Returns a string that is at most maxLength characters long without trailing punctuation
or whitespace, and with an ellipsis (...) appended if the string really was shortened.
getKurztext(String, int) - Static method in class
getL10nBeschreibung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
getL10nBeschreibung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueUrgency
getL10nBundle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
getL10nEntityName(BO[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
getL10nEntityName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getL10nEntityName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getL10nEntityName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getL10nEntityName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getL10nFolderPathElements(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.OrdnerFactory
getL10nMessage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.EventMessage
getL10nName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
getL10nName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getL10nName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel
getL10nName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueUrgency
getL10nName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getL10nName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getL10nName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the localizated name of this CBOAttribute by his name key
getL10nName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getL10nName(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getL10nName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the translated name for the current EntityI using L10nBundles
getL10nName(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the translated name for the current EntityI using L10nBundles
getL10nName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getL10nName(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getL10nName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getL10nName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getL10nName(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getL10nNameKey() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getL10nNameKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getL10nNameKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the name key of this CBOAttribute
if its no manyrelation or
readonly, elseway it returns the singular + '-s'
getL10nNameKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getL10nNameKey() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns an L10n message key for the name of the current EntityI
without spaces and not permitted characters.
getL10nNameKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getL10nNameKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getL10nNameKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getL10nNameVar() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getL10nNameVar() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getL10nNameVar() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns a localizable String
for the name of this
getL10nNameVar() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getL10nNameVar() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the L10n variable for the name of the current EntityI
getL10nNameVar() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getL10nNameVar() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getL10nNameVar() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getL10nPack(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getL10nPack(String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getL10nPack(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getL10nPack(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.L10nCache
getL10nPack(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getL10nPack(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getL10nPack(String, String) - Method in class
getL10nPack(String, String) - Method in interface
getL10nPackPreload(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getL10nPackPreload(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.BackendL10nProviderI
getL10nPackPreload(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.L10nCache
getL10nPackPreload(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getL10nPackPreload(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getL10nPacks(String[], String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getL10nPacks(String[], Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getL10nPacks(String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getL10nPacks(String[], String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.L10nCache
getL10nPacks(String[], String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getL10nPacks(String[], String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getL10nPacks(String[], String) - Method in class
getL10nPacks(String[], String) - Method in interface
getL10nPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getL10nPath(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getL10nPath() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManagerI
getL10nPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.L10nCache
getL10nPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getL10nPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getL10nPath() - Method in class
getL10nPath() - Method in interface
getL10nPlural() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getL10nPlural() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getL10nPlural(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getL10nPlural() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the translated name for the current EntityI as plural using L10nBundles
getL10nPlural(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the translated singular name for the current EntityI as plural using L10nBundles
getL10nPlural() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getL10nPlural(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getL10nPlural() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getL10nPlural(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getL10nPluralKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getL10nPluralKey() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns an L10n message key for the name of the current EntityI as plural
without spaces and not permitted characters
getL10nPluralKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getL10nPluralKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getL10nPluralVar() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getL10nPluralVar() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the L10n variable for the name of the current EntityI as plural
getL10nPluralVar() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getL10nPluralVar() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getL10nProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getL10nProvider() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getL10nSingular() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getL10nSingular() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getL10nSingular() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the localizated singular of this CBOAttribute
getL10nSingular() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getL10nSingularKey() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getL10nSingularKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getL10nSingularKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the singular key of this CBOAttribute
for localisation
getL10nSingularKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getL10nSingularVar() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getL10nSingularVar() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getL10nSingularVar() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns a localizable String
for the singular key of this
getL10nSingularVar() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getL10nViaString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getL10nViaString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.L10nCache
getL10nViaString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getL10nViaString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getL10nViaString() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getL10nViaString() - Method in class
getL10nViaString() - Method in interface
getLabel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getLabelBackground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getLabelClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
getLabelComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
getLabelForeground() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getLabelOpen() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
getLanguage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Script
getLanguage() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
getLanguage(Element) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FScript
getLanguage() - Method in class
getLanguage() - Method in class
getLanguage() - Method in class
getLanguageSeperatedByDash(String, int) - Static method in class
this method takes a String where the languages are seperated by |
it returns the _lang'th language of this string, beginning at 1
getLast() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
getLastActiveFrameComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getLastActiveFrameComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
getLastActiveFrameComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSDIManager
getLastActiveFrameComponent() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getLastActivity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getLastActivity(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getLastActivity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getLastActivity(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getLastActivity(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getLastActivity() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getLastActivity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getLastActivity() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getLastAssessmentDate() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Returns the date of the last assessment of the data retention policy.
getLastDayOfMonth(Date) - Static method in class
Returns a Date being the last day of month and year of the given date.
getLastDayOfMonth(Date, boolean) - Static method in class
getLastDayOfNextMonth(Date) - Static method in class
Returns a Date object representing the last day of the month after the given date.
getLastDayOfNextMonth(Date, boolean) - Static method in class
getLastDayOfPreviousMonth(Date) - Static method in class
Returns a Date object representing the last day of the month before the given date.
getLastDayOfPreviousMonth(Date, boolean) - Static method in class
getLastDayOfYear(int) - Static method in class
Returns a Date object representing the last day of the year represented by the passed int, stripped of time.
getLastDayOfYear(Date) - Static method in class
Returns a Date object representing the last day of the year of the passed date, stripped of time.
getLastFElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getLastHandledBTId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.bthandler.BTsHandler
getLastHandledId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
getLastItem() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getLastItem(BO[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getLastItemNumber() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getLastItemNumber(BO[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getLastLocalSaveTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getLastLookup() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getLastModified() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
getLastModified() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConfChangeEvent
getLastModifiedBy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the user in the transaction of the most recent BP that affected
this BO or null if the BO is still new and unsaved.
getLastNetworkActivity() - Method in class
getLastNetworkActivity() - Method in interface
Returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT regarding the last network activity on this ObjectDataOutputI.
getLastNLines(File) - Static method in class
Returns the last n lines of a file
Is used when user reports a bug.
getLastNLines(File, int) - Static method in class
getLastNLines(File, int, boolean) - Static method in class
getLastNLines(String, int) - Static method in class
Extracts the last n lines from the input string.
getLastPathPart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getLastRefreshRequest() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getLastSuccessfulSync() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getLastUsed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
getLastUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.UserNavigationSubCategory
getLastUsername() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode
getLatency() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getLatencyClientToServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportProtocolServerClientChallengeResponse
getLatencyServerToClient() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportProtocolServerClientChallengeResponse
getLatestSavepoint(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Get the latest valid (read:youngest) savepoint filed under the given owner
getLatitude() - Method in class
getLaws() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Returns the collection of laws associated with this data retention policy.
getLazy(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeAccessorI
getLazyChanges() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
getLazyData() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getLazyData() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.LazyDataProviderI
getLazyStruktur(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getLazyStruktur(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getLazyStruktur(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getLcdEnt() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
getLdel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Synchable
getLdel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
getLeaf() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementPath
getLeastEffortBOMaskeComparator() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
getLeastEffortRechteZuweisungComparator() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
getLeastRecentIndexLmod() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
getLeftBound() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getLeftBound() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
getLeftOperand() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.BinaryExpressionNode
getLegalBases() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.ProcessingPurpose
Returns the collection of processing legal bases associated with this data category.
getLength() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFile
getLength() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFileI
getLength() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
getLength() - Method in class
getLength() - Method in class
getLengthForLine(int) - Method in class
getLevel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getLevel() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.DefaultSortDefinitionEntry
Returns the sorting level
getLevelString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getLhalign() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getLicense(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
getLicense(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
getLicense(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManagerI
Returns the currently active License for feature _feature or null if no
such license is available.
getLicense(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManagerI
getLicenseStringFromUserString(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.LicenseImportExport
Retrieves the encrypted compact license string from the given user string
_str, ignoring the "header data".
getLimit() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.InterpretedOQLQueryI
getLimit() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
getLimitPart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
getLine(boolean) - Method in class
getLineBorder() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getLineColor() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getLineLength() - Method in class
getLineOffset() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
getLineOffset() - Method in class
getLineOffset() - Method in class
getLinePostfix() - Method in class
getLinePostfixForLine(int) - Method in class
getLinePrefix() - Method in class
getLinePrefixForLine(int) - Method in class
getLinesCount(String) - Static method in class
Convenience frontend for getLinesCount( File ).
getLinesCount(File) - Static method in class
Determines and returns the number of lines of a (text) file.
getLink() - Method in class
getLinkOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getLinkOnly() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Checks if the linkOnly-flag is set for this EntityI
or one of its base EntityI-s.
getLinkOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getList() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.MultipleMatchingBOsException
getListCellRendererComponent(JList, Object, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.FComboBoxRenderer
getListener() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventSubscription
getListTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getListTitle() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
getLizenz() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getLizenzFuerImport() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
getLmod() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getLmod(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getLmod() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Synchable
getLmod() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
getLmod() - Method in class
getLoadAverage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getLoader() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
getLoadingBackgroundForRow(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableBooleanColumnRenderer
getLoadingBackgroundForRow(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumnRenderer
getLoadingTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the Transaction this BO has been loaded by or is included in.
getLocale() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getLocale() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
Get the
to be used for localizing the "Betreff" and
"Text" templates.
getLocale() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getLocale() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getLocale() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.locale.LocalesWrapper
getLocale() - Method in interface
getLocale() - Method in class
getLocale() - Method in class
getLocale() - Method in class
The following properties are intentionally not simply defined as indirect,
because the setter should return the pack itself, as I don't want to multiply
out the constructors too much.
getLocale() - Method in class
getLocale1() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
getLocale1Value() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
getLocale2() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
getLocale2Value() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
getLocale3() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
getLocale3Value() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
getLocaleFromString(String) - Static method in class
getLocalFile(File) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
getLocalFile(File) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getLocalFile(File) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getLocalHostAddress() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
getLocalHostAddress() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns the host address for the local part of the connection.
getLocalKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getLocalLastModifiedBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getLocalLmodOfBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getLocalPort() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
getLocalPort() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns the port for the local part of the connection.
getLocalSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getLocalSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManagerI
getLocationInfo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVInputReader
getLocationInfo() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.InputReaderI
getLock() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceInstanceI
getLog() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
getLoggedInSince() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getLoggedInSince(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getLoggedInSince() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getLoggedInSince(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getLoggedInSince(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getLoggedInSince() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getLoggedInSince() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getLoggedInUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getLoggedInUser() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getLogger() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
getLogger() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BOBasierterTerminHandler
getLogger() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.EinfacherTerminHandler
getLogger() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.WiedervorlageHandler
getLogger() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BedingterAlarm
getLogger() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
getLogger() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOMonitoringAlarmI
getLogger() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Wiedervorlage
getLogger() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.TemplateScriptAPI
getLogger() - Method in interface
getLogLevel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getLogLevel() - Method in class
Returns the current log level.
getLogLevel() - Method in class
getLogLevelForDisableAttributeWriteConstraints() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.WriteConstraintsDisabler
Returns the log level to use when logging the disabling of attribute write constraints.
getLogLevelForDisableAttributeWriteConstraints() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.WriteConstraintsOverriderI
Returns the log level to use when logging the disabling of attribute write constraints.
getLogo() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getLogo() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getLogPrefix() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
getLogPrefixForProgress() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getLong(Rexx) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
long aus Rexx
getLong(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC BIGINT parameter as a long in the Java programming language.
getLong(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC BIGINT parameter as a long in the Java programming language.
getLong(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a long in the Java programming language.
getLong(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a long in the Java programming language.
getLong(String) - Static method in class
getLong(String, long) - Static method in class
getLongDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getLongestDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getLongitude() - Method in class
getLongObject(String) - Static method in class
getLongObject(String, Long) - Static method in class
getLongProperty(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getLongsV() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayTestBO
Some random dummy implementation for use in unittests
getLongValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getLongValue(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getLongValue(Benutzer, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getLookup() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
getLookupCaseSensitive() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getLookupCaseSensitive() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getLookupCaseSensitive() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getLookupCaseSensitive() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getLookupProperty() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getLookupProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getLookupProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns a comma-separated list of attributes/attribute chains to be searched during
"fast input"; if the result is unique, the system automatically selects it upon entering
a "fast input".
getLookupProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getLookupStartingWith() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getLookupStartingWith() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getLookupStartingWith() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getLookupStartingWith() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getLookupSubstring() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getLookupSubstring() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getLookupSubstring() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getLookupSubstring() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getLowerFetchLimitId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
getLowestCommonDenominateEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getLowestCommonDenominateEntity() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getLowestCommonDenominateEntity(BOI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getLowestCommonDenominateEntity(BOI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getLowestCommonDenominateEntity(BOI[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getLowestCommonDenominateEntity(BOI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getLvalign() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getMachine() - Method in class
get a textual description of the machine the request came from
getMailId() - Method in class
getMails() - Method in class
getMainFrame() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getMajorVersion() - Method in class
getMajorVersion() - Method in class
Retrieves the driver's major version number.
getMakeLowerCase() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getMakeLowerCase() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
getMakeUpperCase() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getMakeUpperCase() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
getManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
getManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getManager() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
getMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
Returns if this CBOAttribute
is mandatory
getMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Tells if this CBOAttribute
is mandatory
getManyColumn1() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
getManyColumn2() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
getMapping() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
getMapping() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.DataSetI
getMappingBuilder() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getMaskeWithChecks() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAssociatedAlarm
Frontend for getMaske()
which checks if "Maske" is actually set and if it has an "Entitaet" set.
getMaskeWithChecks() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOMonitoringAlarmI
getMatchingStrukturen(EntityI, Gruppe[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.cache.StrukturCacheI
getMatchingStrukturen(EntityI[], Gruppe[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.cache.StrukturCacheI
getMatchingStrukturen(EntityI, Map<Long, Gruppe>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.cache.StrukturCacheI
getMatchingStrukturen(EntityI[], Map<Long, Gruppe>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.cache.StrukturCacheI
getMatchingStrukturen(EntityI[], Gruppe[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getMatchingStrukturen(EntityI[], Gruppe[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServerI
getMaxAllowedEvents() - Method in class
getMaxBPId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
getMaxCount() - Method in class
getMaxCount() - Method in class
getMaxDimension() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getMaxDimension() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
getMaxElements() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getMaxElementsForCategory() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AllUsersNavigationTreeNode
getMaxFieldSize() - Method in class
Retrieves the maximum number of bytes that can be returned for character and binary column values in a ResultSet object produced by this Statement object.
getMaxHeapMemory() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getMaximumInitialWindowWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getMaximumInitialWindowWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
getMaximumSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
getMaximumSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getMaximumSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
getMaxInclusiveLimit() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getMaxInclusiveLimit() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
getMaxInclusiveLimit() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getMaxKeep() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderRegistration
getMaxLength() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getMaxLength() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getMaxLevel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilter
getMaxNonHeapMemory() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getMaxPool() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getMaxPool() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getMaxRowHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getMaxRowHeight() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getMaxRows() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getMaxRows() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getMaxRows() - Method in class
Retrieves the maximum number of rows that a ResultSet object produced by this Statement object can contain.
getMaxSessions() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getMaxSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getMaxSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getMaxSize() - Method in class
getMaxSubCategoriesInCategory() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AllUsersNavigationTreeNode
getMDIElement(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getMDIElement(BO, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getMDIElement(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getMDIElement(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getMDIElement(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
Get the MDIElementI
which is associated with (and thus displays)
the given BO
getMDIElement(BO, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getMDIElement(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
getMDIElement(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
Get the MDIElementI
which is associated with (and thus displays)
the given BO
getMDIElement(BO, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
getMDIElement(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSDIManager
getMDIElement(BO, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSDIManager
getMDIElement(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSDIManager
getMDIElement(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getMDIElement(BO, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getMDIElement(FormContextI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getMDIElementForBO(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getMDIElementForBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getMDIHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
getMDIHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getMDIHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getMDIHeight() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDISizeI
getMDIManager() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getMDIManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getMDIWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
getMDIWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getMDIWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getMDIWidth() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDISizeI
getMeanEvaluationTimeMeasurements() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getMeanEvaluationTimeMicros() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getMediumCommandsTimeoutSeconds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getMediumCommandsTimeoutSeconds() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getMeinPfad() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getMeinPfad(Set) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getMenu(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getMenu(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientMenuManager
getMenu() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getMenu(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getMenuArrayFromActionArray(FormAction[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
returns a StringArray with the Menu-Values from the given FormActionArray
getMenuBar() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientMenuManager
getMenuIcon() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
getMenuitem() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
getMenuKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getMenuTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
getMenuTitle(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
getMessage() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictException
getMessage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
getMessage() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsException
getMessage() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsInLineException
getMessage() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.InitializationException
getMessage() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.ObjectsNotPersistentException
getMessage() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.oql.OQLSyntaxException
getMessage() - Method in exception de.ipcon.form.SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs
Creates a specialized message that lists the conflicting BOs in a customized way.
getMessage() - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.AttributeResolveException
getMessage() - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.ImmutableInstanceException
getMessage(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in exception
getMessage(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, int) - Method in exception
getMessage(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, int, int) - Method in exception
getMessage(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, int, int, boolean) - Method in exception
getMessage() - Method in exception
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in exception
getMessage(String) - Method in class
Returns a standard progress message (FIXME in english only) with all the
info from the current state of this ProgressHandler
getMessage(String, boolean) - Method in class
getMessage(String, boolean, String) - Method in class
getMessage(String) - Method in class
getMessage(String, boolean) - Method in class
getMessage(String, boolean, String) - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in exception
getMessageBus() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getMessageFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getMessagePrefix(BasicAttributeI) - Static method in exception de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinitionException
Generates a human-readable prefix for an `BasicAttributeI`.
getMessagePrefix(BasicEntityI) - Static method in exception de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinitionException
Generates a message prefix for the specified `BasicEntityI`.
getMessagePrefix(SchemaInterfaceI) - Static method in exception de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinitionException
Generates a message prefix for the specified `SchemaInterfaceI`.
getMessagePrefix(GDPRConfigurationElementI) - Static method in exception de.ipcon.schema.GDPRConfigurationElementDefinitionException
Generates a message prefix for the specified `GDPRConfigurationElementI`.
getMessagePrefix(SchemaInterfaceI) - Static method in exception de.ipcon.schema.InterfaceDefinitionException
Generates a message prefix for the specified `SchemaInterfaceI`.
getMessagePrefix(Attribute) - Static method in exception de.ipcon.schema.SchemaDefinitionException
Generates a human-readable prefix for an XML `Attribute`.
getMessagePrefix(Element) - Static method in exception de.ipcon.schema.SchemaDefinitionException
Generates a human-readable prefix for an XML `Element`.
getMessageString(int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolCommandTools
getMessageWithoutBackendPrefix() - Method in class
getMessageWithoutBackendPrefix() - Method in exception
getMetaData() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMGpsDevice
Retrieves and returns the custom meta data stored in the index by the MyTISM
fulltext system; null if none could be found.
getMetaData() - Method in class
Retrieves a DatabaseMetaData object that contains metadata about the database to which this Connection object represents a connection.
getMetaData() - Method in class
Retrieves a ResultSetMetaData object that contains information about the columns of the ResultSet object that will be returned when this PreparedStatement object is executed.
getMetaData() - Method in class
Retrieves the number, types and properties of this ResultSet object's columns.
getMetaDataGenerator() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.StartupConfiguration
getMethod(Class, String) - Static method in class
Convenience version of the standard Java API method which only throws (unchecked) RuntimeExceptions
getMethod(Class, String, Class[]) - Static method in class
getMethod(Class, String, Class[], boolean) - Static method in class
getMethod(Class, String, Class[], boolean, String) - Static method in class
getMethod(Object, String) - Static method in class
Convenience version of the standard Java API method which only throws (unchecked) RuntimeExceptions
getMethod(Object, String, Class[]) - Static method in class
getMethod(Object, String, Class[], boolean) - Static method in class
getMethod(Object, String, Class[], boolean, String) - Static method in class
getMethodname() - Method in exception
getMethodsAnnotatedWith(Class, Class) - Static method in class
Return all methods for a passed class, that were annotated with the respective annotation class.
getMethodsAnnotatedWith(Class, Class, boolean) - Static method in class
getMethodsAnnotatedWith(Object, Class) - Static method in class
Return all methods for the class of the passed object, that were annotated with the respective annotation class.
getMethodsAnnotatedWith(Object, Class, boolean) - Static method in class
getMFAErforderlichViaGruppe() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerMFAAspects
getMFALoginStatus() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerMFAAspects
getMFATodo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerMFAAspects
getMIMEType() - Method in interface
Returns the MIME type for this ObjectsExchangerI.
getMinDelayBetweenLoggingInMs() - Method in class
getMinElements() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getMinElementsForCategory() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AllUsersNavigationTreeNode
getMiniDesc(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
getMiniDesc(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getMiniLog() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
getMinimumSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
getMinimumSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getMinimumSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
getMinimumSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getMinimumSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableBooleanColumnRenderer
getMinimumSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableTextColumnRenderer
Overwritten getMinimumSize() to correctly handle height for HTML content.
getMinInclusiveLimit() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getMinInclusiveLimit() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
getMinInclusiveLimit() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getMinLength() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getMinLength() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getMinLevel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilter
getMinorVersion() - Method in class
getMinorVersion() - Method in class
Gets the driver's minor version number.
getMinPool() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getMinPool() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getMinSearchLength() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getMinSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getMinSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getMinuteAsInt(Date) - Static method in class
Returns an int with the minute of the given date, -1 if the given date is null
getMissingPropertiesPolicy() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getMitScreenshot() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
Retrieves the current state of the "mitScreenshot" flag, which indicates whether or not a screenshot is present.
getMname() - Method in class
getMnemonic() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getMocks() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.ObjectsNotPersistentException
getMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ExportDefinitionEntry
Returns the mode for this export definition entry
getMode() - Method in enum
Returns the integer value representing the rounding mode.
getModel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.FComboBoxEditor
getModel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getModel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getModel() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getModel() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeConfigurationI
getModel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeNode
getModel() - Method in class
getModification() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getModification(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getModification(boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getModificationWithoutBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getModificationWithoutBO(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getModifiers() - Method in class
getModuleIntegrator() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getMonth(Date) - Static method in class
Returns an int with the month of the given date, -1 if the given date is null.
getMonth(Date, boolean) - Static method in class
getMonthsList() - Static method in class
Returns an ordered list of String month representations with 2 digits for usage e.g. in a ComboBox.
getMonthsList(boolean) - Static method in class
getMonthsList(boolean, Date) - Static method in class
getMoreResults() - Method in class
Moves to this Statement object's next result, returns true if it is a ResultSet object, and implicitly closes any current ResultSet object(s) obtained with the method getResultSet.
getMoreResults(int) - Method in class
Moves to this Statement object's next result, deals with any current ResultSet object(s) according to the instructions specified by the given flag, and returns true if the next result is a ResultSet object.
getMostRecentBLOBChangeForBO(BO) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
Returns the most recent BP that affected the given affectedBO or null if no BP
affecting the affectedBO was found.
getMostRecentBLOBChangeForBO(BO, BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getMostRecentForBO(BO) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
Returns the most recent BP that affected the given targetBO or null if no BP
affecting the affectedBO was found.
getMostRecentForBO(BO, BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getMPMHeight(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getMultiClickThreshold() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getMultiClickThreshold() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getMustMatch() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
getMyFView() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getMyManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
getMyManager() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
getMyTISMBildURI() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getN1Depth() - Method in interface
Current depth just regarding n-1 relations
getN1Depth() - Method in class
getNaechsteAusloesung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinfacherTermin
getNaechsteAusloesung(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinfacherTermin
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
Retrieves the name associated with this savepoint.
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.BenutzerI
Returns the name of this BenutzerI
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexEntityImpl
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathPart
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns an identifier for this TransportI.
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.QueryGUIElementI
Gets the name of the filter which is used for a few error messages and in the context of "dependentOn" filters.
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientPlugin
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientMenuManager
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientPluginI
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ConnectionMonitor
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ForcedClientDisconnectWarner
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BenanntNavigationTreeNode
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationItemI
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.notification.ClientNotificationManager
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ServerHealthMonitor
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.ActionI
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
Returns the name of this EntityI instance.
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorI
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ExportDefinitionEntry
Returns the name of this export definition entry
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractCode
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSource
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CastorMapping
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.BenanntTemplate
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinArgumentTemplate
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.DiscriminatorSync
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.IntegrityCheck
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PersistenceCode
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQL
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLFirstNodeStart
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLColumn
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLMapping
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLTable
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.Module
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ModuleProvider
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxgen
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterface
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterfaceI
Returns the name of this SchemaInterfaceI instance.
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SQLColumnI
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SQLMappingI
getName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SQLTableI
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DecimalType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.EmailType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PhoneNumberType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.XMLType
getName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of this StringCache instance.
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of this NamedRunnableI.
getName(Object) - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getNamedArgs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel
getNamedArgs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
getNamedElement(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getNamedElement(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getNamedIntFromMap(Map, String, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getNameForLog() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
implementation containing the standard code to be executed for starting the module.
getNameKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getNameL10nKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
getNameOfSuitableAttributeForClass(Class) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BX
getNameOrigin() - Method in class
getNameSpace() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Parser
the query namespace, which holds information about roots and joins.
getNameSpace() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getNamespace(AttributeI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.ArraySchemaTools
Generates a unique namespace name to be used as name for the virtual entity of the ArrayZeilenDelegate,
which uses this attribute as the only source array.
getNamespace(AttributeI[]) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.ArraySchemaTools
Generates a unique but fixed namespace name for an ordered list of attributes
getNativeNewValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getNativeNewValue() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getNativeNewValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
Returns the NewValue as unmarshalled, native value (such as Integer, String, Date or BO)
rather than the marshalled value returned by getNewValue
getNativeNewValue(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getNativeNewValueDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
For showing the new value in the GUI, use BO describe for BOs, the text of the value otherwise
getNativeOldValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getNativeOldValue() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getNativeOldValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
Returns the OldValue as unmarshalled, native value (such as Integer, String, Date or BO)
rather than the marshalled value returned by getOldValue
getNativeOldValue(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getNativeValue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getNativeValue(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getNativeValue(String, boolean, BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getNavmodel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
getNCharacterStream(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a object in the Java programming language.
getNCharacterStream(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a object in the Java programming language.
getNCharacterStream(int) - Method in class
getNCharacterStream(String) - Method in class
getNClob(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC NCLOB parameter as a java.sql.NClob object in the Java programming language.
getNClob(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC NCLOB parameter as a java.sql.NClob object in the Java programming language.
getNClob(int) - Method in class
getNClob(String) - Method in class
getNetwork(BO, Set<String>, boolean) - Static method in class
This method iterates over the provided BO and returns all currently unlazy relations of the accessible network.
getNetworkAddress() - Static method in class
Determines and returns the external InetAddress
of the current machine
by crawling trough the InetAdresses from NetworkInterface.
getNetworkAddress(boolean) - Static method in class
getNetworkTimeout() - Method in class
getNewBOCount() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcHolderI
Returns the number of new BOs created within this holder.
getNewBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns the number of new BOs created within this Transaction.
getNewBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
getNewBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getNewBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionCanonification
Returns an unmodifiable view of the set of new BOs created during the transaction.
getNewCachingBOLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
Returns a newly built CachingBOLoader
for usage in the context of this KernelModule
getNewestValid(Collection) - Static method in interface
getNewestValid(Collection, Class) - Static method in interface
getNewestValidAfter(Collection, Date) - Static method in interface
getNewestValidAfter(Collection, Date, Class) - Static method in interface
getNewestValidBefore(Collection, Date) - Static method in interface
getNewestValidBefore(Collection, Date, Class) - Static method in interface
getNewFormTransaction() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormTransactionBuilderI
getNewFormTransaction(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormTransactionBuilderI
getNewFormTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
convenience method for getting typical 'form transaction' used throughout the client.
getNewFormTransaction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getNewMyTISMBenachrichtigungInstance() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Could be overwritten by subclasses.
getNewParagraphChar() - Method in class
getNewParm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getNewPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.L10nCacheEvent
getNewTransaction(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getNewTransaction(SchemaI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getNewTransaction(SchemaI, String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getNewTransaction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getNewTransaction(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getNewTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getNewTransaction(TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getNewTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
getNewTransaction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
getNewTransaction() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionBuilderI
getNewTransaction(TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionBuilderI
getNewTransaction(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionBuilderI
getNewTransaction(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionBuilderI
getNewTransaction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalTransactionProvider
getNewTransaction(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalTransactionProvider
getNewTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalTransactionProvider
getNewTransaction(TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalTransactionProvider
getNewTransaction() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.SaveBOImplementationI
Convenience method for getting a new Transaction
getNewTransaction(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.SaveBOImplementationI
Convenience method for getting a new Transaction
getNewTransaction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getNewTransaction(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getNewTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getNewTransaction(TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getNewTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getNewTransaction(TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getNewTransaction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getNewTransaction(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getNewTransaction(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getNewTransaction(BOLoaderI, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getNewTransaction(BOLoaderI, SchemaI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getNewTransaction(BOLoaderI, SchemaI, String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getNewTransaction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getNewTransaction(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getNewTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getNewTransaction(TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionBuilderI
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionBuilderI
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionBuilderI
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionBuilderI
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalTransactionProvider
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalTransactionProvider
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalTransactionProvider
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalTransactionProvider
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(String, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getNewTransactionWithInstrumentedSchema(TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getNewTx(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
Retrieves a new Transaction object, providing a description.
getNewTx() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
Retrieves a new Transaction object.
getNewUserContext() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
Fabrik-Routine fuer Sicherheits-Manager.
getNewUserContext() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getNewValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getNewValue() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getNewValue(BO, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Calculated the new value of the attribute att of the given BO bo.
getNewValue() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AddRemoveEventI
getNewValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute.AddRemoveEvent
getNewValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute.SetValueEvent
getNewValue() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SetValueEventI
getNewValueAsAlphaNumeric() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getNewValueAsBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getNewValueAsBoolean() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getNewValueAsDate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getNext() - Method in class
Generate next permutation (algorithm from Rosen p. 284).
getNextAliasName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatement
getNextBit() - Method in class
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractKeyGenerator
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getNextId() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
get a unique Long id from the backend.
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getNextId() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManI
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getNextId() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getNextId() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getNextId() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getNextId() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransactionV2
getNextId() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getNextId() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.SQLCoreDataStoreI
getNextIdentifier() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryNameSpace
getNextLegacySlot() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getNextMatchingDate(String) - Static method in class
Evaluates a cron definition and returns the next date the definition matches on.
getNextMatchingDate(String, Date) - Static method in class
getNextMatchingDate(String, Date, TimeZone) - Static method in class
getNextToken() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Parser
getNextTriggeringDate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BOBasierterTerminHandler
getNextTriggeringDate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.EinfacherTerminHandler
getNextTriggeringDate() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.alarm.ScheduledAlarmHandlerI
getNextTriggeringDate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.WiedervorlageHandler
getNextUpcomingStates() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getNMDepth() - Method in interface
Current depth just regarding n-m relations
getNMDepth() - Method in class
getNoCheckedExceptions() - Method in class
Waits if necessary for this future to complete, and then returns its result.
getNode() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Returns the BN object represented by the NodeNumber of this DBManLocalI or null if no NodeNumber is set or no BN with that Id can be loaded.
getNodecache() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel
getNodecache() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeModelI
getNodecache() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
getNodeConf() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManBootstrapHelper
getNodeID() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
getNodeId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration
getNodeID() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getNodeID(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getNodeID() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
getNodeID() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManagerI
Returns NodeID of the current MyTISM instance.
getNodeIdOfLogOrigin() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.FirstNodeStart
getNodeIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getNodeIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getNodeInstance(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
getNodeLocalStatusValue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getNodeLocalStatusValue(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Returns the value set for the given key or null if no matching entry does exist from the table for "status values"
(see StatusValueManager
for a bit more info).
getNodeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration
getNodeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
getNodeNumber() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getNodeNumber() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManagerI
Expose the current node number to allow the client to do some node-specific checks, e.g. is a needed BU available with the current connection.
getNodeNumber() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseAccessorI
getNodeNumber() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getNodeNumber() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManI
getNodeNumber() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
getNodeNumber() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getNodeNumber() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getNodeNumber() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
getNodeNumber() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getNodeNumber() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getNodeNumber() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getNodes() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeClipboard
getNodeSets() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel.NodeCache
getNodeSets() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeModelNodeCacheI
getNodesForDelete() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BenanntNavigationTreeNode
getNodesForDelete() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
getNonAdminBenutzer(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Retrieves all "Benutzer" (user) objects except the administrator.
getNonEmptyElseNullString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEventFilter
getNonHeapMemoryUsage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getNonLabelComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getNonNullDefaultValue() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getNonNullDefaultValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getNonNullDefaultValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getNonNullDefaultValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DecimalType
getNonNullDefaultValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
getNonNullDefaultValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getNonNullFtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getNonPersistentAttributes(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getNonPersistentAttributes() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getNonPersistentAttributes(BOI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getNonPersistentAttributes(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getNormalFont() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableTextColumnRenderer
getNorthBound() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getNorthBound() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getNorthPanel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getNorthPanel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getNorthPanel() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getNoString() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getNotCompletedTaskCount() - Method in class
getNotFoundKeys() - Static method in class
This method is for debugging to return the current keys (classnames) in the notFound map.
getNotificationMode() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
getNotificationModule() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getNotificationModule() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.BenachrichtigungsAuftragHandler
getNotificationModule() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationHandler
getNotImplementedIn() - Method in exception
getNoWords() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getNRXCodeGen(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getNRXCodeGen(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getNRXCodeGen(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getNRXCodeGen(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getNRXCodeGen(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getNs() - Method in class
getNSName() - Method in class
getNString(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated NCHAR, NVARCHAR or LONGNVARCHAR parameter as a String in the Java programming language.
getNString(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated NCHAR, NVARCHAR or LONGNVARCHAR parameter as a String in the Java programming language.
getNString(int) - Method in class
getNString(String) - Method in class
getNT(String) - Method in class
getNT(String, Object) - Method in class
getNT(String, Object) - Method in class
getNT(String, Object) - Method in class
getNullable() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getNullChoiceTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.FComboBoxEditor
getNullChoiceTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.FComboBoxRenderer
getNullChoiceTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getNullChoiceTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
getNullDefaultType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
gives the code generator an indication on how the provided default value needs to be fit into the code,
getNullDefaultType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getNulledOldValueInstance() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getNulledOldValueInstance() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getNulledOldValueInstance() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getNullIterator() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getNullOnPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
getNullString() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getNullString() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getNullString() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getNullString() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
getNumberOfFields() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
getNumberOfMillis(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns the number of milliseconds that the passed Date objects cover
getNumberOfMonths(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns the number of months that the passed Date objects cover,
rounded up
getNumberOfMonths(Calendar, Calendar) - Static method in class
Returns the number of months that the passed Calendar objects cover,
rounded up
getNumberOfMonths(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns the number of conceptual months between two dates, rounded up.
getNumberOfMonths(Calendar, Calendar) - Static method in class
Returns the number of conceptual months between two calendars, rounded up.
getNumberOfMonths(Period) - Static method in class
Returns the number of conceptual months covered by a period, rounded up.
getNumberOfTouchedYears(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns the number of years the passed dates touch.
getNumericRangeEnd() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.UserNavigationSubCategory
getNumericRangeIdentifier() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.UserNavigationSubCategory
getNumericRangeOfSubcategory() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AllUsersNavigationTreeNode
getNumericRangeStart() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.UserNavigationSubCategory
getNumLeft() - Method in class
Return number of permutations not yet generated.
getObj() - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.MarshallingException
getObject() - Method in class
getObject(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as an Object in the Java programming language.
getObject(int, Map) - Method in class
Returns an object representing the value of OUT parameter parameterIndex and uses map for the custom mapping of the parameter value.
getObject(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a parameter as an Object in the Java programming language.
getObject(String, Map) - Method in class
Returns an object representing the value of OUT parameter parameterName and uses map for the custom mapping of the parameter value.
getObject(int, Class) - Method in class
getObject(String, Class) - Method in class
getObject(int) - Method in class
Gets the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as an Object in the Java programming language.
getObject(int, Map) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as an Object in the Java programming language.
getObject(String) - Method in class
Gets the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as an Object in the Java programming language.
getObject(String, Map) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as an Object in the Java programming language.
getObject(int, Class) - Method in class
getObject(String, Class) - Method in class
getObjectCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getObjectCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getObjectCount() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getObjectCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getObjectCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
Method to retrieve the row count of the current table.
getObjectEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getObjectEntity() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getObjectForRow(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getObjectForRow(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getObjectForRow(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtmI
getObjectForRow(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getObjectId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterChoice
getObjectInfo() - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.AttributeResolveException
getObjectInput() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ExternalizedObjectBlock
getObjectPendingFinalizationCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getObjects() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
getObjectValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getObjectValue(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getObjectValue(Benutzer, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getObjectWithId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getOborder() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getOffset() - Method in class
getOldestAllowedTriggerDate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
If this alarm has a MaxAlterAusloesung
set, return the date longest in the past for which the alarm is
still allowed to trigger.
getOldestAllowedTriggerDate(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
getOldestAt() - Method in class
getOldestError() - Method in class
Gets stored info about the oldest stored error.
getOldestIndexLmod(IndexEntity[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
getOldestOrNewestValidBeforeOrAfter(Collection<IdentifiableTimespanI>, Date, Class, boolean, boolean) - Static method in interface
getOldestOrNewestValidBeforeOrAfter(Collection<IdentifiableTimespanI>, Date, Class, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in interface
getOldestValid(Collection) - Static method in interface
getOldestValid(Collection, Class) - Static method in interface
getOldestValidAfter(Collection, Date) - Static method in interface
getOldestValidAfter(Collection, Date, Class) - Static method in interface
getOldestValidBefore(Collection, Date) - Static method in interface
getOldestValidBefore(Collection, Date, Class) - Static method in interface
getOldParm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getOldValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getOldValue() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getOldValue(BO, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Calculated the old value of the attribute att of the given BO bo.
getOldValueAsAlphaNumeric() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getOldValueAsBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getOldValueAsBoolean() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getOldValueAsDate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getOneBOByAttr(Class<? extends BOI>, String, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOQueryLoaderI
Looks up a BO by the given attribute or null, if no such BO exists.
getOnlyDefaultPlafThemes() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestInitSession
getOnlyElement(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class
Returns the single element contained in iterable
getOnlyElement(Iterable<T>, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns the single element contained in iterable
getOnlyElement(Iterable<T>, boolean, Supplier<? extends RuntimeException>) - Static method in class
Returns the single element contained in iterable
getOnlyElementInternal(Iterable<T>, boolean, Supplier<? extends RuntimeException>) - Static method in class
Internal method for getting the single element contained in iterable
getOnlyEntry(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class
Returns the single key contained in Map
getOnlyKey(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class
Returns the single key contained in Map
getOnlyValue(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class
Returns the single value contained in Map
getOpenFormTid() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
getOpenFormTid() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getOpenPGPPublicKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresse
getOpenPGPPublicKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getOpenPGPPublicKey() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotificationReceiverI
Returns the OpenPGP public key to use when notifications for this recipient
should be encrypted.
getOpenPGPSecretKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
getOpenProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
getOpenProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getOperand() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.UnaryExpressionNode
getOperatorName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.BinaryExpressionNode
getOperatorName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.UnaryExpressionNode
getOperatorPrecedence() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.BinaryExpressionNode
getOperatorPrecedence() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.LiteralNode
getOperatorPrecedence() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParameterNode
getOperatorPrecedence() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
getOperatorPrecedence() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getOperatorPrecedence() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
getOperatorPrecedence() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Token
getOperatorPrecedence() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
getOperatorPrecedence() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.UnaryExpressionNode
getOptional() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CodebausteinArgument
getOQLQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
Builds and returns an OQL query that will retrieve a superset of
the BOs
that would result if all existing BOs
would be filtered by this filter's fits()
getOQLQuery(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
getOQLQuery(Map, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
getOQLQuery(Map, String, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
getOQLQuery(Map, String, Object[], String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
getOQLString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOQuery
Returns the OQL string that results from this BOQuery
and which
will be used on the database.
getOQLString(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOQuery
getOrCreate(Class<? extends BOI>, BOLoaderI, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Checks if one of the given _bosHave matches the given _attrs2values; if yes
returns that; if not creates a new instance of _clazz with newInstance() and
returns that.
getOrCreate(Class<? extends BOI>, BOLoaderI, Map, BO[]) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getOrCreate(Class<? extends BOI>, BOLoaderI, Map, BO[], Set) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getOrCreate(Class<? extends BOI>, BOLoaderI, Map, BO[], Set, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getOrCreate(Class<? extends BOI>, BOLoaderI, Map, BO[], Set, boolean, Class<? extends BOI>) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getOrCreate(Class<? extends BOI>, Transaction, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Method version that takes the set of (possibly) existing matching BOs from
the TX.
getOrCreate(Class<? extends BOI>, Transaction, Map, Set) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getOrCreate(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresseEmail
getOrCreateAccount(Transaction, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools
Finds and returns Benutzer for sync of machine with given hostname or
creates and returns new one.
getOrCreateByName(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
finds or creates a l10n bundle by name
getOrCreateByName(BOLoaderI, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
getOrCreateByName(BOLoaderI, String, boolean, Integer) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
getOrCreateNewItemInMenu(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
returns an already existing JMenu from Cache by the Menu-Path of the Node in Menu,
if no JMenu exists for the given Menu-Path of the Node, a new JMenu, include all not
already existing parent JMenus, will be created, cached and returned
getOrCreateNotifiables(Transaction, Collection<String>) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotifiableI
Static helper method for getting or creating new instances of MyTISMAdresseEmail for a passed collection of email strings.
getOrderByComparator() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
getOrderOfMagnitude(BigDecimal) - Static method in class
Returns the order of magnitude, i.e., the nearest power of ten, for the given BigDecimal.
getOrderPart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
getOrigBTId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getOrigin() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
getOrigin() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getOriginalFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.DescribeValueExtractor
getOrigNode() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getOrigNodeNN() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getOrigTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getOrigUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getOSName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getOSVersion() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getOut() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
getOut() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Exposes the underlying SecureObjectOutputI.
getOutgoing() - Method in class
getOutgoingEdges() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getOutgoingEdges() - Method in interface
getOutputFunction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel
getOwner() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
Retrieves the owner associated with this savepoint.
getOwner() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.ClientFeatureManager
getOwner() - Method in class
getPack(Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
getPack(L10nLocale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
getPack(String[], int) - Static method in class
Loading the packs is a bit complex, because incomplete packs are possible with only
a small part of the keys inside.
getPack(String[], int, String) - Static method in class
getPackage() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getPackage() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the package of the current EntityI
getPackage() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getPackage() - Method in class
getPackage() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.SourceGeneratorI
getPackage() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxgen
getPackageAsPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getPackageAsPath() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the package of the current EntityI,
but as a relative file system path
getPackageAsPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getPackageList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getPackageList() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getPackageList(SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
getPackageList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getPackageName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterface
getPackageName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterfaceI
Returns the name of the package this interface belongs into.
getPackNames() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.L10nCacheEvent
getPacks() - Method in class
getPadding(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getPairs() - Method in class
getPairStorage(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
getPairStorage(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
getPairStorage() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.MultipleMatchingBOsException
getPairStorage(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getPairStorage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.UnresolvedReferencesResolver.Warning
getPairStorage(Element) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.XMLExportableI
Creates and returns an PairStorage out of the info from Element _el.
getPairStorages() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
getPairStorages() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.DataSetI
getPanel() - Method in class
getParagraph() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.Law
Returns the paragraph or section of the law.
getParagraphTag(String) - Static method in class
getParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
getParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Formular
getParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
getParameter() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ParameterizedStrukturI
Gets and returns the value of the Parameter property with unlazy but without
any l10n or other preparation.
getParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
getParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
getParameter(ParameterizedStrukturI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
Helper method to avoid common code for ParameterizedStrukturI instances.
getParameter(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.LimitNode
getParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinTemplate
getParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.EntityStrukturTemplate
getParameterCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.LimitNode
getParameterDefaults(JasperReport) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientPrintDialog
getParameterizedQuery(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.RawOQLQueryBuilder
getParameterMetaData() - Method in class
Retrieves the number, types and properties of this PreparedStatement object's parameters.
getParameterObjects() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOQuery
Returns an array of the parameter objects that will be inserted for the
"wildcards" in the OQL string (if any).
getParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyAST2OQLVisitor
getParameters() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.oql.OQLQueryInstanceI
Returns the query parameters.
getParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SimpleOQLQueryHolder
getParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.ParameterizedQuery
getParameters(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.ParameterizedQuery
getParameters() - Method in class
getParametersFromDialog(JasperReport, BX[], SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientPrintDialog
Helper method for printing dialog which extracts the values for the report
parameters from the given set of BXs.
getParams() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.EventMessage
getParams(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.EventMessage
getParent() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
Accessor method for the parent of this node.
getParent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getParent() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getParent() - Method in class
getParent() - Method in class
getParent() - Method in class
getParentBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
The parent BO for this LazyRelationMap
getParentClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getParentClass() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getParentContext() - Method in class
getParentItem() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationItemI
getParentItem() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
getParentLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getParentLoader() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
returns the BOLoader which this BOLoader uses to load its objects.
getParentLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getParentLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getParentLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getParentLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getParentLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getParentLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getParentLogger() - Method in class
getParentLogger() - Method in class
getParentMap() - Method in class
getParentProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getParentProperty() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeConfigurationI
getParentTabbedView(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
getParentTable() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLTable
getParentTable() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SQLTableI
getParms() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
getParms() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getParms() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getParmsString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
getParmsString(Object[]) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
getParmTypeClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getParmTypeClass() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getParmTypeClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getParmTypeClass(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getParsedTree() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.OQLQuery
getParseTree() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Parser
getPart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SelectNode
getPart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.WhereNode
getPass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
getPass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getPass() - Method in class
getPassenderTyp() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Returns the set type.
getPassenderTyp() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
If the type is set for this Auftrag, use that.
getPassword() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getPassword1() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getPassword2() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getPasswortOld() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getPasswortTmp() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getPasswortTmpOK() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getPasswortTmpRep() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getPasteMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeClipboard
getPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
getPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getPath(StringBuilder) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getPath() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getPath(StringBuilder) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getPath(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSource
getPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.Module
getPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ModuleProvider
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
getPath() - Method in class
getPath(String) - Method in class
getPathElementAt(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementPath
getPathElementCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementPath
getPathElementIndex(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementPath
getPathNodes() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryNameSpace
getPathParts() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getPathPartsAsString(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getPathPartsCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getPathPos() - Method in class
getPathToBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
getPathToModule(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ModuleProvider
getPathToProviderDefinition() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ModuleProvider
getPathToRelatedBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
getPathToRoot(DirectedGraphNodeI) - Static method in class
Get all nodes, including the given node itself, lying on path to the
"root" of the graph where the "root" is defined as the first node reached
that does not have any incoming edges (no "from" nodes)
getPathToRoot(DirectedGraphNodeI, IndexedHashSet) - Static method in class
getPattern() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getPattern() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.EmailType
getPattern() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
getPattern() - Method in class
getPattern() - Method in class
getPattern() - Method in class
getPattern(String) - Static method in class
Compiles a simple regular expression into a suitable
getPattern(String, int) - Static method in class
getPatterns() - Method in exception
getPausedFiringNewProcsAt() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionCanonification
Returns the new index at which firing procedures was paused, if applicable.
getPdfIS() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
getPendingShowLimit() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
getPercent() - Method in class
Returns the percentage of progress done, taking into account the accelerating effect.
getPercent() - Method in class
getPercentDefaultFormatted() - Method in class
getPeriod() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Returns the the data retention period.
getPermissionHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getPermissionHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getPermissionHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getPermissionHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getPermissionHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLogin
getPermissionHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLoginI
getPermissionHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getPermissionHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getPermissionHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Retrieves the PermissionHandlerI of this schema.
getPermissionHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getPermittedTypesAsString() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.LimitableToMyTISMAdresstypI
Returns a comma separated list of Strings representing the explicitly allowed MyTISMAdressetyp-s,
or the empty String if no such limitation is in place.
getPermittedTypesAsString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
Returns a comma separated list of Strings representing the explicitly allowed MyTISMAdressetyp-s,
or the empty String if no such limitation is in place or if we are not connected to a
MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag at all.
getPersistenceAspectClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getPersistenceAspectClass() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the generateAs-class for the current EntityI
getPersistenceAspectClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getPersistenceHandler(AbstractKeyGenerator) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
getPersistenceHandler(AbstractKeyGenerator) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceManager
getPersistenceHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceManager
getPersistenceHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BackendBOLoaderWithPersistenceHandlerI
getPersistenceHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.QueryHandlerI
getPersistenceHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getPersistenceHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getPersistenceHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getPersistenceHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getPersistenceHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getPersistenceHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultQueryHandler
getPersistenceHandlerForSaving(AbstractKeyGenerator) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
getPersistenceHandlerForSaving(AbstractKeyGenerator) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceManager
getPersistenceHandlerForSaving() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceManager
getPersistenceHandlerForSaving() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getPersistenceHandlerForSaving() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getPersistenceHandlerForSaving() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getPersistenceHandlerForSaving() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getPersistenceHandlerInSavePhase() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getPersistentBaseEntity() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns the persistent base entity for this EntityDefinition
, returns null
if persistent base couldn't be retrieved from the base entity of this EntityDefinition
set or no persistent base entity was retrievable.
getPersistentBooleanProperty(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getPersistentDecimalProperty(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getPersistentLongProperty(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getPersistentPropertyKey(EntityI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getPersistentStringProperty(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getPfad() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
getPh() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getPid() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getPid() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
getPid() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLogin
getPid() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLoginI
getPid() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
getPid() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
getPid() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns the pid that was assigned by the server-side.
getPlafman() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getPlainData() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTransferable
Fetch the data in a text/plain format.
getPlugins() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getPlugins() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getPlural() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
getPlural() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getPlural() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getPlural() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getPointerBPId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
getPolymorphic() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PolymorphicStrukturI
Gets and returns the value of the Polymorphic property.
getPopupMenu() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextSubMenu
getPort() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getPort() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getPort() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.BackendSocketServer
getPosition() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenDelegate
Getter for position-, i.e. 1-based, numbering of these lines
getPosition() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParameterNode
getPosition() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getPosition() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
getPosition() - Method in class
getPositionNN() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenDelegate
getPositiveInt(Rexx) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
int aus Rexx, ignoriert Nachkommastellen
getPositiveIntValue(BOLoaderI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariableBasedConfigurationValueI
Returns the int value of the
having our "value" as name or -1 if that value is null.
getPreCachingHook() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the preCachingHook for this CBOAttribute
I.e. the name of a method to apply to a cached scalar value before it is cached.
getPrecision(int) - Method in class
Get the designated column's number of decimal digits.
getPredecessor() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLColumn
getPredecessor(Map) - Method in interface
Returns the temporal predecessor among the passed Map of IdentifiableTimespanI-s regarding the DateStart of the passed candidate.
getPredecessor(Collection) - Method in interface
Returns the temporal predecessor among the passed Collection of IdentifiableTimespanI-s regarding the DateStart of the passed candidate.
getPredicate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
getPreferredLocale() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getPreferredLocale() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresse
getPreferredLocale() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotificationReceiverI
Returns the locale that should be used when interpreting subject and text
body templates of the notification.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getPreferredSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getPreferredSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
getPreferredSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
getPreferredSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeCellRenderer
Overrides JComponent.getPreferredSize to return slightly wider preferred size value,
just like @see javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer.
getPrefetch() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getPrefixTerms() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getPrefSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getPrefSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getPreselectIdx() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterChoiceList
getPrimary() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Column
getPrimary() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVDataSet
getPrimary() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.importer.DataSetI
getPrimary() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Column
getPrimaryIx() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ExportDefinitionEntry
Returns the primary key for this export definition entry
getPrimaryKey() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.Initialdata
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
getPrimaryKeyType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.Initialdata
getPrimaryKeyType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
getPrimitiveOrOriginalType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AttributeTypeCodeGen
getPrintAttributes() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel
getPrintAttributes() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
getPrioritaet() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.EntityStrukturI
getPrioritaet() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getPrioritaet() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PrioritizableStrukturI
Gets and returns the value of the Prioritaet property.
getPrioritaet() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.EntityStrukturTemplate
getPriority() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getProcCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Gets the number of changes recorded in this transaction.
getProcCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
getProcessingPurposes() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataCategory
Returns the collection of processing purposes associated with this data category.
getProcessors() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getProcs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getProcs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Additional
getProcs(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Additional
getProcs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getProcs(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Gets all recorded Procs for a bo and the provided attribute.
getProcs(BO, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getProcs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionCanonification
Returns an unmodifiable view of the canonized list of BOProc-s.
getProcsCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getProcsCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getProcsCount() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getProcsCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getProcsIterator() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getProgress() - Method in class
getProgressCount() - Method in class
getProgressCount() - Method in interface
getProgressCount() - Method in class
Da der Aufbau ja eigentlich immer gleich ist, naemlich BODataSource -> AttributeIterator*,
koennen wir durch die Kette sausen und den derzeitigen Progress recht genau ermitteln.
getProgressCurrent() - Method in class
getProgressCurrent() - Method in interface
getProgressCurrent() - Method in class
getProgressDisplay() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
getProgressDisplay() - Method in class
getProgressHandler(long, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.ProgressHandlingQueryResults
getProgressShowDelay() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getProjectConfiguration() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getProjectConfiguration() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getProjectDir() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getProjectId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getProjectInterfaces() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getProjectInterfaces() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getProjectInterfaces() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Returns a collection of all project-specific interfaces defined in the schema.
getProjectInterfaces() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getProjection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getProjectNick() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManBootstrapHelper
getProjectPackage() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
Returns the project package of the current project.
getProjectPackage() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getProjectPackage() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getProjectPackage() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getProjectPackage() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getProjectPackageName() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getProjectPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManBootstrapHelper
getProjekt() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
getProjekt() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getProjekt(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
getProjekt() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
getProjekt() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManagerI
Returns project name for the current MyTISM instance.
getPrompt() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.PromptMessageDisplay
getProperty(String, ImageObserver) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyBildImage
getProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns object represented by name or null, if no property with the passed name is found.
getProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
Retrieves a property value, searching within this savepoint, previous savepoints, and the enclosing transaction.
getProperty(Rexx, Rexx) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
getProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
Class for passing current mandatory and enabled state from calculateDisplayValue to renderDisplayValue.
getProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getProperty(Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getProperty(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getProperty(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getProperty(String) - Method in class
getPropertyClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
getPropertyInfo(String, Properties) - Method in class
getPropertyInfo(String, Properties) - Method in class
Gets information about the possible properties for this driver.
getPropertyName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.TermInfo
getPropertyName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.TermInfoI
Returns the name of the property the term is associated with.
getProtocol() - Method in class
getProtocolDrivers() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getProtocolParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getProtocolParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getProtocolParameters() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getProtocolParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getProtocolVersion() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getProtocolVersion() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetProtocolVersion
getProtocolVersion() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getProtocolVersion() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getProtocolVersion() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getPtyp() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getPublicKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.AddressWithInfo
getPurgedBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns the number of Business Objects (BOs) purged from the database within this transaction.
getPurgedBOCount(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getPurgedBOCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
getPurgedBOsByEntity(Collection<BOProcI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterSummarizedPlain
getPurgeForBO(BO) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
Finds the Business Object Procedure (BP) responsible for purging the given `affectedBO` from the database.
getPurgeForBO(BO, BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getPurges() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionCanonification
Returns an unmodifiable view of the set of BOs marked for removal (purging) from the database during the transaction.
getPWString(String) - Method in interface
getQName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getQName(BOI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getQRCodeImage(String) - Static method in class
Takes a String and a size and returns an Image showing the correct QR code in the given size.
getQRCodeImage(String, int) - Static method in class
getQRCodeImage(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class
getQrData() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TOTPSchluessel
getQuartal(Date) - Static method in class
Returns String object with quarter and year of given date, empty string if date is null
getQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultQueryHandler
getQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
getQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
getQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SQLQuery
getQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendQueryRequest
Returns the query this BackendQueryRequest will execute.
getQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.ParameterizedQuery
getQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getQuery() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.PopupableFormElementI
getQueryAsString(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
getQueryBuilder() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getQueryBuilderInstance(SchemaI, Element) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilderFactory
getQueryBuilderInstance(SchemaI, Element, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilderFactory
getQueryBuilderInstance(SchemaI, Element, String, BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilderFactory
getQueryBuilderInstance(SchemaI, Element, String, BOLoaderI, Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilderFactory
getQueryBuilderInstance(SchemaI, Element, String, BOLoaderI, Map, FulltextSearcherI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilderFactory
getQueryExpressionNode() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.predicate.OQLQueryPredicate
getQueryGUI() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
getQueryGUI() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractStringFilterGUI
getQueryGUI() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.BoolFilterGUI
getQueryGUI() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterGUI
getQueryGUI() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.QueryGUIElementI
Gets the JComponent
that represents the GUI part of this filter.
getQueryGUI() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getQueryGUI() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
getQueryGUIElementsMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
getQueryGUIElementsMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.RawOQLQueryBuilder
getQueryGUIElementsMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getQueryParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendQueryRequest
Returns an unmodifiable list containing the query parameters in the correct order they are used in the query.
getQueryString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Parser
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class
Retrieves the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement object to execute.
getQueueInputStream() - Method in class
Return the QueueInputStream connected to this stream.
getRandom() - Static method in class
Returns a Random for generating random numbers for usage in a shared
or unshared scenario.
getRandomColor() - Static method in class
Returns a random generated Color
in HSB model
getRangeEnd() - Method in class
getRangeHours() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
getRangeStart() - Method in class
getRaw() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
getRawParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alias
getRawParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
getRawParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Formular
getRawParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
getRawParameter() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ParameterizedStrukturI
Simply gets and returns the value of the Parameter property without any
unlazy, preparation, l10n or anything.
getRawParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
getRawParameter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
getRawString() - Method in class
getRawString(int) - Method in class
getRawTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getRawTitle(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getRawTitle() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
getRawValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
Gets and returns the value of this EinstellungenVariable
getRawValue(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getRawValue(Benutzer, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getRcl() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getReader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
getRealBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPDFViewer
getRealClass() - Method in class
getRealFtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getRealImageIcon() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getRealImageIcon(BO) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getRealInstance() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
getRealInstanceImpl() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
getReason() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
getReasonableParallelity() - Static method in class
Returns the number of parallel tasks the system can handle without overloading,
based on the number of available processors and predefined rules to reserve CPUs
for system tasks.
getReceived() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.api.websockets.DatedDBManEvent
getReceived() - Method in class
getReceiversMatchingRelationType(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
getReceiversMatchingRelationTypeBCC(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
getReceiversMatchingRelationTypeCC(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
getReceivertype() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.AddressWithInfo
getRechteZuweisungen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Collects any
from every
is attached to.
getRechteZuweisungenDigest() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Collects any
for every
this user was assigned rights for,
summarizing these rights across all groups.
getRechteZuweisungenFiltered() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Gruppe
Returns all RechteZuweisungen in the relation that are not deleted and have an undeleted Maske.
getRecordCount() - Method in class
getRect() - Method in class
getRef(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC REF() parameter as a Ref object in the Java programming language.
getRef(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC REF() parameter as a Ref object in the Java programming language.
getRef(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a Ref object in the Java programming language.
getRef(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a Ref object in the Java programming language.
getReferenceCount() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.TransactionalFileI
Gets the current reference count.
getRefresher() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel
getRefreshRequestsPending() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getRefs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionCanonification
Returns an unmodifiable view of the set of references encountered during transaction processing
getRefs() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getRegex() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitTokenFilterProvider
getRegex() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.StripTokenPartsTokenFilterProvider
getRegisteredModuleProviders() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
returns an unmodifiable Map with all registered module providers as values and their names as keys
getRegisteredModuleProviders() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getRegisteredModuleProviders() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getRelatedBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
getRelatedBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
getRelationBOs(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getRelationBOs(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
this method is used by the lazy loading map/list implementation to load related
objects when needed.
getRelationBOs(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getRelationBOs(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getRelationBOs(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getRelationBOs(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, String, BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getRelationBOs(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getRelationBOs(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getRelationBOs(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getRelationBOs(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getRelationBOs(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getRelationBOs(Long, Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getRelationBOs(Long, Class, String) - Method in class
Makes unlazies from LazyRelationMap automatically loaded if possible
getRelationDiscriminator() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getRelationEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Column
getRelationEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getRelationEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getRelationEntity() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
getRelationEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getRelationEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Column
getRelationEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingAttribute
getRelationEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getRelationIterator(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getRelationIterator(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getRelationIterator(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the iterator containing the relational objects from the given BO
getRelationIterator(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getRelationObjects(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getRelationObjects(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getRelationObjects(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the relational objects from the given bo as TreeMap
getRelationObjects(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getRelationObjects(Object, AttributeI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getRelationObjects(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getRelationObjects(Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns a map containing the relation for a single attribute of a bo of this EntityI
getRelationObjects(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getRelationObjects(Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getRelationObjects(SchemaI, Object, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns the relation objects from a attribute specified
by the attributepath
getRelationObjects(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getRelationObjects(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getRelations() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
Returns a list of all relational attributes defined on this EntityI
including virtual ones.
getRelationsForDateiSystemSync() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Formular
getRelationsForDateiSystemSync() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
getRelationsForDateiSystemSync() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
getRelationsForDateiSystemSync() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
getRelationsForDateiSystemSync() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getRelationsForDateiSystemSyncCache() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
getRelationsForDateiSystemSyncCache() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
getRelationsForDateiSystemSyncCache() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getRelationsToUnlazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
getRelationType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
getRelationType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getRelationType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getRelationType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
getRelationType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getRelationType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getRelevantChangesFor(BOLoaderWithCacheI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Retrieves the relevant changes for a cached BO within the given `BOLoaderWithCacheI`.
getRelevantIndices(DBManEventFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
returns an int-array containing all indices at which actually requested, i.e. fitting, objects are found in this event
getRelevantTimespan(Date, Date, Date, Date) - Static method in class
determines and returns the relevant part of a given timespan, i.e. the part which lies within a given global time-frame
getRemainingTimeInMillis() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportProtocolServerClientChallengeResponse
getRemarks() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns a String containing all remarks that were set for this transaction.
getRemoteHostAddress() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
Returns the host address for the remote part of the connection.
getRemotePort() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
Returns the port for the remote part of the connection.
getRemoteSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getRemoteSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getRemoteSchemaFingerprint() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getRemoteSchemaFingerprint() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getRemoteSchemaUIDs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getRemoteSchemaUIDs() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getRemovedEntities() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaVsIndexDiff
getRenderedColumnTitle(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getRenderedValueAt(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getRenderedValueAt(int, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getRenderer() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getReplaceEscaped() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Column
getReplaceEscaped() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Column
getReport() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
getReport(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
getReport() - Method in class
getReport(FormContextI, String) - Static method in class
Retrieves the Report for the given EntityI-name with the given name and optionally the given istListe-status.
getReport(FormContextI, String, String) - Static method in class
getReport(FormContextI, String, String, Boolean) - Static method in class
getReport(ClientContextI, String) - Static method in class
Retrieves the Report for the given EntityI-name with the given name and optionally the given istListe-status.
getReport(ClientContextI, String, String) - Static method in class
getReport(ClientContextI, String, String, Boolean) - Static method in class
getReport(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in class
Retrieves the Report with the given name using a query
getReportAlias() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
If a report alias is given, this is the sign for us to generate a group in the report
and show the data of this many-relation.
getReportAlias() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getReportAlias() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getReportAlias() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getReportByTid(FormContextI, String) - Static method in class
Retrieves the Report for the given EntityI-name with the given Tid and optionally the given istListe-status.
getReportByTid(FormContextI, String, String) - Static method in class
getReportByTid(FormContextI, String, String, Boolean) - Static method in class
getReportByTid(ClientContextI, String) - Static method in class
Retrieves the Report for the given EntityI-name with the given Tid and optionally the given istListe-status.
getReportByTid(ClientContextI, String, String) - Static method in class
getReportByTid(ClientContextI, String, String, Boolean) - Static method in class
getReportByTid(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in class
Retrieves the Report with the given name using a query
getReportByWhatever(BOLoaderI, String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
Retrieves the Report with the given name using a query
getReportByWhatever(ClientContextI, String, String) - Static method in class
Retrieves the Report for the given EntityI-name for the given criteria and optionally also the given istListe-status.
getReportByWhatever(ClientContextI, String, String, String) - Static method in class
getReportByWhatever(ClientContextI, String, String, String, Boolean) - Static method in class
getReportDef() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.ReportTemplate
getReportDefinition() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
getReportFontSizeBig() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getReportFontSizeBig() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getReportFontSizeBig() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getReportFontSizeBig(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getReportFontSizeBig(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.ReportTemplate
getReportFontSizeNormal() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getReportFontSizeNormal() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getReportFontSizeNormal() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getReportFontSizeNormal(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getReportFontSizeNormal(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.ReportTemplate
getReportManySort() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getReportManySort() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getReportManySort() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getReportManySort() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getReportOrientation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getReportOrientation() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getReportOrientation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getReportOrientation(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getReportOrientation(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.ReportTemplate
getReportPosition() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns the expected position of the attribute in the automatic reports.
getReportPosition() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getReportPosition() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getReportPosition() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getReportRelativeWidth() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Return the relative width of the attribute in the automatic reports, defaults to 1.
getReportRelativeWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getReportRelativeWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getReportRelativeWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getReports(EntityI, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getReports(EntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getReports(EntityI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getReports(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getReportSort() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getReportSort() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getReportSort() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getReportSort() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getReportTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getReportTitle() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getReportTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getRepresentingClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
Gets the class representing this BOT, nonnull.
getRepresentingClass(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getRepresentingEntity(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
getResetPrefs() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getResizeMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getResizeMode() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getResizeWeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
getResolved(PairStorage) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.UnresolvedReferencesResolver
Returns the actual object for psTo (if a matching mapping is available).
getResolvedL10nName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getResolvedName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alias
getResolvedName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
Returns the "visible" name of the Struktur with all required processing
already done; mainly interesting for Aliase.
getResolvedNameNN() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getResource(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
getResourceAnchors() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getResourceAnchors(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getResponseException() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
getResponseException() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestI
getRestrictToEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getResult() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BatchedBackendRequestI
getResult() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.NullAggregate
getResult() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.mex.MEXTransformer
getResult() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BatchedBackendRequest
getResult() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AggregateFunctionI
getResult() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.IndexQueryJob
getResult() - Method in class
getResultClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.BinaryExpressionNode
FIXME 2020-01 ps: only explicitly implemented for Arrays, check default fallback functionality for arbitrary binary expressions.
getResultClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ExplainNode
getResultClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
Calculates the resulting Java class of this node, which is used if it is part of the select expression.
getResultClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
getResultClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
getResultClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SelectNode
Calculates the resulting Java class of this node.
getResultClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SQLQuery
getResultingAttribute(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathPart
getResultingAttribute(EntityI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathPart
getResultingEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathPart
getResultingEntity(EntityI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathPart
getResultingPid() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestAuthenticateTransport
getResultingPid() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestAuthenticateTransportI
getResults() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.QueryResultCache
getResults(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.QueryResultCache
getResults() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
getResults() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestI
getResults() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequest
getResultsAsMap() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.QueryResultCache
getResultsAsMap(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.QueryResultCache
getResultsEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
Returns the EntityI of the objects this query returns.
getResultsEntity() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.QueryInfoI
getResultsEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getResultSet() - Method in class
Retrieves the current result as a ResultSet object.
getResultSetConcurrency() - Method in class
Retrieves the result set concurrency for ResultSet objects generated by this Statement object.
getResultSetHoldability() - Method in class
Retrieves the result set holdability for ResultSet objects generated by this Statement object.
getResultSetType() - Method in class
Retrieves the result set type for ResultSet objects generated by this Statement object.
getRetentionPurposes() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataCategory
Returns the collection of retention purposes associated with this data category.
getRetentionStartDatePath() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.GDPRPolicy
Returns the path to the retention start date.
getRetentionVetoPaths() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.GDPRPolicy
Returns the set of paths to objects within the entity that are eligible to utter a retention veto.
getRfe() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getRicherData(DataFlavor) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTransferable
getRicherFlavors() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTransferable
Some subclasses will have flavors that are more descriptive than HTML
or plain text.
getRightFill() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getRightOperand() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.BinaryExpressionNode
getRoot(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryNameSpace
getRoot(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryNameSpace
getRoot() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
getRoot() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
Gets the Root-FormContextI which has no parent.
getRoot() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getRoot() - Method in class
getRoot() - Method in class
getRootAlias() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Parser
getRootCause() - Method in interface
Returns the root cause of this Throwable.
getRootCause(Throwable) - Static method in exception
getRootCause(Throwable) - Static method in class
Recursively retrieves the root cause of a Throwable.
getRootCauseIfOfType(Object, Class) - Static method in exception
Retrieves the root cause of the given object if it is a ServerSideException and the root cause
is of the specified type.
getRootCauseIfOfType(Class) - Method in exception
Retrieves the root cause of this exception if it is a ServerSideException and the original
exception on the server was of the specified type.
getRootLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getRootLoader() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
Returns the root BOLoader of this BOLoader or this if there is no more parent loader.
getRootLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getRootLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getRootLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getRootLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getRootLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getRootLoader() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getRootLoaderSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the SchemaI of the root loader of this BO's BOLoaderI.
getRootLoaderSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
getRootObjects() - Method in class
getRootPane() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getRootPane() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
getRootPaneContainer() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getRootPaneContainer() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getRootPaneToLockOnConnectionInterrupt() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getRootPaneToLockOnConnectionInterrupt() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getRoundingMode(String) - Static method in class
getRoundtripCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getRoundtripCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getRoundtripCount() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getRoundtripCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getRoundTrips() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getRoundTrips() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getRoundtrips() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
getRoundtrips() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportProviderI
Returns the current number of client-server roundtrips.
getRoundtripsInternal() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
getRow(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
retrieves all values from the stored BOPivot which reside in the given row
getRow() - Method in class
Retrieves the current row number.
getRowCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getRowCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class
getRowDragLast() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
getRowForObject(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getRowForObject(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtmI
getRowHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getRowHeight(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getRowHeight() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getRowHeight(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getRowId(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC ROWID parameter as a java.sql.RowId object.
getRowId(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC ROWID parameter as a java.sql.RowId object.
getRowId(int) - Method in class
getRowId(String) - Method in class
getRowLimit(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.LimitNode
getRowObjects() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getRowObjectsViewSorted() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getRows() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getRowSpan(List) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
getRowSpan(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
getRowStructure(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
retrieves the meta-values of the direct sub-rows in the structure at the given location
getRowStructureAsBOs(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOPivot
getRunner() - Method in class
getRunningTime() - Method in class
getSafety() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
getSaveException() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.SaveResultI
getSaveException() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan.SaveResult
getSaveHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getSaveHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getSaveOrFunctionException() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.SaveResultI
getSavepoints(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Get all valid savepoints filed under the given owner in a list, the latest snapshot at index 0.
getSavesCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getSavesCountNN() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getScale(int) - Method in class
Gets the designated column's number of digits to right of the decimal point.
getScaledInstance(int, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyBildImage
getSchabsForView() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getScheduler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BOBasierterTerminHandler
getScheduler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.EinfacherTerminHandler
getScheduler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.alarm.ScheduledAlarmHandlerI
getScheduler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.WiedervorlageHandler
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceManager
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the currently used SchemaI, i.e. the SchemaI of this BO's BOLoaderI.
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
gets a reference to the schema which is used by this BOLoader.
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
Returns SchemaI of this BP, determined via its BOLoaderI or null if there is no BOLoaderI.
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseAccessorI
Convenience method for getting the current SchemaI
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictReport
Convenience method for getting the current SchemaI
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManI
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaMappingBuilder
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.OQLQuery
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.predicate.BOPredicate
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.predicate.OQLQueryPredicate
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryNameSpace
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
getSchema() - Method in class
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.SaveBOImplementationI
Convenience method for getting the current SchemaI
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
getSchema() - Method in class
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLMapping
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingAttribute
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingEntity
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchemaProviderI
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterface
Returns the schema to which this interface belongs.
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterfaceI
Returns the schema this interface is a part of
getSchema() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaProviderI
getSchema() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getSchema() - Method in class
getSchemaAsString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
getSchemaFingerprint() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionInfo
getSchemaName(int) - Method in class
Get the designated column's table's schema.
getSchemaRepresentation() - Method in enum de.ipcon.schema.AttributeRelationType
getScope() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getScreenshotTmp() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
getScreenshotTmpThumb() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
getScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder
getScript() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
getScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getScript(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
getScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
getScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.update.AbstractUpdateHandler
getScript(String, List) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.update.AbstractUpdateHandler
getScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
getScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getScript() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOFormatter
getScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getScript() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Script support for instrumenting etc.
getScript(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getScript() - Method in class
getScript() - Method in class
getScriptEvictionCount() - Static method in class
getScriptLanguage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getScriptParameters() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getScriptParameters() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getScripts() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SolsticeCacheElement
getScriptVariables() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
getScrollingMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
getScrollingMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getsDateFromAttribute() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOMonitoringAlarmI
getSearchEntities() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
getSearchEntities(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
getSearchString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
getSearchType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
getSecret(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getSection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractKeyGenerator
getSection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
getSection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
getSection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
A WatchDog class that waits for a certain amount of time and looks
after a service.
getSection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getSectionAsProperties(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
Get a complete section wrapped into a Properties object
getSectionAsProperties(String, Properties) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
getSectionAsProperties(String) - Method in class
getSectionAsProperties(String, Properties) - Method in class
getSections(String) - Method in class
Sections may contain of two parts like "ThisIsTheMainPart.ThisIsTheSuffix".
getSelectAllStatement(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLMapping
getSelectAllStatement(EntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SQLMappingI
getSelectedColor() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getSelectedColumns() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getSelectedColumns() - Method in interface
Returns an int array with the indexes of the selected columns.
getSelectedItem() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
getSelectedItem() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.locale.LocalesComboModel
getSelectedLines() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
Get the (view) line indexes of the currently selected rows.
getSelectedLocale() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getSelectedLocale() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.locale.LocalesComboModel
getSelectedLocale() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.locale.LocaleSelector
getSelectedNodes() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
Returns a List of all the currently selected nodes, including different
nodes that reference the same BO, if _ignoreDuplicates is not true.
getSelectedNodes(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
getSelectedObjects() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
Return array of selected BOs.
getSelectedObjects() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
getSelectedRows() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getSelectedRows() - Method in interface
Returns an int array with the indexes of the selected rows.
getSelectedText() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
getSelectedText() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getSelectedTheme() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getSelectedTimeSlots() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
getSelectedValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.PolymorphicTemplateSelectionTree
getSelectedValue() - Method in interface
getSelectEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.DBQueryModel
getSelectEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getSelectionCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
Returns how many "objects" are selected; as one object may be referenced by
multiple nodes (because of Aliases and search results) this may be lesser
than the number of selected *nodes*.
getSelectionCount(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
getSelectionEnd() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getSelectionFilter() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns a filter-clause that acts as a non-interactive filter within a query.
getSelectionFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getSelectionFilter() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
getSelectionFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getSelectionFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getSelectionFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getSelectionLeadNode() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
getSelectionStart() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getSelector() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LocaleSelectionDialog
getSelectOutOf() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.RelationAttributeModel
getSelectOutOf() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getSelectPart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
getSelfAndAllAliases() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getSelfAndAllAliases(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
getSender() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
getSenders() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.EmailNotificationHandler
When a notification should be sent to multiple recipients, including multiple
different addresses for the same recipient, the requested settings for
signing, encryption or use of inline PGP style may differ between them.
getSent() - Method in class
getSeparator() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVConfiguration
getSerializationRelevantDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Returns the serialization relevant description for this CBOEntity
The description will be calculated by concatinating relevant informations of this
, means the full qualified name, the base entity, the attributes,...
getSerializationRelevantDiff(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Returns the serialization relevant difference between a given EntityI
and this CBOEntity
, while the given EntityI
will be taken
as the "newer" schema
getSerializationRelevantDiff(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getSerializationRelevantDiff(SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getSerializationRelevantDiff(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getSerialVersionUID() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Returns the serial version unique ID for this CBOEntity
using only the first 8 digits from a SHA-message digest of the serialization
relevant description of this CBOEntity
getSerialVersionUIDs() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getSerialVersionUIDs() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Text with line per entity in the form "entity.fqname':'entity.getSerialVersionUID".
getSerialVersionUIDs() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getServerConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
A class for maintaining and interacting with all necessary data structures for handling PooledSockets in a SocketPool.
getServerConnectionInfo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerConnectionInfo() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getServerConnectionInfo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetServerConnectionInfo
getServerConnectionInfoReceiver() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getServerConnectionInfoReceiver() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getServerCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerCryptoHandler() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getServerCryptoHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getServerEndPoint() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getServerEndPoint() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getServerEndPoint() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getServerEndPoint() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getServerEndpoint() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
getServerEndpoint() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns a String representation of the server-endpoint of this TransportI.
getServerFileVault() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerFileVault() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getServerHandler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
getServerInetAddress() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getServerInetAddress() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getServerLocalTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerLocalTransaction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerLocalTransaction(String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerLocalTransaction(String, int, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerLocalTransaction(String, int, TemporaryIdSupplierI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerLocalTransaction(String, int, TemporaryIdSupplierI, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, BackendSessionI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, int, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, int, TemporaryIdSupplierI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, int, TemporaryIdSupplierI, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getServerLocalTransaction() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Convenience method for getting a new ServerLocalTransactionI
which is prepared for saving on server-side.
getServerLocalTransaction(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Convenience method for getting a new ServerLocalTransactionI
which is prepared for saving on server-side.
getServerLocalTransaction(String, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Convenience method for getting a new ServerLocalTransactionI
which is prepared for saving on server-side.
getServerLocalTransaction(String, int, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Convenience method for getting a new ServerLocalTransactionI
which is prepared for saving on server-side.
getServerLocalTransaction(String, int, TemporaryIdSupplierI, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Convenience method for getting a new ServerLocalTransactionI
which is prepared for saving on server-side.
getServerLocalTransaction(String, int, TemporaryIdSupplierI, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Convenience method for getting a new ServerLocalTransactionI
which is prepared for saving on server-side.
getServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, BackendSessionI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Convenience method for getting a new ServerLocalTransactionI
for the passed Benutzer and BackendSessionI which is prepared for saving on
getServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Convenience method for getting a new ServerLocalTransactionI
for the passed Benutzer and BackendSessionI which is prepared for saving on
getServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Convenience method for getting a new ServerLocalTransactionI
for the passed Benutzer and BackendSessionI which is prepared for saving on
getServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, int, TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Convenience method for getting a new ServerLocalTransactionI
for the passed Benutzer and BackendSessionI which is prepared for saving on
getServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, int, TemporaryIdSupplierI, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Convenience method for getting a new ServerLocalTransactionI
for the passed Benutzer and BackendSessionI which is prepared for saving on
getServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, int, TemporaryIdSupplierI, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Convenience method for getting a new ServerLocalTransactionI
for the passed Benutzer and BackendSessionI which is prepared for saving on
getServerLocalTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.logging.MyTISMAppender
Convenience method for getting a new ServerLocalTransactionI
getServerLocalTransaction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.logging.MyTISMAppender
getServerName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getServerName(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getServerName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getServerName(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getServerName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getServerName(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getServerName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getServerName() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getServerNodeNumber() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEvent
getServerNodeNumber() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLogin
getServerNodeNumber() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLoginI
getServerNodeNumber() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ClientSessionInfo
getServers() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManServerlist
getServerSideAuthenticationException() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.AuthenticationException
Return the underlying root cause as an AuthenticationException,
if the root cause is a ServerSideException that has wrapped an AuthenticationException.
getServerSideBackendRequest(int, Integer, BackendCommandHandler) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestFactory
getServerSideCalculatedInformation() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEvent
getServerSideCalculatedInformationForClass(Class, DBManEventFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getServerSideCalculatedInformationForClasses(Class[], DBManEventFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getServerSideEventInformationCalculator() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventFilter
getServersideTransactionProvider(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalTransactionProvider
Returns a TransactionProviderI on server-side.
getServerThread() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getServerUrl() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getServerURL() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
getServerUrl() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getServerUrl() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionException
getServerUrl() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getServerUrl() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionTimeoutException
getService() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel
getService() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
getService() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicy
getServiceI() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceInstanceI
getServices() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
getServiceThread() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
getSessid() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getSession() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getSession() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
getSession() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getSession() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
getSession(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getSessionCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getSessionId(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getSessionId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestAuthenticateTransport
getSessionId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLogin
getSessionId() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLoginI
getSessionId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ClientSessionInfo
getSessionId(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getSessionId(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
getSessionId(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportProviderI
Returns the Id of the current server-connection.
getSessionInfos() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getSessionInfos() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getSessionInfos() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getSessionInfos() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsManager
getSessionInfos(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsManager
getSessions() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getSessions() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getSetLaf() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getSeverity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.ErrorHandler
getSharedSecureRandom() - Static method in class
Returns a shared SecureRandom object.
getShell() - Method in class
getShort() - Method in class
getShort(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC SMALLINT parameter as a short in the Java programming language.
getShort(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC SMALLINT parameter as a short in the Java programming language.
getShort(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a short in the Java programming language.
getShort(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a short in the Java programming language.
getShortDesc(Element) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementFactory
Gibt kurze XML-Ausgabe aus einem Element zurueck.
getShortDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getShortestDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getShouldStartSetting(DBManConfigurationHelperI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmModule
getShouldStartSetting(DBManConfigurationHelperI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getShouldStartSetting(DBManConfigurationHelperI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
Retrieves and returns if this module should actually be started from the MyTISM configuration.
getShouldStartSetting(DBManConfigurationHelperI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
getShowBOProperties() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusDisplay
getShowHiddenProperties() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusDisplay
getShowHistory() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusDisplay
getShutdownDate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getShutdownDate() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
getShutdownDelayInSeconds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
getSi() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicy
getSidebandCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of sideband-infos that have been received so far.
getSimpleBackendRequest(int, Object[], Class[], Class[], Class[], String, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestFactory
getSimpleCommandsTimeoutSeconds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getSimpleCommandsTimeoutSeconds(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getSimpleCommandsTimeoutSeconds() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getSimpleName(nrxgen, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSource
getSimpleName(String) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.SourceGeneratorI
getSimpleName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxgen
getSimpleNames(Set<String>) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.SourceGeneratorI
getSingleAttribute(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
Returns the AttributeI
for the specified name, which must match either
the plural or singular form.
getSingleAttribute(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getSingleAttribute(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getSingleAttribute(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingEntity
getSingleAttribute(EntityI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns an attribute from a given entity by attribute name
getSingleAttributeRelationObjects(SchemaI, Object, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns a map with the relations for a single
attribute of a bo by the given schema
getSingleAttributeRelationObjects(EntityI, Object, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns a map with the relations for a single
attribute of a bo by the given schema
getSingleAttributeValue(SchemaI, Object, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Retrieves the value of an attribute by its name from a given schema and business object.
getSingleAttributeValue(SchemaI, Object, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Retrieves the value of an attribute from a given schema and business object by the attribute name.
getSingleAttributeValue(EntityI, Object, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Retrieves the value of an attribute from a given entity and business object by the specified attribute name.
getSingleAttributeValue(EntityI, Object, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Retrieves the value of an attribute from a given entity and business object by the specified attribute name.
getSingleAttributeValueAsString(SchemaI, Object, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns the value of an attribute as String
a given schema and bo by the given attribute name
getSingleAttributeValueAsString(EntityI, Object, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns the value of an attribute as String
from a
given entity and bo by the given attribute name, if the attribute
is transient it will be returned from the transient properties
getSingular() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
getSingular() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getSingular() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getSingular() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
getSingular() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getSingular() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getSize() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.DBManBOChangeEventI
getSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBLOBChangeEvent
getSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEvent
getSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
getSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.locale.LocalesComboModel
getSize() - Method in class
getSizeFast(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Determines the size of a many-relation, if still lazy by querying the database (i.e. sizeFast) thus not reflecting changes being made in the current transaction!
getSlash() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
getSlot() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BatchedBackendRequestI
getSlot() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
getSlot() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestI
getSlot() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BatchedBackendRequest
getSlowConnectionThreshold() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getSmallIcon() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getSocketPool() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
getSoleSubContext() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getSolsticeElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SolsticeCacheElement
getSolsticeId() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresstyp
getSort() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getSortBy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SortEntry
getSortBy() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
getSortBy() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getSortedArray(Map) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getSortedItemList() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
Get sorted Posten-objects.
getSortedList(Map, String[], String[], Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSorter
Returns the given Map
sorted by the given attribute names in the given order.
getSortedList(Map, String[], String[], Locale, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSorter
Returns the given Map
sorted by the given attribute names in the given order.
getSortedList(Map, String[], String[], Locale, Class<? extends BOI>, Comparator) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSorter
Returns the given Map
sorted by the given attribute names in the given order.
getSortedList(Collection<? extends BOI>, String[], String[], Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSorter
Returns the given Collection
sorted by the given attribute names in the given order.
getSortedList(Collection<? extends BOI>, String[], String[], Locale, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSorter
Returns the given Collection
sorted by the given attribute names in the given order.
getSortedList(Collection<? extends BOI>, String[], String[], Locale, Class<? extends BOI>, Comparator) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSorter
Returns the given Collection
sorted by the given attribute names in the given order.
getSortedList(Collection, String[], String[], Locale, Class, Comparator) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaSelfInitializingCBOSorter
getSortedList(Collection, String[], String[], Locale, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaSelfInitializingCBOSorter
getSortedList(Collection, String[], String[], Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaSelfInitializingCBOSorter
getSorter() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getSorter() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getSortLevel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getSortMultiplier() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SortEntry
getSource() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Script
getSource() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyBildImage
getSource() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.mex.MEXTransformer
Parses for "name=value" expressions and adds a variable named "name" with value
"value" to the MEXTransformer's variable context.
getSource() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.PanelVisibility
getSource() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.VisibilityI
getSource() - Method in class
getSource() - Method in class
Returns java class code as a string
getSource() - Method in class
getSource() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.SourceGeneratorI
getSource() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxgen
getSource() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxmethod
getSource() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxminor
getSource() - Method in class
getSource() - Method in class
getSource() - Method in class
getSourceAsString() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.PanelVisibility
getSourceFilename() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterfaceI
getSourceFilePath() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
Periodically checking if mytism.ini is changed
if yes informing listeners of DBManConfigurationHelper
getSourceFilePath() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelperI
Returns the path where the configuration file is located.
getSouthBound() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getSouthBound() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getSouthPanel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getSouthPanel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getSouthPanel() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getSpLocals() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
Returns an unmodifiable map of the current properties (transaction locals) within this savepoint.
getSQL(String, Long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
Helper method to create an SQL clause in a consistent manner for getting a defined set of states.
getSQL(String, Long, Long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getSQL(String, Long, Long, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getSQL(String, Long, Long, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getSQL(String, Long, Long, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getSQL(String, Long, Long, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getSQL(String, Long, Long, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getSQL(String, Long, Long, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getSqlManyTable() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the name for the sqltable
getSQLMapping() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getSqlName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the sqlname of this CBOAttribute
, if the sqlname is empty
the singular of this CBOAttribute
will be returned in lowercase
getSqlName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getSqlName(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getSqlType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
SQL column type in the relational database.
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DecimalType
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getSqlType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.XMLType
getSQLXML(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated SQL XML parameter as a java.sql.SQLXML object in the Java programming language.
getSQLXML(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated SQL XML parameter as a java.sql.SQLXML object in the Java programming language.
getSQLXML(int) - Method in class
getSQLXML(String) - Method in class
getSrc() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
getSrc() - Method in class
getSrcDir() - Method in class
getSrvman() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
getStableValue() - Method in class
getStacktrace() - Method in class
getStackTraceAsString() - Method in exception
getStackTraceAsString(Throwable, boolean) - Static method in exception
getStackTraceAsString(Throwable) - Static method in exception
getStackTraceAsString(Throwable, OutputConfiguration) - Static method in exception
getStackTraceAsString(Thread, boolean) - Static method in exception
getStackTraceAsString(Thread) - Static method in exception
getStackTraceAsString(Thread, OutputConfiguration) - Static method in exception
getStackTraceAsString(Throwable, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns stacktrace of the given Throwable
as String
filtering out certain stack frames with default filtering if requested.
getStackTraceAsString(Throwable) - Static method in class
Returns stacktrace of the given Throwable
as String
filtering out certain stack frames if requested.
getStackTraceAsString(Throwable, OutputConfiguration) - Static method in class
getStackTraceAsString(Thread, boolean) - Static method in class
getStackTraceAsString(Thread) - Static method in class
getStackTraceAsString(Thread, OutputConfiguration) - Static method in class
getStackTraceElement(Throwable, String, String) - Static method in exception
getStackTraceElement(Throwable, String, String, String) - Static method in exception
getStackTraceElement(Throwable, String, String) - Static method in class
Helper method to extract a certain element/part of a stacktrace
getStackTraceElement(Throwable, String, String, String) - Static method in class
getStandardCacheSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getStandardEditorFont() - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DecimalType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PhoneNumberType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getStandardExpectedWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.XMLType
getStandardParameter() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
Liefert Standardwert fuer das Parameter-Attribut fuer Report-Objekte
getStandardwert(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getStandardwert(BOLoaderI, String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getStandardwert(BOLoaderI, String, String, Appendable) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getStandardwert() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinArgumentTemplate
getStart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
getStart() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Returns the start of the data retention period.
getStart() - Method in class
Returns the start instant of the time span.
getStarted() - Method in class
getStartedAt() - Method in class
getStartId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
getStartingDateForChecks() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
getStartingDateForChecks() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BedingterAlarmHandler
getStartingDateForChecks() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.bthandler.BTHandlerI
getStartingDateForChecks() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BedingterAlarm
Returns the date from which on the BedingterAlarm should check, if the
condition it watches for took place.
getStartingDateForChecks() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
getStartingHour() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
getStartNode() - Method in class
getStartupConfiguration(String, HashMap) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.GeneratorFactory
getStartupConfiguration(String, HashMap, File) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.GeneratorFactory
getState(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getState() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationHandler
getState(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxmethod
Returns the state for the passed key or false if no such state exists.
getStatement() - Method in class
getStates() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
Simply passes through to the corresponding BOAlarmStatusManager method.
getStates() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOMonitoringAlarmI
getStates() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Wiedervorlage
Simply passes through to the corresponding BOAlarmStatusManager method.
getStatesForAlarm(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getStatesForBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
getStaticField(Class, String) - Static method in class
Returns the value of the static field with the specified name for the passed class.
getStaticField(Class, String, boolean) - Static method in class
getStaticField(Class, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class
getStaticProperty(Class, String) - Static method in class
Convenience method to get a (static) property from a given class.
getStatus() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
getStatus() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
getStatusManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
getStatusManager() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOMonitoringAlarmI
getStatusManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Wiedervorlage
getStatusManagerStatic() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
getStatusManagerStatic() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Wiedervorlage
getStatusText() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
getStemByArgs(String[], int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
Parses the command line arguments (starting from number 'first') and
stores the key-value pairs in a Rexx indexed string which is returned.
getStmt(Connection) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
getStoreProtocol() - Method in class
getStr() - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.UnmarshallingException
getStrategyFor(CachingBOLoader, Class[], int[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy.ClassLimitedLRUContainer
getStream(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getStream(Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
getStream(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
get the BLOB belonging to BO[id].
getStream(Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
get the BLOB belonging to BO[id].
getString(BackendSessionInfo) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJListModel
getString(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC CHAR, VARCHAR, or LONGVARCHAR parameter as a String in the Java programming language.
getString(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC CHAR, VARCHAR, or LONGVARCHAR parameter as a String in the Java programming language.
getString(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a String in the Java programming language.
getString(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a String in the Java programming language.
getString(String) - Method in class
That's what this class is actually about... :-)
getString() - Method in class
getString(boolean) - Method in class
getString(int) - Method in class
getString(int, boolean) - Method in class
getStringProperty(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getStringValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getStringValue(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getStringValue(Benutzer, Appendable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getStringValue(BOLoaderI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariableBasedConfigurationValueI
getStrippedTextForWidth(String, int) - Static method in class
Returns a line-breaked String
by a StringUtils.LF
with the determined length for every row.
getStruktur() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
getStrukturDatum() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
getStrukturenForEntity(String, boolean, boolean, EntityI[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns all structures for a given entity-name
getStrukturenForEntity(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns all structures for a given entity-name
getStrukturenForEntity(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns all structures for a given entity-name
getStrukturenForEntity(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Returns all structures for a given entity-name
getStrukturenForEntity(String, boolean, boolean, EntityI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getStrukturenForEntity(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getStrukturenForEntity(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getStrukturenForEntity(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getStrukturenForSearchString(String, int, boolean, boolean, EntityI[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
Searches entities for a given string and generates/retrieves the structures for them
getStrukturenForSearchString(String, int, boolean, boolean, EntityI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getStrukturForFtx(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getStrukturForFtx(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getStrukturForFtx(FormContextI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getStrukturId(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getStrukturId(String, String, long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getStrukturId(String, String, long, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getStrukturId(String, String, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getStrukturId(String, String, long, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.SQLCoreDataStoreI
getStrukturTmp() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
getStubbedInstance() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getStufe() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getStufe() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getStufeNN() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getStyle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getSubContexts() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getSubContexts() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getSubContextsIterator() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getSubContextsIterator() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getSubentitiesToExclude() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
Returns a Set containing the EntityI-s to exclude in the dialog that asks for the entity to create in case our BOTyp is user-abstract.
getSubentitiesToExclude(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
getSubentitiesToExclude() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getSubEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenDelegate
getSubEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BX
getSubEntity() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingBO
getSubEntityList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
getSubEntityList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getSubEntityList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingEntity
getSubEntityList() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
getSubEntityList() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
getSubGroupFooter(BOProcI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGrouped
getSubGroupHeader(BOProcI, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedHTML
getSubGroupHeader(BOProcI, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.tx.TransactionFormatterGroupedPlain
getSubIndex(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.LdelSubIndexHash
getSubIndexes() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexEntityImpl
getSubIndexes() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.LdelSubIndexHash
getSubIndexes(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.LdelSubIndexHash
getSubIndexLdel(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.LdelSubIndexHash
getSubject() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEvent
getSubject() - Method in class
getSubScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getSubScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>, Class, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getSubScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getSubScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>, Class, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getSubScript() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getSubScript(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>, Class) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>, Class, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getSubScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getSubScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getSubScript(List<ScriptImport>, Class, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getSubscriptions() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventSubscriptionManager
getSubscriptions() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventSubscriptionManager.SubscriptionContainer
getSubscriptionsWithoutListener() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventSubscriptionManager.SubscriptionContainer
Retrieves an array of DBManEventSubscription objects that were subscribed but no longer have
active listeners (GCed WeakReference).
getSubVersion() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getSubVersion() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getSubVersion() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
getSubVersion() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns the protocol subversion, namely the additional parameters for the connection.
getSuccessor(Map) - Method in interface
Returns the temporal successor among the passed Map of IdentifiableTimespanI-s regarding our DateStart.
getSuccessor(Collection) - Method in interface
Returns the temporal successor among the passed Collection of IdentifiableTimespanI-s regarding our DateEnd.
getSuccessors() - Method in class
getSummary() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Prints a summary of this transaction (procs in a summarized, simplified form), e.g.
getSuperMenuTitle(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
getSuperTableNames(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQL
Retrieves and returns the "parent" table(s) from which the given table inherits in the SQL database.
getSVUID(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SVUIDChecker
Returns the serialVersionUID of the given _clazz by finding and calling
getSerialVersionUID method of the class or one of its parents.
getSwingElementClass(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementFactory
Holt eine Klasse aus einem Tag-Namen...
getSyncGruppe(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools
Loads and returns the Gruppe that all sync Benutzer must be a member of.
getSystemFilterAt(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
getSystemFilterCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
getTabbedPane() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
getTabLayoutPolicy(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getTabLayoutPolicy() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
getTable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getTable() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.IndexQueryJob
getTable() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
getTable() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementTable
getTable() - Method in class
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableBooleanColumnRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumnRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableImageColumnRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableScriptedColumnRenderer
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableTextColumnRenderer
getTableClause() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementJoinedTable
getTableClause(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementJoinedTable
getTableClause() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementTable
getTableClause(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementTable
getTableColumnDef() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
Default column definition based on the provided aliase list
getTableCountEstimationForEntity(CBOEntity) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.IntegrityCheck
getTablename() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.BOFactory
getTableName(int) - Method in class
Gets the designated column's table name.
getTableNameForOid(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQL
getTableResizeMode(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getTables() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLMapping
getTables() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatement
getTables() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SQLMappingI
getTabPlacement(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getTabPlacement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
getTabs() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
getTag() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.TagWrapper
getTaskbarHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getTaskbarHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getTaskbarHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
getTaskbarHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientSDIManager
getTaskbarHeight() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getTcr() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionAnswer
getTcr() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictException
getTdfNode() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.RootNavigationTreeNode
getTempDir() - Static method in class
getTempDirPath() - Static method in class
returns the temporary directory, where temporary files containing information
for the Asciidoc report (images, theme file) are to be placed in
getTemplate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getTemplate() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.AliasTemplateSelectionTreeNode
getTemplate() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.SchabloneTemplateSelectionTreeNode
getTemplateByTid(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getTemplateByTid(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getTemplateInstance() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.OrdnerFactory
getTemplateInstance(Document, long, StringBuilder) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.OrdnerFactory
getTemplateInstance() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturFactory
Creates and returns an instance of the specific BOTemplate (sub)class
which the *Factory (sub)class needs.
getTemplateInstance(Document, long, StringBuilder) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturFactory
Creates and returns an instance of the specific BOTemplate (sub)class
which the *Factory (sub)class needs.
getTemplates(EntityI, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getTemplates(EntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getTemplates(EntityI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getTemplates(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getTemplatesForSubEntitiesInAdminsOrdner(EntityI, boolean, boolean, Set) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getTemplatesForSubEntitiesInAdminsOrdner(EntityI, Set) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getTemplatesForSubEntitiesInAdminsOrdner(EntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getTemplatesForSubEntitiesInAdminsOrdner(EntityI, boolean, boolean, Set) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getTemplateSource() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getTemporaryFtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getTemporaryIdSupplier() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
getTerm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.TermInfo
getTerm() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.TermInfoI
Returns the term value.
getTerms() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTerms(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTerms(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTerms(EntityI, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTerms() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
Allows to get information about most frequently occuring (search) terms
in/from the fulltext search index.
getTerms(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getTerms(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getTerms(EntityI, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getTerms() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTerms(EntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTerms(EntityI, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTerms(EntityI, String, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[], boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTerms() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.TermInfoCache
getTerms(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.TermInfoCache
getTerms(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.TermInfoCache
getTerms(EntityI, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.TermInfoCache
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.TermInfoCache
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.TermInfoCache
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.TermInfoCache
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.TermInfoCache
getTerms() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getTerms(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getTerms(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getTerms(EntityI, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getTerms(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getTermsFromServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsFromServer(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsFromServer(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsFromServer(EntityI, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsFromServer(EntityI, String, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsFromServer(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsFromServer(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsFromServer(EntityI, String, int, boolean, String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsRaw() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FTSTermInfoProviderI
getTermsRaw(EntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FTSTermInfoProviderI
getTermsRaw(EntityI, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FTSTermInfoProviderI
getTermsRaw(EntityI, int, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FTSTermInfoProviderI
getTermsRaw(EntityI, int, boolean, String[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FTSTermInfoProviderI
getTermsRaw(EntityI, int, boolean, String[], boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FTSTermInfoProviderI
getTermsRaw(EntityI, int, boolean, String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FTSTermInfoProviderI
getTermsRaw() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsRaw(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsRaw(EntityI, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsRaw(EntityI, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsRaw(EntityI, int, boolean, String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsRaw(EntityI, int, boolean, String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermsRaw(EntityI, int, boolean, String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean, float) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean, float, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean, float, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
Returns terms that exist in the index that are similar to the given _term.
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean, float) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean, float, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean, float, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean, float) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean, float, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean, float, String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean, float) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean, float, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getTermSuggestions(EntityI, String, int, boolean, boolean, float, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEvent
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyAST2OQLVisitor
Gets the OQL query text this visitor has generated (so far).
getText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyAST2OQLVisitor
getText() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.oql.OQLQueryInstanceI
Returns the query text.
getText(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.oql.OQLQueryInstanceI
Returns the query text including the passed additional clauses.
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SimpleOQLQueryHolder
getText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SimpleOQLQueryHolder
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FUri
getText() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.ActionI
getText() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
getText() - Method in class
getTextComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
getTextComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
getTextComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FSimpleDurationChooser
getTextComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FText
getTextComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
getTextDynamisch() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getTextDynamisch(L10nLocale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getTextField() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturSearchDialog
getTextInput() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getTextIstFest() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getTextIstFest() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getTextIstFest() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
getTextIstFest() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getTextTemplate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getTextWhileLoading() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
getTheInstance() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.InternalNotificationRetryWV
getThemes() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getThemes(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getThisAndAllSubContextsAsArray() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getThisAndAllSubContextsAsArray() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getThisAsThrowable() - Method in interface
getThreadCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getThreadPosition() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getThreadPosition() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getThreadPositionNN() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getThreads() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicyCronJob
getTicketSystemRecipient(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
Returns the NotificationReceiverI instance for the email address of the OAshi ticketsystem.
getTid() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.EntityStrukturI
getTid() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturTemplate
getTime(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC TIME parameter as a java.sql.Time object.
getTime(int, Calendar) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC TIME parameter as a java.sql.Time object, using the given Calendar object to construct the time.
getTime(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TIME parameter as a java.sql.Time object.
getTime(String, Calendar) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TIME parameter as a java.sql.Time object, using the given Calendar object to construct the time.
getTime(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Time object in the Java programming language.
getTime(int, Calendar) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Time object in the Java programming language.
getTime(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Time object in the Java programming language.
getTime(String, Calendar) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Time object in the Java programming language.
getTimeout() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
getTimeout() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns the current connection-timeout or -1 if a TransportException occurred while getting that value.
getTimespanFormat() - Static method in class
getTimespanFormat(String) - Static method in class
getTimespanFormat(String, Locale) - Static method in class
getTimestamp() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getTimestamp(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC TIMESTAMP parameter as a java.sql.Timestamp object.
getTimestamp(int, Calendar) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC TIMESTAMP parameter as a java.sql.Timestamp object, using the given Calendar object to construct the Timestamp object.
getTimestamp(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TIMESTAMP parameter as a java.sql.Timestamp object.
getTimestamp(String, Calendar) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TIMESTAMP parameter as a java.sql.Timestamp object, using the given Calendar object to construct the Timestamp object.
getTimestamp(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object in the Java programming language.
getTimestamp(int, Calendar) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object in the Java programming language.
getTimestamp(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object.
getTimestamp(String, Calendar) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object in the Java programming language.
getTimeWithoutDate(Calendar) - Static method in class
Returns a copy of the passed Calendar, stripped of its date
getTimeZone() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Zeitzone
Returns the corresponding Java TimeZone
getTimeZone() - Method in class
getTimeZoneChangesIn1Day(Date) - Static method in class
Uses the java time framework to decide if there is a change of time offset compared to UTC,
i.e. from summer to winter time on that date or vice versa.
getTimeZoneChangesIn1Day(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class
Method checks if there is a time zone change between the provided datetime and the datetime 1 day later.
getTimeZoneProperty() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getTimeZoneProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getTimeZoneProperty() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
getTimeZoneProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getTimeZoneProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getTimeZoneProperty() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getTint(Color, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getTint() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
getTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterChoice
getTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.EntryValueWrapper
getTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
getTitle() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
getTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataCategory
Returns the title of the data category.
getTitle() - Method in class
Returns the "command" we are running as a String
suitable for
use as a window title or similar.
getTitleBorder() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getTitleColor() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getTitledBorderJustification(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getTitledBorderPosition(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getTitleFont() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getTitleJustification() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getTitlePosition() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getTlsPort() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.BackendSocketServer
getTLSServerSocketFactory() - Method in interface
getTodoTime() - Method in class
getToken() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
Accessor method for the token.
getToken() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
getToken() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getToken() - Method in enum
Returns the string representation of the token.
getToMachines() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEvent
getToNode() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getToNode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getToNode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getToNode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingAttribute
getToNode() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getToNode() - Method in class
getToNode() - Method in interface
getToNodes() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getToNodes() - Method in interface
Gets all nodes to which the outgoing edges from this node lead.
getToolBar() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
getToolBar() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getToolBar() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
getToolBarLayout() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getToolBarLayout(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getToolBarName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
getToolBarOrientation() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
getToolBarOrientation() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getToolBarOrientation(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getToolbarPluginElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
getToolBarPosition() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
getToolBarPosition() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getToolBarPosition(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getToolTipBundleLookupPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getToolTipBundleLookupPath() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getToolTipBundleLookupPath() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getToolTipFormat() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getToolTipLocation(MouseEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.TaskbarIcon
getToolTipText() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCanvas
getToolTipText() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
getToolTipText(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
Renders and possibly caches the tooltip-text to be shown for that object
getToolTipText(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getToolTipTextForAttribute(AttributeI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
getTopGridAlign() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
getToRow() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementJoinedTable
getToStringWrapper() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Returns the EntityToStringWrapper
for this CBOEntity
getTotal() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.InitialBLOBTransferMetaDataContainer
getTotal() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
getTotal() - Method in class
Return total number of permutations.
getTotal() - Method in class
getTotalBytes() - Method in exception
getTotalEvaluationTimeMeasured() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getTotalEvictionCount() - Static method in class
getTotalMemory() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getTotalRows() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
getTotalTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getTotalTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getTotalTime() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getTotalTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getToUsers() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEvent
getTraceQueryOnEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
Gets the Transaction
provided by this api instance that can be
used to persist changes in the database.
getTransaction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
Gets the Transaction
provided by this api instance that can be
used to persist changes in the database.
getTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the Transaction this BO is included in, null otherwise.
getTransaction() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ServerLocalTransactionI
Returns the underlying Transaction that is used for recording server local changes.
getTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
returns Transaction associated with this Savepoint
getTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBus
getTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ServerLocalTransaction
getTransaction() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
getTransaction() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getTransactionAnswer() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.SaveResultI
If the save-process was successful the TransactionAnswer is available via this method.
getTransactionAnswer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan.SaveResult
getTransactionAnswer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestSave
getTransactionAnswer() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestSaveI
getTransactionBuilder() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getTransactionConflictReport() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.SaveResultI
If the save-process was successful a TransactionConflictReport is available via this method.
getTransactionCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getTransactionCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getTransactionCount() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getTransactionCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class
Retrieves this Connection object's current transaction isolation level.
getTransactionProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
getTransferData(DataFlavor) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTransferable
Returns an object which represents the data to be transferred.
getTransferDataFlavors() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTransferable
Returns an array of DataFlavor objects indicating the flavors the data
can be provided in.
getTransientProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns the value that was saved using the given transient property name.
getTransientProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getTransientProperty(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
Returns the value that was saved using the given transient property name.
getTranslatedColumn(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getTranslatedColumn(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getTranslatedRow(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getTranslatedRow(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getTransport() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
getTransport() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
Exposes the used TransportI in this PooledSocket.
getTransport(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
getTransport(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportProviderI
Returns a usable TransportI for client-server communication.
getTransportProtocol() - Method in class
getTransportProvider(ServerConnectionI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.TransportProviderFactory
getTransportProvider(ServerConnectionI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportProviderFactoryI
getTransportTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getTransportTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getTransportTime() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getTransportTime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getTree() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturSearchDialog
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeCellRenderer
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.PolymorphicTemplateSelectionTreeCellRenderer
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeCellRenderer
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class
getTreeNodeForBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
getTreeNodeForBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeNode
getTrigger() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Returns the trigger for initiating the data retention period.
getTriggerActionScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
getTriggeringBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BOMonitoringAlarmBenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
Gets the BO
that triggered the current Alarm invocation.
getTriggeringBOForChanges() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BOMonitoringAlarmBenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
Gets the BO
that triggered the current Alarm invocation already
included in the API's transaction.
getTriggeringBOForChanges(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BOMonitoringAlarmBenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
getTrimmedSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEvent
returns the number of true-values in requestedInAnyFilter and caches that value locally in a variable
getTrueIcon() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getTs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictReport
getTs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEvent
getTx() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
getTx() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
Returns the current Transaction
getTx() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
getTxId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictReport
getTxIds() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.DBManBOChangeEventI
getTxIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getTxIds() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getTyp() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
getTyp() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBLOBChangeEvent
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBLOBChangeEventFilter
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEvent
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventFilter
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilter
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEvent
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEventFilter
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEventFilter
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEventFilter
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManSessionEvent
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManSessionEventFilter
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.L10nCacheEvent
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.L10nCacheEventFilter
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ExplainNode
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Token
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandlerDecision
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getType() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getType(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getType(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Type factory.
getType(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getType() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getType() - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.MarshallingException
getType() - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.UnmarshallingException
getType() - Method in class
Retrieves the type of this ResultSet object.
getType() - Method in class
getTypeCast() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathPart
getTypeCode() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getTypeCode() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getTypeCode() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getTypedQName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getTypedQName(BOI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getTypedQName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns a nicely formatted String
containing the entity name, the name of the attribute, and its type or
relation information.
getTypedQName(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns a nicely formatted String
containing the entity name or a concise description of the given BOI,
the name of the attribute, and its type or relation information.
getTypeFilter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
getTypeMap() - Method in class
Retrieves the Map object associated with this Connection object.
getTypeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
getTypeName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
getTypeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getTypeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
getTypeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getTypeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getTypeName() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
getTypeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getTypeName() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getUnhandledBTsQuery(Long, Date, Long[]) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.bthandler.BTsHandler
getUnhandledBTsQuery(Long, Date, Long[], boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.bthandler.BTsHandler
getUnicodeStream(int) - Method in class
Deprecated. use getCharacterStream in place of getUnicodeStream
getUnicodeStream(String) - Method in class
Deprecated. use getCharacterStream instead
getUnifiedDiff() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
getUnifiedDiff() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getUnifiedDiff(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getUnifiedDiff(boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
getUninitializedGDPRRelevantBOs(BOLoaderI, EntityI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.gdpr.GDPRTools
Retrieves all not already initialized BOs of the given type that are relevant for GDPR processing.
getUninitializedGDPRRelevantBOs(BOLoaderI, EntityI, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.gdpr.GDPRTools
Retrieves all not already initialized BOs of the given type that are relevant for GDPR processing.
getUninitializedGDPRRelevantBOsCount(BOLoaderI, EntityI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.gdpr.GDPRTools
Counts the number of not already initialized BOs of the given type that are relevant for GDPR processing.
getUnique() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
getUnique() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
getUniqueBOByAttr(Class<? extends BOI>, String, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOQueryLoaderI
Looks up a BO with a unique attribute-value-pair.
getUniquePrefix() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getUniquePrefix() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getUnit() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
getUnitText() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getUnlazyManyrelations(Class) - Method in class
getUnlazyManyrelations(EntityI) - Method in class
getUnmodifiedPercent() - Method in class
Returns the raw percentage of progress done, without the accelerating effect applied.
getUnsharedSecureRandom() - Static method in class
Returns an unshared SecureRandom object.
getUpdateableEntities() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy
getUpdateableEntities() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderUpdateStrategyI
A Set of EntityI Instances that will be registered in the DBMan listener and
whose procs will be queried on changes.
getUpdateableEntities() - Method in class
A list of all entities to keep updated, in this case: All entities that are reachable from the provided roots in theory
getUpdateCount() - Method in class
Retrieves the current result as an update count; if the result is a ResultSet object or there are no more results, -1 is returned.
getUpperFetchLimitId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
getUrgency() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEvent
getURI() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FUri
getUrl() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManServerlist.DBManServerInfo
getUrl() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.Law
Returns a URL referencing the law.
getUrl() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
getUrl() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getURL(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC DATALINK parameter as a object.
getURL(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of a JDBC DATALINK parameter as a object.
getURL(int) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a object in the Java programming language.
getURL(String) - Method in class
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a object in the Java programming language.
getURL(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class
getURLPrefix() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
getURLPrefix() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
getURLPrefix() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
getUsage(Long) - Method in class
Retrieves the current usage count for the given Id.
getUseComponentsGUIText() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
getUsedInRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaMappingBuilder
getUsedModules() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
returns an unmodifiable Map with unmodifiable lists of all actually used modules of each used module provider as values and the names of the corresponding module providers as keys
getUsedModules() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getUsedModules() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getUseInlinePGP() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
Returns the system user that this AlarmHandler
is supposed to use/represent.
getUser(BP) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
Returns the user of the given BPs BT or null if no BP was passed.
getUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
getUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
The structure of this class is optimized to give a fast yes or no answer to a given permission (read/write/create/delete).
getUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getUser() - Method in class
getUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
getUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
getUser() - Method in class
getUserContext(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
getUserData() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getUserData() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEvent
getUserFilterAt(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
getUserFilterCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
getUserFriendlyMessage(int) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.BLOBLockNotGrantedException
getUserFriendlyMessage(int) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.LockNotGrantedException
getUserFriendlyMessage(int) - Method in interface
getUserId() - Method in class
get the userId associated
getUserInput() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
Gets the user entered or selected filter value in the native format appropriate for the filter's type.
getUserInput() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.BoolFilterGUI
getUserInput() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.DateFilterGUI
getUserInput() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.DecimalFilterGUI
getUserInput() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterGUI
getUserInput() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.QueryGUIElementI
Gets the user entered or selected filter value in the native format appropriate for the filter's type.
getUserInput() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
Gets the raw text the user (might have) entered in the "search bar".
getUserInput() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.StringFilterGUI
getUserInput() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
getUserInputAsClausePart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
getUserInputAsClausePart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.BoolFilterGUI
getUserInputAsClausePart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.DateFilterGUI
getUserInputAsClausePart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.DecimalFilterGUI
getUserInputAsClausePart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterGUI
getUserInputAsClausePart() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.QueryGUIElementI
Gets the user entered or selected filter value as a string in a format appropriate for inserting it as a literal
value in an OQL query.
getUserInputAsClausePart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
Gets the text the user (might have) entered in the "search bar" or "NULL" if no text was entered.
getUserInputAsClausePart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.StringFilterGUI
getUserInputAsClausePart() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
getUsername() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
getUserRelevantMessage(Throwable) - Static method in class
Extracts a user-relevant message from a throwable, optionally prioritizing a specific cause type.
getUserRelevantMessage(Throwable, Class<? extends Throwable>) - Static method in class
getUsers(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Returns all users which are involved in Transactions included in this event
getUsers(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
getUsers() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.UserNavigationSubCategory
getUsersOrGroupsToNotify(BOQueryLoaderI, Collection<String>) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotifiableI
getUsersOrGroupsToNotifyByCSV(BOQueryLoaderI, String) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotifiableI
getUsersOrGroupsToNotifyByEV(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotifiableI
getUTF8Bytes(String) - Static method in class
getUTF8Bytes(String, boolean) - Static method in class
getUTF8EncodedString(byte[]) - Static method in class
Returns the passed bytes as a UTF-8 encoded String.
getUtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
getUtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getUtx() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
getUtx() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
getUtx() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
getval(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
Get a value from Inifile: Sektion,Variable
getval(String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
Get a value with default from Inifile: Sektion,Variable,Default
getval(String, String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelperI
Get a value with default from Inifile: Sektion,Variable,Default
getval(Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class
Holt Wert aus dem Inifile: Sektion,Variable
getval(Rexx, Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class
Holt Wert mit Default aus dem Inifile: Sektion,Variable,Default
getvalAndVerify(String, String, String, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
getValid(Map, Date) - Static method in interface
Returns the IdentifiableTimespanI object from the values of the passed Map that is valid at the specified date.
getValid(Map, Date, boolean) - Static method in interface
getValid(Map, Date, boolean, boolean) - Static method in interface
getValid(Map, Date, boolean, boolean, Class) - Static method in interface
getValid(Collection, Date) - Static method in interface
Returns the IdentifiableTimespanI object from the values in the passed Collection that is valid at the specified date.
getValid(Collection, Date, boolean) - Static method in interface
getValid(Collection, Date, boolean, boolean) - Static method in interface
getValid(Collection, Date, boolean, boolean, Class) - Static method in interface
getValidBooleanStrings() - Static method in class
Returns a list of all valid boolean strings (case-insensitive).
getValidBUs(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BU
Returns all valid BUs that match the passed name and (optionally) node id
getValidBUs(BOLoaderI, String, Long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BU
getValidCodes() - Static method in enum de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.GDPRArea
Returns a list of valid codes.
getValidRoundingModeStrings() - Static method in class
Returns a list of all valid rounding mode strings (case-insensitive).
getVAlign() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
getVAlign() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
getVAlign() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getValue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenDelegate
Raw getter for the component value of the provided alias.
getValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Token
getValue() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
getValue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.StatusValueManager
Returns the value set for the given _key or null if no matching entry does exist.
getValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.EntryValueWrapper
getValue(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DoubleList
Returns an object in this DoubleList
getValue(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DoubleList
Returns the object corresponding to the given object
getValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
getValue(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getValue(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.cache.WrappedValue
getValue(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the value from the given bo by the AttributeAccessor
getValue(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getValue(Object, AttributeI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getValue(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getValue(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getValue(Object, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getValue(Object, AttributeI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getValue(Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the value contained in the given BO and reached via the given attPath.
getValue(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getValue() - Method in enum de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionEvaluationFrequency
Returns the string representation of the enum value.
getValue() - Method in enum de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionStart
Returns the string representation of the retention start value.
getValue() - Method in enum de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionTrigger
Returns the string representation of the retention trigger value.
getValue(Object, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Setting/getting Values from Objects.
getValue(Object, String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Setting/getting Values from Objects.
getValue(Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Setting/getting Values from Objects.
getValue(Object, AttributeI[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getValue(SchemaI, Object, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns the value of an attribute specified by the attribute path.
getValue(SchemaI, Object, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns the value of an attribute specified by the attribute path.
getValue(SchemaI, Object, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns the value of an attribute specified by the attribute path.
getValue(SchemaI, Object, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns the value of an attribute specified by the attribute path.
getValue(Object, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getValue(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getValue(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getValue(Object, AttributeI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getValue(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
If not caching, then delegates to getValueUncached(Object).
getValue() - Method in enum
Returns the boolean value associated with the token.
getValue(String) - Method in class
getValueAsBool(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
getValueAsBool(String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
getValueAsBool(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelperI
getValueAsBool(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelperI
getValueAsBool(String, String) - Method in class
getValueAsBool(String, String, boolean) - Method in class
getValueAsInt(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
getValueAsInt(String, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
getValueAsInt(String, String, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelperI
getValueAsInt(String, String) - Method in class
getValueAsInt(String, String, int) - Method in class
getValueAsObject() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.LiteralNode
getValueAsObject() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Token
getValueAsString(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
getValueAsString(String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
getValueAsString(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelperI
getValueAsString(String, String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelperI
getValueAsString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CustomBTProperty
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
Wird vom FTableColumnRenderer benutzt, um den Text in der Zelle zu kriegen.
getValueAsString(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the value from the given bo depending on the relation type of the given bo
getValueAsString(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getValueAsString(Object, AttributeI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
getValueAsString(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getValueAsString(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getValueAsString(Object, AttributeI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getValueAsString(Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Returns the value contained in the given BO and reached via the given attPath as String.
getValueAsString(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
getValueAsString(Object, String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Setting/getting Values from Objects.
getValueAsString(Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Setting/getting Values from Objects.
getValueAsString(Object, AttributeI[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
getValueAsString(SchemaI, Object, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns the value of an attribute specified by the attribute path as a String
getValueAsString(SchemaI, Object, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns the value of an attribute specified by the attribute path as a String
getValueAsString(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getValueAsString(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getValueAsString(Object, AttributeI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getValueAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getValueAsString(String, String) - Method in class
getValueAsString(String, String, String) - Method in class
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getValueAt(int, int, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getValueAt(int, int, Object, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTablePivotDataSource
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class
getValueClass() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getValueClassname() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CustomBTProperty
getValueExtractor() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.BOBasedModel
getValueForLocale(L10nLocale, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
getValueForSortingAt(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
getValueForSortingAt(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJTableModel
getValueFromObject(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getValueFromObjectAsString(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getValueFromObjectAsString(Object, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getValueLazy(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
getValueLazy(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
getValueLazy(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the value from the given bo by the AttributeAccessor, but lazy
getValueLazy(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
getValuesAreAlphaNumeric() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getValuesAreBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getValuesAreBoolean() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getValuesAreDate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getValuesAreOneOf(Class[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
getValuesForAggregating() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
getValuesForAggregating(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
getValueType() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
getValueUncached(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
Calls the getter for this attribute on the given BO and returns the calculated object
getvalWithUpdateAllowed(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
Get a value from Inifile and updates ini structures before if needed
getvalWithUpdateAllowed(Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class
Holt einen Wert auf dem Inifile und updatet ggfs. die Inistrukturen vorher.
getVar(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.mex.MEXTransformer
getVar() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns the name of this CBOAttribute
with the first character converted to lowercase
getVar() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeI
getVarCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.mex.MEXTransformer
getVarFormatter() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getVarFormatter() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getVariable(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlBinding
getVariable() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
getVariable() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.QueryGUIElementI
If given the value entered in/returned by the filter is stored under this name and accessible by this in the query
getVariable() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
getVariable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
getVariable(String) - Method in class
getVariablenWert(String, Benutzer) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getVariablenWert(String, Benutzer, Object) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getVariablenWert(String, Benutzer, Object, Appendable) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getVariablenWert(String, Benutzer, Object, Appendable, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getVariablenWert(BOLoaderI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getVariablenWert(BOLoaderI, String, Benutzer) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getVariablenWert(BOLoaderI, String, Benutzer, Object) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getVariablenWert(BOLoaderI, String, Benutzer, Object, Appendable) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getVariablenWert(BOLoaderI, String, Benutzer, Object, Appendable, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getVariables() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
getVariables(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
getVarname() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
getVattr2Pkeys() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.Initialdata
getVattr2Pkeys() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
getVattrNameColIx() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Data
getVattrNameColIx() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
getVerboseDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getVerboseDescriptionHTML() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
getVerfuegbareAenderungsTypen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
getVerfuegbareAttribute(BOMaske, BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
getVerfuegbareAttribute(BOMaske, BOLoaderI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
getVerfuegbareAttribute(BOMaske, BOLoaderI, boolean, List<AttributeI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
getVerfuegbareAttribute(BOT, BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
getVerfuegbareAttribute(BOT, BOLoaderI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
getVerfuegbareAttribute(BOT, BOLoaderI, boolean, List<AttributeI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
getVerfuegbareAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
getVerfuegbareAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
getVerfuegbareAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
getVerfuegbareAttribute() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Wiedervorlage
getVerfuegbareEncodings(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
getVerfuegbareWertAlsAnhang() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAssociatedAlarm
getVerschickteBenachrichtigungen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getVersendenAn() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
getVersendenAnCC() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
getVersendenAnCCEV() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
getVersendenAnEV() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
getVersendungen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
getVersendungenErfolgreich() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getVersendungenMitFehler() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
getVersion() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.cache.VersionedValue
getVersion() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
getVersion() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Just version "schema-artikel2008-02-29".
getVersion() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
getVersion() - Method in interface
Returns the version of this ObjectsExchangerI.
getVersionRelevantDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns a Description for this CBOAttribute
containing the name and the relationtype,
will contains relevant details like: dependent, linkOnly, viewOnly, virtual, ... too
getVersionRelevantDescription() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Returns the version relevant description for this CBOEntity
by concatinating
relevant informations of this CBOEntity
as String
getVerticalAlignment(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getVerticalScrollBarPolicy(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanelValueReader
getVerticalScrollBarPolicy() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getViewColumn(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getViewColumn(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getViewCommand(File) - Method in interface
getViewportBorderInsets() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCanvas
getViewRow(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getViewRow(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getViewType() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getVirtual() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
getVirtualizer() - Method in class
getVirtualSubEntityList(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getVirtualSubEntityList(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
getVirtualSubEntityList(EntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchemaI
getVirtualSubEntityList(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchemaI
getVisChangeAllowed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorI
getVisChangeAllowed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
getVisibility() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
returns the cached value for PanelVisibility or null if visibilityTransient is true
getVisibility() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
getVisibility() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getVisibility() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FHideablePanel
getVisibility() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
getVisibleCellCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getVisibleCellCount() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getVmName() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getVmUptime() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getVmVersion() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
getVon() - Method in class
getVoreinstellungenElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
getVoreinstellungenElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Gruppe
getVorlage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.logging.MyTISMAppender
getVorschau(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel
Returns Druckziel
for the preview
getWaehrungsSymbol(String) - Static method in class
getWantsEncryption() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
getWantsSignature() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
getWarn() - Method in class
getWarnEvent(String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getWarnEvent(String, String, Object) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
getWarnings() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.UnresolvedReferencesResolver
getWarnings() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.Importer
getWarnings() - Method in class
Retrieves the first warning reported by calls on this Connection object.
getWarnings() - Method in class
Retrieves the first warning reported by calls on this ResultSet object.
getWarnings() - Method in class
Retrieves the first warning reported by calls on this Statement object.
getWarnSlowQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
getWatchdogTimeout() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceInstanceI
getWDTimeoutMillis() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicy
getWeekOfYear(Date) - Static method in class
getWertAlsAnhangBX() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAssociatedAlarm
getWertAlsBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAnhangBOEintrag
getWertAlsObject() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMKontextBOEintrag
getWertAlsString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAnhangBOEintrag
getWertAlsString() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMKontextBOEintrag
getWertBX() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
getWertForBenutzer(BOLoaderI, String, Benutzer) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getWertForBenutzer(BOLoaderI, String, Benutzer, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getWertForBenutzer(BOLoaderI, String, Benutzer, String, Appendable) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinstellungenVariable
getWestPanel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
getWestPanel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
getWestPanel() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
getWhere() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOQuery
getWhereClause() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.DBQueryModel
getWhereClause() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
getWherePart() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
getWhitespaceChars() - Method in class
getWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyBildImage
getWidth(ImageObserver) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyBildImage
getWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getWidth() - Method in class
getWidthArg() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
getWidthForHeight(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
getWidthSpec(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
getWidthSpec(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
getWillInlinePGP() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresse
getWillInlinePGP() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotificationReceiverI
Returns the setting if the signature for the notifcation should be
inserted inline in the created message using the (rather obsolete) inline
format or if it should be attached using the newer MIME format.
getWillSignatur() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresse
getWillSignatur() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getWillSignatur() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotificationReceiverI
Returns the setting if the notification for this recipient should be
signed by the MyTISM node or not.
getWillSolsticeNachrichten() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Tells if this Benutzer
wants notification popups in the Solstice
GUI client or not.
getWillVerschluesselung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresse
getWillVerschluesselung() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
getWillVerschluesselung() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotificationReceiverI
Returns the setting if the notification for this recipient should be
encrypted or not.
getWin() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getWin() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
getWinAsComponent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
getWinAsComponent() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
getWindowTitle(BO, String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getWindowTitle(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
getWindowTitle(BO, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getWindowTitle(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
getWorker() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceInstanceI
getWorker() - Method in class
getWorkstation() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getWorkstation() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getWorkstation() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
Returns the IP-address and port of the workstation associated with this BackendSessionI.
getWorkstation() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
getWorkstationAddress() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
getWorkstationAddress() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
getWorkstationAddress() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
Returns the IP-address of the workstation associated with this BackendSessionI.
getWrappedFormElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
getWrappedFormElement() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.SingleFormElementWrapperI
getWrappedTransientProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
getWrapper() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenDelegate
getWrittenBytes() - Method in exception
getX() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getXML() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
getXMLElements() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterface
getXMLElements() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaInterfaceI
Returns a collection of XML elements representing the attributes defined in this interface.
getY() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
getYear(Date) - Static method in class
getYearAsInt(Date) - Static method in class
Returns an int with the year of the given date, -1 if the given date is null
getYesString() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getYesWords() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
getYoungestAt() - Method in class
getYoungestError() - Method in class
Gets stored info about the most recent stored error.
getZeilen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
The array contents as wrapper objects
getZoneBerlin() - Static method in class
getZoneLuxembourg() - Static method in class
gotoDocumentEnd() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
gotoLine(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
gotoLine(int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
grab(int) - Static method in class
grabFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
granted() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.Permission
granted() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandlerDecision
granted() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerDecisionI
GraphEdgeFilterI - Interface in
Interface to be implemented by classes which can filter GraphEdgeI
instances according to some criteria.
GraphEdgeI - Interface in
GraphNodeMatcherI - Interface in
Class that defines certain criteria which node objects must meet to "match"
and which can check nodes for this.
GraphPath - Class in
GraphPath(OnlyToDirectedGraphNodeI) - Constructor for class
GraphPath(GraphPath, GraphEdgeI) - Constructor for class
GraphTools - Class in
Yet another collection of Graph algorithms.
GreyedAutoStrukturWrapper - Class in de.ipcon.gui
GreyedAutoStrukturWrapper(Struktur) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.GreyedAutoStrukturWrapper
GrooqlBinding - Class in de.ipcon.db.grooql
This Binding
subclass gets a BO
set and will
interpret variable references in scripts that use this binding as references
to attributes of that BO
GrooqlBinding() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlBinding
GrooqlBinding(GroovyScript.HGB) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlBinding
GrooqlBinding(GroovyScript.HGB, Map) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlBinding
GrooqlBOLoaderI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.grooql
Needed for build dependency reasons, to be able to build grooql package before
de.ipcon.db.core .
GrooqlBOMaske - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
subclass that additionally uses a GrooqlFilter
check if given objects match.
GrooqlBOMaske() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.GrooqlBOMaske
GrooqlFilter - Class in de.ipcon.db.grooql
allow to query BOs
that match given
criteria from the DB and also check if given BOs
match these
criteria, both accomplished using only one single criteria definition.
GrooqlFilter(EntityI, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
Creates and initializes a new GrooqlFilter
GrooqlQueryResults - Class in de.ipcon.db.grooql
QueryResultsI wrapper that automatically filters all results from the wrapped
QueryResultsI instance by the given GrooqlFilter's fits() method.
GrooqlQueryResults(GrooqlFilter, QueryResultsI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlQueryResults
GrooqlQueryResults(GrooqlFilter, QueryResultsI, Map) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlQueryResults
GrooqlQueryResults(GrooqlFilter, QueryResultsI, Map, long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlQueryResults
GroovyAST2OQLVisitor - Class in de.ipcon.db.grooql
Visitor that transforms Expressions
in a Groovy AST to an OQL
GroovyAST2OQLVisitor(EntityI, Map, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyAST2OQLVisitor
GroovyAST2OQLVisitor(EntityI, Map, String, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyAST2OQLVisitor
GroovyAST2OQLVisitor(EntityI, Map, String, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyAST2OQLVisitor
GroovyAST2OQLVisitor(EntityI, Map, String, String, Object[], String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyAST2OQLVisitor
GroovyASTEvaluationAnalyzerVisitor - Class in de.ipcon.db.grooql
Visitor that determines for the Expressions
in the AST if they
can be evaluated "statically" during code parsing or if they must be
converted to OQL and be evaluated by the DB and flags the
objects accordingly.
GroovyASTEvaluationAnalyzerVisitor(EntityI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTEvaluationAnalyzerVisitor
GroovyASTEvaluationTransformerVisitor - Class in de.ipcon.db.grooql
Visitor that replaces evaluateable Expressions
(as determined
by the GroovyASTEvaluationAnalyzerVisitor
) with
of their evaluated result.
GroovyASTEvaluationTransformerVisitor(Map, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTEvaluationTransformerVisitor
GroovyASTTypeAnalyzerVisitor - Class in de.ipcon.db.grooql
Visitor that determines - if possible - the Type
of the
in the AST.
GroovyASTTypeAnalyzerVisitor(EntityI, Map) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTTypeAnalyzerVisitor
GroovyASTUnsupportedAnalyzerVisitor - Class in de.ipcon.db.grooql
Visitor that determines for the Expressions
in the AST if they
can be translated to OQL and flags the Expression
GroovyASTUnsupportedAnalyzerVisitor(EntityI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTUnsupportedAnalyzerVisitor
GroovyASTUnsupportedDitcherVisitor - Class in de.ipcon.db.grooql
Visitor that filters out Expressions
that are not supported for
transformation to OQL.
GroovyASTUnsupportedDitcherVisitor() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTUnsupportedDitcherVisitor
GroovyClosureScriptFunction - Class in
GroovyClosureScriptFunction(Closure, int) - Constructor for class
groovyCompare(Comparable, Comparable) - Static method in class
Uses the Groovy compare operator for comparing the given parameters, null-safe.
GroovyScript - Class in
GroovyScript(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
GroovyScript(String, boolean, GroovyScript) - Constructor for class
GroovyScript(String, boolean, GroovyScript, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class
GroovyScript(String, boolean, GroovyScript, ClassLoader, Map) - Constructor for class
GroovyScript(String, boolean, GroovyScript, ClassLoader, Map, List<ScriptImport>) - Constructor for class
GroovyScript(String, boolean, GroovyScript, ClassLoader, Map, List<ScriptImport>, String) - Constructor for class
GroovyScript(String, boolean, GroovyScript, ClassLoader, Map, List<ScriptImport>, String, GroovyScript.HGB) - Constructor for class
GroovyScript(String, boolean, GroovyScript, ClassLoader, Map, List<ScriptImport>, String, GroovyScript.HGB, String) - Constructor for class
GroovyScript.Function - Class in
GroovyScript.HGB - Class in
GroovyScriptClassLoader - Class in
A ClassLoader used for loading GroovyScripts and a cached blacklist
for repeated lookups to nonexisting classes, which speeds up dynamic groovy script compilation.
GroovyScriptClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class
GroovyScriptClassLoader.EvictionCounter - Class in
Simple listener to log a warning if the notFound cache appears to be thrashing.
GroovyScriptClosureImpl - Class in
GroovyScriptClosureImpl(Object, Object) - Constructor for class
GroovyScriptClosureImpl(Object) - Constructor for class
GroovyScriptClosureImpl(Object, String) - Constructor for class
GroovyScriptClosureImpl(Object, String, Map) - Constructor for class
GroovyScriptClosureImpl(Object, String, Map, List<ScriptImport>) - Constructor for class
GroovyScriptException - Exception in
GroovyScriptException(String, String, int, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Gruppe - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
Gruppe() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.Gruppe
GRUPPENNAME_SYNC - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools
GStringQueryRenderer - Class in de.ipcon.db.query
This class renders and converts a GString query with embedded variables and closures
into a simple Query-String and Parameter-Object[] pair.
GStringQueryRenderer() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.query.GStringQueryRenderer
GUIBenutzerNameComparator - Class in de.ipcon.form.navtree
comparator to use for sorting users before displaying them
iconify() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
iconify() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
iconify() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
iconifyFrame(JInternalFrame) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
IconStorage - Class in
ID - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
Identifiable - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
We need to use the Id-aspect of de.ipcon.db.core.BO early on, so we use this interface.
IdentifiableByIdComparator - Class in de.ipcon.schema
Simple comparator that can be used to sort Identifiable
by the return value of their getId()
in ascending order.
IdentifiableByIdComparator() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.IdentifiableByIdComparator
IdentifiableTimespanI - Interface in
identify() - Method in class
identify device on current port
should return "TRF7960 EVM" if the device is valid for this driver
IDLE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.api.websockets.WebSocketService
ifSetQuery1BO(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
ifSetQuery1BO(String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
ifSetQuery1BO(String, String, boolean, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
ifSetQuery1BO(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
ifSetQuery1BO(String, String, Object[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
ifSetQuery1BO(String, String, Object[], boolean, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
ignoresThrowable() - Method in class
ImmutableDate - Class in de.ipcon.schema.types
ImmutableDate() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.types.ImmutableDate
ImmutableDate(long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.types.ImmutableDate
ImmutableInstanceException - Exception in de.ipcon.schema.types
ImmutableInstanceException(Object, String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.types.ImmutableInstanceException
importBild() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
Shows a FileChooser and imports the selected file into the persistent file storage
To ensure the physical file sync, you MUST trigger a save on the used Transaction after calling this method.
importBild(BasicClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBild(BasicClientContextI, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBild(BasicClientContextI, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBild(BasicClientContextI, int, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBild(BufferedImage) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBild(BufferedImage, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBild(BufferedImage, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBild(BufferedImage, int, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildAndMove() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
Shows a FileChooser and imports the selected file into the persistent file storage
Afterwards it moves the file to destinationFolder
To ensure the physical file sync, you MUST trigger a save on the used Transaction after calling this method.
importBildAndMove(BasicClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildAndMove(BasicClientContextI, File) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildAndMove(BasicClientContextI, File, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildAndMove(BasicClientContextI, File, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildAndMove(BasicClientContextI, File, int, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildArray(byte[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildAsNew(BasicClientContextI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildAsNew(BasicClientContextI, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildAsNew(BasicClientContextI, int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildAsNew(BasicClientContextI, int, int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildFile(File) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
Imports an image file into the database as a BLOB (Binary Large Object).
importBildFile(File, BasicClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildFile(File, BasicClientContextI, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildFile(File, BasicClientContextI, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
importBildFile(File, BasicClientContextI, int, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
Importer - Class in de.ipcon.db.importer
FIXME See de/ipcon/db/BOEnvironmentBuilder javadoc for a very brief explanation
how these classes are used (for initialdata import).
Importer(InputReaderI, Transaction) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.Importer
Importer(InputReaderI, Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.importer.Importer
importFQgetSimpleName(nrxgen, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSource
importFrom(FilesystemObject, Map<String, Benannt>, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
importFrom(FilesystemObject, Map<String, Benannt>, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
importFromXML(EntityI, Element, Map<String, Benannt>, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alias
importFromXML(EntityI, Element, Map<String, Benannt>, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
importFromXML(EntityI, Element, Map<String, Benannt>, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Formular
importFromXML(EntityI, Element, Map<String, Benannt>, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
importFromXML(EntityI, Element, Map<String, Benannt>, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
importFromXML(EntityI, Element, Map<String, Benannt>, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
importFromXML(EntityI, Element, Map<String, Benannt>, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
importLicense() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
Convenience method used in the prebuild BF form and FeatureManager.nrx .
importLicense(File, DBManLocalI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
Imports a license from the given File
importLicense(String, DBManLocalI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
Imports a license from the given String
incBackEnd() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
incCommandHandler(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
incCommandHandler(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
incCommands() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
incCommands() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
incKernel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
include(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
include(BO, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
includeAllowed(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns true if inclusion of this BO in the passed Transaction is actually allowed.
includeCopy(BO, String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Method to copy the attribute values from the given BO of the given Entity.
includeCopy(BO, String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
includeCopy(BO, String[], boolean, EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
includeCopy(BO, String[], boolean, EntityI, Map<Long, BO>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
includeCopy(BO, String[], boolean, EntityI, Map<Long, BO>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
includeCopy(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Copies attribute values and references from the given BO to a new BO.
includeCopy(BO, Set<String>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
includeCopy(BO, Set<String>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
includeCopy(BO, Set<String>, boolean, EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
includeCopy(BO, Set<String>, boolean, EntityI, Map<Long, BO>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
includeCopy(BO, Set<String>, boolean, EntityI, Map<Long, BO>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
includeInTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Includes this BO instance in the passed Transaction if it is allowed.
IncludeReplacementTools - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
includeTypeDefinition(CBOAttributeTypeI, Element) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Copys the Element
s, definated in the given CBOAttributeTypeI
into the given Element
, by using the copyto-method.
incObjects() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
incObjects() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
incObjects() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
incObjects() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
incObjects() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
IncompatibleProtocolException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.protocol
Special exception to signal a differing backend-protocol version compared to that of the backend.
IncompatibleProtocolException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.IncompatibleProtocolException
IncompatibleProtocolException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.IncompatibleProtocolException
IncompatibleServerProtocolException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.protocol
Special exception to signal that a differing backend-protocol version
was reported by the backend, causing a connect to the backend to fail
IncompatibleServerProtocolException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.IncompatibleServerProtocolException
IncompatibleServerProtocolException(String, String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.IncompatibleServerProtocolException
IncompatibleServerProtocolException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.IncompatibleServerProtocolException
IncompatibleServerProtocolException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.IncompatibleServerProtocolException
IncompleteTransferException - Exception in
This exception is thrown if a data transfer is canceled prematurely.
IncompleteTransferException(long, long, IOException) - Constructor for exception
incorporateDiffOfConflictingBO(BO, BO, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Incorporates into this Transactions the diff between the first passed (old) BO
and the second passed (new and conflicting) BO, i.e. all necessary changes that
are needed to transform changedBO
into conflictingBO
increaseSavesCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
incReferenceCounter() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.TransactionalFileI
Increments the current reference count by one.
increment() - Method in class
Increments the counter by one.
incrementPending() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
incrementUsage(Long) - Method in class
Increments the usage count for the given Id.
incRoundtrips() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
incRoundtrips() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
incSaveBO(int, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
incSaveBO(int, int, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
incTransport() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
INDENT - Static variable in class
index(IndexPlan) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMGpsDevice
INDEX_TYPE_AUTO - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
INDEX_TYPE_BRIN - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
INDEX_TYPE_BRIN_FB_BTREE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
INDEX_TYPE_BTREE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
INDEX_TYPE_CUSTOM - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
INDEX_TYPE_GIN - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
INDEX_TYPE_GIN_FB_BTREE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
INDEX_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
INDEX_TYPE_TRIGRAM - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
INDEX_TYPES - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
INDEX_TYPES_HR - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
IndexedHashSet <E > - Class in
A drop-in replacement for `HashSet` providing constant-time `contains()` operations.
IndexedHashSet() - Constructor for class
Constructs a new `IndexedHashSet`.
IndexedHashSet(boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new `IndexedHashSet` with the specified option.
IndexedHashSet(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new `IndexedHashSet` with the specified options.
IndexedHashSet(Collection<? extends E>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new `IndexedHashSet` containing the elements of the specified collection.
IndexedHashSet(Collection<? extends E>, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new `IndexedHashSet` containing the elements of the specified collection,
with the specified option.
IndexedHashSet(Collection<? extends E>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new `IndexedHashSet` containing the elements of the specified collection,
with the specified options.
IndexEntityImpl - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass
IndexEntityImpl(EntityI, String[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexEntityImpl
IndexerQueryBuilder - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass
Helper class to simplify building the query string used for loading BOs for
indexing from the DB.
IndexerQueryBuilder(EntityI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
IndexerQueryBuilder(EntityI, Date) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
IndexerQueryBuilder(EntityI, Date, int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
IndexerQueryResults - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass
IndexerQueryResults(BOLoaderI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResults
IndexerQueryResultsBP - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass
IndexerQueryResultsBP(BOLoaderI, IndexEntity[], Date) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
IndexerQueryResultsBP(BOLoaderI, IndexEntity[], Date, int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
IndexerQueryResultsBP(BOLoaderI, IndexEntity[], long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
IndexerQueryResultsBP(BOLoaderI, IndexEntity[], long, int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
IndexerQueryResultsFull - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass
IndexerQueryResultsFull(BOLoaderI, EntityI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsFull
IndexerQueryResultsFull(BOLoaderI, EntityI, Date) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsFull
IndexerQueryResultsFull(BOLoaderI, EntityI, Date, int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsFull
IndexerQueryResultsPartial - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass
IndexerQueryResultsPartial(BOLoaderI, EntityI, Date) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsPartial
IndexerQueryResultsPartial(BOLoaderI, EntityI, Date, int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsPartial
indexingFinished(EntityI, CompassIndexSession, int, int, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexingListenerI
indexingFinished(EntityI, CompassIndexSession, int, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMGpsDevice
From interface IndexingListenerI; called by
MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer.index(...) when all (relevant) BOs of EntityI
_entity have sucessfully indexed.
IndexingListenerI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass
indexingStarted(EntityI, CompassIndexSession) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexingListenerI
indexingStarted(EntityI, CompassIndexSession) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMGpsDevice
From interface IndexingListenerI; called by
MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer.index(...) before starting to index the BOs of
EntityI _entity.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DoubleList
Returns the (intern) index of the given object, if it is present in one of both intern Lists.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class
IndexQueryJob - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
IndexQueryJob(String, Logger, AbstractSQL, long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.IndexQueryJob
info(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
info(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
info() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
info() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationItemI
info() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
info(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Logs the given String
msg as information with the
messageprefix for this CBOAttribute
s Element
Convenience method info(e = Element, msg = String)
info(Element, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Logs the given String
msg as information with the
messageprefix for the given Element
info(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Convenience method for info(_el=Element,_msg=String) with the el of this CBOEntity
as parameter
info(Element, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Convenience method for logging an info with element prefix (log info messages)
info(Attribute, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Convenience method for logging with attribute prefix (log info messages)
info(Attribute, String, Throwable) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Convenience method for logging with attribute prefix (log info messages)
info(Element, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Convenience method for logging with element prefix (log info messages)
info(Element, String, Throwable) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Convenience method for logging with element prefix (log info messages)
info(String) - Method in interface
infoAllowed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
infoAllowed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationItemI
infoAllowed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
infoCount() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationItemI
infoCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
iniSectionName - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmModule
iniSectionName - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
iniSectionName - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
init(DBManLocalI, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractKeyGenerator
init(DBManLocalI, Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractKeyGenerator
init(DBManLocalI, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
init(DBManLocalI, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceManager
init(DBManLocalI, Rexx, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceManager
init(SchemaI, Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
Called once by the AlarmHandler
when the Alarm
is first loaded from the server on startup.
init(SchemaI, Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BedingterAlarm
Called once by the AlarmHandler when the Alarm is first loaded from the
server on startup.
init(SchemaI, Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAssociatedAlarm
init(SchemaI, Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
Called once by the AlarmHandler when the Alarm is first loaded from the
server on startup.
init(SchemaI, Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
init(File, File[], String, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
init(SchemaI, Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.GrooqlBOMaske
init(DBManLocalI, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
init(DBManLocalI, Rexx, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
init(DBManLocalI, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
init(DBManLocalI, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
init(DBManLocalI, Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
init() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
init(DBManLocalI, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
init(DBManLocalI, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.BackendSocketServer
init() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
init() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.BoolFilterGUI
init() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterGUI
init() - Method in class
init(BO[], Report, Map) - Method in class
init(DBManLocalI, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.SyncService
init() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusDisplay
init() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
init() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
init(SchemaI, Object, Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOFormatter
init(SchemaI, Object, Map) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.FormatterI
init() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
init(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
init() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.ReportTemplate
init(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.ReportTemplate
init(SchemaI, String, String) - Method in class
init(CBOAttributeTypeI, Object, Class[]) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.MarshallingException
init(CBOAttributeTypeI, String) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.UnmarshallingException
init() - Method in class
init(Object) - Method in class
initAsReplyTo(MyTISMBenachrichtigung, boolean, Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
Initializes the data of this instance to suitable values so it can be used
as a reply to the given MyTISMBenachrichtigung
initAsReplyTo(MyTISMBenachrichtigung) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
Variant of initAsReplyTo()
with slightly different argument type.
initAsReplyTo(MyTISMBenachrichtigung, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
initAsReplyTo(MyTISMBenachrichtigung, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
initAttributeConverters() - Static method in class
initBaseDir(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSource
initBaseTypes() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
initCaches() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
initCaches() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
Initialize a cache with all attribute of the current Entity
initCellErrorOutputConfig() - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableTextColumnRenderer
initClientSide(String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
initClientSide(String, int, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestAuthenticateTransport
initClientSide(String, int, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestAuthenticateTransportI
initClientSide(String, int, Long, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestBLOB
initClientSide(String, int, Long, Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestBLOBI
initClientSide(String, int, BatchedBackendRequestI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestExecuteBatch
initClientSide(String, int, BatchedBackendRequestI[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestExecuteBatchI
initClientSide(String, int, Object, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetObjects
initClientSide(String, int, Object, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetObjectsI
initClientSide(String, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestI
initClientSide(String, int, Anmeldung) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLogin
initClientSide(String, int, Anmeldung) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLoginI
initClientSide(String, int, Transaction, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestSave
initClientSide(String, int, Transaction, int, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestSaveI
initClientSide(String, int, Long, Long, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestStreamBLOB
initClientSide(String, int, Long, Long, boolean, DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestStreamBLOBToDataOutput
initClientSide(String, int, Long, Long, boolean, DataOutput) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestStreamBLOBToDataOutputI
initClientSide(String, int, Long, Long, boolean, OutputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestStreamBLOBToOutputStream
initClientSide(String, int, Long, Long, boolean, OutputStream) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestStreamBLOBToOutputStreamI
initCustomType(String, String, Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
initDatabaseConnectionParameters(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.DatabaseConnectingCBOGeneratorI
initDatabaseConnectionParameters(String, String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
initDatabaseConnectionParameters(String, String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
initDataTipErrorOutputConfig() - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableTextColumnRenderer
initDBManAndConfAndSection(DBManLocalI, Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
initDCipher() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoHandler
initDefaults() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.NotfallSchluessel
initDefaults() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TOTPSchluessel
initECipher() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoHandler
initEntitiesAndCheck() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
initEntitiesAndCheck(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alias
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alias
initEnvironment(Transaction) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
Used internally to check and if necessary initialize required "system data"
in the database.
initEnvironment(Transaction, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
initEnvironment(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
initEnvironment(Transaction) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
initEnvironment(Transaction, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
initEnvironment(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel
initEnvironment(Transaction, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel
initEnvironment(Transaction) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EmailRoutingRegel
initEnvironment(Transaction, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EmailRoutingRegel
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Formular
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Formular
initEnvironment(Transaction, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.InternalNotificationRetryWV
initEnvironment(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.InternalNotificationRetryWV
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
This method is called from the DBMan/BOEnvironmentBuilder and loads the
resources from de/ipcon/resources/l10n and creates L10nBundles for them.
initEnvironment(Transaction) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
initEnvironment(Transaction, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
initEnvironment(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
initEnvironment(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresstyp
initEnvironment(Transaction, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresstyp
initEnvironment(Transaction) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsVorlage
initEnvironment(Transaction, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsVorlage
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
initEnvironment(Transaction, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, String, Class) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
Called from the subclasses.
initEnvironment(Transaction) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Zeitzone
initEnvironment(Transaction, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Zeitzone
initExtensionType(String, String, Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
initFeatureDefinitions() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractFeatureManager
initFonts(JTable) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableTextColumnRenderer
Creates and caches the font objects used in rendering the cell contents.
initGroovyScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPDFViewer
InitialBLOBTransferMetaDataContainer - Class in de.ipcon.db.blob
InitialBLOBTransferMetaDataContainer(Map, long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.blob.InitialBLOBTransferMetaDataContainer
Initialdata - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
INITIALDATA_LINE_ENCLOSING_CHAR - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
INITIALDATA_LINE_SEPARATOR_CHAR - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
INITIALDATA_SCHEMA_ADDITIONS_FILENAME - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
InitialdataReader - Class in de.ipcon.schema
InitialdataReader() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader
InitialdataReader.Column - Class in de.ipcon.schema
InitialdataReader.Data - Class in de.ipcon.schema
InitialFocusCandidateI - Interface in de.ipcon.form
InitializationException - Exception in de.ipcon.db
So we can catch exceptions specific to the initialization.
InitializationException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.InitializationException
InitializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.InitializationException
InitializationException() - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.InitializationException
InitializationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.InitializationException
initialize(DBManConfigurationHelper, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
Actual startup, initialization and configuration of this instance and all
the associated drivers, modules and other parts that make up the "MyTISM
initialize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
Initialization of the module; called only once during DBMan
initializeLogger() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
Initializes logger.
initializeLogger() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.ScriptService
Initializing logger
initializeLogger() - Static method in class
Initializing logger
initiateServerShutdown() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
initiateServerShutdown(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
initiateServerShutdown(int, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
initiateServerShutdown() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
initiateServerShutdown(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
initiateServerShutdown(int, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
initiateServerShutdown() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
initiateServerShutdown(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
initiateServerShutdown(int, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
initiateShutdown(DBManUserContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
initiateShutdown(DBManUserContextI, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
initiateShutdown(DBManUserContextI, int, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
initiateShutdown(DBManUserContextI, int, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
initiateShutdown(DBManUserContextI, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
initiateShutdown(DBManUserContextI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
initInterface(String, Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
initKeyStores(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManagerCLI
initLabels() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
initLocalMyTISMConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.SyncService
initLogonSubscriptions() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
initMasken() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
used on client-side to initialize BOMasken of serialized transmitted PermissionHandler
initMasken() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
used on client-side to initialize BOMasken of serialized transmitted PermissionHandler
initMustMatchPatternDescriptionsBundleLookupPath(SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
initMyTISMBenachrichtigung(MyTISMBenachrichtigung) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Could be overwritten by subclasses.
initMyTISMConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
initNewSession(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
initNewSession(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
initNow(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
initNrxgen(CBOEntity) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSource
initNrxgen(CBOEntity, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSource
initProcCache() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
creates cache(s) for BOProcs for faster analysis
initReflectionCache() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
initRemarks(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Initializes the remarks to the given String.
initScope(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSource
initScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
initScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
initScript() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
initScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
initScriptCommons(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder
initScriptPostConnect() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
initServerSide(Integer, BackendCommandHandlerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
initServerSide(Integer, BackendCommandHandlerI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestI
initServerSide(BackendCommandHandlerI, BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
initServerSide(BackendCommandHandlerI, BOLoaderI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Initializes the protocol and the TransportI and creates input and output.
initSession() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
Pings the server and initializes a new session on the server.
initSession() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
initShellInstance(ClassLoader, List<ScriptImport>, String) - Method in class
initStartAndEndDate(TimespanI) - Method in interface
Takes over the start and end date of the the passed TimespanI.
initStaticCacheLoader(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.BOCache
INITSYNCFILENAME - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools
initTable() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager
Creates the table for the states if it does not already exist.
initUIDefaults() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
Called after constructing the label to set some default values if they weren't specified by the user
iniVariableNameActivateAlarme - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmModule
iniVariableNameActivateFts - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
iniVariableNameActivateNotifications - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
iniVariableNameCompassCfg - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
iniVariableNameCompassMaxFieldLength - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
iniVariableNameCompassUnlimitedFieldLength - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
iniVariableNameEncrypt - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
iniVariableNameFetchSize - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
iniVariableNameHandleSyncEvents - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmModule
iniVariableNameIndexAllByDefault - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
iniVariableNameIndexDeletedBOs - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
iniVariableNameIndexPath - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
iniVariableNameLogVersendungen - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
iniVariableNameMaxAgeOfNoticationInDays - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
iniVariableNameMaxThreads - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
iniVariableNamePrivateKeyFile - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
iniVariableNameSign - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
iniVariableNameSpellcheck - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
inject(byte[]) - Method in class
injectAdditionalPersistentBOs(Collection<BO>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
Adds the given BO
instances to the set of "persistent" BO
s known to this loader (which is the
set of BO
s known to the most recently created Transaction
with this loader).
injectIntoTx(Transaction, Long, BOT) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.SyncService
injectScriptVariable(String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
Input - Class in
Input() - Constructor for class
inputAsBenanntRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
FIXME Own method for backward compatibility.
inputAsBenanntRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
inputAsBenanntRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
inputAsBenanntRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
inputAsMultiBenanntRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
FIXME Own method for backward compatibility.
inputAsMultiBenanntRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
inputAsMultiBenanntRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
inputAsMultiRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
inputAsMultiRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
inputAsMultiRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
inputAsRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
inputAsRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
inputAsRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
inputAsRelation(Element, EntityI, String, UnresolvedReferencesResolver, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
InputReaderI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.importer
inputStreamToString(InputStream) - Static method in class
inputStreamToString(InputStream, String) - Static method in class
InputStreamWrapper - Class in
Wrapper for the real InputStream which knows about the length of the data
that is to be transmitted through this InputStream.
InputStreamWrapper(InputStream, long, Long) - Constructor for class
insert(MutableTreeNode, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
insertElement(ArrayZeilenDelegate) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
Tries to find a previously created gap in the internal zeilen list and inserts it.
insertEmptyElementAt() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
Increases the referenced arrays by one, introducing a null at the provided index and creating a new line delegate
for it
insertEmptyElementAt(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
insertEmptyRowAfter() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenDelegate
Adds an empty row in the source array after this index
insertEmptyRowBefore() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenDelegate
Adds an empty row in the source array before this index
insertEntityIntoBOT(CBOEntity) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
insertHeritageFields(CBOEntity, Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CastorMapping
insertItemWithNumber(Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
insertRow() - Method in class
Inserts the contents of the insert row into this ResultSet object and into the database.
insertString(DocumentFilter.FilterBypass, int, String, AttributeSet) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CustomDocumentFilter
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.CancelForcedClientDisconnectAction
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.DemandForcedClientDisconnectAction
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SendSystemMessageAction
InspectableThrowableI - Interface in
Only classes extending Throwable may implement this interface.
instPlugin(Element, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
InstrumentingAttribute - Class in de.ipcon.schema
InstrumentingAttributeI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
Interface to be implemented by AttributeIs used by an InstrumentingSchemaI
InstrumentingBO - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
This is a marker class for BOs which (optionally) support virtual sub-entities for namespace distinction.
InstrumentingEntity - Class in de.ipcon.schema
Das Problem, warum wir eigentlich diese Klasse brauchen ist, dass die Entitaeten untereinander recht
stark vernetzt sind.
InstrumentingSchema - Class in de.ipcon.schema
Diese Klasse ist eine Art Meta-Schema, um ein bestehendes Schema dynamisch erweitern, ohne es dafuer komplett
zu duplizieren - was notwendig waere, wenn wir die Klasse einfach ableiten wuerden.
InstrumentingSchemaI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
An instrumenting schema is a special type of Schema which provides the ability to dynamically add
virtual properties and (sub) entities to the structure during runtime.
InstrumentingSchemaProviderI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
Something that knows a InstrumentingSchemaI instance and allows access to it.
INT_MAX - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.AggregateFunctionFactory
INT_MIN - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.AggregateFunctionFactory
IntegerDocumentFilter - Class in de.ipcon.schema.types
IntegerDocumentFilter() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerDocumentFilter
IntegerType - Class in de.ipcon.schema.types
IntegerType() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
IntegerType(CBOAttributeTypeI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
integrateModules() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
integrates all modules being defined in the schema into the project
INTEGRITY_CHECK_ENTITIES_LIMIT_BT_AND_BP_CHECKS - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.GeneratorFactory
INTEGRITY_CHECK_ENTITIES_TO_EXCLUDE_FROM_N_TO_M_AND_DOUBLE_ID_CHECK - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.GeneratorFactory
INTEGRITY_CHECK_SERVERFILEVAULT - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.GeneratorFactory
IntegrityCheck - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
IntegrityCheck(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Set<String>, IntegrityCheckingServerFileVaultI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.IntegrityCheck
IntegrityCheck() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.IntegrityCheck
IntegrityCheck(Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.IntegrityCheck
IntegrityCheckingServerFileVaultI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema.generators
InterfaceDefinitionException - Exception in de.ipcon.schema
interfacemap - Variable in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
internalFrameActivated(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
Invoked when an internal frame is activated.
internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
Invoked when an internal frame has been closed.
internalFrameClosing(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
Invoked when an internal frame is in the process of being closed.
internalFrameDeactivated(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
Invoked when an internal frame is de-activated.
internalFrameDeiconified(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
Invoked when an internal frame is de-iconified.
internalFrameIconified(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
Invoked when an internal frame is iconified.
internalFrameOpened(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
Invoked when a internal frame has been opened.
internalGetImage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
internalGetL10nPack(String, String) - Method in class
Loads L10nPack from *.properties file resources via classpath and
InternalNotificationRetryWV - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
Automatically created specific Wiedervorlage
singleton, which is responsible for re-trying the sending
out of notifications which could not be sent out before for some reason.
InternalNotificationRetryWV() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.InternalNotificationRetryWV
interpret(FormatterI, String, Date, Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
Interprets the given template as a GStringTemplate
and return the
resulting string.
InterpretedOQLQuery - Class in de.ipcon.db.oql
Interpretes a given OQL query and provides easily useable information about it and helper objects to check and handle
BOs accordingly.
InterpretedOQLQuery(SchemaI, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
InterpretedOQLQuery(OQLQuery, Object[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
InterpretedOQLQueryI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.core
intersect(TimespanI, TimespanI) - Static method in class
IntIndexComparator - Interface in
An interface for the special case of comparing integers being used as
indexed into another data set.
IntIndexTimSort - Class in
A stable, adaptive, iterative mergesort that requires far fewer than
n lg(n) comparisons when running on partially sorted arrays, while
offering performance comparable to a traditional mergesort when run
on random arrays.
INVALID_BO - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
INVALID_PATH - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
invalidate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.QueryResultCache
invalidate() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
invalidate() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableTextColumnRenderer
invalidateAllSubContextsCache() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
invalidateAllSubContextsCache() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
invalidateBLOBCache() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
invalidateCachedInstances() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
InvalidConfigValueException - Exception in de.ipcon.db
InvalidConfigValueException(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.InvalidConfigValueException
InvalidConfigValueException(String, String, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.InvalidConfigValueException
InvalidDurationException - Exception in
This exception is thrown when an invalid
is encountered by the
InvalidDurationException(String) - Constructor for exception
InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.importer
InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsException(int, int) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsException
InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsException(String, int, int) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsException
InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsInLineException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.importer
InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsInLineException(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsInLineException
InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsInLineException(String, int, int) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsInLineException
InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsInLineException(int, int, int) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.importer.InvalidNumberOfCSVColumnsInLineException
InvalidObjectStateException - Exception in
Generic exception to be thrown when at some point the application detects an
object that is in an invalid or inconsistent state or is missing vital
InvalidObjectStateException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception
InvalidObjectStateException(String, Object, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
InvalidSyncAccountConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.InvalidSyncAccountConfigurationException
InvalidSyncAccountConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.InvalidSyncAccountConfigurationException
InvalidTimespanException - Exception in
InvalidTimespanException() - Constructor for exception
InvalidTimespanException(String) - Constructor for exception
inventory() - Method in class
15693 inventory request might return multiple card ids, only active ones are returned as String[]
invoke(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
invoke(Object, Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
invoke() - Method in class
invoke(Object) - Method in class
invoke(Object[]) - Method in class
invoke(Object[], Object) - Method in class
invoke() - Method in class
invoke(Object) - Method in class
invoke(Object[]) - Method in class
invoke(Object[], Object) - Method in class
invoke(Method, Object) - Static method in class
Invokes the specified method on the given object with the provided parameters.
invoke(Method, Object, Object[]) - Static method in class
invoke(Method, Object, Object[], String) - Static method in class
invoke(Object, String) - Static method in class
Invokes the specified method on the given object with the provided parameters.
invoke(Object, String, Class[]) - Static method in class
invoke(Object, String, Class[], Object[]) - Static method in class
invoke() - Method in interface
invoke(Object) - Method in interface
invoke(Object[], Object) - Method in interface
invoke(Object[]) - Method in interface
invokeAction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
invokeAction(String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
invokeAfterRefreshCompletion(Runnable) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
invokeAsBool(Object[]) - Method in class
invokeAsBool(Object[], boolean) - Method in class
invokeAsBool(Object[]) - Method in class
invokeAsBool(Object[], boolean) - Method in class
invokeAsBool(Object[], boolean) - Method in interface
invokeAsBool(Object[]) - Method in interface
invokeAsString(Object[]) - Method in class
invokeAsString(Object[], String) - Method in class
invokeAsString(Object[]) - Method in class
invokeAsString(Object[], String) - Method in class
invokeAsString(Object[], String) - Method in interface
invokeAsString(Object[]) - Method in interface
invokeDesktopAction(String, Object) - Static method in class
Tries to invoke the given action on Desktop
invokeNamedClosure(String, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCanvas
invokeNamedClosure(String, Object[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCanvas
invokeNamedClosure(String, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.PaintGroovyScript
invokePopupHook(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
invokeStatic(Class, String) - Static method in class
Invokes the specified static method on the given class with the provided parameters.
invokeStatic(Class, String, Class[]) - Static method in class
invokeStatic(Class, String, Class[], Object[]) - Static method in class
ioctl(int, int, int...) - Static method in class
IOERROR - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.LogFileConstantsI
String that is written as prefix to a log line, marking an IO error during transactional BLOB processing.
ip2long(String) - Static method in class
Converts a given human readable ip-v4-address (i.e. into an ip-address as long
IParsedValueException - Exception in
Indicates that a string value could not be converted into a specific target type.
IParsedValueException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new `IParsedValueException` with the specified detail message.
IParsedValueException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new `IParsedValueException` with the specified detail message and cause.
IRuntimeException - Exception in
Extended version of standard RuntimeException
with better "cause"
handling (also handles TargetException
for example).
IRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new `IRuntimeException` with the specified cause and a detail message of
{@code (cause==null ?
IRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new `IRuntimeException` with the specified detail message (optional).
IRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception
IRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new `IRuntimeException` with the specified detail message and cause.
is(TokenType) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Token
is(int) - Static method in class
Checks if the Java version matches the specified version.
is(int, int) - Static method in class
Checks if the Java version matches the specified version.
is(int, int, int) - Static method in class
Checks if the Java version matches the specified version.
is(int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class
Checks if the Java version matches the specified version.
is_asyncModel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isAboutToStop() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
isAboutToStop() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportProviderI
Returns true, if this TransportProviderI will stop soon, false otherwise.
isAbsolute() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenanntPath
isAcceptingMessages() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBus
isAccessibleByExplorer(File) - Static method in class
isActivated() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
isActivated() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
isActivateL10nProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isActivateL10nProvider() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
isActive() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
isActive(FeatureManagerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
isActive() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
Returns true if begin() was already called, false otherwise or if already finish()ed.
isActive() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true if any proc(edure)s / changes were recorded in this transaction.
isActive() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
Checks if any changes (procedures) have been recorded in the transaction after this savepoint was created.
isActive(FeatureManagerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
For compatibility with LicenseI.
isActive(FeatureManagerI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.LicenseI
Returns true if this license is currently active (which means the associated
feature is available), false otherwise.
isActive() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
isActive() - Static method in class
isActive() - Method in class
Tells if some task is scheduled currently.
isActualScript(String) - Static method in class
Checks if the given text, supposed to be script source, actually results in
a valid (Groovy) script, that is one that does not completely consist only
of comments.
isActualScriptNT(String) - Static method in class
Checks if the given text, supposed to be script source, actually results in
a valid (Groovy) script, that is one that does not completely consist only
of comments.
isActualScriptNT(String, boolean) - Static method in class
isActualScriptNT(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
isActualScriptTR(String) - Static method in class
Checks if the given text, supposed to be syntactically valid script source,
actually results in a valid (Groovy) script, that is one that does not
completely consist only of comments.
isActualScriptTR(String, String) - Static method in class
isAdd() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AddRemoveEventI
isAdd() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute.AddRemoveEvent
isAddition() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProc represents adding an element for a relation
isAdjustableSplit() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
isAdmin() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if this "Benutzer" (user) is an administrator.
isAdministratorUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if this "Benutzer" (user) is the administrator ("Admin") or a member of the administrators group.
isAdministratorUserSession() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
isAdministratorUserSession() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
isAdmins() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Gruppe
Tells if this Gruppe
is the administrator group.
isAfterLast() - Method in class
Retrieves whether the cursor is after the last row in this ResultSet object.
isAfterOrSameDate(Calendar, Calendar) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed Calendars are equal or the first date is temporally after the second one.
isAfterOrSameDate(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed dates are equal or the first date is temporally after the second one.
isAfterOrSameDay(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed dates are on the same day or the first date is temporally after the anchor date.
isAfterOrSameDay(Date, Date, boolean) - Static method in class
isAggregate() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
isAggregate() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns if the CBOAttribute
has a aggregate function
isAlias() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
isAlive() - Method in class
Returns true if the worker-thread of this ReflectiveRunner exists and is alive.
isAllowedLoginOnLockedServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Tells if this Benutzer is allowed to log in to the server even when the
server is in the "locked" state.
isAllowedToDemandForcedClientDisconnect() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Tells if this Benutzer is allowed to demand forced client-disconnect for all clients
(also) connected to the current server.
isAllowedToIgnoreMaxClients() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Tells if this Benutzer is allowed to ignore the serverstart feature client limit
and always login to the server.
isAllowedToIssueServerLockActions() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Tells if this Benutzer is allowed to change the "locked/unlocked" state of
the server.
isAllowedToIssueServerShutdownActions() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Tells if this Benutzer is allowed to shutdown the server.
isAllowedToSendSystemMessages() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Tells if this Benutzer is allowed to send system messages to all clients
(also) connected to the current server.
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestAuthenticateTransport
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetCryptoHandler
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetProtocolVersion
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetServerConnectionInfo
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestI
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestInitSession
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLogin
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetAvailableLocaleNamesForUserInterface
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetInstanceName
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetL10nPackPreload
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetL10nPacks
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetSchema
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetSerialVersionUIDs
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestIsNotificationSystemActivated
isAllowedUnauthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestResetPassword
isAllowWriteIfNew() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
isAlwaysReloadOnFrap() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isAlwaysValid() - Method in interface
isAnimation() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isAnsweringBackendQuery() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BackendQueryAnsweringBOLoaderI
Returns true if this BackendQueryAnsweringBOLoaderI is actually answering a backend query.
isAnsweringBackendQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
isAntiAlias() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
isAnyAffectedIdKnownTo(BOLoaderWithCacheI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Checks if any of the affected BO Ids are known to the specified `BOLoaderWithCacheI`.
isAnyAttributeChangedExcept(BO, String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isAnyAttributeChangedExcept(BO, String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isAnyAttributeChangedExcept(BO, String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isAnyAttributeChangedExcept(BO, Set<String>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Checks if any attribute for a BO has been changed except a list of allowed ones.
isAnyAttributeChangedExcept(BO, Set<String>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isAnyAttributeChangedExcept(BO, Set<String>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isAnyElementVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
isArray() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.ValueType
isArray() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isArray() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
isArray() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isArrayAttribute(AttributeI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.ArraySchemaTools
isAssignableFromAny(Class, Collection<Class>) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed class is assignable from any of the classes in the passed collection.
isAssociatedWithBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
isAsync() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
isAsyncModel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isAsyncModel() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
isAtomicMoveSupported(File, File) - Static method in class
isAttributeChanged(BO, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true if the given attribute of the given BO was changed in this transaction
isAttributeChanged(BO, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isAttributeChanged(BO, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isAttributeIgnored(AttributeI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaMappingBuilder
Tells if the given AttributeI should be indexed.
isAttributeInitialized(BO, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true if the given attribute of the given BO was changed from null to a non-null value in this transaction.
isAttributeNulled(BO, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true if the given attribute of the given BO was changed from a non-null value to null in this transaction.
isAuthed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
isAuthed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
isAuthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
This class is needed for sorting the PooledSocket correctly
into the de.ipcon.db.SocketPool
's PriorityBlockingQueue.
isAuthenticated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
isAuthenticated() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns true, if this TransportI is already associated with a session on the server.
isAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseAccessorI
isAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
isAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManI
isAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
isAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
isAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
isAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
isAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
isAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
isAutoaddProtocol() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FUri
isAutoCreate() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
isAutoFinish() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
isAutoFinish() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
isAutoHideElements() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
isAutoHideNN() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
isAutoIncrement(int) - Method in class
Indicates whether the designated column is automatically numbered, thus read-only.
isAutoRefresh() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isAutoRefresh() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
isAutoSelectFirst() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isAutoSelectLast() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isAutoSelectNone() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isAutotrim() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isAutotrim() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
isAutotrim() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
isAutotrim() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isAutotrim() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isAutotrim() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isAvailable(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
isAvailable(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
isAvailable(FeatureManagerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
isAvailable(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
isAvailable(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManagerI
Silently checks if feature with name _feature is available and returns true
if it is, false otherwise.
isAvailable(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
isAvailable(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
isAvailable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isAvailableInTree(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel
isAvailableWithNoise(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
isAvailableWithNoise(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
isAvailableWithNoise(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
isAvailableWithNoise(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManagerI
Checks if feature with name _feature is available and returns true or false
respectively but first also calls makeNoise() if feature is not available.
isAvailableWithNoise(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
isAvailableWithNoise(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
isBCC(NotificationReceiverI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Checks if the given NotificationReceiverI should receive the notification
via BCC or not, using getEmpfaengerBCCResolved().
isBeforeFirst() - Method in class
Retrieves whether the cursor is before the first row in this ResultSet object.
isBeforeOrSameDate(Calendar, Calendar) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed Calendars are equal or the first date is temporally before the second one.
isBeforeOrSameDate(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed dates are equal or the first date is temporally before the second one.
isBeforeOrSameDay(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed dates are on the same day or the first date is temporally before the anchor date.
isBeforeOrSameDay(Date, Date, boolean) - Static method in class
isBLOBChange() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents a BLOB operation.
isBLOBCreation() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents a BLOB creation.
isBLOBDeletion() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents a BLOB deletion.
isBOAssignedTempId(Long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
isBONew(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BedingterAlarmBOStatusHelper
isBookmark() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
isBoolOp() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
isBOOrAnyToOneReachableBOInvolved(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true/1 if the given BO or any via n-1 relations connected BO
is involved in this transaction (means the passed or any such
related BO has changed or it has been newly created).
isBootNeeded() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorResult
isBORecalcsDisabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Checks if the recalc of BO properties is disabled within this transaction and the current user may do so.
isBuildRowsFirst() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
isBuilt() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
isCacheable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.PanelVisibility
isCacheable() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.VisibilityI
isCached() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isCached() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isCached() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Checks if the cache mode of this CBOAttribute
is not AttributeI.CACHEMODE_NONE
isCached() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isCaching() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isCaching() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
If true, then this BOLoaderI uses an internal cache, holding all BOs hat were loaded or frapped into it.
isCaching() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
isCaching() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
isCaching() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isCaching() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
isCaching() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
isCaching() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
isCaching() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
isCaching() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
isCanceled() - Method in class
isCaseSensitive(int) - Method in class
Indicates whether a column's case matters.
isCatchall() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EmailRoutingRegel
Checks whether this rule is a "catch all" rule matching all messages which is used when no
other matching EmailRoutingRegel
could be found for a message.
isCC(NotificationReceiverI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Checks if the given NotificationReceiverI should receive the notification
via CC or not, using getEmpfaengerCCResolved().
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class
isCellVisible(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isCellVisible(int, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
isChange() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents some change (new value for a
"primitive" attribute or adding or removing an element for a relation
isChangeTo(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true if this BOProcI represents a change to an attribute with the
given name.
isCheckNeeded() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorResult
isChildOfAnotherView() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
isChooseOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
isCli() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
isClientVerificationDisabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Checks if client-side verification is disabled for this transaction and the current user has the privilege to bypass it.
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatusManager.Batch
Tells if this Batch
is closed.
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SerializedTransaction
Returns true if this SerializedTransaction is closed, i.e. it has or never had any tx stored as a byte array.
isClosed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ServerLocalTransactionI
Returns true if this ServerLocalTransaction is closed and thus not usable anymore.
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalQueryResults
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResults
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.ProgressHandlingQueryResults
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ModuleQueryResults
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendQueryResults
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
isClosed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns true, if the underlying means of connection is closed, false otherwise.
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ServerLocalTransaction
isClosed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isClosed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
isClosed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
isClosed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
isClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
isClosed() - Method in class
Retrieves whether this Connection object has been closed.
isClosed() - Method in class
isClosed() - Method in class
isCloseOnCompletion() - Method in class
isClosing() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isCollateralChangeWhileSaving() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
isColumnSelectionAllowed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isCombinedPrimaryKey() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
isCommitted() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.TransactionalFileI
isComparison() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
isCompiled() - Method in class
isCompletelyValidDuring(Date, Date) - Method in interface
isCompletelyValidDuring(TimespanI) - Method in interface
Checks if this TimespanI is valid during the passed TimespanI.
isComponentAtIndex(Component, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
isComponentMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
isComponentsGUIText() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
isCompoundChangeInProgress() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
isConflict() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionAnswer
Returns true if the TransactionConflictReport of this TransactionAnswer is set and represents an actual conflict.
isConflict() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
isConflict() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictReport
isCongestion() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
isConnected() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isConnected(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isConnected() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
isConnected() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
isConnected() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
Returns true if this BackendSessionI is connected to a server, in the sense that it still has
any connections, false otherwise.
isConnected() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
isConnected() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
isConnected() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
isConnected(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
isConnected() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
isConnected(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
isConnectionEstablished() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
isContextMenu() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isCore() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
isCore() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
isCountOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
isCountsAgainstLimit() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
isCreated(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true/1 if the given BO was created in this transaction
isCreated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
isCreated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictReport
isCreateInDetailView() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isCreateInDetailView() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isCreateInDetailView() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
isCreateInDetailView() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
isCreateInDetailView() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isCreateInDetailView() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isCreateInDetailView() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isCreation() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents the creation of a new BO.
isCurrency(int) - Method in class
Indicates whether the designated column is a cash value.
isCurrentThreadConstructingCurrently() - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementFactory
isCurrentTransactionUnderAdminControl() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns true, if we are part of a Transaction that has an Admin as current user.
isCustom() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
isCustom() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
isCustom() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
isCustom() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
isCustomIterator() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isCustomIteratorNotCaching() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns true if this AttributeI is a relation that uses a custom iterator to fetch its members incrementally
and the relation shall be refreshed, i.e. the iterator shall run again to fill and refresh the relation.
isCustomIteratorNotCaching() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isCustomIteratorNotCaching() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isCustomIteratorNotCaching() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isCyclestopper() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTransferable
Returns whether or not the specified data flavor is supported for
this object.
isDataIncomplete() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
isDataIncomplete() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtmI
isDead() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
isDead() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
isDead() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
isDebug() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isDebug() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
isDebug() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
isDebug() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
isDebug() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
isDebug() - Method in class
isDefaultButton() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
isDeferredRendering() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
isDefinedEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
isDefinitelyWritable(int) - Method in class
Indicates whether a write on the designated column will definitely succeed.
isDelegateToParent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
isDeleted() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotificationReceiverI
isDeleted() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Synchable
Checks if this object has been marked as (soft) deleted and should therefore no longer
be taken into account in the higher application logic.
isDeleted() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
isDeleted() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
Checks whether this BO has been marked as (soft) deleted and should therefore no longer
be taken into account.
isDeleted() - Method in interface
isDeleted() - Method in class
isDeletedOrNotInvolved(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true/1 if the given BO is not involved in this transaction or marked for deletion or is already deleted
isDeletion() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFile
isDeletion() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFileI
isDeletion() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents the deletion of a BO.
isDeletionFlagChange() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI does something with the Ldel flag
isDemandedForcedClientDisconnect() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
isDepend() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
isDepend() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isDepend() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isDepend() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isDepend() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isDependent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isDependent() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
isDependentManyRelationChange(SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents a change to a dependent many-relation.
isDependentOn(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
Determines if the BO
associated with this node is somehow
dependent on the BO
with the given id.
isDescendantOf(Set, Benannt) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
Returns true if Benannt _ben is a descendant of (or the same as) one of the
Benannts with ids from _knownIds.
isDescendantOf(Set, Benannt, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
isDescendantOf(Set, Benannt, boolean, Set) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
isDescendantOf(Benannt) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
Returns true if this Struktur is a descendant of (or the same as) the
Benannt _ben, false otherwise.
isDescIsFromL10n() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isDiffingMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isDirectory() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
isDirectory(File) - Static method in class
Tests whether the passed file is a directory.
isDirty() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
isDisabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
isDisconnected() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isDisconnected(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isDisconnected() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
isDobevelborder() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
isDoetchedborder() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
isDoLineBorder() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
isDone() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
isDone() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
isDone() - Method in class
isDragInProgress() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
isDragToRoot(MouseEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
isDue() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportProtocolServerClientChallengeResponse
isDvLocked() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
isEasyEdit() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isEditable() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
isEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
isEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
isEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
isEditable() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns if the AttributeI
is editable in the UI.
isEditable(BOI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns if the AttributeI
is editable in the UI for the specified BOI
isEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isEditable(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isEditable(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isEditable(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isEditableDetailView() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isEditing() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
isEffectivelyPersistent() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns true if this StructuredEntityI is either persistent itself or any sub-entity of it is
and thus it is implicitly persistent.
isEmpty() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.RetainedChanges
isEmpty() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBLOBChangeEvent
isEmpty() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEvent
isEmpty() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEvent
isEmpty() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
isEmpty() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManMessageEvent
isEmpty() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
isEmpty() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerHealthEvent
isEmpty() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManSessionEvent
isEmpty() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.L10nCacheEvent
isEmpty(Statement, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLColumn
isEmpty() - Method in class
Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in interface
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class
isEmpty(Map<?, ?>, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed Map is null or empty, using the lazy variant if it is a LazyMapI,
so that no unlazy will be triggered by this method.
isEmpty() - Method in class
Returns true if there are currently no statistics entries, false otherwise.
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmptyDir(File) - Static method in class
Tests whether the passed file is a directory that is empty.
isEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.CancelForcedClientDisconnectAction
isEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.DemandForcedClientDisconnectAction
isEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SendSystemMessageAction
isEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ShutdownServerAction
isEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ToggleServerLockAction
isEntityIgnored(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaMappingBuilder
Tells if the given EntityI should be indexed.
isError() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
isEventFiringPaused() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBus
isEventFiringPaused() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionMessageBusI
isExpired() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.AsyncRefreshRequestI
isExplicitActive() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isExplicitEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
isExplicitStart() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isExplicitStart() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
isExportable() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ExportDefinitionEntry
isExportOnlyIfReferenced() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ExportDefinitionEntry
isFastRefreshPossible() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
isFatal() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.FatalServerConnectionException
isFatal() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionException
isFieldDeclared(String) - Method in class
isFilled() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeClipboard
isFinished() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
isFinished() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
Returns true, if finish() was already called.
isFirst() - Method in class
Retrieves whether the cursor is on the first row of this ResultSet object.
isFirstDayOfMonth(Date) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed date is on the first day of the respective month
isFirstDayOfYear(Date) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed date is the first day of the year
isFittingScript(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.update.UpdateHandler
isFittingScript(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.update.UpdateHandlerAfterPersistenceManagerStarted
isFixing() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
isFoldedArrayMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParameterNode
isForbiddenChange(SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Checks if modifications to the entity associated with this `BOProcI` are prohibited.
isForbiddenChange(SchemaI, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
isForbidDirectChanges() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
isForbidDirectChanges() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
isForbidDirectChanges() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
isForceAlphaNumBreakActive() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AllUsersNavigationTreeNode
isForcedClientDisconnectStopped() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
isForcePreferredSize() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
isForExport(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns true if the vattr was marked as to export for the export with the passed name.
isForExport(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isForExport(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isForExport(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isForm() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
isFormatModel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
isFormElementSync() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isForORMScript() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true if this Transaction was marked as being used in the context of
an ORM update script.
isForSaving() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
isForSaving() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
Returns true if the TransactionContext will remember all objects that were loaded with a readonly
isFreeSearch() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isFreeSearch() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
isFresh() - Method in class
isFromNode(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Checks whether this Event contains a Transaction which originated on the node
with the given number.
isFromNode(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
isFromUs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
Returns true if this BT
resulted on the current node, false if on a different node.
isFromUs() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.DBManBOChangeEventI
isFromUs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
isFTSActive() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isFTSActive() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
isFTSActive() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FTSTermInfoProviderI
isFTSActive() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearcherI
isFTSActive() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
isFTSAvailable() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isFTSAvailable() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
isFTSAvailable() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
isFViewWithDelegationToParent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
isGBillable() - Method in class
isGenerate() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
isGrabFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
isGrabFocus() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.QueryGUIElementI
isGrabFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
isGrabFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
isGrabFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
isGUIBuilt() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isGUIBuilt() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
isGUIBuilt() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
isGUIBuilt() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
isHandleSyncEvents() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
isHidden() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
isHiddenPropsTab() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
isHideElementsForNullBO() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
isHideForNullBONN() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
isHotspot - Static variable in class
Flag indicating if the virtual machine is HotSpot.
isHtml() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
isHTMLFlavor(DataFlavor) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTransferable
Returns whether or not the specified data flavor is an HTML flavor that
is supported.
isHTMLSupported() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTransferable
Should the HTML flavors be offered?
isIconified() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
isIconified() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
isId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathPart
isIdentifier() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
isIgnoreBackRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
isIgnoreBackRelation() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isIgnoreBackRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isIgnoreBackRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns true if this CBOAttribute
ignores the back relation.
isIgnoreBackRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isIgnoreBotCoherency() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isIgnoreBrokenAliases() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel
isIgnored(Class) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BedingterAlarm
isIgnoredForExport(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns true if the attr was marked as to ignore during export for the export with the passed name.
isIgnoredForExport(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isIgnoredForExport(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isIgnoredForExport(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isIgnoreGlobalsCreation() - Method in class
isIgnoreModificationConstraints() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
isIgnoreOtherLocalTransactionSaves() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
isIgnoreReverseRelations() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Returns if the flag for ignoring reverse relations is set to this CBOEntity
(or his base entity)
isIgnoreSelectionEvents() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isImmutable() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
isImplicitedBackRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isImplicitlyPersistent() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns true if this StructuredEntityI is has any persistent sub-entity.
isImpliedElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
isInclude() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
isIncluded(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true/1 if the given BO is included in this transaction
isIndexAllByDefault() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
isIndexAllByDefault() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaMappingBuilder
isIndexDeletedBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
isIndexDeletedBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer
isIndexDeletedBOs() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
isIndexed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isIndexed() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isIndexed() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns if this CBOAttribute
has an index type which isnt
isIndexed() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
isIndexed() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isIndexed() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
isInhibitDefaults() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isInitDefaultFeatureManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isInitEnvironmentMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isInitialCdeFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
isInitialdata() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isInitialdata() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isInitialdata() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isInitialdata() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isInitialized() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
isInitNeeded() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorResult
isInOTRMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isInputPossible() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isInputPossible() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
isInputPossible() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
isInputPossible() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
isInstance(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true if the passed Transaction is the same instance as this Transaction.
isInvolved(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true/1 if the given BO is involved in this transaction
(means the BO has changed or it has been newly created).
isIsJasperReport() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
isIstAutomatik() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturTemplate
isJ9 - Static variable in class
Flag indicating if the virtual machine is J9.
isJoinOuter() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementJoinedTable
isKeepNoBLOBHistory(SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Checks if the associated entity is configured to not keep a history of its stream resource (BLOB).
isKeyword() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
isKnown(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWithCacheI
isKnown(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWithCacheI
isKnown(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
returns true, if the passed Class is one of the keepClasses or a subclass of them
isKnown(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Checks if the transaction cache contains the provided id
isKnown(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Checks if a BO already exists within this transaction.
isKnownBotId(Long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
isKnownWrapperException(Throwable) - Static method in exception
isKnownWrapperException(Throwable) - Static method in class
isL10n() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityToStringWrapper
isLabeled() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
isLabeled() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.SingleFormElementWrapperI
isLast() - Method in class
Retrieves whether the cursor is on the last row of this ResultSet object.
isLastBeforeId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathPart
isLastDayOfMonth(Date) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed date is on the last day of the respective month
isLastDayOfMonth(Calendar) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed Calendar represents the last day of the respective month
isLastDayOfYear(Date) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed date represents the last day of its year
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
Returns true if the map has not yet been populated with values.
isLazy() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ParameterizedStrukturI
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.AllUsersNavigationTreeNode
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BenanntNavigationTreeNode
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode
isLazy() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.navtree.ParentNavigationItemI
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.RootNavigationTreeNode
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.TemporaryDynamicFoldersNavigationTreeNode
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeNode
isLazy() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isLazy() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isLazy() - Method in interface
Returns true if the map has not yet been populated with values.
isLazyExp() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isLdel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Synchable
isLeaf() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
Specifies whether this node is a leaf.
isLeaf() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
isLeaf() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
isLeaf() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeNode
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class
isLinkonly() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
isLinkonly() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isLinkOnly() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isLinkOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isLinkOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns if the edit mode of this CBOAttribute
is link only
(or view only, because AttributeI.EDITMODE_VIEWONLY implements AttributeI.EDITMODE_LINKONLY)
isLinkOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
isLinkOnly() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Checks if the linkOnly-flag is set for this EntityI
or one of its base EntityI-s.
isLinkOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
isLinkOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isLinux() - Static method in class
Returns true if the OS architecture the current JVM instance is running in is Linux.
isLiteral() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
isLoadAnyChangesIntoCache() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy
isLoadAnyChangesIntoCache() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderUpdateStrategyI
isLoadAnyChangesIntoCache() - Method in class
isLoadedReadOnly(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
isLoadedReadOnly(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
Returns true if the BO with the passed id is currently loaded in read-only mode.
isLoadImmediate() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isLoadImmediate() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
isLoadImmediate() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.PopupableFormElementI
isLoadImmediate() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
isLoadImmediate() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
isLoadImmediate() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
isLoadImmediate() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
isLoading() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
isLoading() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJTableModel
isLocal() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isLocal() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Checks if the scope for this CBOEntity
is set to local scope
isLocalConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
isLocalConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
isLocalConnection() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
Returns true if the server endpoint and the workstation are on the same interface
isLocalConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
isLocalConnection() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns true if the connection comes and goes to the same interface
isLock() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
isLocked() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isLocked() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
isLocked() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
isLocked() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Tells if the server is in the "locked" state.
isLoggedIn(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isLoggedIn() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isLoggedIn(Benutzer) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
Tells if the given Benutzer is currently logged in.
isLoggedIn(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
isLoggedIn(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isLoggedIn(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
isLoggedIn(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
isLoggedIn() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
isLoggedIn() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
isLoggedIn() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
isLoggedIn() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns true if the connection this TransportI is used in is in a logged-in state.
isLoggedIn(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
isLoggedIn(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
isLoggedInNN(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isLoggedInNN(Benutzer) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
Tells if the given Benutzer is currently logged in.
isLoggedInNN(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
isLoggedInNN(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isLoggedInNN(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
isLoggedInNN(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
isLoggedInNN(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
isLoggedInNN(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
isLogin() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManSessionEvent
isLoginMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
isLoginMode() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
isLogout() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManSessionEvent
isLoss() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
isLowInstanceCount() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Returns the boolean value of lowInstanceCount if set, if lowInstanceCount isnt set it will look for
lowInstanceCount of the baseEntity too.
isMac() - Static method in class
Returns true if the OS architecture the current JVM instance is running in is Mac.
isMainTab() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AlarmAusloesungFuerBO
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alias
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Tells if the passed AttributeI
is mandatory in the context of this BO
(for the UI and access via the schema).
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinfacherTermin
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EmailRoutingRegel
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.InternalNotificationRetryWV
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.JavaImp
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresseSolstice
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
Convenience method that tells if this module is required for this MyTISM instance, according to the configuration.
isMandatory() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns whether this AttributeI
instance is a mandatory attribute.
isMandatory(BOI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns whether this AttributeI
instance is a mandatory attribute for the specified BOI
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
isMandatory() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isMandatory(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isMandatory(AttributeI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isMandatory(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isMandatory() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isMandatory(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DecimalType
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
isMandatory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.XMLType
isMany() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
isMany() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
isManyRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
isManyRelation() - Method in enum de.ipcon.schema.AttributeRelationType
isManyRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
isManyRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isManyRelation() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
isManyRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isManyRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isManyRelationChange() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents a change to a many-relation, i.e.
isManyToManyChange(SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents a change to a many-to-many-relation, i.e.
isMapping() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
isMassChange() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true if this Transaction was marked as mass change.
isMatching(String, Date) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicyCron
isMathOp() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
isMaximum() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
isMaximum() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
isMemoryTightClient() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isMemoryTightClient(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isMemoryTightClient() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
isMemoryTightClient() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
isMemoryTightClient() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
isMemoryTightClient(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
isMemoryTightClient() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
isMemoryTightClient(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
isMeMyselfAndI() - Method in class
Returns true if the current Thread is the same Thread that built this CompletableFuture.
isMenuIsFromL10n() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isMerge() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isMetaNeeded() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorResult
isMethodDeclared(String) - Method in class
isMirrorDataChanges() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMGpsDevice
isModeCompatibleWith(ExportDefinitionEntry) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ExportDefinitionEntry
Returns true if the mode of this ExportDefinitionEntry is compatible with the one of the passed ExportDefinitionEntry.
isMonth(Date, int) - Static method in class
Returns true
if the passed date has the specified month.
isMyIpAddress(InetAddress) - Static method in class
Returns true, if the passed InetAddress is the caller's own InetAddress.
isNameIsFromL10n() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isNew() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
isNew() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.NotificationReceiverI
isNew() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
Returns true, if this SocketPool is still new.
isNew() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
Checks whether this BO has been created recently.
isNextDay(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns true
if the "nextDay" (1st argument) is the same day as the next day after the "day" (2nd argument).
isNoAbstractWarning() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
isNoBLOB() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
isNocreate() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
isNoLabel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
isNonIgnoredFilenameWithOneOfSuffixes(File, Collection<String>) - Static method in class
isNonPersAndVirtual() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
isNOP() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionAnswer
Checks if this TransactionAnswer is a placeholder for a "no-operation" (NOP) transaction.
isNOP() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictReport
Checks if this TransactionConflictReport is a placeholder for a "no-operation" (NOP) transaction.
isNoStreamResourceHistory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
isNoStreamResourceHistory() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
isNoStreamResourceHistory() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
isNotFound() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
isNotificationSystemActivated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isNotificationSystemActivated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
Returns true if the notification system is available and activated, false
isNotificationSystemActivated() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
isNotificationSystemActivated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
isNotificationSystemActivated() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
isNotificationSystemActivated() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
isNotificationSystemActivated() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
isNotPersistentParm(Object, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Checks if parameter o is a temporary BO that found its way into a transaction.
isNotSet(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
isNotYetKnown() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
isNull(Class<T>) - Static method in class
Convenience Predicate for use in Netrexx, because 'Objects::isNull' by itself is not a predicate.
isNullable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
isNullable(int) - Method in class
Indicates the nullability of values in the designated column.
isNullOrEmpty(String) - Static method in class
Checks if a string is null, empty, or consists only of whitespace.
isNullOrEmpty(String, boolean) - Static method in class
Checks if a string is null, empty, or consists only of whitespace.
isNullsafeDotted() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathPart
isNullValuesAllowed() - Method in class
Returns whether null values are allowed in the set
isNumeric() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.UserNavigationSubCategory
isNumeric(String) - Static method in class
isOffEDT() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isOfKind(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
ISOFORMAT_FULL - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
ISOFORMAT_LANG - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
ISOFORMAT_LANG_COUNTRY - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
isOmitOnCopy() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isOmitOnCopy() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isOmitOnCopy() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isOmitOnCopy() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isOnAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Tells if this transaction is handled on the authoritative sync server.
isOneOf(TokenType...) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Token
isOneOfAttributesChanged(BO, String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true if at least one of the given attributes of the given BO were changed in this transaction
isOneOfAttributesChanged(BO, String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isOneOfAttributesChanged(BO, String[], boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isOneOfClass(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEvent
Tells if this event concerns an object of the given class (including
isOneOfClass(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
isOneOfClass(Class<?>, Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class
Returns true if one of the values in the passed Map is of the passed Class.
isOneOfClasses(Class[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEvent
Tells if this event concerns an object of one of the given classes
(including subclasses).
isOneOfClasses(Class[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
isOneToManyChange(SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents a change to a one-to-many-relation, i.e.
isOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathPart
isOnlyDBCanEvaluate(Expression) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTEvaluationAnalyzerVisitor
isOnlyDBCanEvaluateNN(Expression) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTEvaluationAnalyzerVisitor
isOnlyDBCanEvaluateNN(Expression, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTEvaluationAnalyzerVisitor
isOnlyTriggeredBy(Benutzer) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.DBManBOChangeEventI
isOnlyTriggeredBy(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Checks whether this event contains only Transactions and changes made by the given user.
isOnlyTriggeredBy(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
Delegates to the real event, including unfiltered TXs, because the accessed attributes are not used for filtered events
isOpaque() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableBooleanColumnRenderer
isOpaque() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumnRenderer
isOperational() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isOperational() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.cache.L10nCache
isOperational() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
isOperational() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
isOperational() - Method in class
isOperational() - Method in interface
isOrganisationSecurePassword(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
isORMScript(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.update.AbstractUpdateHandler
isOtherOS() - Static method in class
Returns true if the OS architecture the current JVM instance is running in is neither Windows, Linux nor Mac.
isOutdated(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
isOutdated(int, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
isOverridedepend() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
isOwnClause() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterChoice
isParallelProcessAndWrite() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
isParallelProcessAndWrite() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequestQuery
isParallelProcessAndWrite() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestGetObjects
isParallelProcessAndWrite() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestI
isParameterIgnored(JRParameter) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientPrintDialog
isParameterized(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.AggregateFunctionFactory
isParentOf(Locale, Locale) - Static method in class
isPartiallyValidDuring(TimespanI) - Method in interface
Checks if this TimespanI is valid at any time during the timespan defined by the passed TimespanI.
isPartiallyValidDuring(TimespanI, boolean) - Method in interface
isPartiallyValidDuring(Date, Date) - Method in interface
Checks if this TimespanI is valid at any time between the passed dates.
isPartiallyValidDuring(Date, Date, boolean) - Method in interface
isPartOfUserEditArea(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
isPasswordResetInProgress() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Checks whether a password reset has been called.
isPauseMessageBus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isPermitted(ClientContextI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
isPermitted(ClientContextI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientMenuManager
isPermitted(ClientContextI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
isPermitted(ClientContextI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
isPermitted(ClientContextI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.notification.ClientNotificationManager
isPersistent(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
isPersistent(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
isPersistent() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isPersistent() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isPersistent() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
isPersistent() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns true if the CBOAttribute
is persistent.
isPersistent() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
isPersistent() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
isPersistent() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isPivotMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isPlainFlavor(DataFlavor) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTransferable
Returns whether or not the specified data flavor is an plain flavor that
is supported.
isPlainSupported() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTransferable
Should the plain text flavors be offered?
isPleaseStop() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
isPolymorphic() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.FormularTemplate
isPolymorphicRelation() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isPolymorphicRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isPolymorphicRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Checks if this CBOAttribute
is polymorphic
isPolymorphicRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isPoolable() - Method in class
isPopup() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isPopupVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
isPopupVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isPopupVisible() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormPopupControllerI
isPopupVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
isPortAvailable(String, int) - Static method in class
Returns true, if the given port on the given host is not listening.
isPrecompile() - Method in class
isPreviousDay(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns true
if the "previousDay" (1st argument) is the same day as the previous day before the "day" (2nd argument).
isPrimary() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns true if this CBOAttribute
represents the primary key.
isPrimary() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
isPrint() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
isPrintable(char) - Static method in class
Determine whether a character is printable.
isPrintingPossible() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
isProbablySecurePassword(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Returns true if the passed String has a good complexity.
isPropertyFinal(byte) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isProps() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
isProtocolSafeException(Throwable) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
Returns true if the passed Throwable is uncritical and protocol-safe, i.e. handled cleanly within the protocol.
isPrototype() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isPurged(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isPurging() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents the purging of a BO from the database.
isQuiet() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
isRaw() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.EventMessage
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AlarmAusloesungFuerBO
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alias
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Tells if the passed AttributeI
is read-only in the context of this BO
(for the UI and access via the schema).
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinfacherTermin
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EmailRoutingRegel
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Formular
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.NotfallSchluessel
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Ordner
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TOTPSchluessel
isReadonly() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isReadonly(BOI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns whether this AttributeI
instance is read-only for the specified BOI
isReadonly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
isReadonly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isReadonly(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isReadonly() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
Returns whether this AttributeI
instance is strictly read-only.
isReadOnly(AttributeI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
isReadonly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isReadonly(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isReadonly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isReadonly(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isReadOnly() - Method in class
isReadOnly() - Method in class
Retrieves whether this Connection object is in read-only mode.
isReadOnly(int) - Method in class
Indicates whether the designated column is definitely not writable.
isReallyInsecurePassword(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
isRecording() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isRecording() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
Returns true if this BOLoaderI records changes.
isRecording() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
isRecording() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isRecording() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
isRecording() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
isRecording() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
isRecording() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
isRecordNonPersistent() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isRedundant() - Method in class
isReferenceEquality() - Method in class
Returns whether reference equality is being used instead of object equality
isRegenerated() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
isRegisteredAtJComponent(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
Returns true if this action was registered at the passed JComponent.
isRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
isRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isRelation() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
isRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isRelation() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isRelationBack() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isRelationChange(SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents a change to relation
isRelationMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
isRelations() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
isRelevant(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy.ClassLimitedLRUContainer
isRelevantRegardingKeepClasses(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy
isRelevantRegardingKeepClasses(Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderUpdateStrategyI
isRelevantRegardingKeepClasses(Class) - Method in class
Checks if the provided class is expected to be reachable from the provided roots
isRelevantRelationalChangeFor(BO, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Determines if this `BOProcI` represents a relational change for a specific BO and attribute,
handling potential attribute resolution errors.
isRelevantRelationalChangeForTE(BO, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Determines if this `BOProcI` represents a relational change for a specific BO and attribute.
isReload() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
isReloadBOsWhenOpening() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isRemoval() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProc represents removing an element for a relation
isRemove() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AddRemoveEventI
isRepairMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isReport() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
isReportVirtualizerDisabled(BOLoaderI) - Static method in class
isReportVisible() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isReportVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isReportVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isReportVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isRequestFocusEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
isResolveError() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
isRestoreFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isRicherFlavor(DataFlavor) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTransferable
isRightsAndFreedomsAssessed() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Indicates whether the rights and freedoms of data subjects have been assessed for this policy.
isRollingOver() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
isRoot() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
Specifies whether this node is the root of a tree.
isRoot() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
isRoot() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
isRoot() - Method in class
isRootCauseSSAuthenticationException() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.AuthenticationException
Returns true if the root cause is a "hidden" AuthenticationException in the shape of a ServerSideException
isRootLoader() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
Returns true if this is a root BOLoader
isRotateLabels() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
isRowSelectionAllowed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isSameDay(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns true
if the passed dates are on the same day or both dates are null.
isSameDayOfWeek(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns true
if the passed dates have the same day of the week.
isSameMonth(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns true
if the passed dates are in the same month.
isSameYear(Date, Date) - Static method in class
Returns true
if the passed dates are in the same year or both dates are null.
isSaturday(Date) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed date is a saturday.
isSave() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
isSaved() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
isScalar() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
isScaleToFit() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FImage
isScopeCommit(byte) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isScopePersistent(byte) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isScopeSavepoint(byte) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isScopeServer(byte) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isScopeTransaction(byte) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isScopeValid(byte) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Checks if the passed property scope is valid and signals an IllegalArgumentException if not.
isScriptApplicationSelectionAllowed() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
Determines if the current user is allowed to modify BOs via script
isScriptException(Throwable) - Static method in class
isScrollable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
isScrollable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
isScrollable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
isSearchable(int) - Method in class
Indicates whether the designated column can be used in a where clause.
isSearchAutomatik() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
isSelectAllAtNextFocusGain() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
isSelectAllWhenFocused() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
isSelected() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeNode
isSelectedState() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isSeparateFileForExport(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns true if the attr was marked as to export to a separate file for the export with the passed name.
isSeparateFileForExport(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isSeparateFileForExport(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isSeparateFileForExport(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isSequential() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.GeneratorJob
isSerialized() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isSerialized() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isSerialized() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns if the CBOAttribute
shall be serialized
isSerialized() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isServerAuth() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
isServerAuth() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
isServerAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
isServerAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
isServerAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
isServerAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
isServerAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
isServerAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
isServerCalculated() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns true if this AttributeI
is non-persistent and its
calculation authority is "server".
isServerLocal() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventFilter
isServerSide(BOLoaderI) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BackendBOLoaderI
Returns true if the passed BOLoaderI or any loader in its loader-chain is
a BackendBOLoaderI and thus the passed BOLoaderI is located on server-side.
isServerSide() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
Returns true if this BOLoaderI or any loader in its loader-chain is
a BackendBOLoaderI and thus this BOLoaderI is located on server-side.
isServerSideAndLoadedReadOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns true if this BO was loaded read-only in the backend.
isServerstartLicenseExpired() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
isServerVerificationDisabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Checks if server-side verification is disabled for this transaction and the current user has the privilege to bypass it.
isServiceUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if this "Benutzer" (user) is a service user.
isSessionAssignedTempId(Long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
isSet(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
isSettingValue() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProc represents setting a value
isShared() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isShared() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isShared() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isShared() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isShouldCancel() - Method in class
isShowBOProperties() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
isShowBOProperties() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
isShowDeleted() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.QueryInfoI
isShowDeleted() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
isShowEntityName() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isShowError() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Checks if the notification mode is set to show an error message.
isShowFtsPopup() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
isShowHiddenProperties() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
isShowHiddenProperties() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
isShowHistory() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
isShowHistory() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
isShowHorizontalLines() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isShowId() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
isShowMessage() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Checks if the notification mode is set to show a general message.
isShown() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isShown() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
isShown() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
isShown() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
isShown() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
isShowNewAction() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
isShowNothing() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Checks if the notification mode is set to show nothing.
isShowOverrideQuestion() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Checks if the notification mode is set to show an override question.
isShowSelectAction() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
isShowToast() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Checks if the notification mode is set to show a toast notification.
isShowUserFriendlyError() - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Checks if the notification mode is set to show a more user friendly error message.
isShowVerticalLines() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isShutdown() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
isShutdown() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
isShutdownInitiated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
isShutdownInitiated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
isShutdownInitiated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
isShutdownStopped() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
isSigned(int) - Method in class
Indicates whether values in the designated column are signed numbers.
isSilent() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.notification.ClientNotificationManager
isSimpleChange() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents some simple change (new value for
a "primitive" or "n-1" attribute).
isSingleClickEdit() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isSkipClientVerifiesForAdmins() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isSkipServerVerifiesForAdmins() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
isSlow() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
isSorted() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
isSortForSelected() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isSorting() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
isSource(String) - Method in class
isSpecificDay(Date, int) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed date is a given day.
isSplitWordsLongerThanLine() - Method in class
isSsl() - Method in class
isStandalone() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ConsoleFrame
isStandardIgnoreFilename(String) - Static method in class
Checks if the given filename (without path please!)
isStar() - Method in class
isStatusAuto() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
isStatusChange() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
isStatusChangeNotNew() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
isStatusError() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
isStatusExport() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
isStatusImport() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
isStatusNew() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
isStillReferenced() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.TransactionalFileI
Returns true if this TransactionalFileI is still referenced.
isStopped() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
isStopped() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportProviderI
Returns true, if this TransportProviderI is stopped, false otherwise.
isStreamResource() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
isStreamResource() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
isStreamResource() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
isStringFlavor(DataFlavor) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTransferable
Returns whether or not the specified data flavor is a String flavor that
is supported.
isStringOp() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
isStub() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns true if this BO is a "stub".
isStubCloneOnSave() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
isSubClasses() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEventFilter
isSubEntityOf(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
Checks if this BOI's EntityI is a sub-entity of the specified super entity or that entity itself.
isSubEntityOf(StructuredEntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
Checks if this BOI's EntityI is a sub-entity of the specified super entity or that entity itself.
isSubEntityOf(StructuredEntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
isSubEntityOf(StructuredEntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingEntity
isSubEntityOf(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns true
if we are a subentity of the EntityI
with the given name or that StructuredEntityI ourself.
isSubEntityOf(StructuredEntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.StructuredEntityI
Returns true
if we are a subentity of the given EntityI
or that StructuredEntityI ourself.
isSubEntityOf(StructuredEntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
IssueReport - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
IssueReport() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
IssueUrgency - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
IssueUrgency() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueUrgency
isSufficientVersion(String, String) - Static method in class
Takes two version Strings in the form n.m[.o]* and decides wether actualVersion fullfills a requirement of requiredVersion.
isSunday(Date) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed date is a sunday.
isSuppressDuplicatesInNonRelationMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
isSuppressMsgID() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.EmailNotificationHandler
isSymbol() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.TokenType
isSync() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BT
Returns true if this BT
resulted from a MyTISM node sync run (as
opposed to an "original" change done e.g. via the GUI or by some other
isSyncEventHandlingPaused() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
isSyncEventHandlingPaused() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
If true, then {link #sync()} calls for this element should be ignored, e.g. because the form is currently saving.
isSyncMode() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Represents a savepoint within a transaction, enabling selective rollback of changes.
isSyncUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if this "Benutzer" (user) is a synchronization user.
isSystemMessage() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
isSystemMessage() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEventI
isSystemUser() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if this "Benutzer" (user) is one of the KernelModule system users.
isSystemUser(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if a user with the given username is one of the KernelModule system users.
istAktiv() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOMonitoringAlarmI
istAsSoonAsPossible() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueUrgency
istEmail() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresstyp
isTempId(Long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
isTempIdForNewInstance(Long) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
isTemplate() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
isTemporary() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
isTemporary() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
isTerminating() - Method in class
isTesting() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderI
Returns true if this BOLoaderI is for testing only, i.e. used in JUnit testing environments only.
isTesting() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
isTesting() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
istFax() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresstyp
isTimespanCompletelyCovered(Collection) - Static method in interface
isTimespanCompletelyCovered(Collection, Date) - Static method in interface
isTimespanCompletelyCovered(Collection, Date, Date) - Static method in interface
isTimespanCompletelyCovered(Collection, Date, Date, Class<? extends IdentifiableTimespanI>) - Static method in interface
istIstAutomatik() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ParameterizedStrukturI
isTls() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
isTls() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
istMitgliedVon(Map<Long, Gruppe>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if the "Benutzer" (user) is a member of the specified groups.
istMitgliedVon(Map<Long, Gruppe>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
istMitgliedVon(Gruppe) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if the "Benutzer" (user) is a member of the specified group.
istMitgliedVon(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
istMitgliedVon(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if the "Benutzer" (user) is a member of the group with the given ID.
istMitgliedVon(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.BenutzerI
istMitgliedVonAdmins() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if this "Benutzer" (user) is a member of the administrators group.
istMitgliedVonNamen(Set<String>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
istMitgliedVonNamen(Set<String>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
istMitgliedVonNamen(String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
istMitgliedVonNamen(String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
istMitgliedVonTid(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if the "Benutzer" (user) is a member of the group with the given TID.
istMitgliedVonTid(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.feature.BenutzerI
tells whether Benutzer
is member of Gruppe
with the given Tid
istMitgliedVonTids(Set<String>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if the "Benutzer" (user) is a member of the groups specified by their TIDs.
istMitgliedVonTids(Set<String>, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
istMitgliedVonTids(String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if the "Benutzer" (user) is a member of the groups specified by their TIDs.
istMitgliedVonTids(String[], boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
istMitgliedVonX(Set<String>, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
Checks if the "Benutzer" (user) is a member of the groups specified by their names or TIDs.
istMitgliedVonX(Set<String>, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenutzerGroupAspects
isTO(NotificationReceiverI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Checks if the given NotificationReceiverI should receive the notification
via TO or not, using getEmpfaengerResolved().
istOnOpportunity() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueUrgency
isToolBarFloatable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
isToolBarRollover() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
isToolBarRollover() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
isToolTips() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
isTopMdi() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
isTopMdiOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
isTopTab() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
isTotallyReliable() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
isTotallyReliable() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Returns true if the connection doesn't need any keep-alive tests or similar monitoring
istPolymorphic() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
istPolymorphic() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PolymorphicFilterableStrukturI
istPolymorphic() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
isTransactionControl() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
isTransientAttribute(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Checks if a given attributename is a transient attribute
by checking if the first char is an underscore
isTriggeredBy(Benutzer) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.DBManBOChangeEventI
isTriggeredBy(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEvent
Checks whether this Event contains a Transaction which is assigned to the given user
isTriggeredBy(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.FilteringDBManBOChangeEvent
Delegates to the real event, including unfiltered TXs, because the accessed attributes are not used for filtered events
istRootOrAutomatik() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
istSkriptanwendungBenutzenErlaubt() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Determines if the current user is allowed to modify BOs via script
istSolstice() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAdresstyp
istStrukturAdministrationErlaubt() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Determines if the current user is allowed to administrate Struktur BOs
istToday() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueUrgency
istWithinOneWeek() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueUrgency
istWithinTwoDays() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueUrgency
isType(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
Allow to compare this events type to a specific event.
isUndeletion() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true
if this BOProcI represents the undeletion of a BO.
isUnderAdminControl() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Determines if this transaction is executed by an administrator user.
isUnderBackendControl() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Determines if this transaction is executed by the backend.
isUnderServiceControl() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Determines if this transaction is executed by a service user.
isUnderSystemUserControl() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Determines if this transaction is executed by a system user.
isUndo() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true if this Transaction was created in the context of an "undo" of a BT via BT#undo(TransactionProviderI, BOLoaderI).
isUndoWithoutTimeTravel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true if this Transaction was created in the context of an "undo" of a BT via BT#undo(TransactionProviderI, BOLoaderI)
and a "time-travel" did not happen.
isUndoWithTimeTravel() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true if this Transaction was created in the context of an "undo" of a BT via BT#undo(TransactionProviderI, BOLoaderI)
and a "time-travel" did actually happen.
isUnfetched() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
isUnfetched() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJTableModel
isUnique() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns true if this CBOAttribute
is unique.
isUnique() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
isUnlazy(EntityI, AttributeI) - Method in class
isUnLazyBeforeTransport() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
isUnlazyFailed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
isUnlock() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
isUnsupportedInOQL(Expression) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTUnsupportedAnalyzerVisitor
isUnsupportedInOQLNN(Expression) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTUnsupportedAnalyzerVisitor
isUnsupportedInOQLNN(Expression, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTUnsupportedAnalyzerVisitor
isUseInlinePGP() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.EmailNotificationHandler
isUseMaximumHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLocked
isUseMaximumHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
isUseMaximumHeight() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isUseMaximumHeight() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.RootFormElementI
isUseMaximumWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLocked
isUseMaximumWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
isUseMaximumWidth() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isUseMaximumWidth() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.RootFormElementI
isUsePolymorphySelectionTree() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isUsePolymorphySelectionTree() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
isUserAbstract() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicEntityI
isUserAbstract() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
isUserAbstract() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
isUserChoseToOverrideSaveVetoExceptions() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Returns true if this Transaction was marked as user chose to override (all) SaveVetoExceptions.
isUserEditArea(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Ordner
isUserInvolved(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
checks if this user is involved in this notification as either recipient or
sender, either directly or indirectly, if the notification was addressed to or
sent from one of the user's groups instead.
isUserInvolved(Benutzer, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
isUsingModules() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Returns true
if this SchemaI is using modules.
isValid(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.NotfallSchluessel
Compares the given code with the Geheimnis, after a cleaning it by:
replacing '-' and all white space
replacing '0' by 'o' and '1' by 'l'
turning everything into lower case
isValid(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TOTPSchluessel
isValid() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
Checks if this savepoint is still valid.
isValid() - Method in interface
isValid() - Method in interface
Checks if this TimespanI is valid at the current time.
isValid(int) - Method in class
isValidAt(Date) - Method in interface
Checks if this TimespanI is valid on the passed date (and optionally at the time
defined by the passed Date object).
isValidAt(Date, boolean) - Method in interface
isValidAtOrAfter(Date) - Method in interface
isValidAtOrBefore(Date) - Method in interface
isValidEmailAdress(String) - Static method in class
Decides if the passed String represents a valid email address.
isValidFeature(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractFeatureManager
isValidFromStartOfTime() - Method in interface
isValidName(String) - Static method in class
isValidName(Rexx) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxgen
isValidOn(Date) - Method in interface
Checks if this TimespanI is valid on the passed date.
isValidParticipant(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT.BOClassesPathCompiler
isValidParticipant(Object) - Method in interface
Checks if the given participant is valid for this compiler.
isValidUntilEndOfTime() - Method in interface
isValidVarName(Object) - Static method in class
Checks if the passed Object is a valid variable name for Groovy.
isValueType(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.Token
isVariableDeclared(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxgen
isViewonly() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
isViewonly() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
isViewOnly() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
isViewOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isViewOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns if the edit mode of this CBOAttribute
is view only
isViewOnly() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isVirtual() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
isVirtual() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
isVirtual() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isVirtual() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BasicAttributeI
isVirtual() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Tells if this CBOAttribute
is virtual.
isVirtual() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isVisible(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
isVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.PanelVisibility
isVisible() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.VisibilityI
isVisible() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns whether this AttributeI
instance is visible in the UI.
isVisible(BOI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
Returns whether this AttributeI
instance is visible in the UI for the specified BOI
isVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
isVisible() - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
isVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isVisible(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
isVisible(AttributeI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
isVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Returns whether this CBOAttribute
instance is visible in the UI.
isVisible(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
isVisible() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isVisible(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
isWanted() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
Convenience method that tells if this module should be started according to the configuration of this MyTISM
isWeekend(Date) - Static method in class
Returns true if the passed date is a weekend day.
isWindows() - Static method in class
Returns true if the OS architecture the current JVM instance is running in is Windows.
isWithinClause() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.FromNode
isWithinTolerance(BigDecimal, BigDecimal, BigDecimal) - Static method in class
Checks whether a given BigDecimal is within a specified tolerance or margin of error from a central value.
isWrapperFor(Class) - Method in class
isWrapperFor(Class) - Method in class
isWrapperFor(Class) - Method in class
isWrapperFor(Class) - Method in class
isWritable(int) - Method in class
Indicates whether it is possible for a write on the designated column to succeed.
isWriteable(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
isWriteLockedBy(Thread) - Method in class
Returns true if this ReentrantReadWriteLock is write-locked by the given Thread.
isXMLValid(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
isZoom() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class
iterateNativeQuery(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
iterateNativeQuery(String, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
iterateNativeQuery(String, Object[], short) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
iterateNativeQuery(String, Object[], short, String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
iterateNativeQuery(String, Object[], short, String[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
iterateNativeQuery(String, Object[], short) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
iterateNativeQuery(String, Object[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
iterateNativeQuery(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
iterateQuery(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
iterateQuery(String, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
iterateQuery(String, Object[], short) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
iterateQuery(String, Object[], short) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
iterateQuery(String, Object[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
iterateQuery(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
iterateQuery() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.QueryHandlerI
iterateQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultQueryHandler
iterateRelationBOs(Class, Long, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
iterateRelationBOs(Class, Long, String, short) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
iterateRelationBOs(Class<? extends BOI>, Long, String, short) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
iterateRelationBOs(Class<? extends BOI>, Long, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
iterator() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy.ClassLimitedLRUContainer
Resets the current iterator and returs this.
iterator() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.RetainedChanges
iterator() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DoubleList
iterator() - Method in class
IteratorWithAfterIterationCallback <T > - Class in
An Iterator that wraps another Iterator and provides a callback that is called after an element has been returned.
IteratorWithAfterIterationCallback(Iterator<T>, Consumer<T>) - Constructor for class
Constructs an IteratorWithAfterIterationCallback object that wraps the given Iterator
and calls the passed callback after an object was returned.
IteratorWithAfterIterationCallback(Iterator<T>, Consumer<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs an IteratorWithAfterIterationCallback object that wraps the given Iterator
and calls the passed callback after an object was returned.
itIs(int) - Static method in enum
S_ALL_NON_NULL_OR_EMPTY - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.AggregateFunctionFactory
S_ALL_NULL_OR_EMPTY - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.AggregateFunctionFactory
S_ANY_NON_NULL_OR_EMPTY - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.AggregateFunctionFactory
S_ANY_NULL_OR_EMPTY - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.AggregateFunctionFactory
S_FIRST_NON_NULL_OR_EMPTY - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.AggregateFunctionFactory
S_SORT_JOIN_COMMA_LIST - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.AggregateFunctionFactory
safeSetMaxId(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
safeSetMaxId(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMGpsDevice
safeSetMaxId(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
safeSetPointerBPId(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
save() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
save(BufferedReader) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
save(Closure) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
Wrapper method to call save(String, Closure)
without a description for the transaction.
save(String, Closure) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
save(Benutzer, String, Closure) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
Method to save a transaction which is handled by a closure in the parameter.
save(Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
save(String, Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
save(Benutzer, String, Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
save(Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
save(String, Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
save(Benutzer, String, Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
save(ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
save(String, ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
save(Benutzer, String, ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
save(Closure) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(String, Closure) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(Benutzer, String, Closure) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, Closure) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(String, Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(Benutzer, String, Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(String, Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(Benutzer, String, Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(String, ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(Benutzer, String, ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
save(Closure) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Wrapper method to call save(String, Closure)
without a description for the transaction.
save(String, Closure) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
save(Benutzer, String, Closure) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Method to save a transaction which is handled by a closure in the parameter.
save(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, Closure) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Method to save a transaction which is handled by a closure in the parameter.
save(Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
save(String, Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
save(Benutzer, String, Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
save(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
save(Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
save(String, Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
save(Benutzer, String, Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
save(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
save(ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
save(String, ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
save(Benutzer, String, ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
save(Benutzer, BackendSessionI, String, ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
save(Closure) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
save(String, Closure) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
save(Benutzer, String, Closure) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
save(Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
save(String, Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
save(Benutzer, String, Consumer<Transaction>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
save(Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
save(String, Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
save(Benutzer, String, Function<Transaction, ? extends Object>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
save(ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
save(String, ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
save(Benutzer, String, ThrowingFunction<Transaction, ? extends Object, ? extends Throwable>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
save() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
save(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
save(boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
save() - Method in class
save(BufferedReader) - Method in class
SAVE_RETRIES - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
SAVE_RETRY_DELAY_MS_MAX - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
SAVE_RETRY_DELAY_MS_MIN - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.core.KernelDatabaseSaverI
SaveAwareI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.core
Interface to be implemented by classes that want to be notified about saving cycle events and possibly act on them.
SaveBLOBException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.blob
SaveBLOBException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.blob.SaveBLOBException
SaveBLOBException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.blob.SaveBLOBException
SaveBLOBException(BOI, String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.blob.SaveBLOBException
SaveBLOBException(BOI, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.blob.SaveBLOBException
saveBO(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
saveBO(Transaction, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
saveBO(Transaction, boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
saveBO(Transaction, boolean, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
saveBO(Transaction, SaveBOListenerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
saveBO(Transaction, SaveBOListenerI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
saveBO(Transaction, SaveBOListenerI, boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
saveBO(Transaction, SaveBOListenerI, boolean, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
saveBO(Transaction, SaveBOImplementationI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
saveBO(Transaction, SaveBOImplementationI, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
saveBO(Transaction, SaveBOImplementationI, boolean, Benutzer) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
saveBO(Transaction, SaveBOImplementationI, SaveBOListenerI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
Saves (the BOs of) a Transaction.
saveBO(Transaction, SaveBOImplementationI, SaveBOListenerI, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
saveBO(Transaction, SaveBOImplementationI, SaveBOListenerI, boolean, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
saveBO(Transaction, SaveBOImplementationI, SaveBOListenerI, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
saveBO(Transaction, SaveBOImplementationI, SaveBOListenerI, boolean, int, int, Benutzer) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
saveBO(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
Saves (the BOs of) a Transaction.
saveBO(Transaction, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
saveBO() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ServerLocalTransactionI
Persists the changes recorded in this ServerLocalTransactionI to the database.
saveBO(Benutzer) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ServerLocalTransactionI
Persists the changes recorded in this ServerLocalTransactionI to the database.
saveBO(Transaction) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionProviderI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed transaction tx to the database.
saveBO(Transaction, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionProviderI
saveBO(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
Speichert mehrere BO's wieder zurueck in die Datenbank.
saveBO(Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
saveBO(Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, DBManVetoHandlerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, DBManVetoHandlerI, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, DBManVetoHandlerI, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, DBManVetoHandlerI, int, int, SerializedTransaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, DBManVetoHandlerI, int, int, SerializedTransaction, SecureObjectOutputI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, DBManVetoHandlerI, int, int, SerializedTransaction, SecureObjectOutputI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
saveBO(Transaction) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, DBManVetoHandlerI, int, int, SerializedTransaction, SecureObjectOutputI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, DBManVetoHandlerI, int, int, SerializedTransaction) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, DBManVetoHandlerI, int, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, DBManVetoHandlerI, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, DBManVetoHandlerI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBO(Benutzer, Transaction) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBO(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalTransactionProvider
Saves (the BOs of) a Transaction.
saveBO(Transaction, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalTransactionProvider
saveBO(Transaction, SerializedTransaction, PersistenceHandlerI, int, int, SecureObjectOutputI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBO(Transaction, SerializedTransaction, PersistenceHandlerI, int, int, SecureObjectOutputI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManUserContextImpl
saveBO(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
saveBO(Transaction, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
saveBO(Transaction, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
saveBO(Transaction, int, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBO(Transaction, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBO(Transaction) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBO(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ServerLocalTransaction
saveBO(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
saveBO(Transaction, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
saveBO(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
saveBO(Transaction, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
saveBO(Transaction) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextSaveHandlerI
Persists the changes recorded in the provided Transaction to the database.
saveBO(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
Helper class to notify client about incoming events asynchronously so we may be able
to interrupt if it takes too long and the client is not blocked forever for long-lasting
saveBO(Transaction, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
saveBOImpl(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
saveBOImpl(Transaction, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
saveBOImpl(Transaction, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
saveBOImpl(Transaction, int, int, Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
saveBOImpl(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
saveBOImpl(Transaction, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
saveBOImpl(Transaction, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
saveBOImpl(Transaction, int, int, Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
saveBOImpl(Transaction, int, int, Benutzer) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.SaveBOImplementationI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBOImpl(Transaction, int, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.SaveBOImplementationI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBOImpl(Transaction, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.SaveBOImplementationI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
saveBOImpl(Transaction) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.SaveBOImplementationI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx to the database.
SaveBOImplementationI - Interface in de.ipcon.db
Interface needed by BOSaver
SaveBOListenerI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.core
saveBOWithoutLogs() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ServerLocalTransactionI
Persists the changes recorded in this ServerLocalTransactionI to the database,
but does not record the changes via BT/BP logs.
saveBOWithoutLogs(Benutzer) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ServerLocalTransactionI
Persists the changes recorded in this ServerLocalTransactionI to the database,
but does not record the changes via BT/BP logs.
saveBOWithoutLogs(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ServerLocalTransaction
SaveCanceledByUserException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.core
Special SaveVetoException subclass which can be used for cases where the save
was aborted due to user decision and which do not require an actual error
dialog or custom message.
SaveCanceledByUserException() - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveCanceledByUserException
SaveCanceledByUserException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveCanceledByUserException
SaveException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.core
SaveException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveException
SaveException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveException
SaveException(BOI, String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveException
SaveException(BOI, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveException
saveFile(String, File) - Static method in class
Writes the given String s into File f using the encoding charsetName.
saveFile(String, File, String) - Static method in class
saveFile(String, File, String, boolean) - Static method in class
saveFile(String, File, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
saveFile(byte[], File) - Static method in class
saveFile(byte[], File, boolean) - Static method in class
saveFile(byte[], File, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
saveFile(InputStream, File) - Static method in class
Writes the given InputStream
to a given File
saveFile(InputStream, File, boolean) - Static method in class
saveFile(InputStream, File, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
saveFile(byte[], OutputStream) - Static method in class
saveFormData() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
saveFormData(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
saveFormData(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
saveFormData() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
saveGlobals() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
saveMetaData(CompassIndexSession) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMGpsDevice
Stores the MetaDataHolder data in the index using the given session.
savePhase - Variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
savepoint(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Creates and returns a savepoint with the given name in this transaction.
savepoint(String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Creates and returns a savepoint with the given name and owner in this transaction
savepointBelongsHere(Transaction.Savepoint) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Tells if the given Savepoint belongs to this Transaction.
SaveResult() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.DBMan.SaveResult
SaveResultException(int, String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.DBMan.SaveResultException
SaveResultException(int, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.DBMan.SaveResultException
SaveResultI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.core
interface for the result of a saving with the method(s), Closure)
saveServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
saveServerLocalTransaction(Benutzer, Transaction, PersistenceHandlerI, int, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed Transaction tx, that is part of a
to the database.
saveSyncAccountConfiguration(File, SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools
Saves given configuration data for the SyncService account to the specified
saveSyncAccountConfiguration(SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools
Builds and returns an XML Document with the sync account configuration data.
SaveVetoException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.core
A specialized exception indicating a veto (rejection) during a save operation.
SaveVetoException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Constructs a new SaveVetoException with the specified detail message and notification mode.
SaveVetoException(String, int) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
SaveVetoException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Constructs a new SaveVetoException with the specified detail message, cause, and notification mode.
SaveVetoException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
SaveVetoException(BOI, String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Constructs a new SaveVetoException with the specified BOI, detail message, and notification mode.
SaveVetoException(BOI, String, int) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
SaveVetoException(BOI, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Constructs a new SaveVetoException with the specified BOI, detail message, cause, and notification mode.
SaveVetoException(BOI, String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs - Exception in de.ipcon.form
A specialized
for client-side use that displays a helpful dialog
with links to conflicting Business Objects (BOs).
SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs(Collection) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.form.SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs
SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs(Collection, int) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.form.SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs
SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs(String, Throwable, Collection) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.form.SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs
SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs(String, Throwable, Collection, int) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.form.SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs
SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs(BOI, String, Collection) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.form.SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs
SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs(BOI, String, Collection, int) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.form.SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs
SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs(BOI, String, Throwable, Collection) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.form.SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs
SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs(BOI, String, Throwable, Collection, int) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.form.SaveVetoExceptionWithConflictingBOs
SaveVetoI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.core
saveWithRetries(Transaction, int, int, Logger, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionProviderI
Persists the changes recorded in the passed transaction tx to the database
with retries on an encountered MightSucceedIfRetriedLaterI.
saveWithRetries(Transaction, int, int, Logger) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionProviderI
SayMessageDisplay - Class in
SayMessageDisplay(String) - Constructor for class
scaleImage(Image, int, int) - Static method in class
scaleUserGivenImageToConstraints(File, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Returns the given image file as a byte array with the following policy:
- If the file is not an image, not found, or encounters any other problem, a runtime exception will be thrown
scaleUserGivenImageToConstraints(BufferedImage, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Scales the provided BufferedImage to meet specified constraints and returns the result as a byte array.
scaleUserGivenImageToConstraints(BufferedImage, int, int, int, String) - Static method in class
scanFor14443a(Consumer<String>) - Method in class
scanForDevice() - Static method in class
scanForDevice() - Static method in class
Schablone - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
Schablone() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
SchabloneTemplate - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata
SchabloneTemplate() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.SchabloneTemplate
SchabloneTemplate(SQLCoreDataStoreI, EntityI, long, long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.SchabloneTemplate
SchabloneTemplate(SQLCoreDataStoreI, Document, long, StringBuilder) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.SchabloneTemplate
SchabloneTemplateSelectionTreeNode - Class in de.ipcon.form.selectiontree
SchabloneTemplateSelectionTreeNode(Schablone, SchemaI, boolean) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.SchabloneTemplateSelectionTreeNode
SchedulableHandlerI - Interface in
Something that holds a list of SchedulableI
, feeds them to a scheduler and is then informed when
schedulables are triggered.
schedule(TimerTask, Date) - Method in class
schedule(TimerTask, long) - Method in class
schedule(TimerTask, long, long) - Method in class
schedule(TimerTask, Date, long) - Method in class
scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask, long, long) - Method in class
scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask, Date, long) - Method in class
ScheduledAlarmHandlerI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.alarm
schedulePrefetch(Runnable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOGraphPrefetcher
Schema2Graph - Class in
Schema2Graph(File, String) - Constructor for class
Schema2Graph(File, String, String) - Constructor for class
Schema2Graph(SchemaI, String) - Constructor for class
Schema2Graph(SchemaI, String, String) - Constructor for class
SchemaAwareKryo - Class in
SchemaDefinitionException - Exception in de.ipcon.schema
SchemaDefinitionException(Attribute, String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.SchemaDefinitionException
Constructs a `SchemaDefinitionException` related to an XML `Attribute`.
SchemaDefinitionException(Attribute, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.SchemaDefinitionException
Constructs a `SchemaDefinitionException` related to an XML `Attribute`, with a cause.
SchemaDefinitionException(Element, String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.SchemaDefinitionException
Constructs a `SchemaDefinitionException` related to an XML `Element`.
SchemaDefinitionException(Element, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.SchemaDefinitionException
Constructs a `SchemaDefinitionException` related to an XML `Element`, with a cause.
SchemaI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
The SchemaI
interface defines the methods for accessing and manipulating schema information
in the IPCON MyTISM system.
SchemaIncompatibleException - Exception in de.ipcon.schema
Thrown when two schemas are incompatible.
SchemaIncompatibleException(SchemaI, SchemaI) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.SchemaIncompatibleException
Constructs a new `SchemaIncompatibleException` with a default message and a detailed diff of the incompatible schemas.
SchemaInterface - Class in de.ipcon.schema
A (or rather "the") concrete implementation of `SchemaInterfaceI`, which represents a schema interface definition.
SchemaInterfaceI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
Represents a schema interface definition.
SchemaLoadingException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass
SchemaLoadingException() - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaLoadingException
SchemaLoadingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaLoadingException
SchemaMappingBuilder - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass
Encapsules building a Compass object mapping from a MyTISM schema.
SchemaMappingBuilder(SchemaI, boolean) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaMappingBuilder
SchemaProviderI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
Something that knows a SchemaI instance and allows access to it.
SchemaSelfInitializingCBOSorter - Class in de.ipcon.schema
Special subclass of CBOSorter which initializes its SchemaI lazily.
SchemaSelfInitializingCBOSorter() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaSelfInitializingCBOSorter
SchemaTableModel - Class in
SchemaTableModel(EntityI) - Constructor for class
SchemaTools - Class in de.ipcon.schema
Classic tools collection, full of static methods that are constantly used in the schema context,
such as finding attributes in polymorphic entities etc.
SchemaTreeCellRenderer - Class in
SchemaTreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class
SchemaTreeModel - Class in
SchemaTreeModel(SchemaI, EntityI) - Constructor for class
schemaValueToComboBoxValue(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
SchemaViolationException - Exception in de.ipcon.schema
SchemaViolationException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.SchemaViolationException
SchemaVsIndexDiff - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass
Manages information about the differences between two sets of EntityIs.
SchemaVsIndexDiff() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaVsIndexDiff
SchemaVsIndexDiffer - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass
Encapsulates functionality for getting the differences between a MyTISM SchemaI
and the index of a Compass instance.
SchemaVsIndexDiffer(SchemaMappingBuilder, Map) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaVsIndexDiffer
SchemaWrapper - Class in de.ipcon.schema
SCOPE_GLOBAL - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorI
SCOPE_LOCAL - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorI
Script() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Script
ScriptBasedModel - Class in de.ipcon.form.combobox
ComboBoxModel implementation which gets its values from a script.
ScriptBasedModel(FormElementI, String, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
ScriptBasedModel(FormElementI, String, String, int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
ScriptBasedModel(FormElementI, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
ScriptBasedModel(FormElementI, String, String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
ScriptBasedModel(FormElementI, String, String, int, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
ScriptedAttribute - Class in de.ipcon.schema
An attribute implemented dynamically by scripts.
ScriptedAttribute(InstrumentingSchemaI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
ScriptedAttribute(InstrumentingSchemaI, Element, Map) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
ScriptedAttribute(InstrumentingSchemaI, Map) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
ScriptedAttribute(InstrumentingSchemaI, Map, Map) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
ScriptedAttribute.AddRemoveEvent - Class in de.ipcon.schema
ScriptedAttribute.SetValueEvent - Class in de.ipcon.schema
ScriptedAttributeInitializationException - Exception in de.ipcon.schema
Exception which is thrown if an error during default calculation and init-script execution phase of ScriptedAttribute-s occurs.
ScriptedAttributeInitializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttributeInitializationException
ScriptedAttributeInitializingCompletableFuture - Class in de.ipcon.schema
ScriptedAttributeInitializingCompletableFuture() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttributeInitializingCompletableFuture
ScriptFunctionI - Interface in
ScriptImport - Class in
ScriptImport(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
ScriptImport(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class
ScriptService - Class in de.ipcon.db.sync
ScriptService() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.sync.ScriptService
ScriptService(String[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.sync.ScriptService
scrollCurrentLineToBottom() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
scrollCurrentLineToBottom(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
scrollCurrentLineToTop() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
scrollCurrentLineToTop(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
scrollFirstLineTo() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
scrollFirstLineTo(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
SEARCHTYPE_SUBSTRING - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
SEARCHTYPE_WILDCARD - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
SECOND - Static variable in class
seconds - Variable in class
SECONDS_PER_DAY - Static variable in class
SECONDS_PER_HOUR - Static variable in class
SECONDS_PER_MINUTE - Static variable in class
secsForToken - Static variable in class
SecureExternalizable - Interface in
SecureIdConverter - Class in
SecureIdConverter() - Constructor for class
SecureObjectInputI - Interface in
SecureObjectOutputI - Interface in
SecureObjectTransferHandler - Class in
SecureObjectTransferHandler(String) - Constructor for class
seemsAvailable() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel
Tries to execute the output script of THIS and returns true/1
everything looks good.
selectAll() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
selectAll() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
Selects complete text of getTextComponent().
selectCellAt(int, int) - Method in class
selectEntity() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.PolymorphicTemplateSelectionTree
selectExportFile(String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
SelectionTreeI - Interface in
selectNewBO(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.PolymorphicTemplateSelectionTree
selectNextItem() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
Move cursor to next item in table.
selectNextItem(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
SelectNode - Class in de.ipcon.db.oql
A Node representing the select part of a query
SelectNode(Token) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.oql.SelectNode
selectNone() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
selectNone() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
Removes text selection of getTextComponent().
selectObject(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
Selects and moves focus to the specified object o in the table
selectObject(Object, Runnable) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
selectObjectAndTryFocusDetailView(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
selectObjects(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
selectObjects(Object[], Runnable) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
selectObjectWithId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
Selects and moves focus to the object with the specified id in the table
selectPassword() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
selectTemplate() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.selectiontree.PolymorphicTemplateSelectionTree
SemiFullTextQuery - Class in de.ipcon.db.oql
A class which helps building queries out of string expressions typed into the MyTISM bookmarks.
SemiFullTextQuery(String, EntityI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.oql.SemiFullTextQuery
SemiFullTextQueryBuilder - Class in de.ipcon.db.query
subclass for creating OQL queries from bookmarks in the Solstice GUI using search terms from the
"search bar", filter clauses defined in the bookmark XML and values from the GUI filter controls.
SemiFullTextQueryBuilder(SchemaI, Class<? extends BOI>) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
SemiFullTextQueryBuilder(SchemaI, Class<? extends BOI>, FulltextSearcherI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
SemiFullTextQueryBuilder(SchemaI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
SemiFullTextQueryBuilder(SchemaI, Element, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
SemiFullTextQueryBuilder(SchemaI, Element, String, BOLoaderI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
SemiFullTextQueryBuilder(SchemaI, Element, String, BOLoaderI, Map) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
SemiFullTextQueryBuilder(SchemaI, Element, String, BOLoaderI, Map, FulltextSearcherI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
send() - Method in class
sendEventAsJSON(DBManBOChangeEvent, Class<? extends BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.api.websockets.WebSocketService
sendEventAsJSON(DBManBOChangeEvent, Class<? extends BOI>, FormatterConfiguration) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.api.websockets.WebSocketService
converts the given event (i.e. an update of values) into a JSON string and send that over the websocket.
sendingFailedMostRecentlyOn() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
Returns the date when the sending for this MyTISMBenachrichtigung
most recently was tried and failed;
returns null if there is no Benachrichtigungsversendung
with Erfolgreich = false or null
sendKeepAlive() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
for non-totally-reliable socket connections, this will
immediately send some disregarded data to the other side,
which will fail in case the socket is somehow broken already.
sendNotification(CoreBO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotification(CoreBO, L10nLocale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotification(CoreBO, L10nLocale, CoreBO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotification(CoreBO[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotification(CoreBO[], L10nLocale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotification(CoreBO[], L10nLocale, CoreBO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotification(CoreBO[], L10nLocale, CoreBO, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotification(CoreBO[], L10nLocale, CoreBO, boolean, Collection<CoreBO>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotification(MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotificationByEmail(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotificationByEmail(String, L10nLocale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotificationByEmail(String, L10nLocale, CoreBO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotificationByEmail(String, L10nLocale, CoreBO, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotificationByEmail(String, L10nLocale, CoreBO, boolean, Collection<CoreBO>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotificationByEmail(String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotificationByEmail(String[], L10nLocale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotificationByEmail(String[], L10nLocale, CoreBO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotificationByEmail(String[], L10nLocale, CoreBO, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendNotificationByEmail(String[], L10nLocale, CoreBO, boolean, Collection<CoreBO>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BenachrichtigungsScriptAPI
sendPing() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.api.websockets.WebSocketService
sendRequest(TransportI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
sendRequest(Runnable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendQueryResults
sendRequest(TransportI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestI
sendRequest(TransportI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestLogin
sendString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.api.websockets.WebSocketService
sendSystemMessage(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
sendSystemMessage(String, Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
sendSystemMessage(DBManUserContextI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
sendSystemMessage(DBManUserContextI, String, Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
sendSystemMessage(DBManUserContextI, String, Map) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
sendSystemMessage(DBManUserContextI, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
sendSystemMessage(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
sendSystemMessage(String, Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
sendSystemMessage(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
sendSystemMessage(String, Map) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
SendSystemMessageAction - Class in de.ipcon.gui.console
SendSystemMessageAction(ConsoleFrame, JTextArea, JList) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.SendSystemMessageAction
SendSystemMessageAction(ConsoleFrame, JTextArea, JList, ImageIcon) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.SendSystemMessageAction
sendUsernameHint(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
sendUsernameHint(Benutzer) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Sends a mail to the user with his username
SEP_CHAR - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.LogFileConstantsI
String that is used as separator in our log lines.
SEPARATOR - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenanntPath
SEPARATOR_REGEX - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.LogFileConstantsI
String that is used for creating a regex to find separators in our log lines.
SerializationCrawler - Class in
serialize(Transaction, OutputStream) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SerializedTransaction
Serializes the passed Transaction to the passed OutputStream.
serialize() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
SerializedTransaction - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
SerializedTransaction(Transaction) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.SerializedTransaction
Serializes the passed Transaction and stores the byte-array and references to the BLOB handles internally.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.CoreBO
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueUrgency
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.Synchable
SERVER_EVENT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventConstants
SERVER_HEALTH_EVENT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventConstants
serverConnectionEstablished(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientPlugin
serverConnectionEstablished(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
serverConnectionEstablished(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientMenuManager
serverConnectionEstablished(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientPluginI
Called if a new server connection was established.
serverConnectionEstablished(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
serverConnectionEstablished(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ConnectionMonitor
serverConnectionEstablished(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
serverConnectionEstablished(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.notification.ClientNotificationManager
serverConnectionEstablished(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
ServerConnectionException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.protocol
ServerConnectionException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionException
ServerConnectionException(String, String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionException
ServerConnectionException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionException
ServerConnectionI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.protocol
ServerConnectionInfo - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
ServerConnectionInfo(String, SchemaI, boolean) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionInfo
ServerConnectionInfo() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionInfo
serverConnectionInfoAvailable(ServerConnectionI, boolean, ServerConnectionInfo, Exception) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionInfoReceiverI
ServerConnectionInfoReceiverI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.protocol
serverConnectionLost(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientPlugin
serverConnectionLost(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
serverConnectionLost(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientMenuManager
serverConnectionLost(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientPluginI
Called if the current server connection was lost.
serverConnectionLost(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
serverConnectionLost(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ConnectionMonitor
serverConnectionLost(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ForcedClientDisconnectWarner
serverConnectionLost(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
serverConnectionLost(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.notification.ClientNotificationManager
serverConnectionLost(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ServerHealthMonitor
serverConnectionLost(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
serverConnectionRollingOver(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientPlugin
serverConnectionRollingOver(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
serverConnectionRollingOver(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientPluginI
Called if the current server connection will be replaced by a better one.
serverConnectionRollingOver(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ConnectionMonitor
serverConnectionRollingOver(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
serverConnectionRollingOver(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
ServerConnectionTimeoutException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.protocol
ServerConnectionTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionTimeoutException
ServerConnectionTimeoutException(String, String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionTimeoutException
ServerConnectionTimeoutException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionTimeoutException
ServerCryptoHandlerI - Interface in
ServerFileVault - Class in de.ipcon.db.blob
This class is a singleton which provides transactional access to files (connected to database-objects) using TransactionalFileI-objects
ServerFileVault(File, File, File, File, File) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
ServerFileVault(File, File, File, File, File, DBManLocalI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
ServerFileVaultI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.blob
ServerHealthMonitor - Class in de.ipcon.form
ServerHealthMonitor(ClientContextI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ServerHealthMonitor
serverIsLocked() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionInfo
serverIsShutdown(Date, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientPlugin
serverIsShutdown(Date, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
serverIsShutdown(Date, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientMenuManager
serverIsShutdown(Date, Date) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientPluginI
Called if the server we were connected to was shut down.
serverIsShutdown(Date, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
serverIsShutdown(Date, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ConnectionMonitor
serverIsShutdown(Date, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ForcedClientDisconnectWarner
serverIsShutdown(Date, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
serverIsShutdown(Date, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.notification.ClientNotificationManager
serverIsShutdown(Date, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ServerHealthMonitor
serverIsShutdown(Date, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
ServerLocalTransaction - Class in de.ipcon.db
ServerLocalTransactionI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.core
serverLocalTransactionStoreFinish(Date, boolean, PersistenceHandlerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
serverLocalTransactionStorePrepare(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Prepares this server-local transaction for storage, optimizing for the scenario where objects are already loaded server-side.
serverLocked() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
ServerObjectOutputStream - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
ServerObjectOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerObjectOutputStream
ServerObjectOutputStream(OutputStream, BackendCommandHandlerI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerObjectOutputStream
ServerObjectOutputStream(OutputStream, BackendCommandHandlerI, BOLoaderI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerObjectOutputStream
ServerRestartRequiredException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.update
ServerRestartRequiredException() - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.update.ServerRestartRequiredException
ServerRestartRequiredException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.update.ServerRestartRequiredException
ServerRestartRequiredException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.update.ServerRestartRequiredException
ServerResultListenerI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.core
serverShutdown(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
serverShutdownInitiated(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientPlugin
serverShutdownInitiated(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
serverShutdownInitiated(Date) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientPluginI
Called if the server we are connected to is going to shut down.
serverShutdownInitiated(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ConnectionMonitor
serverShutdownInitiated(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ForcedClientDisconnectWarner
serverShutdownInitiated(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
serverShutdownInitiated(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
serverShutdownInitiated(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
serverShutdownInitiated(int, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
serverShutdownStopped() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientPlugin
serverShutdownStopped() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
serverShutdownStopped() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientPluginI
Called if the shutdown of the server we are connected to was stopped.
serverShutdownStopped() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ConnectionMonitor
serverShutdownStopped() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ForcedClientDisconnectWarner
serverShutdownStopped() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
serverShutdownStopped() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
serverShutdownStopped() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
ServerSideCache - Class in de.ipcon.db.cache
ServerSideCache(DBManLocalI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.cache.ServerSideCache
ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.event
an interface for calculating additional information in events on the server-side.
ServerSideException - Exception in
A wrapper for server-side exceptions that avoids direct references to classes or other exceptions.
ServerSideException() - Constructor for exception
ServerSideException(String) - Constructor for exception
ServerSideException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
ServerSideException.Cause - Class in
A wrapper for the cause chain of a ServerSideException, allowing reconstruction of the stack
trace on the remote end.
serverUnlocked() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
ServiceI - Interface in de.ipcon.db
ServiceInstanceI - Interface in de.ipcon.db
SESSION_EVENT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventConstants
sessionAdded(BackendSessionI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
sessionAdded(BackendSessionI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
sessionEventArrived(DBManSessionEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJListModel
sessionEventArrived(DBManSessionEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJTableModel
sessionEventArrived(DBManSessionEvent) - Method in interface de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsManagerListenerI
SessionNotFoundException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SessionNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.SessionNotFoundException
SessionNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.SessionNotFoundException
SessionNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.SessionNotFoundException
sessionRemoved(BackendSessionI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
sessionRemoved(BackendSessionI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
SessionScopedCacheProviderI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.core
SessionsJListModel - Class in de.ipcon.gui.console
SessionsJListModel(SessionsManager) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJListModel
SessionsJTableModel - Class in de.ipcon.gui.console
SessionsJTableModel(SessionsManager) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJTableModel
SessionsManager - Class in de.ipcon.gui.console
SessionsManager(BackendConnectionManager) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsManager
SessionsManagerListenerI - Interface in de.ipcon.gui.console
SessionsPanel - Class in de.ipcon.gui.console
Panel showing all (user) sessions on the server.
SessionsPanel(ConsoleFrame, BackendConnectionManager, ClientContextI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsPanel
set(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
set(Object, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeAccessorI
set(int, E) - Method in class
set_asyncModel(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setAblehnen(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.RechteZuweisung
setAblehnen(Boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.RechteZuweisung
setAblehnenAufheben(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.RechteZuweisung
setAblehnenAufheben(Boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.RechteZuweisung
setAcceleratorKey(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setAccKey(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setAccKeys(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setAccountId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration
setAccountName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration
setAccountPass(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration
setAcquiredAt(RuntimeException) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
setAcquiredWhen(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
setAction(FormAction) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setAction(FormAction) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setActionCommand(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setActionList(List) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setActionMap(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setActionName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setActionName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setActions(LinkedHashMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
setActions(LinkedHashMap<String, FormAction>) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
setActions(LinkedHashMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
setActivateL10nProvider(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
setActivateL10nProvider(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
setActive(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
setActive(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
setAdditionalAutoRefreshEntities(String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setAdditionalAutoRefreshEntities(int, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setAdditionalBOProcs(BOProc[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionAnswer
setAdditionalLookupAttributePaths(List) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.ConfigurableQueryI
setAdditionalRoots(List) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
setAddress(MyTISMAdresse) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.AddressWithInfo
setAdjustableSplit(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
setAGC(boolean) - Method in class
setAggregateFunction(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setAggregateOf(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setAggregateParameters(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setAktiv(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
setAlarm(Alarm) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm.AlarmDefinitionException
setAlarm(Alarm) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
setAlarme(Map<Long, Alarm>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
setAlarmModule(AlarmModule) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
setAlarmModule(AlarmModule) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setAlias(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.LdelSubIndexHash
setAlias(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementTable
setAlign(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
setAll(String) - Method in class
setAllAttributeMap(Map<String, AttributeI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setAllEl(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setAllowedChars(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PhoneNumberType
setAllowedClasses(Class[]) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.MarshallingException
setAllowedClasses(int, Class) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.MarshallingException
setAllowNullElements(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
setAllowVisibilityChange(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
setAllowWriteIfNew(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
setAllowWriteIfNew(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
setAlteredBOCount(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setAlternateCellBackground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setAlternateCellBackground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setAlternateCellForeground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setAlternateCellForeground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setAltformat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
setAltformat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
setAlwaysReloadOnFrap(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setAnalyzedForFTS(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setAnchor(TableSurrogate, EntityI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
setAndReturnBOValue() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
Set the value of the BO attribute to the timespan (number of seconds) value
that is represented by the text entered in the text field and returns that
setAnhaengeScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
setAnimation(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setAnkerDef(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.ReportTemplate
setAnmeldung(Anmeldung) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
setAnmeldungUsed(Anmeldung) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
setAntiAlias(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
setArgumente(CodebausteinArgumentTemplate[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinTemplate
setArgumente(int, CodebausteinArgumentTemplate) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinTemplate
setArray(int, Array) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Array object.
setArrayValueOf(String, int, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenWrapper
Sets the component at index valueIdx of the array represented by the provided alias to the provided value
setAsciiStream(String, InputStream) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream.
setAsciiStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
setAsciiStream(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class
setAsciiStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class
setAsString(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Sets the value of the attribute with the given attrName to value which is a string and will automatically converted to the required attribute type.
setAsString(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
setAsString(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
setAsString(String, boolean, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
setAsString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
setAsString(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
setAsString(String, boolean, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
setAsync(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setAsyncFillHandle(AsynchronousFillHandle) - Method in class
setAsyncModel(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setAsyncRc(Object) - Method in class
setAsyncRefresh(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setAtt(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setAttr(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Column
setAttr(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.DescribeValueExtractor
setAttr(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.FComboBoxEditor
setAttr(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Column
setAttribut(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
Sets the internal BX
to null and returns _attr unchanged.
setAttribut(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
setAttribut(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
setAttribut(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
setAttributBX(BX) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
Takes the given BX
and returns the name of the corresponding
setAttributBX(BX) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
setAttributBX(BX) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
setAttributBX(BX) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
setAttributBX(BX) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Wiedervorlage
setAttribute(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.UnresolvedReferencesResolver.Warning
setAttribute(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.predicate.AttributePredicate
setAttribute(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setAttribute(CBOAttribute) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLColumn
setAttributeAllMap(Map<String, AttributeI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setAttributeCache(HashMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setAttributeChain(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.predicate.AttributePredicate
setAttributeDefinitions(ArrayList<AttributeDefinition>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setAttributeList(List<AttributeI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setAttributeMap(Map<String, AttributeI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setAttributeMap(Map) - Method in class
setAttributeNamesCache(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setAttributePath(String) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.AttributeResolveException
setAttributes(AttributeI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
setAttributes(int, AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
setAttributeWasAdded(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaVsIndexDiff
setAttributeWasChanged(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaVsIndexDiff
setAttributeWasRemoved(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaVsIndexDiff
setAttributFuerInaktivitaetMessenAb(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Wiedervorlage
setAttVertices(HashMap) - Method in class
setAufgetretenerFehler(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
setAuthenticated(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
setAuthoritativeSyncServer(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
setAutoaddProtocol(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FUri
setAutoCommit(boolean) - Method in class
Sets this connection's auto-commit mode to the given state.
setAutoCreate(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setAutoFinish(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
setAutoFinish(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
setAutoHide(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setAutoHideElements(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setAutoRefresh(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setAutoSelect(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
setAutoSelect(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setAutoSelectFirst(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setAutoSelectLast(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setAutoSelectNone(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setAutoSelectObject(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setAutoSelectObjectOff(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setAutotrim(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
setAutotrim(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
setAutotrim(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setAutotrim(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setAutotrim(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setAuxData(byte[]) - Method in class
set the auxiliary data stored on the server not included in the credential
setBackAttribute(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setBackEnd(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
setBackEndTime(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setBackground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setBackground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
setBackground(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
Sets the background of the tab with the passed name to the color represented by the passed String if a tab with that name exists.
setBackground(FTab, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
Sets the background of the passed tab to the passed Color if the passed FTab is part of this FTabbedView.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setBackName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setBackProc(BOProcI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setBackProc(BOProcI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
setBackProc(BOProcI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
setBackRelationDef(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setBackrelationName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
setBackrelationSingular(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
setBadge(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setBadge(String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setBadge2(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setBadge3(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setBadge4(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setBase(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setBase(CBOAttributeTypeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
setBaseDir(File) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
setBaseDir(File) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
setBaseDir(File) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
setBaseEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setBeforeUserChangesSavepoint(Transaction.Savepoint) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setBeforeUserChangesSavepoint(Transaction.Savepoint) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setBenachrichtigungsScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
setBenutzer(String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
setBenutzer(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
setBeschreibung(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.BenanntTemplate
setBevelBorder(BevelBorder) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setBevelHighlight(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setBevelHighlightInner(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setBevelHighlightOuter(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setBevelShadow(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setBevelShadowInner(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setBevelShadowOuter(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setBevelType(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setBidirectional(HashSet) - Method in class
setBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value.
setBigDecimal(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value.
setBinaryStream(String, InputStream) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream.
setBinaryStream(String, InputStream, int) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
setBinaryStream(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes.
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class
setBinaryStream(int, InputStream) - Method in class
setBinding(GroovyScript.HGB) - Method in class
setBis(Date) - Method in class
setBlob(File) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFile
setBlob(String, Blob) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Blob object.
setBlob(String, InputStream) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object.
setBlob(String, InputStream, long) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object.
setBlob(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class
setBlob(int, InputStream) - Method in class
setBlob(int, Blob) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Blob object.
setBlob(int, InputStream, long) - Method in class
setBlob(int, InputStream) - Method in class
setBLOBHandle(ManagedFileI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setBlocksize(int) - Method in class
Sets the blocksize for data-transfer to the passed value in bytes.
setBlocksize(int) - Method in class
Sets the blocksize for data-transfer to the passed value in bytes.
setBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
setBo(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
setBo(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
setBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.UnresolvedReferencesResolver.Warning
setBO(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlBinding
setBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setBO(BO) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
setBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturNavigationTreeNode
setBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeNode
setBO(BOI) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.AttributeResolveException
setBoCopy(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
setBodySource(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage.Builder
setBodySource(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
setBodySourceIsFixed(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage.Builder
setBodySourceIsFixed(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
setBOFlag(short) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOChangeEventFilter
setBol(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderCoercingObjectInputStream
setBol(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setBOLoader(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
this method is overridden by subclasses to set n-1 relations to the same BOLoader
setBOLoader(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
setBOLoader(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderCoercingObjectInputStream
setBOLoader(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
this method is overridden by subclasses to set n-1 relations to the same BOLoader
setBOLoader(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setBOLoader(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerObjectOutputStream
setBOLoader(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setBOLoader(BOLoaderI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setBOLoaderInfo(String) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.AttributeResolveException
setBOLoaderNoCascade(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
special version which is only overridden by subclass BOT and must not be overwritten by any other subclass, changes just this very BO
setBOLoaderNoCascade(BOLoaderI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setBOLoaderNoCascade(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
setBOLoaderRef(WeakReference<BOLoaderI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinStorage
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java boolean value.
setBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java boolean value.
setBootJdbcDriver(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setBootJdbcPass(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setBootJdbcUrl(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setBootJdbcUser(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setBootNeeded(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorResult
setBos(BO[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
setBos(int, BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
setBOs(BO[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Additional
setBOs(int, BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Additional
setBOs(BO[]) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictException
setBOs(int, BO) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictException
setBOs(BO[]) - Method in class
setBOs(int, BO) - Method in class
setBOs(BO[]) - Method in class
setBOs(BO[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setBOs(int, BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setBOSortList(ArrayList) - Method in class
setBosToExpand(List) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
setBot(BOT) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setBOT(BOT) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
setBot(BOT) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
setBot(BOT) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
setBottomGridAlign(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setBOTyp(BOT) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
Sets the BOTyp to the passed BOT.
setBOTyp(BOT) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.StrukturWithBOTypI
setBotyp(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.EntityStrukturTemplate
setBOType(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
setBOValue(AttributeI, BO, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
setBOValue(AttributeI, BO, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FText
setBP(BP) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.BPIntegrityException
setBTId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AlarmAusloesung
Normally it is forbidden or at least very strongly discouraged to overwrite a persistent setter and mess with the
data, as strange effects and errors will occur, but right here we need this to ensure "correct" data during sync,
as the BTs are instance-local and we want to reference the Id of the correct local representing BT, i.e. the one
having the Id of the original BT that was synced in as NodeBTId.
setBTId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setBTsHandler(BTsHandler) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
setBTsHandler(BTsHandler) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
setBuildRowsFirst(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setBuilt(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
setButton(IToggleButton) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ListButtonWrapper
setButton(JButton) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.CancelForcedClientDisconnectAction
setButton(JButton) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.DemandForcedClientDisconnectAction
setButton(JButton) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SendSystemMessageAction
setByte(String, byte) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java byte value.
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java byte value.
setBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes.
setBytes(int, byte[]) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes.
setCache(CodebausteinCache) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CodebausteinStorage
setCache(ObjectCache) - Method in class
setCached(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setCacheElement(SolsticeCacheElement) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
setCanceled(boolean) - Method in class
setCaseSensitive(Boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.ConfigurableQueryI
setCatalog(String) - Method in class
Sets the given catalog name in order to select a subspace of this Connection object's database in which to work.
setCellBackground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setCellBackground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setCellForeground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setCellForeground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setCenterPanel(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientNativeWindowManager
setCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader object.
setCharacterStream(String, Reader, int) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader object, which is the given number of characters long.
setCharacterStream(String, Reader, long) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader object, which is the given number of characters long.
setCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in class
setCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class
setCharacterStream(int, Reader, int) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader object, which is the given number of characters long.
setCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in class
setCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class
setCheckBox(JCheckBox) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeCellRenderer
setCheckNeeded(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorResult
setChildrenProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setChoiceScriptEl(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setChooseOnly(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setChunkSize(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
setClassComment(String) - Method in class
setClassTip(Class) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.MultipleMatchingBOsException
setClasstip(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
setClazz(Class) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.ObjectForConditionNotFoundException
setClazz(Class) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.ObjectForConditionNotUniqueException
setClazz(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationHandler
setClazz(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
setClazz(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setClazz(nrxgen) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxmethod
setClazzes(Class[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEventFilter
setClazzes(int, Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEventFilter
setCli(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
setClient(BackendConnectionManager) - Method in class
setClient(BackendConnectionManager) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsManager
setClientInfo(String, String) - Method in class
setClientInfo(Properties) - Method in class
setClientKey(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setClob(String, Clob) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Clob object.
setClob(String, Reader) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object.
setClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object.
setClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class
setClob(int, Reader) - Method in class
setClob(int, Clob) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Clob object.
setClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class
setClob(int, Reader) - Method in class
setCmd(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setCodebausteine(Map<Long, Codebaustein>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
setCollapsed(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
setCollateralChangeWhileSaving(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setCols(FTableColumn[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setCols(int, FTableColumn) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setCols(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatement
setCols(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementTable
setCols(LinkedHashMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLTable
setColsa(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setColtype(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLColumn
setColumn(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
setColumns(ArrayList<BOEnvironmentBuilder.Column>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Data
setColumns(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
setColumns(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setColumns(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
setColumns(String[]) - Method in class
setColumns(int, String) - Method in class
setColumnSelectionAllowed(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setColumnWidthFromTableModel() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
Reads the current column width from the
and sets it as the width
of the corresponding
setCombinedPrimaryKey(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
setCommandCount(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setCommandHandler(BackendCommandHandlerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerObjectOutputStream
setComment(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
setComment(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setComment(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setComment(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxgen
setCommons_beanshell(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder
setCommons_groovy(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder
setComp(JPanel) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setComparisonValue(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.predicate.AttributeComparisonPredicate
setCompass(Compass) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
setCompiled(boolean) - Method in class
setCompilerConf(CompilerConfiguration) - Method in class
setComponents(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ListButtonWrapper
setCondition(String) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.ObjectForConditionNotFoundException
setCondition(String) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.ObjectForConditionNotUniqueException
setConf(DBManConfigurationHelperI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
setConf(DBManConfigurationHelperI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
setConf(FTableConfigurationI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setConf(FTreeConfigurationI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
setConflict() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
setConflict(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictReport
setConfRoot(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicy
setConfRoot(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
setConfRoot(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setConfRoot(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
setCongestion(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
setCongestion(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventI
setConnectionEventListeners(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
setConnections(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setConnectionSet(ConnectionSet) - Method in class
setConnHash(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
setContainerVertex(DefaultGraphCell) - Method in class
setContent(int, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
setContext(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilter
setContextMenu(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setControlsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setCopyPolicy(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Sets the copy policy for this CBOAttribute
setCount(long) - Method in class
setCount(long) - Method in class
setCountAccessed(int) - Method in class
setCountHandled(long) - Method in class
Updates count handled to the passed value.
setCountOnly(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
setCountsAgainstLimit(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setCountTotal(long) - Method in class
setCPending(AtomicInteger) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
setCrea(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Synchable
setCrea(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
setCreated() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
setCreated(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictReport
setCreatedAt(RuntimeException) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
setCreatedBOCount(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setCreatedWhen(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
setCreateInDetailView(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setCreateInDetailView(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
setCreateInDetailView(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
setCreateInDetailView(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setCreateInDetailView(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setCreateInDetailView(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setCronlines(HashSet) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicyCronJob
setCryptoHandler(CryptoHandlerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setCryptoHandler(CryptoHandlerI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Sets the CryptoHandlerI for this schema.
setCryptoHandler(CryptoHandlerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
setCSVContent(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Data
setCSVContent(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
setCtx(BasicClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
setCtx(BasicClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
setCtx(ClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
setCtx(ClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setCtx(ClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientMenuManager
setCtx(ClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusDisplay
setCtx(ClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
setCtx(ClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ConnectionMonitor
setCtx(ClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setCtx(ClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel
setCtx(ClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.notification.ClientNotificationManager
setCtx(ClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ServerHealthMonitor
setCtx(ClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
setCtx(ClientContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
setCtxProperties(Set<TaskbarIcon>) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusDisplay
setCulprit(Object) - Method in exception
setCurrent(int) - Method in class
setCurrentBN(BN) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
setCurrentBO(BO) - Method in class
setCurrentBO(BO) - Method in class
setCurrentCount(long) - Method in class
setCurrentFolder(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setCurrentLocaleProvider(L10nCurrentLocaleProviderI) - Static method in class
Sets the locale provider for the current Thread.
setCurrentNodeId(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.FirstNodeStart
setCurrentPages(int) - Method in class
setCurrentSize(long) - Method in class
setCurrentTime(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
setCurrentTx(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
setCurrentUser(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Sets the current user that controls this Transaction.
setCurrentUserName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setCurrentUserRemark(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setCursor(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.mex.MEXTransformer
setCursorName(String) - Method in class
Sets the SQL cursor name to the given String, which will be used by subsequent Statement object execute methods.
setCustom(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setCustomIterator(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setCustomIteratorNotCaching(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setCustomValue(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
setCyclestopper(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
setData(BOEnvironmentBuilder.Data) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder
setData(InitialdataReader.Data) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader
setDataSourceLocale(Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
setDataSourceLocale(Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
setDate(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.ImmutableDate
setDate(String, Date) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value using the default time zone of the virtual machine that is running the application.
setDate(String, Date, Calendar) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value, using the given Calendar object.
setDate(int, Date) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value.
setDate(int, Date, Calendar) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value, using the given Calendar object.
setDateCreated(Date) - Method in class
setDateEnd(Date) - Method in class
setDateEnd(Date) - Method in interface
setDateFormatter(Function<Date, String>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.api.websockets.FormatterConfiguration
setDateiname(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturTemplate
setDateKernelBuild(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
setDateLastAccessed(Date) - Method in class
setDateNowShouldBe(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.HandleEventTimerTask
setDateStart(Date) - Method in class
setDateStart(Date) - Method in interface
setDatumAusloesung(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.EinfacherTermin
setDatumStart(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
setDayOfMonth(Date, int) - Static method in class
sets the day of the given month to the given day, 1 based
the value of the day gets truncated to the limits of the current month
setDbm(DBManLocalI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractKeyGenerator
setDbm(DBManLocalI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
setDbm(DBManLocalI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
setDbm(DBManLocalI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer
setDbm(DBManLocalI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
setDbm(DBManLocalI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
setDbm(DBManLocalI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceI
Sets the DBManLocalI instance for this ServiceI to the passed value.
setDbm(DBManLocalI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
setDbType(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setDebug(String) - Method in class
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class
setDebugSlowQuery(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
setDecimalFormatter(Function<BigDecimal, String>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.api.websockets.FormatterConfiguration
setDef(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setDef(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
setDefault(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setDefaultButton(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setDefaultColors() - Method in class
set the color patterns to the defaults
setDefaultDialogParent(Component) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
setDefaultFocusOwner(JComponent) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
setDefaultFocusOwner(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
setDefaultFolder(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setDefaultHSpaceDist(double) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setDefaultJustification(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setDefaultLocale(L10nLocale) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Static method in class
setDefaultLocaleName(String) - Static method in class
setDefaultLogger(Logger) - Method in class
setDefaultLogPrefix(String) - Method in class
setDefaultPackage(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setDefaultRightFill(double) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setDefaultSender(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmNotificationManager
setDefaultSetValueCallback(Consumer<SetValueEventI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InstrumentingSchema
setDefaultThingsDesc(String) - Method in class
setDefaultUnit(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
setDefaultUnit(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
setDefaultUnitDesignator(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FSimpleDurationChooser
setDeferredRendering(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setDefinedIn(String) - Method in exception
setDelayedRefreshCache(ConcurrentSkipListMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setDelegateToParent(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setDeleted(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
setDeletedFont(Font) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableTextColumnRenderer
setDepend(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setDepend(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setDependent(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setDependent(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setDependentClasses(List<String>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setDependsOn(List) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
setDepth(int) - Method in class
setDescIsFromL10n(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setDescKey(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setDescription(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
setDescription(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Sets the description (something like a commit message) of this Transaction.
setDescription(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicy
setDescription(String) - Method in class
Sets a nice description for this CompactObjectOutput.
setDescription(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setDescription(String) - Method in interface
Sets a nice description for this ObjectDataOutputI.
setDestDir(File) - Method in class
setDetailView(FDetailView) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setDetailViewBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCanvas
setDiff(Transaction) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictException
setDiff(SchemaVsIndexDiff) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer
setDiff(SchemaVsIndexDiff) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
setDiffingMode(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setDirectory(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
setDisabledIcon(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setDiscriminator(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setDiscriminator(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Sets the Discriminator (i.e. the BOT Id) for this EntityI
setDiscriminator(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
setDiscriminator(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.VirtualEntity
setDiscriminatorIds(SchemaI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
setDiscriminatorIds(SchemaI, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
setDiscriminators(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setDisplayAttribute(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setDisplayClass(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setDisplayClass(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setDisplayed(JGraphDataStructures, Object[]) - Static method in class
setDisplayFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
setDisplayFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setDisplayFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setDisplayFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setDisplayFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
setDisplayFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FImage
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FJRDesignViewer
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPDFViewer
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setDisplayProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setDisplayType(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setDistinct(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SelectNode
setDobevelborder(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setDoc(Document) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setDoc(Document) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setDocs(HashMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SolsticeCacheElement
setDoetchedborder(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setDoLineBorder(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setDomain(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java double value.
setDouble(int, double) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java double value.
setDragHighlightColor(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
setDriver(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
setDriver(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
setDruckziel(Druckziel) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
setDs(JGraphDataStructures) - Method in class
setDs(JGraphDataStructures) - Method in class
setDvLocked(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
setEastPanel(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
setEastPanel(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
setEastPanel(JComponent) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
setEasyEdit(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setEditable(boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setEditable(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setEditable(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setEditable(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
setEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
setEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
setEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
Added to toggle the textbox's enabled property.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
setEditable() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setEditable(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
setEditable(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setEditableDetailView(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setEditingStatus(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setEditingStatus(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setEditingStatus(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.PopupableFormElementI
setEditmode(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
setEditmode(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
setEditmode(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setEditmode(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Sets the edit mode for this CBOAttribute
setEditmode(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setEh(ErrorHandler) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractKeyGenerator
setEh(ErrorHandler) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
setEh(ErrorHandler) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
setEh(ErrorHandler) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
setEh(ErrorHandler) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
setEh(ErrorHandler) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
setEintragMap(DateiSystemSync.EintragMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
setEl(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
setEl(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setEl(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setElement(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
setElement(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setElter(Benannt) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
setElter(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturTemplate
setElter(GroovyScript.HGB) - Method in class
setElterPfad(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
setElterPfad(String, Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
setElterPfad(String, Map, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
setEmail(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Configures the default email address of this Benutzer
setEmptyMDIFocus() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
setEmptyMDIFocus() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
setEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCanvas
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCanvas
setEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
setEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
setEnabled() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
setEncoding(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
setEncoding(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragMitVorlage
setEncoding(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
setEnt(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setEnteredPass(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setEntities(IndexEntity[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
setEntities(int, IndexEntity) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
setEntities(IndexEntity[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
setEntities(int, IndexEntity) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
setEntities(LinkedHashSet) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLTable
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsPartial
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTEvaluationAnalyzerVisitor
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GroovyASTUnsupportedAnalyzerVisitor
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.predicate.BOPredicate
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenuSelection
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setEntity(BasicEntityI) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.AttributeResolveException
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityToStringWrapper
setEntity(CBOEntity) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.Initialdata
setEntity(CBOEntity) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
setEntity(CBOEntity) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader
setEntity(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class
setEntity(EntityI) - Method in class
setEntityVertex(DefaultGraphCell) - Method in class
setEntityWasAdded(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaVsIndexDiff
setEntityWasRemoved(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaVsIndexDiff
setEntName(String) - Method in class
setEntrys(Hashtable) - Method in class
setError(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
setError(Throwable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.EventMessage
setError(RuntimeException) - Method in class
setError(String) - Method in class
setErrorBorder(LineBorder) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setErrorCode(int) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.DBMan.SaveResultException
setErrorCode(String) - Method in exception
setErrorinfosByObject(HashMap<Object, ErrorCollector.ErrorInfos>) - Method in class
setErrors(LinkedHashMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.Importer
setEscapeProcessing(boolean) - Method in class
Sets escape processing on or off.
setEstimationBaseTotal(long) - Method in class
setEtchedBorder(EtchedBorder) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setEtchedHighlight(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setEtchedShadow(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setEtchedType(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setEvaluationFrequency(DataRetentionEvaluationFrequency) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Sets the evaluation frequency for the policy.
setEventFilter(DBManEventFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
setEventFormatterConfig(FormatterConfiguration) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.api.websockets.WebSocketService
setEventProvider(DBManEventProviderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setException(Exception) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendRequest
setException(Exception) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendRequestI
Sets the passed exception in the future-object.
setException(Exception) - Method in class
setExpectedWidth(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
setExpectedWidth(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
setExpectedWidth(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setExpectedWidth(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setExpectedWidth(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setExpectedWidth(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
setExplainPart(ExplainNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
setExplicitActive(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setExplicitBytes(byte[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPDFViewer
setExplicitIFC(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLocked
setExplicitIFC(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
setExplicitIFC(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setExplicitIFC(JComponent) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.RootFormElementI
setExplicitNullProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
setExplicitSingular(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setExplicitStart(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setExplicitStart(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setExportDataProvider(CellDataProviderI) - Method in interface
Sets the export data provider for the cell data exporter.
setExportDataProviders(Map<String, CellDataProviderI>) - Method in interface
Sets the export data providers for the cell data exporter.
setExportFile(File) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
setExternalHGap(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setExternalVGap(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setFallbackProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
setFalseIcon(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setFalseText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setFastRefreshPossible(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
setFatal(String) - Method in class
setFeature(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
setFeatureManager(FeatureManagerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
setFeatureManager(FeatureManagerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class
Gives a hint as to the direction in which the rows in this ResultSet object will be processed.
setFetchDirection(int) - Method in class
Gives the driver a hint as to the direction in which rows will be processed in ResultSet objects created using this Statement object.
setFetcher(IndexerQueryResultsBP) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsPartial
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class
Gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed for this ResultSet object.
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class
Gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed.
setField(Class, String, Object, Object) - Static method in class
Sets the value of the field with the specified name for the passed class in the passed Object.
setField(Class, String, Object, Object, boolean) - Static method in class
setField(Class, String, Object, Object, boolean, String) - Static method in class
setFieldWidth(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setFileMask(String) - Method in class
setFillerForCancellation(FillHelper) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
Sets the FillHelper that may be used to cancel filling this report.
setFilter(DBManEventFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventSubscription
setFilter(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setFilter(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setFilterSource(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.grooql.GrooqlFilter
Sets the filter script source code and deletes the cached compiled version
of the filter script.
setFirstLineLength(int) - Method in class
setFirstLinePostfix(String) - Method in class
setFirstLinePrefix(String) - Method in class
setFixing(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setFloat(String, float) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java float value.
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java float value.
setFm(FeatureManagerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
setFoldedArrayMode(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParameterNode
setFolderMode(boolean) - Method in class
setFolderName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setFont(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setFont(Font) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FCellRendererI
setFontSize(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setFontSize(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setFontSize(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setFontSize(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setFontSize(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setFontSize(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
setFontSize(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setFontStyle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setFontStyle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setFontStyle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setFontStyle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setFontStyle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
setFontStyle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setForcePreferredSize(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setForeground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setForeground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
setForeground(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
Sets the foreground of the tab with the passed name to the color represented by the passed String if a tab with that name exists.
setForeground(FTab, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
Sets the foreground of the passed tab to the passed Color if the passed FTab is part of this FTabbedView.
setForeground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setForm(Struktur) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
setFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Column
setFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.DescribeComboBoxRenderer
setFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.DescribeValueExtractor
setFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FSimpleDurationChooser
setFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Column
setFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
setFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
setFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
setFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
setFormatModel(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setFormats(Collection<String>) - Method in exception
setFormatter(SimpleDateFormat) - Method in class
setFormElement(FormElementI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
setFormElement(FormElementI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
setFormElement(FormElementI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setFormElement(FormElementI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setFormElement(FormElementI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setFormElement(FormElementI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
setFormElementSync(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setFormPanel(FormPanel) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setFormPopupController(FormPopupControllerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setFormPopupController(FormPopupControllerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setFormPopupController(FormPopupControllerI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.PopupableFormElementI
setFormular(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.SchabloneTemplate
setForParameterInputOnly(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setFreeSearch(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setFreeSearch(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setFreq(float) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.TermInfo
setFrom(String) - Method in class
setFromAddress(String) - Method in class
setFromName(String) - Method in class
setFromNode(OnlyToDirectedGraphNodeI) - Method in class
setFromPart(FromNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
setFromRow(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementJoinedTable
setFromTable(SQLStatementTable) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementJoinedTable
setFso(FilesystemObject) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
setFTSAnalyzer(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setFTSBoost(Float) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setFTSBoost(Float) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setFtsModule(CompassFTSModule) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setFtx(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
setFtx(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
setFtx(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setFtx(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setFtx(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
setFtx(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeModel
setFullPower(boolean) - Method in class
setFulltextSearcher(FulltextSearcherI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceManager
setFulltextSearcher(FulltextSearcherI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.fulltext.FulltextSearchCapableI
setFunctionResult(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan.SaveResult
setFunctionThrowable(Throwable) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan.SaveResult
setGateway(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setGCInterval(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy.ClassLimitedLRUContainer
setGCStrategy(CachingBOLoaderGCStrategyI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
Stops a possibly running AutoGC on the old gcStrategy and replaces it with this instance.
setGDPRArea(GDPRArea) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Sets the area of data retention for this policy.
setGDPRBusinessInterests(List<BusinessInterest>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setGDPRDataCategories(List<DataCategory>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setGDPRDataRetentionPolicies(List<DataRetentionPolicy>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setGDPRLaws(List<Law>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setGDPRPolicy(GDPRPolicy) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setGDPRProcessingLegalBases(List<ProcessingLegalBasis>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setGDPRProcessingPurposes(List<ProcessingPurpose>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setGDPRRetentionPurposes(List<RetentionPurpose>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setGenerate(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setGenerateAs(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setGeneratorList(List) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setGlobalVar(String, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
setGlobalVar(String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
setGlobalVars(HashMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
setGoodData(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.Importer
setGps(CompassGps) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
setGpsDevice(MyTISMGpsDevice) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
setGrabFocus(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
setGrabFocus(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
setGrabFocus(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
setGradientStartColor(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setGradientStartColor(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setGradientStartPosition(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setGradientStopColor(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setGradientStopColor(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setGradientStopPosition(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setGraph(JGraph) - Method in class
setGroup(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
setGroup(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.FilterClauseProvider
setGroup(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setGroup(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setGroup(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
setGroups(TreeMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setGruppen(Map<Long, Gruppe>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PrioritizableStrukturI
Sets the Gruppen property to the passed value.
setGruppen(String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
setGruppen(Long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.EntityStrukturTemplate
setGruppen(int, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.EntityStrukturTemplate
setGueltigBis(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
setGueltigVon(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
setGUIBuilt(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
setGuiElements(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setGuiFiltersByVariablename(TreeMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setGuiTips(Map<String, String>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
setGuiTips(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
setGuiTips(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setGuiTips(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
setGuiTips(Map<String, String>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setGuiTips(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setGuiTips(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setGuiTipString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
setHAlign(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setHAlign(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setHAlign(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setHandleSyncEvents(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.AlarmHandler
setHash(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
setHasParameters(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
setHeaderRenderer(TableCellRenderer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setHeight(int) - Method in class
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
setHiddenPropsTab(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
setHideElementsForNullBO(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setHideForNullBO(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setHoldability(int) - Method in class
Changes the holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object to the given holdability.
setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setHost(String) - Method in class
setHost(String) - Method in class
setHours(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.ImmutableDate
setHSpaceDist(double) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setHTextPosition(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setHtml(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setIcon(Icon) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
setIcon(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setIcon(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setIcon(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setIconColor(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setIconified(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
setIconTextGap(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setId(Long) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.blob.MissingBLOBException
setId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
setId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setId(Long, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
setId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
Sets the ID associated with this session.
setId(Long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
setId(Long) - Method in class
setIdAlarm(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
setIdBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
setIdBO(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyBOReference
setIdBOT(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAlarmStatus
setIdBOTBOSubclass(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.BOFactory
setIdCB(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinArgumentTemplate
setIdOfBO(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
setIdTable(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.JDBCKeyGenerator
setIgnoreBackRelation(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
setIgnoreBackRelation(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setIgnoreBotCoherency(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setIgnoreBrokenAliases(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel
setIgnoreGlobalsCreation(boolean) - Method in class
setIgnoreModificationConstraints(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setIgnoreMultipleBegin() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
setIgnoreMultipleBegin() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
setIgnoreOtherLocalTransactionSaves(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
setIgnoreSelectionEvents(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setImage(Image) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
setImageIcon(ImageIcon) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
setImageObserver(ImageObserver) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyImageIcon
setImplicitedBackRelation(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setImports(String) - Method in class
setIncludeDeleted(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
setIncludeDeleted(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResults
setIncludeDeleted(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
setIncludeDeleted(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsFull
setIncludeDeleted(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsPartial
setIncoming(HashSet) - Method in class
setIndexAllByDefault(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
setIndexAllByDefault(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaMappingBuilder
setIndexDeletedBOs(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
setIndexDeletedBOs(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer
setIndexDeletedBOs(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
setIndexDeletedBOsOld(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer
setIndexDeletedBOsOld(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
setIndexedForFTS(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setIndexedForFTS(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setIndexingListener(IndexingListenerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesIndexer
setIndexingListener(IndexingListenerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMIndexEntitiesUpdater
setIndexLmod(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
setIndexLmod(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsBP
setIndexLmod(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryResultsPartial
setIndexLmod(EntityI, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
setIndexLmodsAsString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
setIndexType(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
sets index type from CBOAttributeTypeI
for the
given type String
setIndexType(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Sets the index type for this CBOAttribute
setIndexType(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
setIndexType(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
setIndexTypeString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
setInfo(String) - Method in class
setInfo(String) - Method in class
setInfoSlowQuery(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
setInhibitDefaults(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setInitDefaultFeatureManager(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
setInitEnvironmentMode(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setInitialCdeFocus(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
setInitialdata(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setInitialdataReader(InitialdataReader) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
setInitiated(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ShutdownServerAction
Adjusts the state and looks of the action when the shutdown was initiated
or stopped.
setInitiated(boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ShutdownServerAction
setInitiated(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ShutdownServerAndForcedClientDisconnectAction
Adjusts the state and looks of the action when the shutdown was initiated
or stopped.
setInitiated(boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ShutdownServerAndForcedClientDisconnectAction
setInitNeeded(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorResult
setInjectBOLoader(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceHandler
setInjectBOLoader(BOLoaderI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
setInstanceName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
setInstanz(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
setInstanz(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
setInstream(InputStream) - Method in class
setInt(String, int) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java int value.
setInt(int, int) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java int value.
setIntercellSpacingX(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setIntercellSpacingY(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setInternalHGap(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setInternalVGap(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setInterpreter(Interpreter) - Method in class
setInterrupt(String) - Method in class
setInterval(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
setIntLE(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class
setIs(InputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderCoercingObjectInputStream
setIsConstructor(boolean) - Method in class
setIsDisplayed() - Method in class
setIsInbetweenRunning(AtomicBoolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
setIsJasperReport(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
setISOCountry(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
setISOLanguage(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
setISOVariant(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nLocale
setIstAutomatik(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturTemplate
setItem(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.FComboBoxEditor
Converts ComboBox entry value into editor editable value (a String here) and
sets it in the editor component.
setItemAttribute(AttributeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setItemProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setItemProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
setItemProperty(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
setItemProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setItemProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setItemProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setJahr(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Strukturlesezugriffe
setJasperPrint(JasperPrint) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
setJavaKlasse(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
setJcomp(Component) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setJComponent(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
setJComponent(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
setJdbcDriver(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setJdbcPass(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setJdbcUrl(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setJdbcUrlFromConf(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setJdbcUser(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setJlabel(Component) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setJMenu(JMenu) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
setJMenu(JMenu) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
setJMenu(JMenu) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
setJoinOuter(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementJoinedTable
setJp(JasperPrint) - Method in class
setJRootPane(JRootPane) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setJRootPane(JRootPane) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setJToolBar(IToolBar) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setJustification(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setKeepAliveInterval(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
Sets the keep-alive interval of the output to the passed value.
setKeepAliveTimeout(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
setKernel(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
setKernelModule(ListeningKernelModule) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.HandleEventTimerTask
setKernelTime(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setKey(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
setKey(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.EventMessage
setKey(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
setKey(String) - Method in class
setKeyGenerator(AbstractKeyGenerator) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CastorPersistenceManager
setL10n(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityToStringWrapper
setL10nBundle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
setL10nLocale(L10nLocale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
setL10nPath(L10nPathEntry[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
setL10nPath(int, L10nPathEntry) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
setLabel(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setLabelBackground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setLabelClosed(JLabel) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
setLabelForeground(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setLabelOpen(JLabel) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
setLanguage(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Script
setLanguage(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
setLast(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
setLastActivity(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setLastAssessmentDate(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Sets the last assessment date of data retention.
setLastBeforeId(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathPart
setLastHandledId(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.IndexerQueryBuilder
setLastLookup(LinkedList) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setLastModified(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
setLastModified(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConfChangeEvent
setLastUsed(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
setLatency(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
setLatitude(BigDecimal) - Method in class
setLazy(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
setLazy(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeNode
setLazy(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setLazyData(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setLazyData(Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.LazyDataProviderI
setLazyExp(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setLcdEnt(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setLdel(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Synchable
setLdel(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Synchable
setLdel(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
setLeaf(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeNode
setLength(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
setLevel(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEvent
setLhalign(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setLifetime(long) - Static method in class
setLimit(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
setLimitPart(LimitNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
setLineBorder(LineBorder) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setLineColor(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setLineLength(int) - Method in class
setLineOffset(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
setLineOffset(int) - Method in class
setLineOffset(int) - Method in class
setLineOffset(int) - Method in class
setLinePostfix(String) - Method in class
setLinePrefix(String) - Method in class
setLink(AttributeIteratorLink) - Method in class
setLinkonly(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
setLinkOnly(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setLinkonly(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setLinkOnly(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
Sets the linkOnly flag for this CBOEntity
to the given value.
setList(List) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.MultipleMatchingBOsException
setListener(ServerResultListenerI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BatchedBackendRequestI
setListener(ServerResultListenerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BatchedBackendRequest
setLizenz(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
setLizenz(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
setLizenzFuerImport(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BF
setLmod(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
Sets the lmod of ALL files behind this object.
setLmod(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Synchable
setLmod(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
setLmod(long) - Method in class
setLoadImmediate(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class
setLocale1(L10nLocale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
setLocale1Value(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
setLocale2(L10nLocale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
setLocale2Value(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
setLocale3(L10nLocale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
setLocale3Value(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
setLocales(String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setLocales(String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.locale.LocalesComboModel
setLocales(String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.locale.LocaleSelector
setLocalLastModifiedBOs(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setLocalLmodOfBO(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setLocked(boolean, DBManUserContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
setLocked(boolean, DBManUserContextI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Sets the "locked/unlocked" state of the server.
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ToggleServerLockAction
Adjusts the state and looks of the action when the server was locked or
setLocked(boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ToggleServerLockAction
setLoggedInSince(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setLogLevel(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setLogLevel(Level) - Method in class
Sets the log level to the passed Level.
setLogPrefix(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
setLong(String, long) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java long value.
setLong(int, long) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java long value.
setLongDescription(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setLongitude(BigDecimal) - Method in class
setLongsV(Long[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayTestBO
setLowestCommonDenominateEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
FormContextSaveHandler that doesn't ignore conflicts during saving.
setLowestCommonDenominateEntity(EntityI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setLvalign(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setMailId(String) - Method in class
setMainFrame(IFrame) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setMainTab(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
setMakeLowerCase(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
setMakeLowerCase(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
setMakeUpperCase(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
setMakeUpperCase(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
setManager(ClientDesktopManager) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
setMandatory(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
Sets the mandatory of the CBOAttribute
setMandatory(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
setMandatory(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
setMandatory(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setMandatory(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Sets the mandatory of the CBOAttribute
setMandatory(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setMany(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
setMany(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
setManyColumn1(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
setManyColumn2(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
setManyRelation(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setMapping(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setMappingBuilder(SchemaMappingBuilder) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
setMaxCount(long) - Method in class
setMaxCount(long) - Method in class
setMaxElements(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
setMaxFieldSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the limit for the maximum number of bytes in a ResultSet column storing character or binary values to the given number of bytes.
setMaximumPoolSize(int) - Method in class
setMaxInclusiveLimit(BigDecimal) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
setMaxInclusiveLimit(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
setMaxLength(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
setMaxLength(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
setMaxLevel(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilter
setMaxPool(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
setMaxRows(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setMaxRows(int) - Method in class
Sets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object can contain to the given number.
setMaxSize(Dimension) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setMaxSize(Dimension) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setMaxSize(long) - Method in class
setMaxThreads(int) - Static method in class
setMaxTime(Date) - Static method in class
setMDIHeight(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
setMDIHeight(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setMDIHeight(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setMDIWidth(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
setMDIWidth(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setMDIWidth(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setMeanEvaluationTimeMeasurements(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setMeanEvaluationTimeMicros(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setMenu(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
setMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientMenuManager
setMenuBar(JMenuBar) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
setMenuIsFromL10n(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setMenuitem(JRadioButtonMenuItem) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopElement
setMenuKey(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setMerge(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setMessage(String) - Method in class
setMetaNeeded(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOGeneratorResult
setMethodname(String) - Method in exception
setMinDelayBetweenLoggingInMs(long) - Method in class
setMinElements(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
setMiniLog(MiniLogI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
setMinInclusiveLimit(BigDecimal) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
setMinInclusiveLimit(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
setMinLength(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
setMinLength(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
setMinLevel(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManLogEventFilter
setMinPool(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
setMinSearchLength(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setMinSize(Dimension) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setMinSize(Dimension) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setMinutes(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.ImmutableDate
setMirrorDataChanges(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MyTISMGpsDevice
setMissingPropertiesPolicy(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
setMitScreenshot(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
Sets the value of the "mitScreenshot" flag to mark whether or not a screenshot is present.
setMname(String) - Method in class
setMnemonicKey(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setMode(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setModel(AbstractModel) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.FComboBoxEditor
setModel(FTreeModel) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeNode
setModel(GraphModel) - Method in class
setModuleIntegrator(ModuleIntegratorI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setMonth(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.ImmutableDate
setMonth(Date, int) - Static method in class
setMonth(Date, int, boolean) - Static method in class
setMultiClickThreshold(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setMultiClickThreshold(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setMustMatch(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
setMyFView(FView) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nBundle
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.BenanntTemplate
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinArgumentTemplate
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLColumn
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLTable
setName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setNamedElement(String, FormElementI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setNamedElement(String, FormElementI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setNameForLog(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
setNameIsFromL10n(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setNameKey(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setNameOrigin(String) - Method in class
setNameOrigin(String) - Method in interface
setNameSpace(QueryNameSpace) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.PathNode
setNavmodel(NavigationTreeModelI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.NavigationTreeNode
setNCharacterStream(String, Reader) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object.
setNCharacterStream(String, Reader, long) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object.
setNCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in class
setNCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class
setNCharacterStream(int, Reader, long) - Method in class
setNCharacterStream(int, Reader) - Method in class
setNClob(String, Reader) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object.
setNClob(String, Reader, long) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object.
setNClob(String, NClob) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.NClob object.
setNClob(int, NClob) - Method in class
setNClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class
setNClob(int, Reader) - Method in class
setNClob(int, NClob) - Method in class
setNClob(int, Reader, long) - Method in class
setNClob(int, Reader) - Method in class
setNetworkTimeout(Executor, int) - Method in class
setNewParagraphChar(String) - Method in class
setNewParm(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setNextNode(CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.CategorizedUserNavigationTreeNode
setNoAbstractWarning(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setNoBLOB(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Bild
setNocreate(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setNodecache(NavigationTreeModelNodeCacheI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel
setNodeId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration
setNodeID(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
setNodeID(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
setNodeIdOfLogOrigin(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.FirstNodeStart
setNodeLocalStatusValue(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setNodeLocalStatusValue(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
Sets (inserts or updates) the given value for the given key in the table for "status values" (see
for a bit more info).
setNodeName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration
setNodeName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
setNodeNumber(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
setNodeNumber(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
setNoLabel(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setNoneDisplayed(JGraphDataStructures) - Static method in class
setNonPersAndVirtual(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
setNormalFont(Font) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableTextColumnRenderer
setNorthPanel(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
setNorthPanel(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
setNorthPanel(JComponent) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
setNoStreamResourceHistory(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setNoString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
setNotFound(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
setNotificationMode(int) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
setNotificationModule(NotificationModule) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setNotificationModule(NotificationModule) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.BenachrichtigungsAuftragHandler
setNotificationModule(NotificationModule) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationHandler
setNotImplementedIn(String) - Method in exception
setNoWords(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
setNs(NameSpace) - Method in class
setNString(String, String) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given String object.
setNString(int, String) - Method in class
setNString(int, String) - Method in class
setNT(String, Object) - Method in class
setNT(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class
setNT(String, long) - Method in class
setNT(String, long, boolean) - Method in class
setNT(String, int) - Method in class
setNT(String, int, boolean) - Method in class
setNT(String, float) - Method in class
setNT(String, float, boolean) - Method in class
setNT(String, double) - Method in class
setNT(String, double, boolean) - Method in class
setNT(String, boolean) - Method in class
setNT(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
setNT(Map) - Method in class
setNT(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class
setNT(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class
setNull(String, int) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL.
setNull(String, int, String) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL.
setNull(int, int) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL.
setNull(int, int, String) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL.
setNullable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
setNullable(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
setNullChoiceTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.FComboBoxEditor
setNullChoiceTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.FComboBoxRenderer
setNullChoiceTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setNullChoiceTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
setNullOnPath(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
setNullString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
setNullString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
setNullString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
setNullString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
setNullValuesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether null values are allowed in the set.
setObj(Object) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.MarshallingException
setObject(Object) - Method in class
setObject(String, Object) - Method in class
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObject(String, Object, int) - Method in class
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObject(String, Object, int, int) - Method in class
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObject(int, Object) - Method in class
Sets the value of the designated parameter using the given object.
setObject(int, Object, int) - Method in class
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObject(int, Object, int, int) - Method in class
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObjectCount(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setObjectEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setObjectInfo(String) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.AttributeResolveException
setObjectInput(ObjectInput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ExternalizedObjectBlock
setObjects(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
setObjectTransferHandler(ObjectTransferHandlerI) - Method in class
Sets the ObjectTransferHandlerI for this class.
setObjectTransferHandler(ObjectTransferHandlerI) - Method in class
Sets the ObjectTransferHandlerI for this class.
setOborder(Border) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setOffEDT(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setOldestAt(Date) - Method in class
setOldParm(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setOmitOnCopy(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setOpenFormTid(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
setOpenFormTid(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setOpenPGPSecretKey(PGPSecretKey) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
setOpenProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setOpenProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setOperand(ParseTreeNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.UnaryExpressionNode
setOption(Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxgen
setOption(Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxminor
setOptions(Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxgen
setOptions(Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxminor
setOrderByComparator(CBOSorter.BOComparator) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
setOrderNode(OrderNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SelectNode
setOrderPart(OrderNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
setOrigBTId(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setOrigin(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
setOrigin(RuntimeException) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setOriginalFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.DescribeValueExtractor
setOrigNode(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setOrigTime(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setOrigUser(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setOutgoing(HashSet) - Method in class
setOverridedepend(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setOwnClause(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterChoice
setOwner(Window) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.ClientFeatureManager
setOwnType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.BinaryExpressionNode
For Array access, sets the type of this node to the array child, so the parent comparison node can correctly
set the right sides type in the second pass.
setOwnType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
setOwnType() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.WhereNode
setPackage(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxgen
setPackage(Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxminor
setPadding(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setPairs(TreeMap) - Method in class
setPairStorage(PairStorage) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.MultipleMatchingBOsException
setPairStorage(PairStorage) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.UnresolvedReferencesResolver.Warning
setPanel(JScrollPane) - Method in class
setParameter(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Codebaustein
setParameter(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Formular
setParameter(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Lesezeichen
setParameter(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.ParameterizedStrukturI
setParameter(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Report
setParameter(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
setParameter(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinTemplate
setParameter(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.EntityStrukturTemplate
setParameters(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.ParameterizedQuery
setParameters(int, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.ParameterizedQuery
setParameters(String[]) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.ParameterizedAggregateFunctionI
setParams(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.EventMessage
setParams(int, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.EventMessage
setParent(ParseTreeNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
Sets the parent of this node.
setParent(ParseTreeNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.WhereNode
setParent(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setParent(FormContextI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setParent(BeanShellScript) - Method in class
setParent(ObjectCache) - Method in class
setParent(GroovyScript) - Method in class
setParentClass(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setParentContext(ProgressContext) - Method in class
setParentMap(ParentMap) - Method in class
setParentProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setParentTable(SQLTableI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLTable
setParms(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSession
setParms(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
setParms(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setPart(ParseTreeNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SelectNode
setPart(ParseTreeNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.WhereNode
setPass(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
setPass(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
setPass(String) - Method in class
setPassword(String) - Method in class
setPassword(IPasswordField) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setPassword1(IPasswordField) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setPassword2(IPasswordField) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setPasswort(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
setPasswortOld(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
setPasswortTmp(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
setPasswortTmp(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
setPasswortTmpRep(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
setPasswortTmpRep(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
setPasteMode(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeClipboard
setPath(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.VFile
setPath(String) - Method in class
setPath(String, String) - Method in class
setPathPos(Integer) - Method in class
setPattern(Pattern) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
setPatterns(List<String>) - Method in exception
setPdfIS(InputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
setPendingShowLimit(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
setPeriod(Period) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Sets the data retention period for this policy.
setPermissionHandler(PermissionHandlerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setPermissionHandler(PermissionHandlerI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Sets the PermissionHandlerI for this schema.
setPermissionHandler(PermissionHandlerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
setPersistent(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setPersistentBooleanProperty(EntityI, String, Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setPersistentDecimalProperty(EntityI, String, BigDecimal) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setPersistentLongProperty(EntityI, String, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setPersistentStringProperty(EntityI, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setPh(PersistenceHandlerI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BackendQueryAnsweringBOLoaderI
setPh(PersistenceHandlerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
setPid(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
setPlafman(PlafManager) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setPleaseStop(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
setPlural(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setPointerBPId(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
setPolymorphic(Boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PolymorphicStrukturI
Sets the Polymorphic property to the passed value.
setPolymorphic(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.FormularTemplate
setPoolable(boolean) - Method in class
setPopupFormElementInSubFtx(FormElementI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setPort(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
setPosition(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenDelegate
Sets the position of this delegate.
setPosition(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParameterNode
setPosition(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
setPosition(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
setPrecompile(boolean) - Method in class
setPrecompile(boolean) - Method in class
setPrecompile(boolean) - Method in class
setPredecessor(SQLColumn) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLColumn
setPredicate(OQLQueryPredicate) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
setPrefetch(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setPrefixTerms(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setPrefSize(Dimension) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setPrefSize(Dimension) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setPreselect(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterChoiceList
setPreselect(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterChoiceList
setPreselectIdx(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterChoiceList
setPrimary(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Column
setPrimary(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
setPrimary(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Column
setPrimaryIx(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
setPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
setPrimaryKeyType(CBOAttributeTypeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
setPrint(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
setPrioritaet(Integer) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.EntityStrukturI
setPrioritaet(Integer) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PrioritizableStrukturI
Sets the Prioritaet property to the passed value.
setPrioritaet(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.EntityStrukturTemplate
setPriority(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setProcs(BOProc[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Additional
setProcs(int, BOProc) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Additional
setProcsCount(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setProgress(float) - Method in class
setProgressAnimator(ProgressAnimatorI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
setProgressAnimator(ProgressAnimatorI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
setProgressAnimator(ProgressAnimatorI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
setProgressCount(int) - Method in class
setProgressCurrent(int) - Method in class
setProgressDisplay(ProgressDisplayI) - Method in class
setProgressDisplayITL(ProgressDisplayI) - Static method in class
setProgressShowDelay(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setProjection(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setProjectPackage(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setProjekt(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
setProjekt(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManager
setPrompt(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.PromptMessageDisplay
setProperty(String, Object, byte) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
Sets or updates a property within this savepoint, potentially shadowing properties in previous
savepoints or the enclosing transaction.
setProperty(String, Object, byte, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction.Savepoint
setProperty(String, Object, byte) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
sets property value in current transaction context to specified value with the specified scope.
setProperty(String, Object, byte, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
setProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
setProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class
setPropertyName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.TermInfo
setProps(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
setProtocol(String) - Method in class
setProtocolDrivers(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setProtocolParameters(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setProtocolVersion(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setProvider(TransactionProviderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setPtyp(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setPublicKey(PGPPublicKey) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.AddressWithInfo
setPw(String, String) - Method in class
setQuery(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
setQuery(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.ParameterizedQuery
setQueryGUIElementsMap(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setQueryString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setQueryString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setQueryString(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.PopupableFormElementI
setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement object to execute to the given number of seconds.
setQuiet(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setRangeEnd(int) - Method in class
setRangeHours(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
setRangeStart(int) - Method in class
setRaw(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.EventMessage
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setReadonly(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setReadonly(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setReadonly(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class
Puts this connection in read-only mode as a hint to the driver to enable database optimizations.
setRealBOLoader(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
Sets the BOLoader to handle any cache misses with.
setRealClass(String) - Method in class
setRealFtx(FormContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setReason(EventMessage) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
setReceived(Date) - Method in class
setReceiverMode(boolean) - Method in class
setReceivertype(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.AddressWithInfo
setRecordNonPersistent(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setRecoverableError(Throwable) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceInstanceI
setRect(Rectangle) - Method in class
setRedundant(boolean) - Method in class
setRef(int, Ref) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given REF() value.
setReferenceCount(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.TransactionalFileI
Sets the current reference count to the given value.
setReferenceEquality(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether to use reference equality instead of object equality
setRefresher(ClientNavigationTree.Refresher) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel
setRefs(HashSet) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setRegenerated(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setRegex(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitTokenFilterProvider
setRegex(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.StripTokenPartsTokenFilterProvider
setRegisteredModuleProviders(Map<String, ModuleProvider>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setRejectedExecutionHandler(RejectedExecutionHandler) - Method in class
setRelation(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setRelation(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setRelationBack(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setRelationDiscriminator(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setRelationEntity(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Column
setRelationEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
setRelationEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setRelationEntity(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Column
setRelations(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
setRelationType(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
setRelationType(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setReload(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setReloadBOsWhenOpening(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setRenderer(TableCellRenderer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setRepairMode(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setReplaceBoAfterRead(Function<Identifiable, Identifiable>) - Method in class
setReplaceBoBeforeWrite(Function<Identifiable, Identifiable>) - Method in class
setReplaceEscaped(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Column
setReplaceEscaped(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Column
setReplyToAdress(NotifiableI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
setReplyToAdresses(Collection<NotifiableI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
setReport(Report) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
setReportAlias(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setReportDef(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.ReportTemplate
setReportFontSizeBig(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setReportFontSizeNormal(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setReportManySort(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setReportOrientation(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setReportPosition(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setReportRelativeWidth(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setReportSort(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setReportTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setReportVisible(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setResetPrefs(ICheckBox) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setResizeMode(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setResizeWeight(float) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
setResourceAnchors(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setResourceAnchors(int, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setRestoreFocus(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setRestrictToEntity(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setResult(StringBuilder) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.mex.MEXTransformer
setRfe(RootFormElementI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
setRightFill(double) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setRightsAndFreedomsAssessed(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Sets the rightsAndFreedomsAssessed state of data retention.
setRoot(Element) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
setRootObjects(ArrayList) - Method in class
setRootPaneContainer(RootPaneContainer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setRootPaneContainer(RootPaneContainer) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setRootPaneToLockOnConnectionInterrupt(JRootPane) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOLoaderWrapper
setRootPaneToLockOnConnectionInterrupt(JRootPane) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setRotateLabels(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
setRoundtripCount(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setRoundtripsInternal(AtomicInteger) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
setRowDragLast(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTree
setRowHeight(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setRowHeight(int, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
setRowId(String, RowId) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.RowId object.
setRowId(int, RowId) - Method in class
setRowId(int, RowId) - Method in class
setRows(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setRowSelectionAllowed(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setRunner(Runnable) - Method in class
setSave(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
setSaved() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
setSaveErrorHandlingScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
setSaveException(RuntimeException) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan.SaveResult
setSaveHandler(FormContextSaveHandlerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setSaveHandler(FormContextSaveHandlerI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setSavepoint() - Method in class
Creates an unnamed savepoint in the current transaction and returns the new Savepoint object that represents it.
setSavepoint(String) - Method in class
Creates a savepoint with the given name in the current transaction and returns the new Savepoint object that represents it.
setSavesCount(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setsBooleanToFalse(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setsBooleanToFalse(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setsBooleanToFalse(String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true if this BOProcI represents a change of the value of the attribute
represented by the given attrName to false.
setsBooleanToFalse(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true if this BOProcI represents a change of the value of the attribute
represented by the given attrName to false.
setsBooleanToFalse(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
setsBooleanToFalse(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
setsBooleanToTrue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setsBooleanToTrue(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BOProcI
Returns true if this BOProcI represents a change of the value of the attribute
represented by the given attrName to true.
setsBooleanToTrue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BP
setScalar(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
setScheduler(AlarmScheduler) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.BOBasierterTerminHandler
setScheduler(AlarmScheduler) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.EinfacherTerminHandler
setScheduler(AlarmScheduler) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.alarm.WiedervorlageHandler
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaMappingBuilder
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.predicate.BOPredicate
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoaderV2
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in class
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLMapping
setSchema(SchemaI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerI
setSchema(String) - Method in class
setSchemaAsString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.MetaDataHolder
setScope(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setScreenshotTmp(BufferedImage) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
setScreenshotTmpThumb(BufferedImage) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.IssueReport
setScript(BOEnvironmentBuilder.Script) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder
setScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
setScript(BeanShellScript) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
setScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BedingterAlarm
setScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOBasierterTermin
setScript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOMaske
setScript(AbstractScript) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
setScript(AbstractScript) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
setScript(BeanShellScript) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setScript(BeanShellScript) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setScript(BeanShellScript) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
setScript(Script) - Method in class
setScript(String, Map) - Method in class
setScript(String, Map, List<ScriptImport>) - Method in class
setScriptLanguage(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
setScriptParameters(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setScriptParameters(Map) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setScripts(HashMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SolsticeCacheElement
setScrollable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDetailView
setScrollable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
setScrollable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setScrollingMode(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
setScrollingMode(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setSearchAutomatik(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
setSearchEntities(EntityI[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
setSearchEntities(int, EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
setSearchString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
setSearchType(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
setSeconds(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.ImmutableDate
setSection(Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractKeyGenerator
setSection(Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
setSection(Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.CryptoManager
setSection(Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
setSection(Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
setSelectAllAtNextFocusGain(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.query.QueryGUII
Used to tell the normally used QueryGUII (which uses a freetext field for
entering search terms/query) to select all the input in the field for easy
overwriting/clearing e.g. when the QueryGUII is shown first time when a
FPopup is opened.
setSelectAllAtNextFocusGain(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setSelectAllWhenFocused(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
setSelectedColor(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setSelectedItem(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.locale.LocalesComboModel
setSelectedLine(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setSelectedLines(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
Select a contiguous span of lines between i
and k
setSelectedLocale(Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.locale.LocalesComboModel
setSelectedLocale(Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.locale.LocaleSelector
setSelectedState(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setSelectedText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
setSelectedTheme(ThemeWrapper) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setSelectEntity(EntityI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.DBQueryModel
setSelectEntity(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setSelectionFilter(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
setSelectionFilter(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
setSelectionFilter(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setSelectionFilter(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setSelectionFilter(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setSelectionPath(TreePath) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeSelectionModel
setSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeSelectionModel
setSelector(LocaleSelector) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LocaleSelectionDialog
setSelectOutOf(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.RelationAttributeModel
setSelectOutOf(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setSelectPart(SelectNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
setSelectStateDependentDataOnRefresh(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCheckBox
setSelectStateDependentDataOnRefresh(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setSender(NotifiableI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
setSenders(Map<String, SimpleMailSender>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.EmailNotificationHandler
setSent(Date) - Method in class
setSequential(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.GeneratorJob
setServerConnection(ServerConnectionI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
setServerEndPoint(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setServerNodeNumber(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEvent
setServerSideCalculatedInformation(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEvent
setServerSideEventInformationCalculator(ServerSideEventInformationCalculatorI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventFilter
setServerThread(Thread) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolServer
setServerURL(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEvent
setServerUrl(String) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionException
setServerUrl(String) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionTimeoutException
setService(PrintService) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
setService(PrintService) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel
setService(ServiceI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicy
setServiceBegin(Date) - Method in class
setServiceEnd(Date) - Method in class
setServices(Map) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
setServiceThread(Thread) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
setSessid(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
setSession(BackendSessionI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalBOLoader
setSessionInfos(BackendSessionInfo[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsManager
setSessionInfos(int, BackendSessionInfo) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsManager
setSessionLocale(Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
setSessionLocale(Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
setSessionLocale(Locale) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
Marks a client-side locale change on the server, so the server sends messages and exceptions
in the correct locale to the client.
setSetLaf(IComboBox) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setSeverity(Rexx) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.ErrorHandler
setShared(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setShell(GroovyShell) - Method in class
setShort(String, short) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java short value.
setShort(int, short) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java short value.
setShortDescription(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setShouldCancel(boolean) - Method in class
setShowBOProperties(JLabel) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusDisplay
setShowCommand(File, int) - Static method in class
setShowDeleted(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setShowEntityName(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setShowFtsPopup(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setShowHiddenProperties(JLabel) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusDisplay
setShowHistory(JLabel) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusDisplay
setShowHorizontalLines(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setShowId(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setShown(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
setShowNewAction(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
setShowSelectAction(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
setShowVerticalLines(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setShutdown(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
setShutdownDelayInSeconds(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBManInfo
setSi(ServiceInstanceI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicy
setSichtbarkeitsskript(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
setSidebandHandler(SidebandHandlerI) - Method in class
Sets the SidebandHandlerI for this class.
setSilent(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.notification.ClientNotificationManager
setSingleAttributeValue(SchemaI, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Sets the value for the attribute with the given attributename
in the given bo by a given schema
setSingleAttributeValue(EntityI, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Sets the value for the attribute with the given attributename
in the given bo by a given entity
setSingleAttributeValueAsString(SchemaI, Object, String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Sets the provided String
value as the value for the specified attribute on the given business object
within the context of the provided schema.
setSingleAttributeValueAsString(SchemaI, Object, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Sets the provided String
value as the value for the specified attribute on the given business object
within the context of the provided schema.
setSingleAttributeValueAsString(EntityI, Object, String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Sets the provided String
value as the value for the specified attribute on the given business object
associated with the provided entity.
setSingleAttributeValueAsString(EntityI, Object, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Sets the provided String
value as the value for the specified attribute on the given business object
associated with the provided entity.
setSingleClickEdit(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setSingular(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
setSingular(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setSingular(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setSize(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPDFViewer
setSize(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPDFViewer
setSize(long) - Method in class
setSlot(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BatchedBackendRequestI
setSlot(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BatchedBackendRequest
setSmallIcon(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setSocketPool(SocketPool) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
setSolsticeElement(Struktur) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SolsticeCacheElement
setSort(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setSortBy(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.SortEntry
setSortBy(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.AbstractModel
setSortBy(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setSortForSelected(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setSortLevel(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setSource(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Script
setSource(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.mex.MEXTransformer
setSource(String) - Method in class
setSource(String) - Method in class
setSource(String) - Method in class
setSourceFilePath(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
setSouthPanel(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
setSouthPanel(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
setSouthPanel(JComponent) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
setSplitWordsLongerThanLine(boolean) - Method in class
setSQLMapping(SQLMappingI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setSqlName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setSqlName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setSqlName(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setSQLXML(String, SQLXML) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.SQLXML object.
setSQLXML(int, SQLXML) - Method in class
setSQLXML(int, SQLXML) - Method in class
setSrc(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.ScriptBasedModel
setSrc(String) - Method in class
setSrcDir(File) - Method in class
setSrvman(DefaultServiceManager) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
setSsl(boolean) - Method in class
setStacktrace(String) - Method in class
If set, then stacktraces use this explicit color.
setStandardCacheSize(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setStandardwert(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.CodebausteinArgumentTemplate
setStart(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
setStart(DataRetentionStart) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Sets the data retention start for this policy.
setStarted(long) - Method in class
setStartingHour(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
setState(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationHandler
setState(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.nrxmethod
Sets an internal boolean state for this nrxmethod.
setStatus(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
setStatus(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictAnswer
setStatus(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setStatus(int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
setStoreProtocol(String) - Method in class
setStr(String) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.UnmarshallingException
setStreamResource(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setString(String, String) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value.
setString(int, String) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value.
setString(String, String) - Method in class
setStrukturTmp(Struktur) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
setStubCloneOnSave(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOSaver
setStyle(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setSubClasses(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManBOEventFilter
setSubentitiesToExclude(Set) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setSubEntityList(List<EntityI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setSubject(String) - Method in class
setSubjectSource(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage.Builder
setSubjectSource(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
setSubjectSourceIsFixed(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage.Builder
setSubjectSourceIsFixed(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenAuftragOhneVorlage
setSubVersion(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
setSuchdefinition(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DynamischerOrdner
Sets the Grooql filter script that this DynamischerOrdner
should use.
setSuppressDuplicatesInNonRelationMode(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setSuppressMsgID(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.EmailNotificationHandler
setSuppressVersionBump(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setSyncMode(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setTabbedPane(ITabbedPane) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
setTabellenname(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
setTabLayoutPolicy(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
setTable(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
setTable(SQLTable) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementTable
setTablename(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.BOFactory
setTables(LinkedHashMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLMapping
setTables(LinkedHashMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatement
SettableTimespanI - Interface in
setTabPlacement(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
setTabs(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
setTcr(TransactionConflictReport) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionAnswer
setTcr(TransactionConflictReport) - Method in exception de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictException
setTdfNode(TemporaryDynamicFoldersNavigationTreeNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.RootNavigationTreeNode
setTempId() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Initializes the Id of this BO with the next free temporary id.
setTemplate(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setTemplateSource(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setTemporaryIdSupplier(TemporaryIdSupplierI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
setTerm(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.TermInfo
setText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBooleanInputComponent
setText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
setText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
setText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
setText(String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTextInputComponent
setText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAction
setText(String) - Method in class
setTextField(JTextField) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturSearchDialog
setTextInput(ITextField) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setTextWhileLoading(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setThemes(Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setThemes(int, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setThreads(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicyCronJob
setTid(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.EntityStrukturI
setTid(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturTemplate
setTime(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.ImmutableDate
setTime(Date, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class
Convenience method to set get a copy of a given Date
with the
time values set to the given time.
setTime(String, Time) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value.
setTime(String, Time, Calendar) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value, using the given Calendar object.
setTime(int, Time) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value.
setTime(int, Time, Calendar) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value, using the given Calendar object.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
Sets the socket-timeout to the passed value in ms, 0 means no timeout
setTimeout(int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportI
Sets the timeout of the underlying transport to the specified amount,
but at least to 1000ms.
setTimeSlots(ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
setTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
setTimestamp(String, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value, using the given Calendar object.
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
setTimestamp(int, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value, using the given Calendar object.
setTimeZoneProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
setTimeZoneProperty(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
setTimeZoneProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setTimeZoneProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setTimeZoneProperty(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setTint(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterChoice
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
setTitle() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
setTitle(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.EntryValueWrapper
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
setTitle(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIElementI
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setTitle() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
setTitleBorder(TitledBorder) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setTitleColor(Color) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setTitleFont(Font) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setTitleJustification(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setTitlePosition(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setTls(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
setToken(Token) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
Changes the Token data in this node.
setToNode(OnlyToDirectedGraphNodeI) - Method in class
setToolBar(IToolBar) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
setToolBar(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setToolBar(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
setToolBarFloatable(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setToolBarLayout(ComponentOrientation) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setToolBarName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
setToolBarOrientation(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
setToolBarOrientation(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setToolBarPosition(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
setToolBarPosition(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setToolBarRollover(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientToolBarManager
setToolBarRollover(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setToolTipFormat(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setToolTips(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCanvas
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
setTopGridAlign(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FView
setTopMdi(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FBorder
setTopTab(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
setToRow(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementJoinedTable
setTotal(int) - Method in class
setTotalEvaluationTimeMeasured(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setTotalRows(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setTotalTime(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setTraceQueryOnEntity(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
setTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
setTransaction(Transaction) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setTransactionAnswer(TransactionAnswer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan.SaveResult
setTransactionControl(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setTransactionCount(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setTransactionDescription(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceI
Sets the default description for new Transaction instances to the passed String, typically a description of the run business service (BS).
setTransactionDescription(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
setTransactionIsolation(int) - Method in class
Attempts to change the transaction isolation level for this Connection object to the one given.
setTransientProperty(String, Object, int, Consumer<Object>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Saves a versioned transient value with the provided name for this BO.
setTransientProperty(String, Object, Consumer<Object>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Saves a versioned transient value with the provided name for this BO.
setTransientProperty(String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Saves a transient value with the provided name for this BO.
setTransientProperty(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setTransientProperty(String, Object, boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setTransientProperty(String, Object, boolean, int, Consumer<Object>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
setTransientProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.BOI
Saves a transient value with the provided name for this BO.
setTransport(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.PerformanceMeter
setTransportProtocol(String) - Method in class
setTransportTime(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setTree(ClientNavigationTree) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturSearchDialog
setTrigger(DataRetentionTrigger) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.gdpr.DataRetentionPolicy
Sets the trigger for initiating the retention period of this policy.
setTrueIcon(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setTs(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictReport
setTx(Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSync
setTx(TestTransaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestBOLoader
setTxId(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.TransactionConflictReport
setTyp(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
setType(ProcType) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOProc
setType(ValueType) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
setType(String, SchemaI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
setType(CBOAttributeTypeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
setType(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setType(CBOAttributeTypeI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setType(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setType(CBOAttributeTypeI) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.MarshallingException
setType(CBOAttributeTypeI) - Method in exception de.ipcon.schema.types.UnmarshallingException
setTypeFilter(Class) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AttributeSelector
setTypeFromChildren() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.BinaryExpressionNode
setTypeFromChildren() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.LimitNode
setTypeFromChildren() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
setTypeFromChildren() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
setTypeFromChildren() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.SelectNode
setTypeFromChildren() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.WhereNode
setTypeFromParent(ValueType) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ListNode
setTypeFromParent(ValueType) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParameterNode
setTypeFromParent(ValueType) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.ParseTreeNode
setTypeMap(Map) - Method in class
Installs the given TypeMap object as the type map for this Connection object.
setTypeName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
setTypeName(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setUnicodeStream(int, InputStream, int) - Method in class
setUnique(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.PostgreSQLIndex
setUnique(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
setUniqueKeyModifier(int) - Static method in class
setUnit(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
setUnLazyBeforeTransport(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
setUnlazyUpdateStrategy(UnlazyUpdateStrategy) - Method in class
Updates the updatestrategy for unlazies and the generic updatestrategy of the CachingBOLoader
setUnrecoverableError(Throwable) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceInstanceI
setUpdateStrategy(CachingBOLoaderUpdateStrategyI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
setUpdateStrategy(CachingBOLoaderUpdateStrategyI) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
setUrl(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
setURL(String, URL) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given object.
setURL(int, URL) - Method in class
Sets the designated parameter to the given value.
setUseComponentsGUIText(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
setUsedInRelation(Set) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.SchemaMappingBuilder
setUsedModules(Map<String, List<Module>>) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setUseInlinePGP(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.EmailNotificationHandler
setUseMaximumHeight(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
setUseMaximumHeight(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setUseMaximumWidth(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
setUseMaximumWidth(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setUsePolymorphySelectionTree(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setUsePolymorphySelectionTree(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
setUser(Benutzer) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PermissionHandlerWithUserI
setUser(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
setUser(Benutzer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandler
setUser(String) - Method in class
setUser(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
setUser(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.CoreData
setUser(String) - Method in class
setUserAbstract(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityDefinition
setUsername(ITextField) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
setUserObject(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.BONavigationTreeNode
setUtx(DBManUserContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendSession
setUtx(DBManUserContextI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionI
setval(String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.configuration.DBManConfigurationHelper
setval(Rexx, Rexx, Rexx) - Method in class
setVAlign(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FButton
setVAlign(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setVAlign(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
setVAlign(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setValue(String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenDelegate
Raw setter for the component value of the provided alias
setValue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
Must be overridden to implement a way to set the component value via String.
setValue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractStringFilterGUI
setValue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.BoolFilterGUI
setValue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.MultipleChoiceFilterGUI
setValue(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.StatusValueManager
Sets (inserts or updates) the given value for the given key.
setValue(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.EntryValueWrapper
setValue(Object, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableImageColumnRenderer
setValue(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AnnotatedValue
setValue(Object, Object, WriteConstraintsOverriderI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
setValue(Object, Object, WriteConstraintsOverriderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Sets the given value to the provided business object (bo) using this CBOAttribute
's AttributeAccessor.
setValue(Object, Object, WriteConstraintsOverriderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Sets the given value to the provided business object (bo) using this CBOAttribute
's AttributeAccessor.
setValue(Object, String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setValue(Object, String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setValue(Object, String, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Sets the given value in the given bo using the given attPath.
setValue(Object, String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
setValue(Object, String, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Setting/getting Values from Objects.
setValue(SchemaI, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Sets the given value on a given attribute by
path on the given bo for the given schema
setValue(Object, String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setValue(Object, Object, WriteConstraintsOverriderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setValue(String, Rexx) - Method in class
setValueAsString(Object, String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
setValueAsString(Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeI
setValueAsString(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setValueAsString(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setValueAsString(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Sets the given value as a String
in this attribute of the provided business object.
setValueAsString(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
Sets the given value as a String
in this attribute of the provided business object.
setValueAsString(Object, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setValueAsString(Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOEntity
setValueAsString(Object, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setValueAsString(Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
setValueAsString(Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Sets the given value as String
in the given bo using the given attPath.
setValueAsString(Object, String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.EntityI
Sets the given value as String
to the given bo using the given attPath.
setValueAsString(Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
setValueAsString(Object, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.EntityWrapper
setValueAsString(Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Setting/getting Values from Objects.
setValueAsString(Object, String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Setting/getting Values from Objects.
setValueAsString(SchemaI, Object, String, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Sets the given value as String
on a given
attribute by path on the given bo for the given schema.
setValueAsString(SchemaI, Object, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Sets the given value as String
on a given
attribute by path on the given bo for the given schema
setValueAsString(Object, String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
setValueAsString(Object, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaWrapper
setValueAsString(Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setValueAsString(Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
setValueAt(Object, int, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsJTableModel
SetValueEvent(BOI, Object) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute.SetValueEvent
SetValueEventI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
A record of a set value modification on a BO attribute
setValueExtractor(BOValueExtractor) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.BOBasedModel
setValueForLocale(L10nLocale, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
setValueForLocale(L10nLocale, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.L10nResource
setValuesForAggregating(BigDecimal[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setValuesForAggregating(int, BigDecimal) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setVar(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.mex.MEXTransformer
setVariable(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.AbstractFilterGUI
setVariable(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
setVariable(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.LiquidSeparatorLabel
setVariable(String, Object) - Method in class
setVariable(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class
setVariable(String, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
setVariables(String[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
setVariables(int, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureDefinition
setVarname(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setVattrNameColIx(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BOEnvironmentBuilder.Data
setVattrNameColIx(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.InitialdataReader.Data
setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setViewonly(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
setViewOnly(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setViewonly(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
setViewType(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
setVirtual(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setVirtual(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
setVirtualEntity(InstrumentingEntity) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BX
Allows to override the effective entity used by by this instance in an InstrumentingSchema
setVirtualizer(TalkativeJRFileVirtualizer) - Method in class
setVisibilityTransient() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
marks this FormContextI as visibilityTransient, thus defecting cache of PanelVisibility-values
setVisibilityTransient() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setVisible(boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormContextMenu
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeTemplate
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWithUIConfigurationI
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeWrapper
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttribute
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.ScriptedAttribute
setVon(Date) - Method in class
setVTextPosition(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FLabel
setWantsEncryption(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
setWantsSignature(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationModule
setWarn(String) - Method in class
setWarnings(LinkedHashMap) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.Importer
setWarnSlowQuery(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.AbstractPersistenceManager
setWasTouched(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimeSelector
setWatchdog(Thread, long) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceInstanceI
setWDTimeoutMillis(Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicy
setWert(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
setWertAlsAnhang(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAssociatedAlarm
setWertAlsAnhangBX(BX) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOAssociatedAlarm
setWertAlsBO(BO) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMAnhangBOEintrag
Sets the appropriate attribute value depending on the type of the
given object.
setWertAlsObject(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMKontextBOEintrag
Sets the appropriate "V*" attribute value depending on the type of the
given object.
setWestPanel(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
setWestPanel(JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
setWestPanel(JComponent) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
setWhereClause(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.combobox.DBQueryModel
setWhereClause(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
setWherePart(WhereNode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.QueryExpressionNode
setWhitespaceChars(String) - Method in class
setWidth(Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setWidth(int) - Method in class
setWidthArg(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
setWillSolsticeNachrichten(Boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
Configures if this Benutzer
wants notification popups in the
Solstice GUI client or not.
setWin(FrameI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
setWorker(Thread) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceInstanceI
setWorkstation(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendSessionInfo
setWrapper(ArrayZeilenWrapper) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ArrayZeilenDelegate
setX(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setXml(int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.FilesystemObject
setY(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FElement
setYear(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.ImmutableDate
setYear(Date, int) - Static method in class
Sets the year in the passed Date object to the passed year.
setYesString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
setYesWords(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
setYoungestAt(Date) - Method in class
setZoom(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FChart
SHARED - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.core.PersistenceHandlerI
shiftFromRightInto(long, byte) - Static method in class
shiftLeft(long, int) - Static method in class
shiftLeft(int, int) - Static method in class
shiftLeft(short, int) - Static method in class
shiftLeft(byte, int) - Static method in class
shiftRight(long, int) - Static method in class
shiftRight(int, int) - Static method in class
shiftRight(short, int) - Static method in class
shiftRight(byte, int) - Static method in class
SHORTCUT_ACTION_KIND - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
ShortcutHelper - Class in
for the purpose of this class, @see JreFinder
shouldBeAvailableInTree(BO, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.ClientNavigationTreeModel
shouldBeClosed() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.PooledSocket
Returns true, if this PooledSocket is closed or was marked as to be closed.
shouldBeGreyedOut() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.GreyedAutoStrukturWrapper
shouldBeHandled() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigung
shouldBeHandled(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Will allow (result true) or prevent (result false) both the creation of new notification objects for this
order as well as the sending out of existing notifications of this order.
shouldBuildGUINow() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FHideablePanel
shouldBuildGUINow() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
shouldCancel() - Static method in class
shouldFilter(StackTraceElement) - Method in class
shouldServiceStart() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceInstanceI
shouldShow() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
shouldShow() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
shouldStopAt(StackTraceElement) - Method in class
show() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractClientDesktopElement
show() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.TransactionDumpDialog
Shows the dialog with the specified formatting options.
show(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.TransactionDumpDialog
show(boolean, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.TransactionDumpDialog
SHOW_ERROR - Static variable in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Notification mode: Show an error message.
SHOW_MESSAGE - Static variable in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Notification mode: Show a general message.
SHOW_NOTHING - Static variable in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Notification mode: Do not show anything to the user.
SHOW_OVERRIDE_QUESTION - Static variable in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Notification mode: Show an override question to the user.
SHOW_TOAST - Static variable in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Notification mode: Show a toast notification.
SHOW_USER_FRIENDLY_ERROR - Static variable in exception de.ipcon.db.core.SaveVetoException
Notification mode: Show a more user friendly error message (the default).
showAuszuschliessendeSubBOTypen() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Schablone
Returns true if our BOTyp is user abstract and there are actually sub-entities of that type to select.
showBigDecimalInputDialog(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showBigDecimalInputDialog(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showBigDecimalInputDialog(String, String, BigDecimal) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showBigDecimalInputDialog(String, String, BigDecimal, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showBigDecimalInputDialog(String, String, BigDecimal, boolean) - Method in interface
showBigDecimalInputDialog(String, String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface
showBigDecimalInputDialog(String, String) - Method in interface
showBigDecimalInputDialog(String) - Method in interface
showConfirmDialog(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showConfirmDialog(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showConfirmDialog(String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showConfirmDialog(String, String, boolean, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showConfirmDialog(String, String, boolean, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showConfirmDialog(String) - Method in interface
showConfirmDialog(String, String) - Method in interface
showConfirmDialog(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface
showConfirmDialog(String, String, boolean, String) - Method in interface
showConfirmDialog(String, String, boolean, String, String) - Method in interface
Method to show a confirmation dialog with three Options: Yes, No and Cancel
showDate() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
showDate(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
showDateInputDialog(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
shows an input dialog that asks for a date and returns it
showDateInputDialog(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showDateInputDialog(String, String, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showDateInputDialog(String, String, Date, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showDateInputDialog(String, String, Date, boolean, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showDateInputDialog(String, String, Date, boolean, String) - Method in interface
showDateInputDialog(String, String, Date, boolean) - Method in interface
showDateInputDialog(String, String, Date) - Method in interface
showDateInputDialog(String, String) - Method in interface
showDateInputDialog(String) - Method in interface
showError(String, Throwable) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
showError(FormElementI, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementFactory
showError(FormElementI, String, Throwable) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.FormElementFactory
showError(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showError(String, Throwable) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showError(String, Throwable, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showError(String, Throwable, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showError(String, Throwable, String, boolean, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showError(String, Throwable, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showError(String, Throwable, boolean, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showError(String, Throwable, boolean, String, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showError(String, Throwable, String, boolean, Object[]) - Method in interface
showError(String, Throwable, String, boolean) - Method in interface
showError(String, Throwable, String) - Method in interface
showError(String, Throwable) - Method in interface
showError(String) - Method in interface
showError(String, Throwable, boolean, String, Object[]) - Method in interface
showError(String, Throwable, boolean, String) - Method in interface
showError(String, Throwable, boolean) - Method in interface
showEvent(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.textclient.MyTISMTextClient
showException(Throwable) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
showException(Throwable) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showException(Throwable, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showException(Throwable, boolean, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showException(Throwable, boolean, Object[]) - Method in interface
showException(Throwable, boolean) - Method in interface
showException(Throwable) - Method in interface
showFileChooser(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showFileChooser(String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showFileChooser(String, String, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showFileChooser(String, String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showFileChooser(String, String, String, int, boolean, FileFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showFileChooser(String, String, String, int, boolean, FileFilter, JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showFileChooser(String, String, String, int, boolean, FileFilter, JComponent, File) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showFileChooser(String, String, String, int, boolean, FileFilter, JComponent, File) - Method in interface
showFileChooser(String, String, String, int, boolean, FileFilter, JComponent) - Method in interface
showFileChooser(String, String, String, int, boolean, FileFilter) - Method in interface
showFileChooser(String, String, String, int, boolean) - Method in interface
showFileChooser(String, String, String, int) - Method in interface
showFileChooser(String, String, String) - Method in interface
showFileChooser(String, String) - Method in interface
showFilesChooser(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
Opens a graphical userinterface which allows the user to select multiple files or folders.
showFilesChooser(String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showFilesChooser(String, String, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showFilesChooser(String, String, String, int, FileFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showFilesChooser(String, String, String, int, FileFilter, JComponent) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showFilesChooser(String, String, String, int, FileFilter, JComponent) - Method in interface
showFilesChooser(String, String, String, int, FileFilter) - Method in interface
showFilesChooser(String, String, String, int) - Method in interface
showFilesChooser(String, String, String) - Method in interface
showFilesChooser(String, String) - Method in interface
showGraph() - Method in class
showGraph(String) - Method in class
showGraph(EntityI) - Method in class
showInfoMessage(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ConsoleFrame
showingTab() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTab
showIntegerInputDialog(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showIntegerInputDialog(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showIntegerInputDialog(String, String, Integer) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showIntegerInputDialog(String, String, Integer, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showIntegerInputDialog(String, String, Integer, boolean) - Method in interface
showIntegerInputDialog(String, String, Integer) - Method in interface
showIntegerInputDialog(String, String) - Method in interface
showIntegerInputDialog(String) - Method in interface
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[], Object, String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
Shows a dialog window that allows the user to select one or more from the provided options.
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[], Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[], int, String, boolean) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
Shows a dialog window that allows the user to select one or more from the provided options.
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[], int, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.BasicClientContextI
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[], Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[], Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[], Object, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[], int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[], int, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[], int, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[], Object) - Method in interface
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[], int) - Method in interface
showListChoiceDialog(String, Object[]) - Method in interface
showLongInputDialog(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showLongInputDialog(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showLongInputDialog(String, String, Long) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showLongInputDialog(String, String, Long, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showLongInputDialog(String, String, Long, boolean) - Method in interface
showLongInputDialog(String, String, Long) - Method in interface
showLongInputDialog(String, String) - Method in interface
showLongInputDialog(String) - Method in interface
showMessageDialog(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showMessageDialog(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showMessageDialog(String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showMessageDialog(String, String, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showMessageDialog(String, String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showMessageDialog(String, String, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showMessageDialog(String, String, String) - Method in interface
showMessageDialog(String, String) - Method in interface
showMessageDialog(String) - Method in interface
showMessageDialogNonModal(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showMessageDialogNonModal(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showMessageDialogNonModal(String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showMessageDialogNonModal(String, String, String, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showMessageDialogNonModal(String, String, String) - Method in interface
showMessageDialogNonModal(String, String) - Method in interface
showMessageDialogNonModal(String) - Method in interface
showMultipleChoiceDialog(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
shows a dialog offering multiple options of answering (NOT selecting, if this is wanted use showListChoiceDialog() with param 'multiple' set to true)
showMultipleChoiceDialog(String, String, Object[], int) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showMultipleChoiceDialog(String, String, Object[], int) - Method in interface
showMultipleChoiceDialog(String, String, Object[]) - Method in interface
showPasswordInputDialog(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
wrapper for showStringInputDialog(...)
showPasswordInputDialog(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showPasswordInputDialog(String, String) - Method in interface
showPasswordInputDialog(String) - Method in interface
showPDFPreview(BasicClientContextI, InputStream) - Static method in class de.ipcon.form.PDFPreviewer
Opens a Window inside the given BasicClientContextI that shows the PDF inside a FPDFViewer
showPopup() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
showPopup(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
showPopup() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormPopupControllerI
showPopup() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
showPopup(MouseEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
showPopup(MouseEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
showPopup(MouseEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
showPreview() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Druckziel.OutputDsl
showProgressComponents(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
showPWChangeGUI() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
showStringInputDialog(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
wrapper for DialogTools.showInputMessageDialog(...)
showStringInputDialog(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showStringInputDialog(String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showStringInputDialog(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showStringInputDialog(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showStringInputDialog(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
showStringInputDialog(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface
showStringInputDialog(String, String, String) - Method in interface
showStringInputDialog(String, String) - Method in interface
showStringInputDialog(String) - Method in interface
showSyntax() - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.FeatureManagerCLI
showTab(FTab) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTabbedView
showTimespan() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
showTimespanInputDialog(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
shows an input dialog that asks for a timespan and returns it as an array of two dates
showTimespanInputDialog(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showTimespanInputDialog(String, String, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showTimespanInputDialog(String, String, Date, Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showTimespanInputDialog(String, String, Date, Date, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showTimespanInputDialog(String, String, Date, Date, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showTimespanInputDialog(String, String, Date, Date, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showTimespanInputDialog(String, String, Date, Date, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in interface
showTimespanInputDialog(String, String, Date, Date, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
showTimespanInputDialog(String, String, Date, Date, boolean) - Method in interface
showTimespanInputDialog(String, String, Date, Date) - Method in interface
showTimespanInputDialog(String, String, Date) - Method in interface
showTimespanInputDialog(String, String) - Method in interface
showTimespanInputDialog(String) - Method in interface
showUserLoginDialog(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showUserLoginDialog(String, String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showUserLoginDialog(String, String, String) - Method in interface
showUserLoginDialog(String, String) - Method in interface
showYesNoDialog(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
showYesNoDialog(String) - Method in interface
shutdown(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.compass.CompassFTSModule
shutdown(int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
Shuts this module down in a clean fashion, normally called during server
shutdown(CountDownLatch, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
shutdown() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.AbstractSQL
shutdown() - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.generators.DatabaseConnectionPool
shutdown() - Method in class
shutdown() - Method in class
shutdownNow() - Method in class
ShutdownServerAction - Class in de.ipcon.gui.console
ShutdownServerAction(ConsoleFrame, ClientContextI, Component) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.ShutdownServerAction
The constructor.
ShutdownServerAndForcedClientDisconnectAction - Class in de.ipcon.gui.console
ShutdownServerAndForcedClientDisconnectAction(ConsoleFrame, ClientContextI, Component) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.ShutdownServerAndForcedClientDisconnectAction
The constructor.
ShutdownWarner - Class in de.ipcon.form
ShutdownWarner(ClientContextI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
shutdownWasInitated() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.NodeInfoJPanel
shutdownWasStopped() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.NodeInfoJPanel
SIDEBAND_MARKER - Static variable in class
SIDEBAND_SIGNAL_RESET - Static variable in class
SidebandHandlerI - Interface in
SidebandHandlingCompactObjectInput - Class in
A CompactObjectInput which filters out and can handle sideband-data in its DataInput.
SidebandHandlingCompactObjectInput(InputStream) - Constructor for class
SidebandHandlingCompactObjectInput(InputStream, SchemaI) - Constructor for class
SidebandHandlingCompactObjectInput(InputStream, SchemaI, Function) - Constructor for class
sidToLong(String) - Static method in class
signalIfDenied(BOI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandlerDecision
signalIfDenied(BOI, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.PermissionHandlerDecision
signalIfDenied(BOI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerDecisionI
signalIfDenied(BOI, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.PermissionHandlerDecisionI
SimpleBackendRequest - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequest(int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequest
SimpleBackendRequestCancelForcedClientsDisconnect - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestCancelForcedClientsDisconnect() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestCancelForcedClientsDisconnect
SimpleBackendRequestCancelServerShutdown - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestCancelServerShutdown() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestCancelServerShutdown
SimpleBackendRequestCheckCredentialsViaAnmeldung - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestCheckCredentialsViaAnmeldung() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestCheckCredentialsViaAnmeldung
SimpleBackendRequestCheckCredentialsViaPasswortUeberpruefung - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestCheckCredentialsViaPasswortUeberpruefung() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestCheckCredentialsViaPasswortUeberpruefung
SimpleBackendRequestCreateExpiringToken - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestCreateExpiringToken() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestCreateExpiringToken
SimpleBackendRequestDestroyExpiringToken - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestDestroyExpiringToken() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestDestroyExpiringToken
SimpleBackendRequestExistsObject - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestExistsObject() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestExistsObject
SimpleBackendRequestForcedClientsDisconnect - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestForcedClientsDisconnect() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestForcedClientsDisconnect
SimpleBackendRequestGetActiveSessionInfos - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetActiveSessionInfos() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetActiveSessionInfos
SimpleBackendRequestGetAvailableLocaleNamesForUserInterface - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetAvailableLocaleNamesForUserInterface() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetAvailableLocaleNamesForUserInterface
SimpleBackendRequestGetBLOBInfo - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetBLOBInfo() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetBLOBInfo
SimpleBackendRequestGetDBManInfo - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetDBManInfo() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetDBManInfo
SimpleBackendRequestGetFulltextSearchIdList - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetFulltextSearchIdList() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetFulltextSearchIdList
SimpleBackendRequestGetFulltextSearchIdListAsString - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetFulltextSearchIdListAsString() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetFulltextSearchIdListAsString
SimpleBackendRequestGetFulltextSearchTerms - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetFulltextSearchTerms() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetFulltextSearchTerms
SimpleBackendRequestGetFulltextSearchTermSuggestions - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetFulltextSearchTermSuggestions() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetFulltextSearchTermSuggestions
SimpleBackendRequestGetIdRange - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetIdRange() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetIdRange
SimpleBackendRequestGetInstanceName - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetInstanceName() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetInstanceName
SimpleBackendRequestGetL10nPackPreload - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetL10nPackPreload() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetL10nPackPreload
SimpleBackendRequestGetL10nPacks - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetL10nPacks() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetL10nPacks
SimpleBackendRequestGetNextId - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetNextId() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetNextId
SimpleBackendRequestGetNodeNumber - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetNodeNumber() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetNodeNumber
SimpleBackendRequestGetSchema - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetSchema() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetSchema
SimpleBackendRequestGetSerialVersionUIDs - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetSerialVersionUIDs() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetSerialVersionUIDs
SimpleBackendRequestGetStruktur - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestGetStruktur() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestGetStruktur
SimpleBackendRequestHasBLOB - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestHasBLOB() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestHasBLOB
SimpleBackendRequestHaveBLOB - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestHaveBLOB() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestHaveBLOB
SimpleBackendRequestInitiateServerShutdown - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestInitiateServerShutdown() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestInitiateServerShutdown
SimpleBackendRequestIsAuthoritativeSyncServer - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestIsAuthoritativeSyncServer() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestIsAuthoritativeSyncServer
SimpleBackendRequestIsFulltextSearchActivated - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestIsFulltextSearchActivated() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestIsFulltextSearchActivated
SimpleBackendRequestIsFulltextSearchAvailable - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestIsFulltextSearchAvailable() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestIsFulltextSearchAvailable
SimpleBackendRequestIsNotificationSystemActivated - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestIsNotificationSystemActivated() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestIsNotificationSystemActivated
SimpleBackendRequestIssueCancel - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestIssueCancel() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestIssueCancel
SimpleBackendRequestLockServer - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestLockServer() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestLockServer
SimpleBackendRequestResetPassword - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestResetPassword() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestResetPassword
SimpleBackendRequestRetrieveExpiringToken - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestRetrieveExpiringToken() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestRetrieveExpiringToken
SimpleBackendRequestSendSystemMessage - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestSendSystemMessage() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestSendSystemMessage
SimpleBackendRequestSetSessionLocale - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestSetSessionLocale() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestSetSessionLocale
SimpleBackendRequestSubscribeForEvents - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestSubscribeForEvents() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestSubscribeForEvents
SimpleBackendRequestUnlockServer - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestUnlockServer() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestUnlockServer
SimpleBackendRequestUnsubscribeFromEvents - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestUnsubscribeFromEvents() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestUnsubscribeFromEvents
SimpleBackendRequestUpdateStructureReadAccessStatistics - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol
SimpleBackendRequestUpdateStructureReadAccessStatistics() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.SimpleBackendRequestUpdateStructureReadAccessStatistics
Constructor for SimpleBackendRequestUpdateStructureReadAccessStatistics
simpleBreakText(Rexx) - Static method in class
Cuts a given Rexx into rows with a maximum length and
also possibly cutting words to achieve this.
simpleBreakText(Rexx, int) - Static method in class
simpleBreakText(Rexx, int, String) - Static method in class
simpleLongestSubWord(Rexx, Rexx) - Static method in class
Finds the position at which a long word may be safely cut to achieve a maximum length.
simpleLongestSubWord(Rexx, Rexx, String) - Static method in class
SimpleOQLQueryHolder - Class in de.ipcon.db.oql
SimpleOQLQueryHolder(String, Object[]) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.oql.SimpleOQLQueryHolder
SimpleRegex - Class in
Class providing support for very simple "DOS style" regular expressions.
SimpleRoundingMode - Enum in
Enumeration representing rounding modes.
simulateSave(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Use ONLY in test environments.
simulateSave() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
simulateSave(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
simulateSave(long, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
simulateSave(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
Simulates the saving of the included BOs in this transaction, setting their IDs to a nonnegative
simulateSave(long, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
Simulates the saving of the included BOs in this transaction, setting their IDs to a nonnegative
simulateSave(SimulateSaveVerificationMode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
Simulates the saving of the included BOs in this transaction, setting their IDs to a nonnegative
simulateSave() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
Call this method to simulate saving the included BOs, adding them to the caches and
sets their ID to a nonnegative number larger than sid.
simulateSave(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
simulateSave(long, SimulateSaveVerificationMode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransaction
simulateSave() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransactionV2
simulateSave(long) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransactionV2
simulateSave(long, SimulateSaveVerificationMode) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.testing.TestTransactionV2
SimulateSaveVerificationMode - Enum in de.ipcon.db.testing
SingleAttributeCacheKeyCalculator - Class in de.ipcon.db.cache
SingleAttributeCacheKeyCalculator(Class<? extends BOI>, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.cache.SingleAttributeCacheKeyCalculator
Constructor for SingleAttributeKeyCalculator
SingleFormElementWrapperI - Interface in de.ipcon.form
singleRelationOf(String, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
singleRelationOf(String, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
singleRelationOf(String, String, boolean, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
singleRelationOf(String, String, boolean, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
singleRelationOf(String, String, boolean, String, boolean, String, boolean, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
singleRelationOf(String, String, boolean, String, boolean, String, boolean, int, boolean) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.AttributeDefinition
size() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DoubleList
Size of this List
size() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.navtree.UserNavigationSubCategory
size() - Method in class
Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class
size(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class
size(Map<?, ?>, boolean) - Static method in class
Returns the size of the passed Map, using the lazy variant if it is a LazyMapI, or zero if null
is passed.
size() - Method in class
size() - Method in class
Returns the number of current statistics entries.
size() - Method in class
sizeFast() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.LazyRelationMap
skip(long) - Method in class
Skips n bytes of input.
SKIP_CLIENT_VERIFIES_FOR_ADMINS - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
SKIP_RECALCS_FOR_DATA_REPAIR - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
If this property is set to Boolean.TRUE, the cancelRecalc method will return true
suppressing all recalcs, depending on the property scope, either on client side or
both client and server side.
SKIP_SERVER_VERIFIES_FOR_ADMINS - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
skipBytes(int) - Method in class
Makes an attempt to skip over n bytes of data from our DataInput, discarding the skipped bytes.
skipRecheckConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
skipRecheckConnection() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManagerI
skipRecheckConnection() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
skipRecheckConnection() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
SL_BEANSHELL - Static variable in class
SL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
SL_GROOVY - Static variable in class
SLASH - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
slash - Static variable in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
SLASH - Static variable in class
sleep(int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicyCron
sleep(Rexx) - Static method in class
Sleeps the current thread for the given number of seconds, or until the thread is interrupted.
sleep(Rexx, boolean) - Static method in class
sleep(int) - Static method in class
Sleeps the current thread for the given number of seconds, or until the thread is interrupted.
sleep(int, boolean) - Static method in class
sleep(float) - Static method in class
Sleeps the current thread for the given number of seconds, or until the thread is interrupted.
sleep(float, boolean) - Static method in class
sleep(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class
Sleeps the current thread for the specified amount of time, or until the thread is interrupted.
sleep(long, TimeUnit, boolean) - Static method in class
sleepmillis(long) - Static method in class
Sleeps the current thread for the specified number of milliseconds or until the thread is interrupted.
sleepmillis(long, boolean) - Static method in class
sleepMilliseconds(long) - Static method in class
Sleeps the current thread for the specified number of milliseconds or until the thread is interrupted.
sleepMilliseconds(long, boolean) - Static method in class
sleepRandom(int, int) - Static method in class
Sleeps the current thread for a random amount of time, between the specified minimum and maximum milliseconds,
or until the thread is interrupted.
sleepRandom(int, int, boolean) - Static method in class
sleepRandomMillis(int, int) - Static method in class
Sleeps the current thread for a random amount of time, between the specified minimum and maximum milliseconds,
or until the thread is interrupted.
sleepRandomMillis(int, int, boolean) - Static method in class
sleepRandomUpToMillis(int) - Static method in class
Sleeps the current thread for a random amount of time, up to the specified maximum milliseconds,
or until the thread is interrupted.
sleepRandomUpToMillis(int, boolean) - Static method in class
sleepSeconds(Rexx) - Static method in class
Sleeps the current thread for the given number of seconds, or until the thread is interrupted.
sleepSeconds(Rexx, boolean) - Static method in class
sleepSeconds(int) - Static method in class
Sleeps the current thread for the given number of seconds, or until the thread is interrupted.
sleepSeconds(int, boolean) - Static method in class
sleepSeconds(float) - Static method in class
Sleeps the current thread for the given number of seconds, or until the thread is interrupted.
sleepSeconds(float, boolean) - Static method in class
slim() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
This method removes all many-relation collections to save memory.
slim(HashSet) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
slim(HashSet, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
slim(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
SLOW_CONNECTION_TRESHOLD - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
SOCKET_TEST_TIMER - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
SOCKET_TIMEOUT_CONNECT - Static variable in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendProtocolI
SocketPool - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket
Socket pool for performance reasons.
SocketPool(ServerConnectionI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
SocketProtocolTest - Class in
SocketProtocolTest() - Constructor for class
SocketTransport - Class in de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket
Socket wrapper to combine client and server side code concerning sockets.
SocketTransport(Socket, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
Constructor for server-side: we already have a socket at hand.
SocketTransport(PooledSocket, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketTransport
Constructor for client-side: creates a new socket and initializes it using the passed BackendConnection.
SoftReferenceCache - Class in
SoftReferenceCache() - Constructor for class
SoftReferenceCache(Class) - Constructor for class
SoftReferenceCache(Map) - Constructor for class
SoftReferenceCache(Map, Class) - Constructor for class
SoftReferenceCache(CacheFetcherI, DependencyCalculatorI, Map) - Constructor for class
SoftReferenceCache(CacheFetcherI, DependencyCalculatorI, Map, Class) - Constructor for class
SoftReferenceCache(CacheFetcherI, Map) - Constructor for class
SoftReferenceCache(CacheFetcherI, Map, Class) - Constructor for class
SolsticeCacheElement - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
Sinn dieser Klasse ist es, den XML-Parsing und Beanshell-Interpretations-Aufwand aus der
wahrnehmbaren Verzoegerung beim "Oeffnen" eines Objektes zu verstecken bzw. sogar komplett
zu eliminieren.
SolsticeCacheElement(Struktur) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.SolsticeCacheElement
SolsticeNotificationHandler - Class in de.ipcon.db.notification
This class is responsible for notifying Benutzer
via the Solstice GUI client.
SolsticeNotificationHandler(NotificationModule) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.notification.SolsticeNotificationHandler
sort(int[], IntIndexComparator) - Static method in class
Sorts a given int array with the help of the IntIndexComparator.
sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>) - Static method in class
Sorts a given array $a with the help of the Comparator $c.
SORT_ASC - Static variable in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
SORT_DESC - Static variable in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
SORT_NEVER - Static variable in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
SORT_NONE - Static variable in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
sortBOs(Collection<BO>) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.InterpretedOQLQueryI
sortBOs(Collection<BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
sortBOs(Iterator<BOI>) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.oql.InterpretedOQLQuery
SortEntry - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
SortEntry(String, boolean) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.SortEntry
SortToStringAscendingComparator - Class in
Simple comparator that can be used to sort objects ascending by their
toString() representation.
SortToStringAscendingComparator() - Constructor for class
SortToStringAscendingComparator(Collator) - Constructor for class
SortToStringDecendingComparator - Class in
Simple comparator that can be used to sort objects decending by their
toString() representation.
SortToStringDecendingComparator() - Constructor for class
SortToStringDecendingComparator(Collator) - Constructor for class
SourceGeneratorI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema.generators
helper interface to generalize source generators for different programming languages
split() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BenanntPath
split(Token) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitNumberPartsTokenSplitter
split(Token) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitTokenSplitter
split(String) - Static method in class
splits a given string by a given separator*, with unescaping
*split separator will be prefixed with an expression, seems to be
useful when splitting escaped strings
returns an empty String array if given String was empty or null
split(String, String) - Static method in class
split(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
split(String, int) - Static method in class
Splits a String into Strings that have max maxLength chars.
split(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class
splitAtComma(String) - Static method in class
Vastly faster implementation of very common 'split by delimiter' case in comparison to
String::split, which uses regex to do the same, introducing a metric ton of overhead
for this very simple task.
splitAtDelim(String, char) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
splitAtDelimiter(String, char) - Static method in class
Vastly faster implementation of very common 'split by delimiter' case in comparison to
String::split, which uses regex to do the same, introducing a metric ton of overhead
for this very simple task.
splitAtDot(String) - Static method in class de.ipcon.schema.SchemaTools
Returns a given String
split into a
-Array by using the dots in the
given String
as delimiter.
splitAtDot(String) - Static method in class
Vastly faster implementation of very common 'split by delimiter' case in comparison to
String::split, which uses regex to do the same, introducing a metric ton of overhead
for this very simple task.
splitAtUnderscore(String) - Static method in class
spliterator() - Method in class
splitFilenameAndExtension(String) - Static method in class
splitInitialDataLine(String) - Static method in interface de.ipcon.schema.SchemaI
Helper method to split a given initial data line stored in an EntityI (String) into fields.
splitIntoTextAndNumbers(String) - Static method in class
splitLine(String, String, String, int) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.importer.CSVInputReader
Helper method to split a given line (String) into fields, in a separate
method basically only so we could easily write a JUnit test.
splitlog - Class in
SplitNumberPartsTokenFilter - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene
Filter that will introduce additional tokens by splitting number parts in token
from letters parts.
SplitNumberPartsTokenFilter(TokenStream) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitNumberPartsTokenFilter
SplitNumberPartsTokenFilterProvider - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene
The factory class which provides actual instances of
SplitNumberPartsTokenFilterProvider() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitNumberPartsTokenFilterProvider
SplitNumberPartsTokenSplitter - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene
SplitNumberPartsTokenSplitter() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitNumberPartsTokenSplitter
splitPath(String) - Static method in class
Splits the given _path on '/' but ignoring '/' insided of $R{...} tags.
splitQuery(URL) - Static method in class
Parses and decodes the query-parameters from a given URL and returns them in a map
SplitTokenFilter - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene
Filter that will split tokens using a given regular expression.
SplitTokenFilter(TokenStream, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitTokenFilter
SplitTokenFilterProvider - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene
The factory class which provides actual instances of
SplitTokenFilterProvider() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitTokenFilterProvider
SplitTokenSplitter - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene
SplitTokenSplitter(String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.SplitTokenSplitter
sprayEvent(QueryGUIEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
spShutdownDelay - Variable in class de.ipcon.gui.console.ForcedClientDisconnectPanel
spShutdownDelay - Variable in class de.ipcon.gui.console.NodeInfoJPanel
SQL_IDENTIFIER_MAXLENGTH - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
In PostgreSQL, identifiers — table names, column names, constraint names, etc. —
are limited to a maximum length of 63 bytes.
SQL_TABLE_IDENTIFIER_MAXLENGTH - Static variable in class de.ipcon.schema.CBOSchema
As PostgreSQL automatically creates a primary key constraint for our entity tables
using the table name with a "_pkey" suffix, we can effectively only use 5 chars less,
i.e. 58 chars, for our table identifiers.
SQLColumn - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
SQLColumn(String, CBOAttribute) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLColumn
SQLColumn(String, String, CBOAttribute) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLColumn
SQLColumn(String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLColumn
SQLColumnI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
SQLCoreDataStoreI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata
SQLMapping - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
SQLMappingI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
sqlName() - Method in enum de.ipcon.db.oql.ValueType
SQLQuery - Class in de.ipcon.db.oql
Holds the SQL generated by the OQLQuery.
SQLQuery(String, Object[], Class<?>, int) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.oql.SQLQuery
SQLStatement - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
SQLStatement() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatement
SQLStatementJoinedTable - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
SQLStatementJoinedTable(SQLStatementTable, String, SQLTable, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementJoinedTable
SQLStatementTable - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
SQLStatementTable(SQLTable, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLStatementTable
sqlString(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
sqlString(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
SQLTable - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
SQLTable(String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.SQLTable
SQLTableI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
sqrt(BigDecimal) - Static method in class
Calculates an approximation of the square root for the passed BigDecimal to a precision of around 30 total digits.
SQUOTES - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.oql.TextQueryLexer
sSecs - Static variable in class
StackTraceFilter - Class in
Filter for fully qualified names of classes and methods, to be used for removing 'uninteresting' stack frames when
converting a stacktrace to human-readable text.
StackTraceFilter(String) - Constructor for class
StackTraceFilter(String, String) - Constructor for class
StackTraceFilter(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
STANDARD_FILTERS - Static variable in class
A collection of standard filters with internal package names of several frameworks, e.g.
start() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
Actually starts this module, if it was not already started.
start(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
start() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationHandler
start(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationHandler
start() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
start(BO) - Method in class
start(BO) - Method in class
start() - Method in class
start() - Method in class
Execute our "command" in own Thread
StartableAndStoppableTimespanI - Interface in
startCountdown(Date) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
startCustomIterator() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
startCustomIterator() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
startEdit() - Method in interface
startEdit() - Method in class
startEdit() - Method in class
startEdit() - Method in class
startEditing() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
startEditing() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
startEventListening() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandler
startEventListening() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendCommandHandlerI
startL10nPackPrefetcher() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
startL10nPackPrefetcher() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
startListeningNewProcs() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
startListeningNewProcs() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
startNode - Variable in class
startQuery(Object[], BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.QueryBuilder
startQuery(Object[], BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.query.SemiFullTextQueryBuilder
startQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
startQuery() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
startQuery() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.table.FTableConfigurationI
startQuery() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.tree.FTreeConfigurationI
startsBeforeOrOnEndOf(TimespanI) - Method in interface
startsBeforeOrOnEndOf(TimespanI, boolean) - Method in interface
startServiceManager() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
startsWith(DateContainer) - Method in class
startsWith(DateContainer) - Method in class
startsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class
Faster alternative to text.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)
startTimespan() - Method in interface
Starts this StartableAndStoppableTimespanI by setting the DateStart to the passed date.
startTimespan(Date) - Method in interface
startUOW(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ProgressAnimatorI
startUOW(Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
FIXME not implemented yet: ProgressAnimator: "Verbindung zum Server angefordert, Parameter werden zum Server uebertragen."
StartupConfiguration - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators
This class is an abstraction mechanism for various database implementations.
StartupConfiguration(FirstNodeStart, CBOGeneratorI, CBOGeneratorI, CBOGeneratorI, CBOGeneratorI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.StartupConfiguration
startWaitFeedback() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
startWaitFeedback() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientLoginDialog
startWaitFeedback() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
startWithSameLetter(String, String) - Static method in class
startWithSameLetter(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
startWorker() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
startWorker() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportProviderI
Starts the worker thread of this TransportProviderI, which performs maintenance on the managed TransportI-s.
STATE_FAILED_BUT_RETRY - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Indicates that the message failed, but a retry attempt will be made.
STATE_FAILED_ULTIMATELY - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Indicates that the message failed permanently and no further retry attempts will be made.
STATE_SUCCESSFULLY_SENT - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.MyTISMBenachrichtigungsAuftrag
Indicates that the message was successfully sent.
StatementAdaptor - Class in
Adaptor for JDBC Statement which can be used as a base class for your own
JDBC Statement class.
StatementAdaptor() - Constructor for class
staticCacheNeedsReInit - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
staticInitStatics(SchemaI, ServerConnectionInfo) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BOT
staticLogger() - Static method in class
statusChanged() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusDisplay
statusChanged() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientStatusListener
StatusValueManager - Class in de.ipcon.db
This class is used to persistently store key/value pairs (both Strings) in the SQL database used by the MyTISM
StatusValueManager(DBManLocalI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.StatusValueManager
stop() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.bthandler.BTsHandler
stop(ServiceInstanceI) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
Stops the provided Worker-Thread or the current worker thread of the provided ServiceInstance.
stop(ServiceInstanceI, Thread) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.DefaultServiceManager
stop() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
Stops/deactivates this module, if it was started/is active.
stop(CountDownLatch) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
stop(CountDownLatch, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.module.ListeningKernelModule
stop() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.notification.NotificationHandler
stop() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
stop(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.socket.SocketPool
stop() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportProviderI
Stops this TransportProviderI and terminates all TransportI-s.
stop() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.TransportWatchdog
Marks this watchdog as cancelled by cancelling its Timer.
stop() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.ServiceI
Asks this ServiceI instance to terminate.
stop() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
stop() - Method in class
Marks this RegularlyBarkingWatchdog as cancelled by cancelling its Timer.
STOP_MARKER - Static variable in class
stopAtExcluding(String) - Method in class
stopAtIncluding(String) - Method in class
stopAutoGC() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
Stops the daemon thread that automatically runs, if any.
stopAutoGC() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderGCStrategyI
Stops any scheduled GC thread of this strategy.
stopAutoGC() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoaderLRUStrategy.ClassLimitedLRUContainer
Stops the daemon thread that automatically runs, if any.
stopCountdown() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
stopCountdown(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ShutdownWarner
stopEditing() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
stopEditing() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableAtm
stopHealthEventFirer() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
stopme - Variable in class de.ipcon.db.ExecutionPolicyCron
stopScanning() - Method in class
stopServerShutdown() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
stopServerShutdown() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
stopServerShutdown() - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
stopShutdown(DBManUserContextI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
stopShutdown(DBManUserContextI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.DBManLocalI
storeBLOB(InputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Any BO can have a physical file (BLOB) which is stored on server-side and synchronized to all sync nodes.
storeBLOB(File) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Store the passed file as BLOB of this BO.
storeBLOB(byte[]) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
storeBLOB(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Fill this BOs BLOB with the given String content.
storeBLOB(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
storeBLOB(BO, InputStream) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
Reads binary data from an InputStream and stores it as BLOB of the passed BO.
storeLastError(Exception) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
Stores information about the given error in this Alarm
storeLastError(Exception, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Alarm
storePreparedRelationQueryResult(String, ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benannt
storePreviousThreadName(String) - Method in interface
Stores the previous name of the Thread this NamedRunnableI is executed in,
so we can restore it after the execution is done (e.g. in the finally block
of our run method, to avoid any confusion in Thread dumps due to outdated
Thread names of idle Threads in the pool.
storeRemoteBLOB(BLOBInputI, String, VFile, int, int) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVault
storeRemoteBLOB(BLOBInputI, String, VFile, int, int) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ServerFileVaultI
storeRemoteBLOBs(ServerFileVaultI, BLOBInputI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
storeResult(String, ArrayList) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.DateiSystemSyncEintrag
storeStrukturForFtx(FormContextI, Struktur) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.AbstractMDIManager
storeStrukturForFtx(FormContextI, Struktur) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.ClientDesktopManager
storeStrukturForFtx(FormContextI, Struktur) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.MDIManagerI
STR_IF_POSSIBLE - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
STR_MANDATORY - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
STR_NEVER - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.module.KernelModule
STR_VALUES_FALSE - Static variable in class
STR_VALUES_TRUE - Static variable in class
stream(DataOutput) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFile
stream(DataOutput) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.blob.ManagedFileI
StringBuilderPool - Class in
class that helps to optimize usage of
by either re-using or creating a new instance on
and emptying and keeping a previously used instance on
assuming that the StringBuilderPool can fit more StringBuilder instances.
StringBuilderPool() - Constructor for class
StringCache - Class in
A cache for caching often used Strings.
StringCache(String) - Constructor for class
StringCacheI - Interface in
A cache for caching often used Strings that represent a namespace.
StringFilterGUI - Class in de.ipcon.db.query
Filter GUI element for input of arbitrary strings.
StringFilterGUI(Element, BOLoaderI, QueryBuilder) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.query.StringFilterGUI
StringInternCache - Class in
A cache for caching often used Strings using String.intern()
StringInternCache(String) - Constructor for class
StringInternNamespaceCache - Class in
A cache for caching often used Strings that represent a namespace using String.intern()
StringInternNamespaceCache(String) - Constructor for class
stringsEqual(String[], String[]) - Static method in class de.ipcon.db.feature.AbstractLicense
stringToKey(String) - Static method in class
Creates a usable L10n message key from a given String by removing spaces
and not permitted characters and if given prepending a prefix.
stringToKey(String, String) - Static method in class
stringToValue(String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
stringToValue(String, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
stringToValue(String, Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
stringToValue(String, Object, String, Locale) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
stringToValue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
stringToValue(String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
stringToValue(String, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
stringToValue(String, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
stringToValue(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
Tries to parse/transform the given string into a valid value (object) for
this type.
stringToValue(String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
stringToValue(String, Locale, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String, Locale) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String, Locale, TimeZone) - Method in interface de.ipcon.schema.CBOAttributeTypeI
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
Attempts to parse or transform the given string into a valid value (object) for this data type.
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.AbstractStringType
Attempts to parse or transform the given string into a valid value (object) for this data type.
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.BooleanType
Tries to parse/transform the given string into a valid value (object) for
this type.
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String, Locale, TimeZone) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.CBOAbstractAttributeType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
Tries to parse/transform the given string into a valid value (object) for
this type.
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String, Locale, TimeZone) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DatetimeType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DoubleType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
Tries to parse/transform the given string into a valid value (object) for
this type.
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Locale, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.DurationType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.EmailType
Tries to parse/transform the given string into a valid value (object) for
this type.
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.EmailType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.FloatType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.IntegerType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.LongType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
Tries to parse/transform the given string into a valid value (object) for
this type.
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Object, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.NumberType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PasswordType
Tries to parse/transform the given string into a valid value (object) for
this type.
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PhoneNumberType
Tries to parse/transform the given string into a valid value (object) for
this type.
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.PhoneNumberType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
Tries to parse/transform the given string into a valid value (object) for
this type.
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Locale) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String, Locale, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.TimespanType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.URIType
Tries to parse/transform the given string into a valid value (object) for
this type.
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.WrappingArrayType
stringToValueWithTypeTip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.schema.types.XMLType
Tries to parse/transform the given string into a valid value (object) for
this type.
StringType - Class in de.ipcon.schema.types
StringType() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
StringType(CBOAttributeTypeI, Element) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.types.StringType
strip(String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
strip(String, String) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.sync.AbstractSync
strip(String) - Static method in class
clone of the NetRexx method "strip"
strip(String, String) - Static method in class
strip(String, String, char) - Static method in class
strip(String, String, char, char) - Static method in class
STRIP_DATE - Static variable in class
STRIP_DAYS - Static variable in class
STRIP_HOURS - Static variable in class
STRIP_MILLISECONDS - Static variable in class
STRIP_MINUTES - Static variable in class
STRIP_MONTHS - Static variable in class
STRIP_SECONDS - Static variable in class
STRIP_TIME - Static variable in class
STRIP_YEARS - Static variable in class
stripAllWhitespace(String) - Static method in class
Removes all whitespace characters from a string.
stripBackendPrefix(String) - Static method in exception
stripDate(Date) - Static method in class
Returns a copy of the passed Date, stripped of its date
stripDate(Calendar) - Static method in class
Returns the passed Calendar, stripped of its date
stripDelimiter(String, String) - Static method in class
Strips a passed String of the given String-occurences at the beginning and / or end.
stripDelimiter(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
stripDelimiter(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class
stripHTML(String) - Static method in class
Removes all HTML tags from the given string.
stripHTML() - Static method in class
stripHTML(String) - Static method in class
stripHTMLTags(String, Collection<String>) - Static method in class
Removes specific HTML tags from a given string.
stripHTMLTags(String, Collection) - Static method in class
stripHTMLTagsExcept(String, Collection<String>) - Static method in class
Removes all HTML tags from a string except for those specified in a collection.
stripHTMLTagsExcept(String, Collection) - Static method in class
stripMillis(Date) - Static method in class
Returns a copy of the passed Date, stripped off its milliseconds
stripMinutes(Date) - Static method in class
Returns a copy of the passed Date, stripped off its minutes
stripSeconds(Date) - Static method in class
Returns a copy of the passed Date, stripped off its seconds
stripTime(Date) - Static method in class
Returns a copy of the passed Date, stripped of its time
stripTime(Calendar) - Static method in class
Returns the passed Calendar, stripped of its time
StripTokenPartsTokenFilter - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene
Filter that will strip away parts of Tokens which match a given regular
StripTokenPartsTokenFilter(TokenStream, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.StripTokenPartsTokenFilter
StripTokenPartsTokenFilterProvider - Class in de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene
The factory class which provides actual instances of
StripTokenPartsTokenFilterProvider() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.fulltext.lucene.StripTokenPartsTokenFilterProvider
stripX(Date, String) - Static method in class
Returns a copy of the passed Date, stripped of dateparts defined via _mode
delegates to stripX(_c = Calendar, _mode = String), for that _mode can have the
following values:
stripX(Calendar, String) - Static method in class
Returns the passed Calendar, stripped of calendarparts defined via _mode
_mode can have the following values:
StructuredEntityI - Interface in de.ipcon.schema
Struktur - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
Struktur() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.Struktur
Struktur.ClientPrioComparator - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
StrukturCache - Class in de.ipcon.db.cache
StrukturCache(DBManLocalI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.cache.StrukturCache
StrukturCacheI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.cache
StrukturFactory - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata
StrukturFactory(SQLCoreDataStoreI, String, long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturFactory
Strukturlesezugriffe - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
Strukturlesezugriffe() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.Strukturlesezugriffe
StrukturNavigationTreeNode - Class in de.ipcon.form.navtree
StrukturNavigationTreeNode(NavigationTreeModelI, Struktur) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturNavigationTreeNode
StrukturNavigationTreeNode(NavigationTreeModelI, Struktur, boolean) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturNavigationTreeNode
StrukturParameterDefaultApplierI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.core
StrukturSearchDialog - Class in de.ipcon.form.navtree
StrukturSearchDialog(ClientNavigationTree, SchemaI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.form.navtree.StrukturSearchDialog
StrukturTemplate - Class in de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata
StrukturTemplate() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturTemplate
StrukturTemplate(String, long) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturTemplate
StrukturTemplate(SQLCoreDataStoreI, Document, long, StringBuilder) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.generators.coredata.StrukturTemplate
StrukturWithBOTypI - Interface in de.ipcon.db.core
stub() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.BO
Returns a "stubbed" version of this BO, i.e. a new instance
containing only the Id and the BOT of this BO.
StubAttributeIsReadOnlyException - Exception in de.ipcon.schema
StubAttributeIsReadOnlyException(String) - Constructor for exception de.ipcon.schema.StubAttributeIsReadOnlyException
stubClone(BOLoaderI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
stubClone(BOLoaderI, boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.Transaction
subList(int, int) - Method in class
This implementation throws an UnsupportedOperationException
it is not possible to efficiently implement a modifiable subList view for an IndexedHashSet
submit() - Method in class
submitAction(ActionEvent) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
submitAction(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
subscribe(SessionsManagerListenerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.console.SessionsManager
subscribeConnectionEvents(ConnectionEventListenerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
subscribeConnectionEvents(ConnectionEventListenerI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.event.ConnectionEventProviderI
subscribeEvents(DBManEventListenerI, DBManEventFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.BackendConnectionManager
subscribeEvents(DBManEventListenerI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
subscribeEvents(DBManEventListenerI, DBManEventFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.DBMan
subscribeEvents(DBManEventListenerI, DBManEventFilter) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventProviderI
Subscribe a listener to events matching the filter
subscribeEvents(DBManEventListenerI, DBManEventFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventSubscriptionManager
Subscribes a listener/filter pair to the event subscriber list and returns the resulting
DBManEventSubscription instance.
subscribeEvents(DBManEventListenerI, DBManEventFilter) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.AbstractBackendConnection
subscribeEventsAtBackend(DBManEventSubscriptionI) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.protocol.BackendConnection
subscribeEventsAtBackend(DBManEventSubscriptionI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.db.protocol.ServerConnectionI
subscribeForUpdatesViaEvents() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.CachingBOLoader
Register for BOChangeEvents so we can call replayProc for the relevant BPs which affect the keepClasses or their subclasses.
SubscriptionContainer(Collection<DBManEventSubscription>) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManEventSubscriptionManager.SubscriptionContainer
subtractDay(Date) - Static method in class
subtracts 1 day from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1)
subtractDays(Date, int) - Static method in class
subtracts a given number of days from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, days)
subtractFromDate(Date, int, int) - Static method in class
subtracts a given number of Date-Parts (Seconds, Minutes, Days, Years,...) from a given date
the type to subtract (arg0) must be a field of java.util.Calendar, i.e.:
Calendar.YEAR, Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Calendar.HOUR, ...
subtractHour(Date) - Static method in class
subtract 1 hour from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.HOUR, 1)
subtractHours(Date, int) - Static method in class
subtracts a given number of hours from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.HOUR, hours)
subtractMillisecond(Date) - Static method in class
subtract 1 millisecond from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.MILLISECOND, 1)
subtractMilliseconds(Date, int) - Static method in class
subtracts a given number of milliseconds from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.MILLISECOND, ms)
subtractMinute(Date) - Static method in class
subtract 1 minute from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.MINUTE, 1)
subtractMinutes(Date, int) - Static method in class
subtracts a given number of minutes from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d = Date, arg0 = int, toSubtract = int)
subtractMonth(Date) - Static method in class
subtract 1 month from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.MONTH, 1)
subtractMonths(Date, int) - Static method in class
subtracts a given number of months from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.MONTH, months)
subtractSecond(Date) - Static method in class
subtract 1 second from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.SECOND, 1)
subtractSeconds(Date, int) - Static method in class
subtracts a given number of seconds from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d = Date, arg0 = int, toSubtract = int)
subtractWeek(Date) - Static method in class
subtracts 1 week from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, 1)
subtractWeeks(Date, int) - Static method in class
subtracts a given number of weeks from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, weeks)
subtractYear(Date) - Static method in class
subtract 1 year from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.YEAR, 1)
subtractYears(Date, int) - Static method in class
subtracts a given number of years from a given date
simply a wrapper method for subtractFromDate(d, Calendar.YEAR, years)
SUBTYPE_FORCEDCLIENTDISCONNECT - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
SUBTYPE_FORCEDCLIENTDISCONNECT_STOPPED - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
SUBTYPE_LOCK - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
SUBTYPE_LOGIN - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManSessionEvent
SUBTYPE_LOGOUT - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManSessionEvent
SUBTYPE_SHUTDOWN - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
SUBTYPE_SHUTDOWN_INITIATED - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
SUBTYPE_SHUTDOWN_STOPPED - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
SUBTYPE_SYSTEMMESSAGE - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
SUBTYPE_UNLOCK - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.event.DBManServerEvent
suggestGC() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.ClientContextI
suggestGC() - Method in class de.ipcon.gui.BasicClient
suggestGC() - Static method in class
sum(BigDecimal[]) - Static method in class
sum(Iterable<BigDecimal>) - Static method in class
super_paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableScriptedColumnRenderer
supply(T) - Static method in class
supply(Function<T, R>, T) - Static method in class
Curries the function with one parameter and returns it as Supplier
supply(BiFunction<T, U, R>, T, U) - Static method in class
Curries the function with two parameters and returns it as Supplier
supply(TriFunction<T, U, V, R>, T, U, V) - Static method in class
Curries the function with three parameters and returns it as Supplier
supply(QuadFunction<T, U, V, W, R>, T, U, V, W) - Static method in class
Curries the function with four parameters and returns it as Supplier
supply(Function5<T, U, V, W, X, R>, T, U, V, W, X) - Static method in class
Curries the function with five parameters and returns it as Supplier
supply(Function6<T, U, V, W, X, Y, R>, T, U, V, W, X, Y) - Static method in class
Curries the function with six parameters and returns it as Supplier
supply(Function7<T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, R>, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z) - Static method in class
Curries the function with seven parameters and returns it as Supplier
supply(Function8<T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A, R>, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A) - Static method in class
Curries the function with seven parameters and returns it as Supplier
supplyForThrowing(T) - Static method in class
supplyForThrowing(ThrowingFunction<T, R, E>, T) - Static method in class
Curries the throwing function with one parameter and returns it as ThrowingSupplier
supplyForThrowing(ThrowingBiFunction<T, U, R, E>, T, U) - Static method in class
Curries the throwing function with two parameters and returns it as ThrowingSupplier
supplyForThrowing(ThrowingTriFunction<T, U, V, R, E>, T, U, V) - Static method in class
Curries the throwing function with three parameters and returns it as ThrowingSupplier
supplyForThrowing(ThrowingQuadFunction<T, U, V, W, R, E>, T, U, V, W) - Static method in class
Curries the throwing function with four parameters and returns it as ThrowingSupplier
supplyForThrowing(ThrowingFunction5<T, U, V, W, X, R, E>, T, U, V, W, X) - Static method in class
Curries the throwing function with five parameters and returns it as ThrowingSupplier
supplyForThrowing(ThrowingFunction6<T, U, V, W, X, Y, R, E>, T, U, V, W, X, Y) - Static method in class
Curries the throwing function with six parameters and returns it as ThrowingSupplier
supplyForThrowing(ThrowingFunction7<T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, R, E>, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z) - Static method in class
Curries the throwing function with seven parameters and returns it as ThrowingSupplier
supplyForThrowing(ThrowingFunction8<T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A, R, E>, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A) - Static method in class
Curries the throwing function with seven parameters and returns it as ThrowingSupplier
SVUIDChecker - Class in de.ipcon.schema
SVUIDChecker(SchemaI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.SVUIDChecker
SVUIDChecker(SchemaI, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.schema.SVUIDChecker
SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED - Static variable in class
SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE - Static variable in class
SW_SHOWNORMAL - Static variable in class
sync() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.ExternalizedObjectBlock
sync() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.DefaultFormContext
sync() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FormAction
sync() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormContextI
Synchronize the data of the form and the model
sync() - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementI
sync() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
sync() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.table.FTableColumn
SyncAccountConfiguration() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration
SyncAccountConfiguration(BN, String) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration
syncChecker(boolean) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.SyncService
syncCurrentlyFocusedFormElement() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FRootPane
syncFill() - Method in class
Synchable - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
Synchable() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.core.Synchable
syncImpl() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FCheckBox
syncImpl() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FComboBox
syncImpl() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FDateChooser
Ein Sync wird immer dann ausgeloest, wenn die Komponente den Focus verliert oder
der Benutzer die Speichern-Aktion ausloest (oder halt jemand explizit sync()
aufruft auf einem parent ftx)
Wir muessen halt nur aufpassen, dass der Wert, der im BO steckt, nicht durch
sync()-Aufrufe veraendert wird, wenn der Benutzer keine Aenderung im View
wahrnimmt - das ist ein Problem beim Aendern eines Datums in der GUI.
syncImpl() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FEditor
syncImpl() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPanel
syncImpl() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
syncImpl() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FSimpleDurationChooser
syncImpl() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FStyledText
syncImpl() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FText
syncImpl() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTimespanChooser
syncImpl() - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FToggleButton
syncPerformed(FormElementI) - Method in interface de.ipcon.form.FormElementListenerI
syncPerformed(FormElementI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FPopup
syncPerformed(FormElementI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTable
syncPerformed(FormElementI) - Method in class de.ipcon.form.FTree
SyncService - Class in de.ipcon.db.sync
SyncService() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.sync.SyncService
SyncService - Class in de.ipcon.db
SyncService() - Constructor for class de.ipcon.db.SyncService
SyncServiceTools - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
This class exists basically for build reasons, actually the stuff in here
should rather be in db/SyncService but BN.nrx (which is build earlier) also
needs this code (and I think it does not belong in BN.nrx).
SyncServiceTools.InvalidSyncAccountConfigurationException - Exception in de.ipcon.db.core
SyncServiceTools.SyncAccountConfiguration - Class in de.ipcon.db.core
syncWert() - Method in class de.ipcon.db.core.AusloeseKriterium
synthesizeBOIntoTx(PersistenceException, BOLoaderI, Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.SyncService
synthesizeBOIntoTx(ObjectNotPersistentException, BOLoaderI, Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.SyncService
synthesizeBOIntoTx(ObjectsNotPersistentException, BOLoaderI, Transaction) - Method in class de.ipcon.db.SyncService
SYSTEM_USER_NAMES - Static variable in class de.ipcon.db.core.Benutzer
SystemMessagePanel - Class in de.ipcon.gui.console
SystemMessagePanel(ConsoleFrame, BackendConnectionManager, ClientContextI) - Constructor for class de.ipcon.gui.console.SystemMessagePanel